Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 300: Reform Or... - Part 2

Chapter 300: Reform Or... - Part 2


That word was enough to show Heero's stance in this proposal.

"Take it or leave it!"

That was what Heero implied in the last page. At this moment, Bai Xian Ming and Kang Myung-Chul had finished reading the proposal. Both were having a different reaction regarding the proposal.

Kang Myung-Chul was having a perplexed look as he cast a gaze toward the young man.

Bai Xian Ming made an unbelievable expression as he could not believe Heero would throw such a proposal to them. It certainly caught him off guard.

Wu Shitian was seethed in anger. It showed on his face that contorted in anger but the old man managed to suppress the anger. He tried, trying to listen to what Heero wanted to say.

The other executives also made a dumbfounded look. It was a very tempting offer but yet also impossible to be accepted.

The reform itself was already hard to accept, but Heero put another condition that was impossible to accept by them. He wanted a full authority of the Hero League, meaning he wanted to replace the Executive by himself.

"The Hero League takes over your squad and now you want to take the Hero League for yourself?" Bai Xian Ming's dignified voice rang as his eyes turned sharp.

"Tch, you finally revealed your true intention, " Hanso Sojuro clicked his tongue while quite complacent inside.

He was relieved that Bai Xian Ming did not take on Heero's side. As for Kim Jung-Mun and Wu Shitian, they remained silent but their eyes never left Heero.

'Huhu Let's see who's going to back you up this time!?'

The old man Sojuro had forgotten what he watched yesterday. The battle footage of how Heero wiped out a whole army specter grandly. Did the current Heero need support from someone? Certainly no.

"I am not taking over the Hero League, I am just asking to have the Hero League under my care for 20 years! Moreover, it's not like I remove the Executive too. You are still part of the Hero League too!"

Aside from the reform, Heero was asking to put him as an absolute leader of the Hero League under the Executives and the Supreme Guardian supervision. The Executives remained in the Hero League, but they no longer enjoy the same authority as before.

It was a 20 years period, it was practically the same as taking over the Hero League. In that period, Heero could replace all people that did not support him with his people. It was just a matter of time before the Hero League truly fell into Heero's hand.

Bai Xian Ming did not like this. He wanted a better form of the Hero League, but giving absolute power to one person was not the way. This was why he confronted Heero.

"The reason? What's your reason for doing this?" Kim Jung-Mun opened his mouth for the first time. Even though he did not read the proposal, he had a clear gist of the proposal.

From his understanding of the young man, he believed Heero was not someone that coveted an authority like this. There must be a reason for him doing this hence he asked before the situation turned worse.

"Specter! There's a being that revered as a God on the specter's side. It's not just a mere title, that being indeed having the power of God! I want to create a force that could rival this God's army hence I want absolute authority over the Hero League!"

Heero calmly replied to Kim Jung-Mun. Yes, he wanted to reform the Hero League to face Specter God Horas. He had a selfish desire, it was to use the Hero League to help him to fight Specter God Horas. However, the current Hero League was far too weak to face the real force of the God Horas hence he proposed this reform.

As for why he wanted to get absolute authority over the Hero League. It was to get rid of the hindrance of the reformation, it was the Executive. These people were the biggest hindrance to his reformation.

'Tsk, he knows we try to get his secret technique through the specter's issue, but I don't expect he will use the same issue to take over the Hero League! What ambition!' Hanzo Sojuro thought to himself.

Not only Hanzo Sojuro but the other Executives also had the same thoughts.

'Heh, the Old Ming seems to be against this reform, let that old man confront this outrageous guy!'

None of the Executives believed Heero's reason with a few exceptions, Kim Jung-Mun, Kang Myung-Chul, and Bai Xian Ming.

Kang Myung-Chul closed his eyes and put the proposal back. There was no need for him to follow the talk, he only needed to support his grandson-in-law.

Kim Jung-Mun nodded understandingly with an expression of "As I thought, ". The old man leaned back and closed his eyes too.

As for Bai Xian Ming, he fell into deep contemplation. He was taking this seriously, making the other Executives surprised.

'Tch, why didn't he tell me about that? We can orchestrate the show together! I am just making a fool of myself!'

"But shouldn't we negotiate the terms? We can't just give the full authority to you like that! The Hero League can thrive because we, the 12 major forces work together!"

Park Yong-Gi immediately spoke up as soon as he noticed Bai Xian Ming seemed to believe in Heero's words.

"What about this, the Feng Family's betrayal leaves a vacant spot in 12 major forces. Why don't the Heero Academy take the vacant seat and send your representative to fill a spot in Executives!"

Park Yong-Gi's brilliant idea obtained enormous support from the other Executives. Yes, this way, Heero would obtain a certain of the authority and they also got the secret technique. It was a win-win situation and an acceptable condition for everyone.

"I agree if you alter your condition as per Executives Park's suggestion! I believe everyone also agrees with such a condition. Heero Academy deserves to be the 12 major forces of Star City, after all!"

Moushe Eghian followed after Park Yong-Gi while nodding his head. Then it was followed by the other Executives as well.

'Huh, as long as we can get the secret technique, it will just a matter time before we can catch up to this guy's power. By that time, we can work together to eliminate such a nuisance!'

Hanzo Sojuro nodded his head while scheming secretly.

"Huh!? What's this? Does the word is not clear enough for you to read?" Heero directed his gaze toward Park Yong-Gi, "Even though I printed the word with an extra bold and a big font!"

He had his time dealing with this man in the past. At that time, he offered himself to be a Hero Instructor with only a measly a million WD payment. But this man refused his proposal at that time, now he tried to negotiate with him.

While at it, Heero opened the last page of the proposal. He snowed it to the people around the table, pissing them off.

'Tch, he surely has the talent to annoy people, ' Bai Xian Ming shook his head.

Despite being younger than most of the Executives, Park Yong-Gi was not annoyed in the slightest at Heero's antics. But he was also clear that meant negotiation between them was impossible.

"If you want my secret technique then give me what I demanded!"

That was what Heero said to him. Park Yong-Gi realized the issue, then he scanned the other Executives. No, he was looked at Bai Xian Ming, Kim Jung-Mun, and Wu Shitian's direction.

He wanted to guess the three old men's thoughts regarding the issue through their reactions. Supreme Moon and the Chief Executive were having flat expression. It was hard to read what was in their minds from their reaction.

However, Wu Shitian's expression was telling him what was on the old man's mind. The Supreme Star seemed to disagree with the proposal.

'If it's Supreme Guardian, negotiation is still possible. Let's probe further, the Chief Instructor's bottom line, '

Then Park Yong-Gi turned toward Heero and shook his head, "Your condition is hard to be accepted! What if we don't agree with the proposal?"

He was clear enough to use "What if", showing their stance that they had not completely given up on the proposal.

"That's fine as well! I won't force you guys to accept my proposal!" Heero's answer was fast.

"Huh!?" Park Yong-Gi completely caught off guard by the answer.

"I still have a plan b, after all!" Heero nodded toward Park Yong-Gi.

"Plan b?" Park Yong-Gi blurted out.

"Mnn, plan b. I will quit from the Hero League and establish the Hunter Association. An organization that specialized in hunting the specters!"


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