Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 293: Hunting Game - Part 3

Chapter 293: Hunting Game - Part 3

Badump! Badump! Badump!

The moment those words entered his ears, his heart was throbbing fiercely. He was certainly willing to fight the creature, but

Sun Zhou Yi shook his head as he sighed, "I can't"

Memories of him losing against the Wyvern King and the goat-headed creature flashed. In this circumstance, where he should protect the people from harm, he could not risk these people's lives with just a mere trying to fight a monster that he was not confident to win.

"I will stay here and protect these people with me!" That was Sun Zhou Yi's decision.

"Good then, bring them to the main castle! It will be extremely hot outside!" Heero gave his instruction to his first disciple.


Heero's figure flashed to the sky, and in the midway flame burst out covering his body. Wings made of flame started to form, and if one looked carefully, the flame slowly morphed into the form of a bird.

As Heero flew to the sky, the form started to get bigger and bigger until it truly formed another gigantic bird, the bird made of flame.

Only then Sun Zhou Yi realized the meaning of his Master's words, "...It will be extremely hot outside, "

It was his Master's technique and indeed, he started to feel intense heat. The heat originated from the flame bird on top of them as the size of the flame bird was getting bigger and bigger.

In several seconds, the flame bird rivaled the Abyss Raven in size. The smaller Abyss Raven was burned into nothingness with a flap of the flame bird.

Guardian Knight Frei looked at the flame bird dumbfoundedly. He was beyond shocked at the sight of the flame bird. The trembling body completely froze, it was hard to believe that a human could have this kind of power.

Everyone was freaked out, only Sun Zhou Yi and SES looked at the flame bird in admiration. Not only Sun Zhou Yi admired his Master, but he was also proud of having such an almighty Master.

The Capital City of the Regal Kingdom was completely silenced at the sight of the two gigantic birds. The knights and the citizens were in the state of stillness as their eyes never left the two gigantic birds.

*** ***

On the other side

Floating in the sky, the two black-cloaked figures watched everything unfolding with mad laughter.

"Hahaha. The Hunting Game begins!"

The black-cloaked figure on the left laughing at the impending doom of the Regal Kingdom and SES.

"We can harvest their corpses and use it to fight the people they protect! This is funny! Huhuhu"

However, the laughter stopped midway as a crimson flame streaked to the sky. It shot toward the Abyss Raven in the sky, and stillness followed afterward.

The black-cloaked figure on the left could no longer talk at the sight of Phoenix. Yes, a mythical creature that could only be tracked in history appeared before his eyes.

"Told you, we can't underestimate the Chief. Bloodline, he must have Phoenix's bloodline, but" The black-cloaked figure on the right commented solemnly, but one could discern nervousness and a slight fear from his voice.

"But Phoenix, really? How could he have that bloodline! Even in Dramonia, only one" A black-cloaked figure on the left stopped midway as he came into realization, "Don't tell me he is that person's descendant?"

"Don't know! But we have to recall the specters back! Don't waste our troops here, we have to gather more troops until God Horas makes his Grand Appearance. By then, the real war will truly start!"

The black-cloaked figure on the right voiced his thoughts. The moment this Phoenix made an appearance, he decided to retreat decisively. He had predicted the outcome even before the fight broke.

"Fine by me, our main purpose has been achieved anyway. But it's a pity that we lose the Abyss Raven" The black-cloaked figure on the left sighed before he paused, "Wait a minute, that Phoenix is not necessary to win against the Abyss Raven. Let's watch for a while"

*** ***

At the northern entrance of the royal residence

Guardian Knight Adrian led the knights to fight against the specters. He firmly stood in the middle of the entrance with his big octagonal shield in the front.

His long lance kept stabbing relentlessly at the specters that tried to push him and his knight. It had been over three hours, but they managed to kill a small number of the specters.

At this point, the knights, no, the kingdom needed a miracle to win the battle. The number of specters was just too many for them to handle, and it kept coming endlessly.

He might be fine even after hours of battling, but it was not the case for the knight.

While Adrian's mind was in chaos amidst the battle, he despaired at the sight of the giant bird that suddenly appeared on top of Capital City.

"We are done for" Adrian Shelton Kingsman blurted his thoughts aloud.

But then, in the next moment, a flame bird shot up from the southern entrance. The appearance of the flame bird caused everyone to stop, including the specters. Even the specters stopped their movement at the sight of the flame bird.

The strong heat that came from the flame bird snapped out Adrian from his daydreaming state. He stabbed the specters right in front of him and swept his lance, clearing the specters in his range.

But then he noticed something strange at the specters' reaction. Since the appearance of the flame bird, the specters have completely stopped moving.

When the flame bird had reached the height of the blackbird and rivaled the size of the blackbird, the specters surprisingly turned around and left them.

Yes, the besieged was over as the specters were running away from them. Such a scene not only happened at the northern entrance. The same thing happens in the eastern and the western entrance.

The specters turned around and left the royal residence. At this moment, everyone's gaze fell to the two gigantic creatures in the sky.

*** ***

The Abyss Raven hovered around at the Phoenix, no, Heero in the form of Phoenix to be more exact. The thousands of smaller Abyss Ravens were burned into nothingness by the flame.

Feeling its authority was provoked, Abyss Raven circled Heero with its remaining subordinates.

In the chest of the Phoenix, Heero was floating there. He looked at the remaining Abyss Raven and clicked his tongue, "Tch, It seems I am overestimating your strength"

Pulling a big move but the enemy was not as strong as he thought. Heero was in this kind of situation.

Then he looked down and saw the specters were retreating from the royal residence.

"Huh, It seems the Mastermind is still hiding" Heero muttered and looked back at the Abyss Raven, "You are not the reinforcement they guy talked about. Then let's end this quickly, leaving behind the mastermind is not my style. Let's give the coward a surprise!"

Heero then closed his eyes. All of sudden, the crimson flame turned brighter and brighter. The heat was getting hotter and hotter as the smaller Abyss Raven started to get burned.

Sun Zhou Yi and the rest also felt it, the sudden increase of the temperature. Sweats covered his face as the hot gust assaulted his face. The heat started becoming unbearable as the people started running away to the nearest building and car.

"W-w-hat? W-what's your Master wanting to do!?" Guardian Knight Frei questioned Sun Zhou Yi in panic.

From his point of view, the flame bird was about to self-destruct. Realizing this, Guardian Knight Frei was frightened and subconsciously questioned Sun Zhou Yi by raising his voice.

If the flame bird exploded and the flame swept the city, without a doubt, even him would be annihilated by the flame, let alone the kingdom's citizens. Capital City would be destroyed and the people within the city would be wiped out.

"I don't know!" Sun Zhou Yi's answer was straightforward as always. He was being honest with his answer but he believed his Master would not kill him and all innocent people within the city.

"You don't need to question his intention, just believe in him!"

As soon as Sun Zhou Yi finished his words, the Phoenix in the sky exploded. A wave of crimson flame swept the Abyss Raven, and another wave of flame descended to the city.

Sun Zhou Yi's heart was beating furiously. Despite his nervousness, he closed his eyes and trusted Heero. He remained on his spot while the others tried to escape from the flame.


The flame current hit Sun Zhou Yi and everyone around him. To Sun Zhou Yi's surprise, he did not feel the searing sensation that was supposed to come from the flame. He felt a warm current run through his body instead.

Sun Zhou Yi subconsciously opened his eyes, and he was dumbfounded by the sight in front of him. The flame swept everyone, but the flame did not burn them.

He looked at his hand, covered by the flame yet he felt nothing but warmth. Everyone soon realized this weird phenomenon. The flame did not burn them, even the grass, tree, and the buildings were safe despite being swept the crimson flame.

*** ***

On the side of the two black-cloaked figures.

"He is insane! He wants to kill the people and burn the city only to wipe out the specters!" The black-cloaked figure on the left yelled at the sight of the flame that was about to reach him.

But then, the black-cloaked figure on the right extended his hand forward.


A sphere made of pitch-black energy covered them from the flame. As soon as the gush of flame hit the barrier, the black-cloaked figure on the right alarmed.

"Damn! This is Phoenix Divine Flame! We should leave this place as soon as possible!"

The black-cloaked figure on the right lowered his hand, trying to reach his comrade. He intended to forcefully bring his comrade to leave.

But then, the black barrier vanished, and Heero appeared in front of them, "Found you!"


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