Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 283: Raid

Chapter 283: Raid

Heero's eyes turned purple before he scanned the people inside the building.

Taking a deep breath, Heero exhaled it out frustratedly. He rubbed his clean forehead.

As Heero halted his steps abruptly, everyone also stopped. They looked at Heero.

"What's wrong, Master!?" Benjamin asked in concern when he found his Master looked unhappy.

'What's wrong?' He was confused and scanned the surroundings. The noble guests were associating each other under their luxurious dress. In his view, everything was normal.

'Does Master not like to associate with the noble?'

During his stay in Star City, it was known to everyone that Heero did not like to associate with the people from the core region. Which was basically the same people as these nobles.

'No, he could refuse to come today and come tomorrow to the public wedding! But why?'

The kids did not share the same concern as adults. At the sight of the banquet, the kids were trying to find the food.

"Nope! You can't go anywhere, stay here, " Heero caught Miao Miao, and the other girls also stopped. The four looked at Heero, seeking an explanation.

"There are so many baddies here, you have to stay near Daddy, okay?" He told Miao Miao and the other three kids.

Lan Lan who had a near-death experience immediately got closer to Heero. Close enough until she held Heero's feet tightly.

It was certainly rude to call the nobles as bad people. Benjamin felt uncomfortable inside but knowing his Master, he knew there must be a reason why Master called the nobles as bad people.

"What's wrong, Dear?" Han Yin asked worriedly.

Heero shook his head and looked at Benjamin, "Do you have a private room? A room with no one or even surveillance?"

Looking at his Master's eyes that looked serious, Benjamin nodded his head.

"Follow me, Master, " Benjamin did not lead Heero to the main hall. He made a sudden turn to the left before entering the main hall. After five minutes of walking, they entered an empty room. A room with only a set of sofa inside.

"Specter! Half of the guests in the main hall are specters!" As soon as they entered the room, Heero told them what he saw earlier.

"What!??" Benjamin could not believe what he heard from Heero.

The same for Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon. They were as surprised as Benjamin.

After all, all the guests were noble with a high position in the kingdom. If half of them were specters, the Regal Kingdom was facing the biggest crisis in their history.

"Morpher, they are Morpher! They could morph their body to anything, whether impersonating human beings or even beasts! They are not people in the first place, so the nobles they impersonate might have died or caught or even have been turned into a specter!"

Morpher, it was not a combat type specter. The specter would usually dispatch Morpher to collect information on their enemy. They had a weak combat ability, but their ability to morph their body was troublesome as it was hard to detect.

This was the reason Heero wanted to speak in a room without surveillance. He did not want this to be known to others and it would be much better if the specters also did not know they had been found out. Resolving the issue quietly was the best choice.

Finally, everyone realized why suddenly Heero became unhappy. The specter was the cause.

"Tell your brother to delay the ceremony as long as possible! Investigate the noble's family that got impersonated by the specter! I am going to check the building perimeter, as well as the knights!"

This was the second time that his honeymoon trip was interrupted by the specters.

Then Heero turned to Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon, "I will leave on you!"

The two women nodded in response.

After that, Heero and Benjamin left the room. They immediately parted their ways as soon as they were out of the room.

Benjamin rushed to his brother's place to the point of running inside the building. He was panicking when he heard the kingdom was infiltrated by the specters.

Soon, he arrived at his brother's room, there were two knights guarding the door. The two knights were about to block Benjamin but flinched when the Second Prince yelled at the two.

"F*ck off!"


He opened the door hastily and was shocked to see the scene inside the room. A black-cloaked figure choked his brother to the air.

"Release him!" Benjamin roared at the black-cloaked figure.

Nimble Step!

His movement speed increased exponentially and in a blink of an eye, he arrived next to the black-cloaked figure. He sent a spinning kick to the belly.


The black-cloaked figure was sent flying and his grips on the Crown Prince was released.

Benjamin caught his falling brother and checked his unconscious brother. A sword pierced his chest and his breathing was weak. The white suits for tonight's wedding were flooded by blood.

Looking at his big brother's condition, what came into his mind was to bring him to his Master. As his attention was on his brother, Benjamin failed to notice two black-cloaked figures arrived behind him.

They held the same sword that stuck on Gerard's chest. Benjamin realized he was in grave danger. If he was alone, he could save himself. However, the situation did not allow him to. If he made a sudden extreme movement, his brother's condition might be worsened.

"Oh my, you are too reckless, Benjamin!"

The sword that was about to pierce Benjamin stopped in the air. A familiar voice rang in the room.


The two black-cloaked figures immediately lit in flame. The flame engulfed the two figures. In a flash, the two black-cloaked figures burn into ashes.

It left with one remaining black-cloaked figure in the room. Realizing the situation was not to his advantage, the last black-cloaked figure tried to leave the room by jumping off the window.

"Heh, where are you going?" Heero appeared behind and pulled the black-cloaked figure. He held the neck and raised the figure up before he slammed the man down.



A crimson flame burst out of Heero's palm and burned the black-cloaked figure, leaving nothing behind.

After that, Heero approached his disciple who hugged his brother. Benjamin was about to cry as Gerard's breathing was getting weaker.

"Master! Please! Please help my brother! Please help him, Master!" Benjamin's eyes turned red as tears swelled in his eyes.

Heero took Gerard from Benjamin. He put his palm around the wound. He was using his Ki to stop the bleeding. After that, he pulled the blade slowly out and put Gerard on the floor.

Then, space next to him distorted, he took out a bamboo container of his storage space. A good pill rolled out of the container. He tossed it to Benjamin who was waiting anxiously next to his big brother.

"Here you are! Feed that to your brother and he will be fine!"

Benjamin caught the golden pill and fed the pill to his brother. The golden pill was melting as soon as it entered his brother's mouth.

The golden pill was giving an instant effect. Right after that, he noticed his brother's breathing was stabilized. Only then, Benjamin was relieved.

At this time, the knights outside noticed the commotion inside the room. They rushed in and were shocked to see the unconscious Crown Prince.

Before they could speak, another group entered the room. Alexa along with Hong Yu and others rushed in.

"Gerard!" The girl called out in panic. She tore her wedding dress and ran to Gerard.

"He's fine, Master has healed brother's injuries!" Benjamin informed his sister-in-law.

After that, Benjamin approached his Master, "Master, what's wrong? Didn't you go to check"

Before Benjamin could finish his words, Heero pointed toward outside the window.

"It's too late! The specters have started their raid on the kingdom!"


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