Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 887 - Get An Autograph

Unaware of her younger brother's troubles at school, Yue Ling sat in the back seat of Liu Shan's car. She scrolls through the tablet in her hand with her mind occupied with work.

Liu Shan glanced at the rearview mirror and hesitated a few seconds. He looks back at the road ahead then inhales a deep breath.

"Boss, I received an e-mail from Blush Tree."

Yue Ling's hand on the tablet's screen pauses then continues without looking up.

"What happened?"

Hearing the question, Liu Shan wanted to cry but lacked the tears to shed. He inhales another breath to calm his mind before answering.

"Ji Chu Hua took your dress for your engagement party."

Yue Ling stopped what she was doing and placed the tablet down on her lap. A dangerous glint of light flashed across her bluish-green eyes, and she smirked.


She had been wondering why her cousin had been so quiet lately. It appears the woman was up to this.

Liu Shan could see her expression from the rearview mirror, and he couldn't help but shiver a hard gulp. He knows that his boss is scary when her line has been crossed, but the situation is now different.

That smile on her face meant someone's fate was sealed.

"B-Boss… do you want me to take care of it?"

Yue Ling glance at the mirror that reflects her assistant's face. She lightly shakes her head and picks up the tablet.

"I'll take care of it. You just focus on your work."

She crosses her right leg over her left leg. Her gesture shows that she does not want to dwell on the topic anymore.

Liu Shan sighed inside, and his thoughts were all over the place. However, considering the fact that Ji Chu Hua dares to do something ridiculous such as steal his boss's engagement dress, he doesn't feel any sympathy for the woman.

Ji Chu Hua deserves whatever punishment comes her way.

Oblivious to her assistant's thoughts, Yue Ling holds the tablet in her hand but lifts her head to look out the window.

She stares at the rain that doesn't seem to stop anytime soon.

"Boss, we're here."

The car soon slows to a stop in front of An Qing, and Liu Shan announces their arrival. He steps out to help her out from the back seat.

Yue Ling's view changed from the passing buildings to the building belonging to herself. She cleared her mind of all unnecessary troubles and stepped out of the car when the door opened.

"CEO Han."

Liu Yilong greeted her. The elderly man smiles at her and gestures a polite bow in respect.

"It's wonderful to have you come here despite your busy schedule at De L'amour."

Yue Ling gives the elderly man a nod and heads in the direction of An Qing while Liu Shan leaves to park the car in the underground parking garage.

"I trust that everything here is good."

A chuckle sounded from Liu Yilong as he walked shoulder to shoulder with Yue Ling. He was surprised to see her hear about her sudden arrival, considering the situation that happened. However, he was glad to know that she was still the same.

She never allowed her busy schedule to stop her from doing anything.

"Everything here has been taken care of, and we've rid all the snakes."

As the two reach the double glass doors, he reaches for the door handle and holds it open for her.

"Regarding the branch locations, what do you plan to do?"

Yue Ling smiles thankfully at the elderly man and enters the building. However, she doesn't forget to answer the question.

"It's being taken care of by De L'amour's design team."

Liu Yilong was surprised by her answer. He thought Yue Ling would send someone from An Qing to handle the branch locations, but he didn't know what to consider to hear that the task was given to her design team.

As someone who used to be with Fate, he knew each person well. After all, if the people in question weren't posing as De L'amour's design team, they were Fate's notorious Alpha Team.

However, he couldn't help but smile when thinking about the seven people. He met Qi Li when he came to An Qing with Yue Ling, but he hasn't seen the others.

Are they all doing well? What about Lin Hui?

Yue Ling stops in the lobby to wait for Liu Shan. When she sees the elderly man's smile, she smiles with him.

"Don't worry. They're doing well, and they won't stir any trouble."

Hearing this, Liu Yilong was relieved. He was worried because he wasn't sure if sending deadly people to handle business affairs would be safe for Yue Ling and the companies she worked so hard on.

He nodded his head in understanding and held his hands behind his back.

"That's good to hear. Just remember that you still have us at An Qing. If you need us, we will be at your call."

Yue Ling was genuinely thankful for her employees at An Qing, especially those who used to be a part of Fate.

Despite leaving Fate to live a decent life, they still treated her the same.

However, the more she looks at Liu Yilong, the more she feels regretful.

He had long passed the age for retirement, yet he chose to remain in An Qing to help her. She would ask him to stop working and spend time with his family without any worry if she could persuade him.

Liu Yilong knew what Yue Ling was thinking and reassured her at a glance.

"You don't need to consider this old man's feelings. As long as I am still standing, I will always work. Even if it wasn't here."

Yue Ling kept a smile on her face. She decides to change the topic while they wait for Liu Shan.

"How are your wife and children doing?"

Liu Yilong blinks his eyes at the sudden question but sounds a burst of heartfelt laughter.

"They're doing good. My wife has been taking a gardening class. My son is still overseas studying while my daughter is still studying here in Imperial."

He was happy that Yue Ling still remembers his family. Of course, he cannot tell her how much his son is head over heels in love with her. He (the son) even has a printed photo of her saved as his phone screen saver.

Yue Ling softens as she listens to the elderly man talk about his family. She was reminded of the past and how sweet his wife treated her.

"If you ever need any help, please let me know."

Liu Yilong wanted to turn down her offer, but thinking about something, he hesitated for a split second then reluctantly asked.

"Well… there is one thing…."

His cheeks flush a shade of pink, and he leans towards Yue Ling to whisper.

"My son… If possible…"

He clears his throat a few times out of embarrassment then continues his words.

"Can I get an autograph for him?"

Yue Ling was in bewilderment at the unexpected request. She thought he would ask for something more extravagant. Never did she expect him to ask for her autograph for his son.

She laughed when she saw his embarrassed yet desperate expression. Her head nods, and she looks away from him.

"I'll give you the autograph before I leave."

Hearing her approval at his request, Liu Yilong's eyes lit up with fireworks. His son would be thrilled by this news. He (the son) might even come flying home to visit.

"Did I miss anything?"

Liu Shan suddenly chimes in to interrupt the two people after parking the car. He was confused by the atmosphere and looked between his boss and the elderly man.

He focuses his eyes on Liu Yilong and squints his eyes in suspicion.

"Hey, old man, what's going on here?"

Liu Yilong was brought back to reality, and his face returned to normal. He looks at the assistant and snorts with arrogance.

"Liu Shan, we are at An Qing. Can't you act properly? Here, I am Mr. Liu. Not old man."

He will never tell Liu Shan about his request because not once did he ever ask for Yue Ling's autograph. Even before she retired from the modeling industry, he never did.

Liu Shan's mouth opened in astonishment. He sarcastically laughs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Old man, we may share the same surname, but our blood flows differently. You don't have to tell me when to act properly."

He slightly leans towards Liu Yilong and mischievously grins.

"Judging from your expression, let me guess. You finally asked for boss's autograph, hm?"

Liu Yilong's muscles tensed around his mouth in embarrassment. He couldn't believe how accurate Liu Shan was at guessing the situation.

However, seeing the smug looks on the young man's face, his hands began to itch.

He raises both his hands but stops midair, leaving them to tremble. He fights the urge to decide whether he should strangle Liu Shan to death or consider his pride.

Liu Shan took notice of this, and his eyes widened. He pointed to the elderly man and held back his urge to laugh.

"Look. Look. Who's the one who can't act properly now?"

Liu Yilong's face turned crimson red. No one knew whether it was because he was embarrassed or whether he was fighting the demon inside. However, one thing was clear. He wanted to strangle Liu Shan.

Yue Ling watched the friendly dispute between the elderly man and her assistant. She suddenly had a quick flashback of the past before she dispersed Fate.

Despite Liu Yilong being an elder for them, he was someone everyone could joke with and treated everyone like his children. He often disciplined them but only taught them right from wrong.

He would sometimes state that he wished Liu Shan was related to him by blood.

As her thoughts back to memory lane began to progress, she quickly stopped them.

She decides they had enough time to catch up and gets down to her purpose for visiting.

"Mr. Liu, if you don't mind. I would like to see how the employees are doing."

At her words, Liu Yilong's urge to harm Liu Shan disappears, and he smiles at her. His expression was as if he never had anything to do with the assistant.

"Of course."

He gestures towards a direction, and his words continue.

"Right this way. Everyone has been eager to meet you since your last visit."

Yue Ling doesn't respond but heads towards the pointed direction while Liu Shan doesn't hesitate to follow behind her. However, as he walks past Liu Yilong, he doesn't forget to give the elderly man a look.

His expression was as if saying, 'Ha! As long as boss is here, you can't harm me.'

The corners of Liu Yilong's mouth twitched when he saw the face Liu Shan gave him. Now he really regrets not strangling the young man.

However, not wanting to lose to Liu Shan, he raises his right arm.

He points to his eyes with his index and middle fingers before pointing to Liu Shan. He doesn't say anything, but the assistant quickly understands the meaning behind his gesture and swallows a gulp.

'Just you wait.. I'm watching you.'


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