Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 5 - Marriage

Two weeks passed, today Luna has become Ethan's wife because this morning they had made the solemnity promise together with Shandra and Arsha. Their parents decided to marry them both on the same day because Shandra and Arsha had planned to get married for a long time, but because of the wrong room, Luna and Ethan had to get married too because she was pregnant.

Tonight they held a wedding party at a famous hotel in Batam city. All expenses are borne by Ethan. Luna didn't think her husband was a rich kid, but that didn't attract her to him. For her, that man is a disaster, because after this her career will fade.

Luna stood beside Ethan with a friendly smile greeting the guests, as well as Shandra and Arsha, they looked very happy.

Luna's eyes were fixed on one of the guests who were already familiar to her, she was Edward, her former lover who had married another girl.

Edward walked over to Luna and Ethan while holding up a beautiful girl.

"Luna," said Edward, giving Luna a friendly smile.

"Do you know each other?" Ethan asked, looking at Luna.

"Yes, he's my friend," said Luna lied, she looked sarcastically at the girl beside Edward. 'So, she's your wife, not prettier than me,' thought Luna.

"Uh. Yes, " said Edward with a friendly smile at Ethan. "Congratulations, Ethan, you are finally married," said Edward, then followed by his wife who also greeted Luna.

"Why is Edward so similar to you?" Luna asked after Edward left.

"She's my step-brother, her mother is my father's first wife. But after my father died, we lived apart," replied Ethan with his gaze. Luna just nodded understandingly. Then she sat alone in the hallway.

Luna felt pain i her waist, since she became pregnant, she gets tired easily.

"Can I go to the room, I'm tired?" Luna asked seeing Ethan full of requests.

"Very well. I'll take you." Ethan immediately escorted Luna to the hotel room they rented for the night. Because tomorrow they will return to Jakarta city.

"You don't come back to the party anymore?" Luna asked when she got to the room, Ethan instead closed the door and didn't come out again.

"No, I'm tired and I want to sleep too," Ethan replied.

Luna immediately walked to the bathroom to take off her big dress which was quite difficult to remove.

"Why is it so hard? I had to ask Ethan for a favor," muttered Luna and then immediately came out of the bathroom and asked Ethan to unzip the back of her big dress. Ethan could see Luna's smooth back.

"Thank you," said Luna.

"Hmm," said Ethan.

Luna immediately returned to the bathroom and changed into her pajamas. After that, she returned to the room and saw Ethan sleeping on the sofa and still wearing his tuxedo suit.

She stared at Ethan for a moment and then immediately woke him up because she was sorry to see Ethan sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa.

"Ethan, let's move to the bed," said Luna, patted Ethan gently.

"Can I sleep with you?" Ethan asked who started to open his eyes but was still sleepy.

"Yes," said Luna. Then she immediately lay down on the bed.

Luna stared at the ceiling, imagining what had happened to her. Today she is a wife but not ready to do her first night duty.

"Why have not you fallen asleep?" Asked Ethan who just came back from the bathroom. Ethan had changed into pajamas. Ethan lay beside Luna. Their distance is limited by a pillow in the middle.

"It's okay, I just nervous," answered Luna without turning her head.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking for my rights. Before you love me," Ethan said.

"Thank you for understanding." Luna smiled at Ethan. She was relieved that Ethan understood her.

They both immediately slept with a far apart position and back to back.

'I'll be patient until you love me, I hope love grows before our child is born, I don't want us to get divorced one day,' thought Ethan.

Luna didn't go to sleep right away, she felt pain in her back and legs. Makes her sleepless and then sits down and massages her legs.

Feeling that Luna was not sleeping, Ethan immediately changed his position to face Luna.

Seeing Luna sitting massaging her own feet made Ethan feel sorry. He immediately sat down and got closer to Luna's feet and then massaged them without asking Luna's approval.

"Why are you massaging my feet. Aren't you sleepy?" Asked Luna with a flat look.

"I couldn't sleep because you kept moving because of anxiety. Are you still sick?" Ethan asked.

"It's getting better. But my shoulder hurts too," said Luna.

"Now turn around, I'll give you a shoulder massage," Ethan exclaimed. Luna changed her position to sit with her back to Ethan.

Ethan immediately massaged Luna's shoulders.

"Are we going back to Jakarta tomorrow?" Asked Luna while enjoying Ethan's massage.

"Yes, I have urgent business," Ethan replied.

"Oh ...."

After finishing the massage, Ethan immediately lay down, because he couldn't stand the drowsiness anymore. Luna immediately slept because she felt better.


Sunlight slipped through the hotel window, newlyweds did not realize that it was already morning they slept very close. Luna was in Ethan's arms. I don't know who started it. The pillow falls on the floor.

Luna felt comfortable sleeping in Ethan's arms, the pride made her want to let Ethan go. But somehow there seemed to be a feeling of comfort and made her reluctant to let Ethan go.

'You're handsome like Edward, can I love you before this child is born, or we'll get a divorce,' muttered Luna as she watched Ethan, who was still asleep. Her hand touched Ethan's jaw.

"Sorry," said Ethan, who had just opened his eyes and realized the distance between himself and Luna was very close.

Ethan immediately got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, while Luna also got out of bed and quickly straightened out the pillows and blankets.

"Are we going straight to the airport?" Luna asked when she realized that Ethan had just come back from the shower wearing only a waist-high towel, his body was very athletic.

"Yes, I ordered the ticket yesterday and in two hours we have to leave ... in two days I'll be going to Thailand for a working visit," Ethan replied as he picked up his clothes in the wardrobe.

"Do you always travel to different countries?" Asked Luna.

"Not really, do you want to come?" Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm still often nauseous, if I take a walk too far, maybe I'm not strong," said Luna flatly, then she immediately went to the bathroom while Ethan immediately put on his clothes while Luna was in the bathroom.


Ethan and Luna walked out of the hotel with suitcases, seen many reporters outside. Ethan just found out that the girl he married is a famous model, even on the rise. Ethan didn't know it because he was busy with his business world, he didn't care about the entertainment world

"Would you like to accept an interview?" Ethan asked, staring at Luna, who was staring at the reporters.

"I'm lazy to talk to a lot of people," said Luna irritably, because reporters must have asked her a lot about her sudden marriage.

"Okay, let's go through the back," said Ethan and immediately grabbed Luna's hand as he walked toward the back door of the hotel.

"I'd better stay home after this," muttered Luna as she continued walking following Ethan, who also kept holding her hand.

"Why?" Ethan asked

"I'm going after reporters," said Luna.

"I'll hire a bodyguard for you."

"I don't need," said Luna

"That's necessary because I'm rarely home," Ethan insisted.

"No need, I hate being guarded," said Luna in a harsh tone.


They reached the back door of the hotel, then went straight out and into the car that Ethan's assistant had prepared.

During the trip there was only silence, Luna just stared at the car window, occasionally she saw a poster with a picture of her on the side of the road. 'It will all be erased when my career fades, anyone who wants to wear a pregnant model? I will miss every action and the enthusiastic atmosphere backstage before the catwalk starts. I'm going to miss my world,' thought Luna as she gazed sadly at the street view from behind the car window.

"We stopped for breakfast at the restaurant, I'll ask for a special place so no reporters follow you," said Ethan with his gaze. Meanwhile, Luna fell silent and did not respond. Luna is still sad and feeling sad. Even though the man who married her was rich, she will always miss her world. Because since childhood, being a model is her dream. But when she was on the rise being a model she had to run aground because of her carelessness.


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