Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 406 - Keyra's Baby Birth

At nine o'clock in the morning, Keyra was ready to undergo a c-section because her body was already strong enough. She was already in front of the operating room lying on the bed and Daniel was standing beside her with several nurses.

"Promise to always be strong for me, for your family, and to make our dreams come true," Daniel cried sadly, then kissed Keyra's forehead.

Keyra was immediately brought into the operating room with a bed pushed by several nurses.

Ethan and Luna also witnessed their daughter risking her life for the safety of the twins in her stomach

"She will be fine because she is a strong woman and has a tough attitude like you," Luna said while rubbing Ethan's shoulder.

"I'm just scared because I always remember when you also had a c-section when you were going to give birth to Keenan and Keyra and you fell into a coma after that. I was really afraid that Keyra was too," said Ethan with his gaze directed at the door of the operating room which was closed tightly.

"The situation is different, honey. At that time I also experienced a hard impact because I fell from the stairs. As for Keyra, Keyra just didn't have the energy," replied Luna reassuring Ethan who was too traumatized.

"Yeah, hopefully, what I feared didn't happen." Ethan can only surrender and surrender to the power for the safety of his daughter and two grandchildren.

Daniel, who had been standing back and forth in front of the operating room, approached Ethan and Luna who were sitting in the waiting chair which was located close to the green wall.

"Will Aaron be notified, sir?" asked Daniel.

"According to Keyra's wishes, just let him know after the baby is born," replied Ethan, still feeling uneasy.

Luna, who was sitting on Ethan's right, turned to glance at Daniel gratefully. "Thank you, Daniel...You have been very good to all of us, especially to Keyra. Because without you, maybe Keyra will be very down and things will get worse."

"I sincerely do it, Auntie. I love Keyra and her two children." Daniel smiled a little awkwardly at his future mother-in-law.


After almost an hour of waiting, the operating room door finally opened. Two nurses came out of the room holding tiny babies who had been dressed in warm clothes.

Daniel and Luna immediately approached the two nurses to see the condition of Keyra's twin baby, while Ethan was still sitting quietly in the waiting chair. Surely the man was worried about his daughter's condition which is not yet known.

"Are they healthy?" asked Luna while glancing at her two very beautiful and tiny grandchildren.

"They are healthy, but we have to immediately take them to the incubator because they are not yet strong," explained one of the nuns who is about 165 cm tall and wearing a white uniform.

Luna and Daniel nodded in understanding and let the two nurses take Keyra's twins to a special room which was located a few meters from the operating room.

"Why hasn't Keyra come out yet, huh?" Finally, Ethan got up from the chair and approached Daniel and Luna. .he looked restless and his heart was pounding.

"Just wait and always pray that Keyra will be okay," said Luna.

"Sir, Keyra must be healthy like her babies," said Daniel.

a few minutes later, the door opened again and a female doctor still wearing a green surgical gown came out of the operating room.

"How is my daughter, Doc?" asked Ethan enthusiastically.

The doctor smiled and replied, "Your daughter is healthy and will now be taken to the recovery room before being transferred to the infirmary."

Ethan heaved a sigh of relief and a smile spread across his lips. A tinge of happiness began to appear on his slightly wrinkled but still handsome face. He immediately hugged Luna because of the joy, while Daniel had gone somewhere.


Daniel walked down the hospital corridor to find the nursery. After a few minutes of searching, he found the room. The man immediately asked permission to enter and saw that two baby girls were sleeping in the incubator.

"They are baby of a patient named Keyra, right?" asked Daniel to confirm.

"Yes, sir," replied the nurse, then sat herself down in the chair in front of the table.

Daniel looked at the two babies from behind the incubator tube, then smiled at them. "Hay, baby... You are so beautiful and look like your mother."

Until a few minutes Daniel watched them, they woke up and cried. Daniel became confused and turned to look at the nurse. "Nurse, they are crying. Do they want milk?" he asked then.

"Just carry it, sir. Later, they will be given breast milk when the mother is in the treatment room," answered the nurse as she got up from the chair and approached Daniel.

"Has his mother seen them before?" asked Daniel.

"Yes, she has held them for a while," the nurse replied as she took one of the babies, then gave it to Daniel.

"I have not dared to carry it," said Daniel doubtfully.

"Aren't you his father? You should calm them down, carry them. Dare or not, you have to try." The nurse persuaded...

Daniel remembered when Keyra wanted him to touch the baby after she touched the baby. he nodded and ventured to carry one of the first.

"Be careful," said the nurse as she handed the beautiful baby to Daniel.

Daniel smiled happily when he managed to carry it properly. he immediately rocked the baby and recited the call to prayer in turn to the other baby, because that was what Keyra wanted.


Luna and Ethan, who were already outside the nursery, saw Daniel who was chanting the call to prayer for their twin grandchildren from the glass door.

"He is very sincere. Keyra is very lucky to be loved by a man like him, like I am lucky you love," Luna muttered with teary eyes.

"Yeah, but I've also made you hurt and suffer.....I remember very well when I had to face the fact that you fell into a coma after Keenan and Keyra were born. I couldn't stop crying at that time. Everyone blames me and it's true." Ethan thought back to the past when Keenan and Keyra were just born.

Luna sighed as she continued to stare at Daniel who was holding one of Keyra's babies. "The road of life is not always smooth. There are times when we get lost or fall while walking towards our destination. Neither do we, Keyra, or anyone else."

"And Daniel is the one who will bring her to happiness," said Ethan.

"Quickly call Aaron. After all, he is the father of them. He must know about the news of this birth," Luna exclaimed.

Ethan immediately contacted Aaron, even though he was very lazy because he was still annoyed and hated Aaron for hurting Keyra.

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