Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 393 - Pick Up Keyra And Beat Up Aaron

Aaron walked up the stairs to his room. The man had just come home from work and immediately wanted to meet Keyra. He had heard the news from a boutique employee who said that his wife was sick and had to go home early.

Arriving in the room, Aaron smiled when he saw Keyra who was sitting on the bed leaning against the head of the bed. He immediately approached to sit beside him.

"Don't sit near me and don't touch me with those filthy hands of yours!" Keyra exclaimed without looking at Aaron.

"Keyra, what do you mean? Wouldn't you be happy if I tried to forget my grudge and put my love for you first?" Aaron stared in surprise at Keyra who rejected him even though this morning she was willing to start their relationship like when they were dating.

"Who is Sonia?" asked Keyra curtly.

Aaron was silent for a while with a heart wondering, 'how does she know Sonia's name?'

"Aaron answer me!" Keyra exclaimed with a sharp look at her husband who seemed unable to answer.

"I... I don't know," Aaron replied then turned to walk towards the couch while taking off his tie. 'Oh my God, looks like She already knows who Sonia is. What should I do? I don't want to lose her.'

Seeing Aaron who was lying and ignoring her instead, Keyra took a small photo which was her wedding photo with Aaron which was on the table near the bed, then threw it at her husband very strongly because she couldn't contain her emotions.


"LIIER, CHEAPER!" Keyra shouted with her eyes bloodshot. Tears had started to well up in her eyes.

Aaron held his shoulder which was hit by the photo frame, then turned to look at Keyra with a sharp look. "KEYRA!"

Keyra got up from the bed and walked over to Aaron. "Why? Are you going to be mad that I hurt you just because I threw the photo?"

Aaron was silent and stared in surprise at Keyra who was now even crying. 

"Your pain is not worth what you have done to me. Are you not satisfied with torturing me, deceiving me, and forcing me to endure this disgusting marriage? Why are you still hurting me by doubling me?" Keyra glared at Aaron.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? why did you not divorce me if you want another woman?" Keyra beat Aaron's chest while crying.

"Keyra, it's not what you think!" Aaron embraced Keyra who forced him to continue beating him.

Remembering Aaron who had made love to other women besides her, Keyra immediately pushed Aaron away from her body. "Don't ever touch me with the hand you used to touch your mistress!"

Aaron felt dizzy with this mess. He massaged his forehead and looked sadly at Keyra who was crying. "Keyra ... I was forced to marry her because my grandfather forced me. I don't love her Because I only love you."

"I love you, Keyra...I'm sorry to have hurt you since the beginning of our marriage. I'm too stupid but I'm helpless because of the shadow of revenge." Aaron bowed in front of Keyra's feet. Then held her feet. "I'm sorry."

"You said you didn't love her but you made love to her until she got pregnant? Don't be a hypocrite. I'm tired of all your charades!" Keyra removed Aaron's hand from his leg then walked out of the room while crying.

Aaron, who didn't want to lose Keyra, immediately got up and chased his wife.


Until arriving outside the room, Keyra walked down the stairs until she arrived at the ground floor and was about to head out of the house. But Aaron who was chasing after her immediately grabbed her hand.

"Let me go. Let me live alone instead of sharing with my husband. I DON'T WANT!" Keyra struggled to try to free Aaron's grip.

"Keyra don't leave me! Give me a chance to fix everything. I want to make up for all my mistakes to you, make you happy!" Aaron was still pleading with his hand that was still holding Keyra's hand.

"NOTHING CAN BE FIXED BECAUSE EVERYTHING WAS DESTROYED SINCE THE BEGINNING!" Keyra snapped then stomped on Aaron's feet so hard that those who stepped on them winced in pain and released their grip on her hands.

Keyra immediately ran to the living room and opened the door. but when the door opened, she saw that Kevin and Daniel were about to enter. The woman immediately hugged her brother as she continued to cry.

Aaron was back chasing Keyra.

"Sis, did he torture you again? Why are you crying?" Kevin let go of Keyra's embrace and looked at her with pity. "Answer me, sis?"

Keyra was still looking down and crying until she couldn't answer her brother's question.

"Kevin, Daniel." Aaron was surprised to see his brother-in-law and assistant at the door.

Kevin who saw Aaron's arrival from the living room immediately removed Keyra from in front of him and immediately beat Aaron with anger. He punched his brother-in-law in the face and stomach multiple times without giving him a chance to fight back.


"YOU LIAR! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SISTER!" Kevin growled then slapped his hand against Aaron's face again.

"Aghh," Aaron groaned, who was slumped over holding his stomach which hurt from Kevin's fist. He tried to get up while looking at his brother-in-law who was about to beat him again.


The limp Aaron didn't even have time to dodge and Kevin hit him in the face until his nose bled.

"Kevin. Stop it, there's no point in beating him!" Keyra cried out in tears. she tried to prevent Kevin who would hit Aaron again.

"Keyra, don't come any closer!" cried Daniel immediately holding Keyra's hand. He was afraid that the woman would be hit by Kevin's very savage blow when very emotional. Whoaa, just like Ethan turned out to be.

"HOW DID YOU MARRIED MY SISTER JUST FOR A vengeance, EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE BROTHER AND SISTER! YOU Sinners!" Kevin said very furiously, even his eyes were red as if he couldn't hold back how disappointed he was at Aaron who had deceived Keyra and his family.

Keyra suddenly fainted when she heard Kevin's words. "Brother? Aaron my brother?"

Keyra was stunned and felt as if her head was hit by a large rock. The fact she had just heard made her feel even more guilty and guilty...The woman who had been unwell for a long time was slowly unable to support her own body, a feeling of dizziness filled her head and slowly her vision blurred.

"Keyra!" Daniel immediately supported Keyra's body which almost fell. He frantically stared at the woman who had passed out.

"Keyra, wake up!" Daniel exclaimed as he gently patted Keyra's cheek. He looked at her with pity, her beautiful face was already puffy and moist with tears. 'Oh my God, what happened to her? What has her husband done to make her this weak?"

Ethan and Luna came after Kevin and Daniel. they panicked to see Keyra was unconscious in Daniel's lap, while Kevin was fighting with Aaron who was trying to fight back.

"Daniel, what happened? Why did Keyra faint like this?" asked Luna very worriedly.

"Suddenly she fainted, Auntie...I also don't know what happened. When Kevin and I came. Keyra cried and fainted when she saw Kevin beat Aaron," Daniel explained angrily.

Luna looked at Keyra with pain in her heart. Tears were inevitable to not fall down her cheeks. "Let's take her to the hospital."

"Yes, Auntie."

Daniel immediately carried Keyra to the car followed by Luna. Ethan was busy calming Kevin who was constantly beating Aaron.

"It's enough Kevin, let the police will punish him!" Ethan shouted as he hugged Kevin from behind with all his might to prevent him from hitting the defenseless Aaron.

"IF KILLING NOT SIN, I WILL SURELY KILL YOU!" exclaims Kevin furiously.

Aaron just stood there feeling pain in his face and stomach area. he couldn't say any more because he felt guilty. But one thing that made him helpless was when Kevin said that he was Keyra's brother. the man did not know that fact at all because the grandfather only told about his father's death because of Keyra's parents. He did not know that there was still a blood relationship between them.



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