Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 371 - Husbands Anger

Wait, Keyra squinted at Aaron who called "grandfather" while when proposing to her, her husband came with uncles and other family members and none of them were grandfathers. Of course, it makes Keyra like being cheated again.

"You... have a grandfather?"

"I only have a grandfather who took care of me since I was a baby," Aaron explained then got up from the chair and walked away from the two to go out of the garden.

"What other fact is this? You said you lived with your uncle, but it turns out you've always lived with your grandfather since you were a baby. Then, who are those who came with you to propose to me?" Keyra asked while following Aaron's steps.

"They're only rented," Aaron replied.

"Rented family?" Keyra stopped and was dumbfounded for a moment, then walked back to follow Aaron down the corridor of the mental hospital. occasionally she glanced at the patients strolling down the corridor.

Keyra, who was afraid of being suddenly attacked like before, ran a little after Aaron until she left the hospital through the main door. Hmm, that woman is very unusual in an environment filled with so many people with mental disorders

"Aaron, wait!" She exclaimed.

Aaron just kept quiet as he continued to walk until he arrived at the parking lot and opened the car door for Keyra. "Hurry in!" he cried flatly.

Keyra stared in surprise and hatred at Aaron, who turned out to be a big swindler. That man not only deceived her but also deceived her entire extended family. The woman who was emotional and lost her temper immediately swung her hand at her arrogant and cruel husband.


Aaron who didn't have time to dodge was finally hit by a slap from Keira who was so hard. The man held his hot cheeks while staring intently at his wife who dared to slap him.

"HOW DARE YOU slap me!"

"BECAUSE YOU DESERVE TO BE SLAPPED!" said Keyra with her already fiery emotions. Her breath was ragged, her eyes were red, and almost crying. "Even if killing isn't a sin, I want to kill you right now!"

Aaron smiled faintly, glancing at Keyra who alluded to sin. "You are afraid to sin if you kill me, then you are not afraid to sin when you have sex with me before marriage? You hypocrite!"

"SON OF A BITCH!" Keyra growled again by swinging her hand towards Aaron's face, but Aaron immediately blocked it.

"Want to slap me again, huh?" Aaron twisted Keyra's arm.

"Let me go!" Keyra exclaimed while trying to release Aaron's grip on her hand.

Aaron released his grip on Keyra's hand, then pushed her into the car violently until she fell and fell on the car seat. He immediately closed the car door back into the driver's door, then drove the car out of the parking lot into the street.

Aaron drove his car at high speed without waiting for Keyra to put the seat belt on first. Luckily the woman did not fall further and immediately put the seat belt on.

"Aaron, where are we going?" Keira asked surprised.

"To grandpa's house," Aaron answered without turning his head.

Keyra took a deep breath, then rubbed her face, brushing her hair back. She shuddered at the thought of meeting Aaron's grandfather who had planned his revenge against her long ago with Aaron. Will she be tortured there? Who knows, the woman could only surrender because her husband was too rude that she couldn't move at all.

"What are we going there for?" she asked.

"Of course to introduce you because you are my wife!" replied Aaron curtly.

"A wife who will only be made to suffer." Keyra guessed imagining what had happened last night.

"You already know how it goes, so don't ask too many questions!" cried Aaron furiously.

Keyra sighed, then massaged her forehead with her left hand resting on the car door. She chose to remain silent by leaning back while gazing at the sights of the busy streets of Jakarta. Sometimes she saw a pair of teenagers walking together towards campus, others riding bicycles, riding motorbikes while riding a bicycle. it made her think of Keenan who had doubted Aaron's goodness.

'If I had listened to Keenan's advice, mommy and daydd's advice, was able to keep my defenses away from Aaron, maybe none of this would have happened. I'm trapped and will start suffering due to my carelessness,' Keyra thought with tears already in her eyes.


Jasmine and Keenan have arrived at Keyra's boutique which has officially opened one week before Keyra and Aaron's wedding. This magnificent boutique with brownish-yellow wall paint has several rooms in it. ..a display room for clothes that are mounted on statues and hung on hangers, a workspace where Keyra often draws clothes designs, changing rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and also a room for the process of designing clothes that Keyra has drawn.

"I didn't stop by, okay? Too late." Keenan said goodbye as he was still sitting in the car and Jasmine was staring at him from the window.

"Yeah, let's go. Be careful on the road," said Jasmine with a warm smile.

Keenan smiled then reached out his hand to grab Jasmine's hand and pulled her so that his wife approached the body of the car. "Keenan!"

"Need to be encouraged before work," said Keenan while touching her lips.

"No, no kissing here!" Jasmine backed away because she knew her husband would want to be kissed.

Keenan took a deep breath, then released his grip on Jasmine's hand. He bent his face, showing disappointment on his handsome face, and immediately closed the car door.

"Keenan, don't be angry!" Jasmine cried frantically as she smacked her hand against the windowpane of her husband's blue sports car. She became uneasy after seeing the disappointed expression on her husband's face.

Instead of opening the door, Keenan drove his car towards the office. he just left his wife without explaining whether he was angry or not.


Jasmine stared at Keenan's car that was speeding away from her sight. She looked furious, not expecting her husband to be angry just because she refused to kiss.

"Why is it like this? Even though, he was being cute earlier. Why can he get angry in an instant just because I refuse to kiss him? Is it natural that I don't want to kiss because this is a public place?" Jasmine monologue with herself while walking towards the main door of the boutique which is a thick glass door, there are the words "Del Luna Boutique" and "open"

Jasmine immediately pushed the door to enter Keyra's boutique. She embraced his body when she felt the cold air from the air conditioner that directly hit her skin. "So early in the morning why turn on the air conditioner, anyway? I can shiver"

"Good morning, Sis," said one of the employees named Yola who served the buyers.

"Morning," replied Jasmine with a friendly smile even though her heart was troubled because Keenan was suddenly angry.

Jasmine walked towards the room where Keyra used to draw. She immediately sat in a dark blue chair and took out her smartphone from the branded bag that Keyra had bought.

Jasmine was about to contact Keenan to calm his anger, but she suddenly stopped it. "I'd better call you later...he must be driving now."


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