Unexpected Encounter:They Were Meant To Be Together

Chapter 181: Fever

Li Mansion

When Xie Ming woke up, Li Singtan was still sleeping beside her.

Wrapping his hand around her waist, Li Singtan had buried his head in her neck and was fast asleep.

Running her hands on his chest, Xie Ming smiled," Look at you."

Kissing him on his forehead, Xie Ming said," My big baby I love you."

" Ming are you trying to seduce me early in the morning?" Li Singtan said in a very hoarse voice.

Xie Ming widened her eyes in shock and said," You were awake."

Kissing her neck, Li Singtan nodded his head.

" Okay now get up. We have to go down for breakfast." Xie Ming said.

Li Singtan shook his head and said," I don't want to go anywhere."

" Mr Li you have a business to run. You can't be lazy like this." Xie Ming said.

" I am the boss. I can take a day off you know." Li Singtan said.

" You took a day off yesterday. Now don't make excuses and get up." Xie Ming said.

" Are you trying to brush me off after taking advantage of me?" Li Singtan asked.

Xie Ming *_*

" Let me stay like this all day then you can take advantage of me once again." Li Singtan said.

Xie Ming pinched him and said," Stop acting like a baby."

" But I am your big baby right?" Li Singtan said.

Xie Ming *_*

" Your big baby wants a kiss." Li Singtan said.

Slapping his hands away, Xie Ming got down from the bed and said," Get up and start getting ready."

After saying that, Ming entered the washroom.

When she came out, Li Singtan was still lying on the bed.

" Singtan go and freshen up." Ming said.

Li Singtan coughed twice and said," Ming I think I am having fever."

Xie Ming frowned and said," Let me check."

Touching his forehead, Xie Ming rolled her eyes and said," You don't have fever."

" I think it is an internal fever. I can only feel it but others can't." Li Singtan said.

Xie Ming *_*

" If your sleep beside me, the fever will go away."

" I am going down. If you don't come down within ten minutes, I will sleep with Ben for a week." Xie Ming said before walking out of the room.


Dinning area.

When Xie Ming came down, Mother Li was busy preparing breakfast.

" Mother let me help you." Xie Ming said.

Mother Li smiled and said," Oh no need I'll manage everything. You go and sit with others. Breakfast is almost ready."

Xie Ming smiled and said," Atleast let set the table."

Picking up the plates from the counter, Xie Ming headed towards the dinning table.

" Good morning Ming." Anna said.

" Good morning." Ming said.

Taking the plates from her hand, Anna asked," Where is our Mr Li Singtan?"

Xie Ming sighed and said,"Don't Ask. He is behaving like a baby today."

Anna giggled and asked," Why?"

" He wants to skip work and stay at home with me all day. Since he did not go to work yesterday also, I told him not to skip another day. Now he is saying that he is having a fever." Ming said.

Pausing for a while, she continued," I am sure that he will start complaining once again after he comes down."

" Ahem he is here." Anna said.

Xie Ming rolled her eyes when he saw his gloomy expression.

" Good morning Singtan." Anna said.

Li Singtan nodded his head.

Anna frowned and said," Oh you don't look good today Singtan what happened?"

" I am having a fever." Li Singtan said.

" Ahh is that so. Let me check." Anna said.

Placing her hand on his forehead, Anna pouted her lips and said," No fever."

Puffing his cheeks, Li Singtan said," It's an internal fever."

Anna laughed and said," Right."

" Singtan sit and have your breakfast." Ming said.

Li Singtan frowned. Pulling chair for himself, he sighed and sat down.

After sometime Quin and Rose came down.

" Good morning everyone." Li Quin said.

Xie Ming started placing food on Li Singtans plate and said," Eat properly."

" Ming." Li Singtan said.

Pouring a glass of milk for him, Xie Ming said," What is it?"

" I don't want to go to office." Li Singtan said.

Everyone in the dinning table burst into laughter.

" What happened?" Mother Li asked.

" Mother I don't want to go to office today." Singtan said.

" You are an a.d.u.l.t Singtan. So stop behaving as a kid okay." Ming said.

Li Singtan pouted his lips and kept in eating without saying anything.

After breakfast, Li Singtan clumsily got up from his chair and said," I am leaving."

Xie Ming chuckled and said," Let me see you out."



Cupping his face, Xie Ming said," Stop sulking like that."

Li Singtan sighed.

Xie Minh giggled and said," Okay go for now and later tonight we will try something new."

" Promise?" Li Singtan said.

Xie Ming smiled and said," Promise."

Giving him a peck on his lips, Xie Ming pushed him towards the car.

Li Singtan smiled and said," I love you baby."

" I love you too honey." Xie Ming said.


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