Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 140 Dowry

"Geez, what the hell is wrong with you?" Owen frowned. "Why are you being so hyper?"

"Because you two won't shut the f*uck up and let me say what I called you here for," Justin snapped at them again.

When both of them finally did not say anything, he snapped again. "Why the f*uck would I call here to talk about your sisters sex life? How does that even make sense?"


Cutting Owen off, Justin said, "And even if I wasn't dating your sister, why would I call you at this time to discuss my sex life?"

"I am not Owen," he added.

"Hey, that's mean," Owen frowned. "I did that only one time."

Justin sighed and helplessly shook his head. If what he wanted to talk about wasn't important, he would have definitely walked out.

Glancing at his watch, Andrew said, "Alright now tell us what you wanna say.." He was clearly in a hurry to rush home to his wife.

When Justin did not say anything, Owen scoffed, "Now why aren't you saying anything? You have a problem when we talk but you don't wanna say anything when we are quiet. What the f*uck dude?"

"Okay—" Justin took a deep breath. "I called you both here today to talk about something really important."

Pausing for a while, he remarked, "I want to marry Elsa."

"What?" Owen widened his eyes in shock.

"Yeah and I am here to ask you both her hand for marriage," he added. "Since her parents are no more around, you both are like her guardian so—"

"Okay, this is interesting—" Andrew smirked and poured himself another drink.

"What is interesting about this?" Owen frowned and looked at Justin. "Man, are you sure you really wanna do it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Marriages suck." He looked at Andrew. "No offense man, Rachael is great and I love her but marriage really sucks."

"Dude, I am marrying your sister."

"Yeah so?" Owen shrugged. "She is still a woman and damn—women can nag you all day and never get tired."


"Ignore him and talk to me," Andrew interrupted Justin. "Since you are here to ask our sister's hand for marriage, let's talk about money."

"Oh no, I don't want any dowry," Justin stated. "I love Elsa, okay? I am not marrying her for money."

"Oh don't worry, you are not getting any dowry," Andrew remarked. "You are the one who will be giving dowry."

Justin: " "

"You are kidding, right?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"What makes you think that I am?" Andrew took a sip of his drink. "You thought we would just give away our beautiful, capable sister just like that? She is not some toy you can just take away from our family. She is the apple of our eyes, the only daughter of the Volkov family. Do you have any idea how many men are dying to marry her?"

Thinking for a while, Justin inquired, "So let me get this straight, I have to give you dowry first and then I can marry Elsa?" When Andrew, he frowned, "So if someone else pays more dowry, you will not let me marry her?"

"It's not like that," Owen answered. "We just wanna make sure you are rich enough to take care of her. And we will be able to say whether you are rich or not by the dowry you give us."

"This is ridiculous," Justin scoffed. "You both are my best friends, you know me very well. I will always keep Elsa happy."

"And we don't doubt that."

"Not even a single bit," Owen remarked.

"But we need dowry." Andrew sighed and patted Justin's shoulder, "Sorry man but this is how things are gonna be if you wanna marry the only daughter of the Volkov family."

"Fine." Left with no other choice, Justin agreed. "What do you want for dowry?"

"Your farm house in Minsk," Owen answered.

"10% shares of this club," Andrew added.

"Fine—" Justin agreed. What other choice did he have?

"Cool," Owen grinned. "Our sister is yours now, you are free to marry her at any time, any place."

Andrew smiled and lifted his glass. "To Elsa and Justin."

"You both are a*ssholes," Justin rolled his eyes before raising his glass.

After gulping down the drink, Owen sighed and helplessly shook his head. "But I don't understand why you wanna get married."

"Because he loves Elsa and that is the right thing to do," Andrew stated.

"But marriages are so—how do I put it?" Thinking for a while, Owen explained, "You know how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, right?"

When both of them nodded, he said, "So basically before marriage, women are like butterflies, soft, gentle, sweet, caring but as soon as you marry her, she turns into a caterpillar. She will nag you, bite you, give you rashes for the rest of your lives."

Justin: " "

Andrew: " "


[Watson Mansion]

"Is Andrew not home yet?" Michael inquired as he approached his daughter.

"He went out to meet Justin and Owen, he will be back soon," Rachael answered.

"I see." He gently caressed her hair. "Is this why you did not eat with us? Are you waiting for your hubby to come back?"

"Hubby?" she chuckled. "I swear I have never called him that."

"Why not? Hubby is such a cute work," he exclaimed. "I love it when your mom calls me that."

"I did not eat because I don't feel that hungry. We ate some snacks when we were at the mall."

"Come here, let me look at you properly." Michael cupped her face and sighed, "My beautiful little daughter, when did you become so big?"

"I am almost twenty-nine dad, I am not little anymore." Rachael smiled and gave him a hug.

"I know." He kissed the top of her head. "I miss you so much."

"Weren't you the one who couldn't wait for me to marry Andrew and go away with him?" She pouted her lips and complained. "And now you are saying that you miss me."



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