Undying Warlord

Chapter 88 Silver

A fraction of a second before the huge Lightning rat shot the bolt of lightning at Dilan, a silverish-gray flash flew threw the air.

It was the Captain’s Sword Dilan had thrown at the Lightning rat with all his might.

Just a moment ago Dilan had pulled the Captain’s Sword over his shoulder. This was something mandatory in order to generate the necessary momentum he required.

Through this, it was possible for him to further enhance the might of his extraordinary Agility and Strength when he threw his longsword at the monster that was merely three meters away from him.

When the longsword reached the Lightning rat, its blade pierced through the center of its chest.

It had been unable to evade the sudden attack owing to Dilan’s terrifically high speed!

However, instead of killing the monster, his longsword only managed to gravely injure it.

Despite that, it continued to attack him as if it was completely unscathed.

The bolt of lightning was released while both of the rat’s arms swung through the air.

Each attack was aimed to deliver a killing blow, and the might behind the attacks was more than enough to achieve this.

Even Dilan’s Health stat of -28- would have fallen short to block them!-.

Fortunately, his sudden attack with the throw of his longsword forcefully averted the trajectory of the bolt of lightning as the rat’s involuntarily flinched.

This made it lose its control over the bolt of lightning that was released a fraction of a second too early and at the wrong spot.

While Dilan was already right in front of the lightning rat, the bolt of lightning brushed past his head.

Fluctuations of the bolt of lightning brushed past Dilan, grazing the left side of his face, and his left shoulder, but he ignored the sting.

After all, the attack that was supposed to burst his skull had missed its mark.

The claws of the Lightning rat were still out for his life, but Dilan was standing just a meter in front of its body.

This was fortunately not too close for Dilan to extend his arms rapidly.

He spread open his fingers in an instant, reaching the upper chest of the Lightning rat, just to glance into the eyes of the monsters for a mere moment.

The lightning mask transformed slowly and was about to turn into currents that would lunge at him at any moment.

However, before that could happen, Dilan inserted several units of mana in the Clawed Gloves to greatly enhance them.

Under normal circumstances, it shouldn’t be possible to enhance a weapon over a certain threshold.

But that was not something Dilan could be bothered about as he used a significantly high amount of mana to tear open the Lightning rat with his Clawed Gloves.

That was everything Dilan cared about which was why he pierced into the Lightning rat’s chest with every single claw on his hand.

Working with the gravitational force, Dilan used all his might to drag the claws all the way down, tearing its chest open.

It was as if he cleaved down with a sword, but instead of a blade, his sharp gloves bit into the flesh of the opponent that continued to thrash its arms wildly.

While his Clawed Gloves dug deep in the Lightning rat’s chest, it was almost as if the monster lost all its reasoning and the pain sensors went numb.

Not even a pained squeal escaped its mouth as the Lightning mask turned into a replica of a beast maw that tried to mercilessly bite Dilan’s head.

This sudden change in the lightning’s shape astonished him.

But instead of evading, Dilan tightened his grip, using his claws to sink deeper into the chest of the Lightning rat, just to push his feet off the ground.

Rather than working against the Lightning rat to try slowing it down in order to initiate a barrage of attacks, Dilan clung to its body!

The Clawed Gloves dug deeper and deeper in its body, though it was still standing on its feet. Hence, Dilan pushed his leg back and shoved his foot hard into its abdomen.

It didn’t result in massive damage, but it was more than enough to prevent the Lightning rat from actually biting off his head.

This was everything he wanted to attain, to begin with!

As such a small victorious smile appeared on his lips, only for him to think amusingly.

‘I really need some thorny boots! Or boots with knives in their toe cap!’

The fact that Dilan could joke like this was quite simple.

The monster he fought was not as terrifying as he had imagined.

It was either a lower-ranked monster that had advanced to Tier-1, or the strongest existing Bronze Tierless monster.

However, Dilan was actually doubting that the monster he faced could be considered the leader of the Krendel’s Underground Valley.

And that was not only because the Lightning rat was not a Krendel…but also owing to its strength which was not even remotely comparable to what Dilan had thought of!

‘Maybe I expected too much?’ Dilan asked himself as he clenched his hands, ripping out two huge chunks of flesh out of the lightning rat’s chest.

This caused the first pained roar to escape the lightning rat’s mouth.

It shook its body violently, making Dilan lose his grip onto the Lightning rat

Instinctively his bloodied hands reached for the Captain’s Sword which they got hold of a mere moment later.

However, Dilan’s legs lost their foothold on the Lightning rat’s body. Thus, they were dragged over the ground, preventing him from creating a new opportunity to attack.

But that was not further problematic because the monster had slowed down, with its claws still trying to slash at Dilan.

The lightning rat wanted to take Dilan’s life, to make him feel the pain it had to endure right now and make him suffer.

Fortunately, Dilan’s feet got hold on the ground, while the excessive amount of mana within the Clawed Gloves was directly transferred to the Captain’s Sword.

The longsword’s blade began to gleam in a faint bluish color that led to an increase in its sharpness.

This increase in the blade’s sharpness was enough to cut through the Lightning rat’s body, further deepening the already existing wound caused by his claws.

Using all his might Dilan tore down the Captain’s Sword.

This was extremely difficult owing to the fact that his current stance was everything but comfortable, even less considering that the beast’s lightning currents had reached his face, and were scorching his skin, while its claws came into contact with his back, and attempted to tear it open.

To the monster’s misery, all its efforts were wasted because Dilan’s strength was all it took to turn a five-centimeter cut into a huge gash of more than 30 centimeters, where the Lightning rat’s blood and guts spilled out.

In a matter of seconds, Dilan’s entire body was smeared with bits of organs and the horrible stench of the rat’s blood.

He had never smelled anything as foul as the blood that was all over his body.

Even Dilan’s iron-like gut couldn’t handle the overwhelming putrid smell which made him almost puke.

Only the fact that the Lightning rat collapsed on the ground allowed Dilan to hold it in.

The thought that he would be able to procure the Essence of a powerful beast such as the Lightning rat drove him ahead.

It made him ignore the pain of his half-burned face, and the deep gashes on his back.

However, what he saw when he was able to break open the Lightning rat’s skull astonished him quite a bit.

“Silver…? What the hell is going on?!”


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