Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 79 One Head for Every Scratch (2) | 19

Chapter 79 – One Head for Every Scratch (2) | 19

Max blinked in confusion. “What?” she could only utter in reply.

“Each scratch I find on you, one of their heads rolls down their shoulders,” he clarified for her in another warm whisper, and Max felt goosebumps all over her arms with his words. There was a different kind of intensity when he said it in a hushed voice, much like a silent prayer. She was so used to hearing him shout in anger, like a raging forest fire.

Max trembled beneath his touch like a dragonfly caught in a spider’s web.

His deft fingers made quick work of the straps holding her dress together, as she felt them begin loosening up, and pulled down her chest. His dark eyes swept over her figure.

From her pale shoulder blades, to her clavicle, down her breasts, still covered with a thin cloth. She felt her breath tighten in anticipation...

“One head,” he finally said, eyes quickly spotting one scratch before dragging the dress further down to expose more of her skin. When he reached her forearm, he saw the angry discolored skin, and his lips curled into a snarl.

Flustered, Max poorly attempted to cover up her bruise.

“I got this from the li-library.” she excused, “When I bumped in-into some-something.”

“Don’t lie.” he snapped at her...

“I-I’m not ly-lying! Nhngh!” she murmured as he gently pressed a kiss onto her bruise, the words dying in her throat, watching as he slowly made his way down. After nipping gently at her pulsepoint by the wrist, Riftan straightened up, hooked one of his arms beneath her knees, and hefted her up effortlessly, with his other arm supporting her back.

In reflex, Max brought her arms to circle around his nape, her clavicle cradled beneath the crook of his neck. He dipped his head, planting a series of gentle pecks as he slowly made his way towards their bed.

“Ri-Riftan, re-really, I-I’m not hurt,” she insisted, but Riftan was stubborn, gently laying her down on the bed as he towers over her...

“I said I’d check for myself,” he told her, finally discarding her dress, pulling it off from the waist down and haphazardly threw it onto the floor. Feeling utterly exposed with just the quaint cloth covering her chest, Max averted her eyes nervously.

His hands travelled down her legs, stopping by her ankles as he took off her shoe, and then the other, rolling up her underskirt. She couldn’t hold back her grimace when he brushed upon the scrape she had gotten when she fell to the ground.

Immediately, Max clammed up, shutting her legs closed.

“This is no-nothing!” she continues, “I o-only fell by my-myself!”

“They’ve sealed their fate with this.” he growls lowly, his eyes glaring deeply at the wound, a dark glint in his eyes. Max reflexively squeezed his arm gently, gaining his attention.

“Re-really, it does-doesn’t hurt. Don’t do that be-because of me.” she begs, and he frowns at her.

“They not only attempted an invasion on my lands, but also hurt my wife. It’s my right to kill them and their blood to make them pay for their crimes.” he tells her, “That won’t even be enough to satisfy my bloodlust. I need to make an example now, to prevent anything of similar nature to occur in the future.” he explains, and Max’s lips tremble...

“But you-you’ve o-only just a-arrived...” her choked sob spilling out as he quickly looked up at her in shock. With a roll of her eyes, Max refused to avert her gaze as she continued on despite the tremor in her voice, “If we go to war, you have to go far a-away a-again. And I will have to be a-alone.”

“Fuck,” he curses softly, a hand immediately coming up behind the nape of her neck and pulled her down, smashing their lips in a searing kiss. She could feel his desire for her, his want to devour her, pull her closer than was physically possible.

And despite her best wishes to do so too, her neck was aching along with her body with the awkward way it was currently bending. Sensing her discomfort, Riftan pulls away and adjusts them accordingly, his hand pulling her Schumi down to her waist, and cups her butt as he lifts her.

She felt her head spin when he lifted her, gasping at the cold metal of his breastplate as she came into contact with it, in contrast with his warm palm. She moaned as his tongue swooped in, tasting every corner of her mouth, tangling around hers before he pulled away with a string of saliva connecting their mouth.

His eyes bore into her intently. “You... what are you doing with me?” he muttered in an anguished tone.

He licked his lips, removing the rest of her clothes and threw it amongst the others on the floor. Max was now curled up comfortable, bare as a newborn babe for him to see. His warm hands immediately came up to her chest, cupping her soft mounds, kneading it before diving in and wrapping her taut nubs into his warm mouth.

Her hands immediately buried their fingers, carding itself around his hair, lightly pulling at it as she elicited a breathy moan.

The feel of her armor against her naked skin was strange. She felt weak, helpless, and vulnerable. Her eyes caught sight of his neck, its sweat glinting as the armor reflected its light, giving his glossy black hair a mesmerizing shine.

Riftan felt his vision blur in front of him as his hunger for her grew intense, his ministrations beginning to get rougher by the second. He felt like he was losing control of his faculties, pulling her flush against him so hard, she feared he would crush her to bits.

She gasped at the increasing sensation of her tips rubbing against the cold iron roughly as an electric sensation ran up her body and she twitched in pleasure...

“You were always in my mind, f*ck...” he breathed out in that husky tone, planting fierce kisses in every inch of her mounds, “Every day ever since we’ve parted these past few weeks. It’s been so hard.”

A gasp escaped from her lips as he kneaded her chest, “It was almost like it’s been years since I’ve last seen you,” he tells her as his mouth swallows her other peak.


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