Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Translator – LF

Proofreader – Nymeria

“Although, I can’t really compliment you for being reckless enough to let yourself run out of mana.”

“W-well, that was my first time healing such big wounds... I-I didn’t know how much mana would be consumed. When mana is depleted... I didn’t even know what was going to happen.”

“You learned from someone who is the incarnation of irresponsible, and it’s unreasonable.” Suddenly, Princess Agnes’ tone became bitter. “I can’t believe that man didn’t bother to teach you the criticalities when using magic. I recommend that you switch to a reliable teacher as soon as possible.”

“Ruth... is a good teacher. Even though he’s busy, he tries all his best... to teach me.”

“But it wasn’t enough.”

Max was trying to defend Ruth but soon bit her lip shut due to the princess’ coldness. It appeared that Agnes’ hostility against Ruth was worse than she thought. Max closed her mouth because she didn’t want to have a pointless argument with Agnes, but assuming the silence was an affirmation, the princess spoke in a subtle tone.

“How about coming to the capital with Riftan? I will arrange for you to learn magic from a prominent wizard in the palace. If you’re sincerely eager to learn and practice magic, it is crucial that you learn from a credible teacher.”

“I-I’m satisfied learning from Ruth. Also, Riftan l-leaving Anatol... I don’t s-see it happening.”

“If the Lady says she wants to live in the capital, I’m sure he would change his mind. Please give it a thought. In Drakium, you will be able to live more luxuriously. Grand banquets are held daily in the palace and there are a lot of sights to see in the city. You will be able to freely socialize with other ladies.”

Max looked up at her charming face with gloominess. The capital had to be overflowing with ladies who were as beautiful and vivacious as the princess. Her husband might soon find her a bore if they lived amongst gorgeous people, standing out like peacocks. But even without such worries, Max wasn’t even remotely interested to the life in the capital, so she spoke with utmost resolution.

“Although I’m thankful for your o-offer... I am c-content with my life here.”

As if trying to persuade Max, the princess smacked her lips and sighed deeply.

“I see, both stubborn as oxen.”

“Princess Agnes... do you want to b-bring Riftan along with you t-to the capital?”

“My father wants to keep Riftan close by. He intends to increase the unity within Whedon by showing to the nobles that he is loyal to the royal family. If the nobles see that a powerful knight follows the king, the loyalty of the lords to the royal family will strengthen.” The princess suddenly casted a bitter smile. “That’s the reason why they tried to force me and Riftan to marry. The king fears that Riftan will betray Whedon and escape to Libadon or Osyria, since rulers all over the land want to covet the strongest knight.”

“Riftan... cherishes Anatol. This land... he has n-no intentions of a-abandoning it.”

Max urgently spoke, surprised that the royal family had such deep suspicions about Riftan’s loyalty. The princess shrugged lightly, and gently agreed.

“I think so too. I saw how Riftan gambled his life and death bringing Anatol back to life. If he had any intention to move to a different kingdom, he wouldn’t make such efforts. If anyone told the king about this, he will be surely relieved.”

Max carefully looked at Agnes’ face, then spoke.

“Your majesty... are you here t-to spy on Riftan?”

Instead of answering, the princess smiled vaguely, but that alone was enough to answer Max’s question.

“I didn’t mean to disturb you for so long... it looks like I confused you. I should get going now.” She got up from her chair and smiled softly. “You have to take enough rest for a day or two for you to recover your depleted mana. I wish you get well soon.”

“T-Thank you.”

For the first time, Agnes’ cold blue eyes sparkled with compassion. The princess momentarily gazed gently at her and then turned around to leave the room. Max lied down on the bed, exhausted.


It seemed that Max had forgotten how to sleep. She barely opened her eyes and looked around, the sun was going down and a dim shade hovered over the room. Max rubbed her stiff eyes and sat up. Although she slept for a long time, her head was hazy and she felt lethargic.

“How are you feeling?”

Suddenly, a voice spoke from a distance; Max turned her head, startled. Riftan was seating in front of the fireplace with his long legs stretched out.

“W-when did you come b-back? I heard you went t-to patrol...”

“I came back right away once I received the reports on the accident from the knights. I thought that you need someone to watch over you.” He muttered darkly in the dark and gently touched the cat’s back sitting on his lap. “I couldn’t function properly because I was anxiously thinking whether you were sleeping soundly on the bed or not.”

“I was j-just in the bedroom...”

“I know. I kept watching.”

Max rolled her eyes at Riftan’s blunt response. For how long had he looked at her? Riftan definitely needed a break just as much as her. She looked at his face worried as he walked in front of the fireplace and placed the cats clinging onto him into the basket.

“You must be starving because you couldn’t eat properly and slept for a long time. I’ve warmed up the soup, can you eat?”

“I think I can eat a l-little”

Riftan grabbed the ladle and stirred the soup inside the pot, took a scoop and poured it into a wooden bowl.

“It’s hot, be careful.”

Max took the bowl and mixed the clear soup with a spoon. It was a thin soup made with finely chopped herbs, barley and eggs. She blew the misty steam coming from it, scooped it with a wooden spoon and placed it in her mouth. As the hot, adequately salted soup dripped down her throat, her stomach rumbled, as if eager for that moment. Only then she felt how extremely starved she was and pushed the food into her mouth. Riftan, who was sitting on the bed looking at her, sighed with relief.

“Seeing that your appetite has returned, you really must be feeling well now.”

“I k-keep saying I’m okay.”

“Whether you feel well or not, you say that you are.”

He replied coldly, walking back to the fireplace and hanging a small kettle over the fire. Max held her spoon and glanced at him cautiously. Was he relieved? He looked calmer than when he left the room, but he still looked nervous. Riftan, who was staring at the flame with thoughtful eyes, suddenly opened his mouth.

“I heard that Agnes stopped by to see you earlier... Did she say anything weird?

“She didn’t s-say much. Just this and that...”

Max said that their conversation was nothing important, wondering if she could tell him that Agnes had suggested going to the capital and that she refused. He looked at her with a puzzled face.


“Yesterday t-the princess said that b-because there was a whole in the barrier t-the camp was attacked a-as the monster escaped... S-she seems to feel at fault. She said t-that I was in danger b-because of her... and she a-apologized to me.

“... Right.”

After that, an unfamiliar silence clouded them. Max became restless and looked at Riftan’s eyes. She couldn’t figure out what to do with her husband who was obviously mad at her.

Usually, when her father was in a bad mood, she used to hold her breath and keep out of his sight as much as possible. She was aware that if she had said anything, it would only fuel his anger.

However, her husband silence made her feel worse as it went on. Riftan, staring at the fireplace with a hardened face, spat out in a subdued tone.

“Maxi, such thing should not happen ever again.”

At his low-pitched voice, her shoulder shrunk. She didn’t need to ask him for clarification to understand what he meant with “such thing”. As Riftan poked the firewood with a rod, he slowly turned his head and looked at her intensely.

“I know you’re just trying to fulfill your responsibilities as my wife, but this place is different from the Croix duchy. There are countless monsters loitering Anatol’s territory and I don’t know where or what dangers lurk. Did you hear about the people who died on the chaos that happened?”

She stiffly nodded. For a moment, there was a strange hesitation that lingered in Riftan’s eyes, but he spoke sharply, as if shaking it off.

“It could have been you.”

Max’s stomach turned cold, and the hair at the back of her neck stood. If Yulysion didn’t immediately push her out of the way when the monster flew, she could have been fatally injured. When she couldn’t deny the fact of Riftan’s words, he spoke a in a tone that was slightly harsher.

“You have no idea what you’re doing. You used your healing magic to your body’s limit. If only I knew that it would get to that point, I would have contradicted you when you said you were learning magic.”

“That’s b-because I’m s-still inexperienced. From now on... I’ll be caref-“

“There won’t be next time.” Riftan declared icily.

Max looked up at him with confusion. “A-anything I wanted... You said I could d-do anything I wanted.”

“That’s as long as what you’re doing doesn’t put you in danger!”

As if Riftan had lost all his patience, he stepped over to the bedside and fiercely cried out.

“You are my wife. It’s my duty to keep you safe and protect you. I can’t stand it when you’re in danger. I can’t bear it when you struggle or suffer. The same thing can’t happen again.”

“Then w-what should I do? You fight d-dangerous battles... W-what do I do when you’re amid all k-kinds of hardship...”

“You don’t have to do anything.”

Riftan shook her body and clasped her face with his hands.

“I keep telling you that I don’t want anything. Taking care of Calypse castle or overseeing the wellness of this house, that alone is more than enough to me.”

Max wanted so bad to violently oppose, but she couldn’t find the words to say, she only trembled pathetically. She did those things because she wanted to help Riftan, she wanted to be someone useful, so she put all her strength into improving herself. However, he didn’t need any help from her, and it was difficult for her to accept that fact. As she kept her mouth shut, Riftan turned her face to him and muttered, begging.

“Please... Don’t make me worry.”

Max was crying, devastated. How could she reply? To the man who lost his sanity worrying for her, she couldn’t stand being stubborn and nodded weakly. Riftan pulled her and tightly embraced her. She leaned on his shoulder and her voice came out from her throat that felt rigidly locked.

“I’m s-sorry for w-worrying you.”

A moist, hot sigh flowed down her neck. She slowly closed her eyes as she felt Riftan’s large hand cradle her head. She didn’t know why, but the warm, strong arms that once provided her exceeding comfort, now felt suffocating.

Note – LF: It’s because Riftan has made her world so small in the effort of protecting her T.T I know Riftan loved Maxi to death, only if Maxi knew. But still, she has been living in a small world ever since, she needs to have her own will.

Nymeria: Ugh my heart is crying, I understand why he feels so anxious about her being in danger, but as LF said she now needs more freedom!


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