Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1882

?Chapter 18Thank you readers!


Rao shiding Fang made great efforts to do a lot of research on the West Tianmen City. He felt confused in the face of this sudden problem.

Why does this person ask such questions as soon as he comes up?

Is this a strange local custom?

But the problem is, this custom is too fucking open!

Even if we are all monks and pure men, it will make people feel embarrassed if we blurt out this question!

Ding Fang stared at the monk in front of him. The other side was tall and burly. The breath on his body showed the cultivation accomplishments of the other side’s immortal realm, which he could not resist now.

His talent is not good enough. Up to now, he is only cultivating his accomplishments in the middle of the fairy king.

It is precisely because of this that I will try my best to come to xitianmen city.

Even if you can’t compete for the position of principal disciple, you can also seek some benefits and strive for further progress.

To this end, he specially formulated a package of strengthening plan, with vigorous ambition and wants to become a top strong person.

The first step of the package strengthening plan was a setback in the eyes of the people.

Ding Fang was confused and murmured, “when I was in my hometown, I heard that the monks outside had all kinds of strange hobbies. Is it your excellency that this is the legendary... Fool?”

The breath on the burly friar suddenly sank, as if this sentence had stabbed him in the pain.

Ding Fang was stunned and suddenly slapped himself in the face.

The other side is a monk in xianzun territory. Even if he has any quirks, wouldn’t he beat others in the face if he said it in public?

“Please atone for your sins, sir. I’m from a remote place. I don’t know the customs here. Please forgive me.” Ding Fang quickly bowed his hands and apologized, and then asked carefully, “is it... People don’t wear underwear here?”

The burly Friar’s face was already a little slow. When he heard the questions behind him, his face turned black into charcoal, and his breath began to become disordered, as if in an unstable mood.

Ding Fang was stunned. Is it difficult for him to have another problem?

How do you feel that this elder seems to be in a worse mood?

Could it be that the friars in the West Tianmen City are extremely unstable?

Tut, the outside world is really too difficult

Fortunately, however, it seems that the elder doesn’t seem to have to quarrel with himself immediately.

The burly friar took two deep breaths and said in a deep voice, “answer my question.”

Ding Fang didn’t dare to talk any more, so he had to say, “er... Actually, the younger generation didn’t wear it.”

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the shadow of the fist magnifying rapidly in his field of vision. Then he lost consciousness when he was dark, leaving only the whisper of the burly monk in his ear.

“Let you not wear underwear!”

When he woke up again, it was an hour later.

Ding Fang is a fool. Do friars in xitianmen city have such a quirk?

Just because you don’t wear underwear, you have to be beaten?

What the hell is this!

After this lesson, Ding Fang felt that he had a deeper understanding of xitianmen and ran back to change into his underwear.

Immediately, he set out again and prepared to go to the eternal night hall to sign up

As soon as I went out, I turned around and saw the strong monk standing in front of me and asked faintly, “are you wearing underwear?”

Ding Fang sneered and thought that he would not be fooled for the second time!

He straightened his chest and said confidently, “wear it!”

“What color are you wearing?”


Just after answering, Ding Fang only felt that he was black in front of his eyes. In his ear, he only heard the friar muttering, “let you wear black...”

Half an hour later, he woke up again and felt that he was going crazy.

The friar of West Tianmen City is crazy, isn’t he?

What’s wrong with wearing black underwear?

People don’t like black yet, do they?!

After thinking in place for a while, Ding Fang flashed a cruel color at the bottom of his eyes, ran to a ready-made clothing store and directly bought a set of underwear of all colors.

After expelling a lot of money, he embarked on the road to the eternal night hall again with colorful underwear.

The burly friar appeared in front of him again: “are you wearing underwear?”


“What color?”

Ding Fang didn’t answer. He directly took out a cloth bag from the storage ring and threw it on the ground. He said loudly, “there are all colors here. I can change whatever color you like, senior!”

The burly friar was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked, “are you wearing underwear?”

Ding Fang’s heart suddenly raised an ominous premonition: “wear it, wear it...”


The huge fist directly hit his forehead and stunned him in an instant. Before he fainted completely, he heard the burly friar muttering again: “let you wear underwear...” Ding Fang was completely crazy. You can’t wear it or not. What do you want me to do! The friars in xitianmen city are too abnormal! Mom, I want to go home! When he woke up again, without saying a word, he took his luggage and went straight away from xitianmen city. In this life, I will never come to xitianmen city again! This is Ding Fang’s last thought before leaving. The same situation happened in every corner of xitianmen city. Countless young friars who came with dreams, after experiencing the painful beating of society, deeply realized what it was better to be at home. So they embarked on the journey home with a broken dream heart. Inside the fierce sun gate, the fierce sky and the sky report today’s results to Xu Xu. “According to the data reported by all parties, a total of about 10000 monks were intercepted today, and the results were gratifying!” lie Tianqiong said excitedly. Reasonably speaking, there should not be so many people in the Lieyang gate, but Xu que asked the lietian dome to offer a reward to the city in the name of the cangyang gate. As long as you intercept a monk, you can get the reward of cangyang gate. Most of the monks participating in the selection are not very high. There are many monks in xitianmen who have no intention to participate in the selection. Naturally, they are happy to complete this task. Ergouzi was wailing: “my God’s baby! I’m sorry for you! It’s all my God’s fault that I didn’t protect you well!” Xu Ke slapped him on the head: “don’t howl, get ready to work.” ergouzi looked gloomy: “no! My God wants to mourn for those lost babies!” “We’re going to run the traditional business, but you won’t?” Xu que said with a smile. When Er Gouzi heard the speech, he directly aroused his spirits, turned over from the ground and said excitedly: “go, go, or we’ll be gone after we go!” aside, cangjingkong and lie Tianqiong looked at each other and didn’t understand what the old business was. Duan Jiude explained leisurely: “br>


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