Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 16: A group in a dungeon, what could go wrong

Chapter 16: A group in a dungeon, what could go wrong

Max could see how the one called Brutus was looking at him. He could feel Brutuss eyes scanning all of his armor and the bite marks the previous kobolds had left. Part of him wanted to hide behind his shield, hoping none of them noticed the teeth marks he had in the crotch area. He then made a mental note he owed Gerald a tip for making that area well-padded.

You sure you really want to group with us? Brutus huffed. Im not the best reader of people, but something tells me you dont need our help.

Doing his best to appear less threatening, Max leaned on his spear and smiled.

Im not saying it was easy fighting six at the same time, and I would prefer not to have to go against that by myself if I can help it. Truth be told, if those other two hadnt run off, I might not have made it out of the woods on my own.

Max heard a snicker come from the healer, who covered his mouth with his hand to hide his smile.

I would really like to find a group and try the dungeon. It seems, however, most are unwilling just to add a random person.

The way Brutus was bobbing his head told Max he was hitting the real problem.

Listen, Im Seth. I came into town and learned the hard way on the journey that sometimes I can be a bit foolish. I almost died against some goblins because I wasnt paying attention. Just now, I was a bit brash, wanting to finish a quest like I am sure all of you are and rushed in versus waiting and seeing if you needed help.

Pausing as he took another breath, he motioned to his spear he was leaning against with his head.

Im good at offense and defense but also smart enough to know a party against these numbers would be a lot more advantageous. Im even willing to go last on the trophy rotation if that makes you all feel better.

Before Brutus could reply, the female archer strode forward and gave him a gentle push to the side.

What level are you? she asked, earning a gasp from the healer. I know I shouldnt ask, but if you tell me yours, Ill tell you mine.

The grin Max knew he wore probably was a bit too much, but he couldnt help it.

Im only level three at the moment.

Their faces noticeably relaxed at that number.

Im Racha, and I am level three as well. As for these two, you met Brutus, and our healer is Miles.

The healer waved, flashing a grin that somehow was missing a tooth on the top row in the middle.

How the hell does a healer not have all his teeth?

A grunt came from Brutus, who finally let out a sigh after an elbow from Racha caught him in his leather armor.

You want to handle the harvesting of the trophies or me?

Miles will do it. He likes getting his hands dirty, Racha replied with a wink.

He didnt miss the eye roll from Miles as the man moved forward, pulling a dagger from inside his robe and bending down to the first corpse.

You sure youre okay splitting these four ways?

Absolutely. Ill be honest, Id prefer having a group to talk to as my spear wont reply anymore.

They all chuckled, the ice finally beginning to break as Miles got to work, cutting the ears off and putting them in a pouch.

Ill divvy them up later if thats ok.

Carry those smelly things as long as you want. The gods know I dont like the way they smell.

Racha scrunched her nose as she agreed, flinging her braid over her shoulder and putting the arrow she had back into her quiver.

So, the dungeon. You three up for it?

Brutus ran his tongue over his teeth, sucking in a little air as he made a weird sound.

It sounds like a solid plan. If you are willing to be the main defender since you run a shield, I can attack and clear any that get close while Racha takes them out from a distance.

Nodding, Max smiled and pointed across the fields.

Its that way if I read the map right.

It had taken them a little over an hour to make their way across the field and through the forest area to where a glowing orange portal pulsed on a flat, smooth stone area.

Letting out a whistle, Max shook his head in disbelief.

Were doing this? Racha asked almost in a whisper.


Wait, Max chimed in as he looked at the three other people standing with him. They were all acting a bit hesitant now as they stood at the base of the portal in a small clearing in the middle of the woods.

I thought you three were okay with this when we set out.

They all chuckled a little and shrugged.

Truth is, we werent sure how strong you really were, and based on how our last three fights went, we all now know we can actually fight inside. The experience has been amazing also! It hasnt changed for us at all since you joined the party!

I know! Max exclaimed, lying through his teeth. How much was it split three ways before?

Twenty-five for each of the thirteen we have killed so far. I know the ones inside are worth more but also harder.

I guess since I dont get any experience, they get all of mine. Im like the perfect party mate.

Smiling, he nodded and motioned to the portal.

Ill go in first.

Brutus grinned and motioned with his hand.

Guys with shields first.

It felt warm as the world shifted around him. His vision went dark for a moment before it regained its normal view. Suddenly, he was inside a large cave tunnel, twenty feet or more wide and a good fifteen feet tall, that had glowing fungus along the wall as it ran ahead and around a corner.

Turning around, he saw a blue portal behind him, resting on a similar platform to the one they had come in.

Moving to the side, Max checked the small party window that had appeared once they sent him an invitation to join. It was weird as they were all greyed out right now, probably because they werent inside.

He found he could close the window, but it served as an aid, their name and health, stamina, and mana bar all neatly in a column.

Racha suddenly appeared behind him, and then Miles and Brutus brought up the rear.

If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.

Each of them let out a woah as they saw the dungeon.

First time also?

They nodded and grinned.

We had hoped to get here soon, but wow, this is pretty cool, Miles admitted as he glanced around the cavern. I guess up ahead is the way we need to go.

Dont forget the exit behind us in case we need it, Max pointed out before taking a few steps ahead. Want to try and go in quietly and see what we find?

He saw the grin on Rachas face. She was excited and bounced lightly on her feet as she held an arrow ready on her string. Brutus rolled his shoulders a few times before nodding.

For the love of a goblin's arse, lets go, Miles said as he flashed his, would have been perfect if he wasnt missing a tooth, grin.

Bending over slightly and moving on the balls of his feet, Max led them down the tunnel, keeping to one side as he listened. Their footsteps echoed slightly off the walls, mainly coming from Brutus and Miles, who seemed to not be light on their feet at all.

It must be our dexterity that is making Racha and me quieter.

As he got closer to the bend in the cave, he heard some barks and yips and held up his hand for them to slow down. Turning around, he saw the others come to a stop. Smiling, Max was grateful that Brutus and Racha had taught him a few commands as they first started hunting together in the woods.

Sneaking to the edge, he looked around the corner and saw nine kobolds. Three held small spears, two had clubs in their hand, the other three were all holding small swords, and there was a bigger one with a bone hat of some sort on his head and wearing a robe. It was a good foot taller than the others, which meant it was as tall as a dwarf on a good day, but also carried a stick with a skull on it. They were milling about around a small fire, each of them making noise as they either sat on the ground or messed with one of the others.

This seems so weird. Why would a dungeon make them act like this?

Slowly backing away, Max made his way back to the group.

Nine kobolds. It looks like a leader of some kind. Im guessing a caster could be a healer or shaman or mage possibly.

They all winced and tried to keep their displeasure quiet.

What should we do? Racha asked, looking a little bit less excited now.

Max stood there a moment, considering what he knew about the Kobolds so far. Every group they had fought charged when only he showed himself. If they had numbers, they pressed the attack but would run if too many died. The caster was the one unknown.

Time to be either a hero or an idiot

You three stay here. Miles, can you bless us now and then be ready with healing?

Miles nodded and began to chant quietly, his hands glowing as his staff turned blue for a moment. After about eight seconds, each of them shimmered blue, and Max felt the strength and power fill him.

[Status Check]


Max Hoste

18-Year-old Human Male

Level 1

Exp 0/1000

HP: 60/60

MP: 20/20

Stamina: 30/30

STR: 5+1

DEX: 5+1

CON: 5+1

INT: 4

WIS: 4



Consume - Rare

Spear Handling - Common

Shield - Common


Aura of Power - Common 19:53 Left


He grinned as he saw the stat increase again. Extra hit points and stamina were nice, but the damage and speed increase were amazing.

Good. Now, Ill run over there, draw their attention around the corner. When they come, we will fight them here, trying to use the edge as a protective wall.

Thank god for those stupid war games, Caleb I owe you for taking me to watch all of them.

Racha, you will fire on the ones who come around the edge. Ill take the lead, and if any get past me, Brutus, you are on clean up.

Everyone nodded, and Max stood back up, knowing time was an issue before the buff ran out.

Taking a deep breath, he walked around the edge, and when one of the kobolds noticed him and barked, Max made a face and let out the best bark he could.

They all howled and yipped back at him, rising to their feet and giving chase. They had about fifteen yards before they would reach the bend, so he darted back, positioning himself right around the edge and getting his spear ready.

Less than five seconds after he was set, one came around the corner, one of the club ones, surprised to find the spear coming right at its chest, leaving a gaping hole where its lung was when Max tore the spear back out.

Another came around, almost tripping over its fallen brother, and Max slammed his shield into it, hearing its arm snap and the sword it was holding clatter to the ground.

More yips and howls rose up as they came, angered at their fallen pack members.

Max retreated three steps, watching as the next ones came around, their spears at the ready, only for the farthest one to the left to take an arrow in its shoulder.

As the two who remained with spears came at Max, he blocked their strike with his shield, amazed at how poorly they attacked, simply thrusting, before he shifted his hips, leading with foot and driving the spear home again, sending another to the ground.

Back up! Brutus barked.

Nodding, Max slid back, allowing himself more room from the corner as he kept the wall of the cave to his right, providing them a limited area to get to him.

With two dead and another two injured, the fight was already shifting in their favor before the next two turned the corner.

Fire! Max called out, watching this arrow take one of the kobolds with a club in the chest, almost a heart shot but close enough to cause it to fall to its knees, grasping the arrow with both hands.

The one still standing with a spear moved a step closer, trying to get to Max, yet his spear was a good three feet shorter, and it couldnt overcome the shield.

Another quick thrust sent this one to the ground to join the pile of bodies at its feet.

A howl rose up, and the other two suddenly turned and began to run back the way they had come.

Charge! Brutus shouted, moving next to where Max was and sending his sword into the skull of the one that had been shot first, ending its life and running next to Max as they hurdled the bodies on the ground.

As Max turned the corner, he saw the larger Kobold casting something.

A moment later, a fireball erupted from its outstretched staff toward them.

Even with the speed Max had, he knew Brutus couldnt dodge it, so he shoulder-checked him as he held the shield up, sending Brutus tumbling to the ground as the fireball splashed over his shield.

His body ached from the pain, and he felt his eyebrows burning. Not stopping, he knew what he had to do as his body screamed in agony. He wasnt dead, but it sure hurt like hell.

The party bar showed a third of his health had been taken off, even with the shield absorbing a chunk of the spell.

One of the two Kobolds who had run back had stopped to see what would happen, holding its sword, unprepared for the spear that came and pierced its heart, sending it to the next life in a moment.

The cold wave that hit him felt better than ever before, ending the burning flesh and pain he had been experiencing.

[ 15 Hit Points Consumed ]

[ 5 Stamina Consumed ]

A quick glance at the party bar showed he was still hurting, so he pumped his legs, enjoying the power rushing through him as he saw the wide eyes of the kobold who had just hit him with a spell.

It began to yip and bark again, waving its hands and staff, and the tip began to glow once more.

For a second, Max prepared for another spell to strike him when an arrow flew past him, catching the caster in the shoulder and breaking its concentration and spell.


He didnt need to hear Racha yell twice as he ran down the kobold who was opening his mouth to bark, only to receive a spear that entered through its snout opening and out the back of its neck.

This time, the chill that came over him told him what was about to happen next.

[ 1 Inteligence Consumed ]

[ 20 Hit Points Consumed ]

[ 5 Stamina Consumed ]

Glancing as he drove the kobold caster to the ground, he saw Brutus back on his feet, stabbing the last kobold who had been whimpering in fear.

Without hesitating, Max pulled out one of his healing potions and pretended to drink from it.

What are you doing? shouted Racha as Miles ran towards him.

Acting like he was putting the lid back on, Max wiped his face off a little and slid the bottle back into his pouch.

What? I was burning, and I needed it to stop.

I could have healed you! exclaimed Miles as he began to chant, and a green glow came over his hands and staff before Max felt the power flow into him, fully healing him.

Why would you waste a potion like that? Racha asked again. Those arent cheap.

Nodding his head, Max tapped it in his pouch as he cinched it tight.

I know. I only took a little bit. It was a gift, and I dont have to drink it all to heal. Just a few sips.

It was at that moment Max realized he had messed up with that lie.


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