Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 12: Leveling up

Chapter 12: Leveling up

The goblin was easily a foot taller than the other two, basically as tall as Max was and a lot more muscular.

Max winced from the pain as he shifted, knowing he was bleeding and he needed to find a way to kill one of these three soon.

With their broken sticks the two waved and pointed at him, cackling and baring their teeth. As they danced in the shadows of the limbs above them, Max heard a bark of some kind from the larger one and both of them moved off to the sides a little bit, holding their broken spears toward him.

A fricking hobgoblin. You have to be crapping me

They were rare spawns and much faster and stronger than the normal goblins.

The hobgoblin licked its lips, trailing its tongue along its jagged teeth. The creature pulled an actual shield off its back and a sword that looked much nicer than the other Max had seen.

Fear began to overtake him as he realized the goblins were starting to try and surround him.

Scanning the woods, Max began backing up to the tree behind him, wincing from the pain in his side and back reminding him that he didnt have time to wait.

The goblin barked an order again and both of the two smaller ones moved quickly to each of his sides, boxing him in from three directions now.

Max saw that their spears were basically only four feet with a splintered end that would still hurt if they managed to stick him somewhere with no armor. Their real strength was distracting him from the leader.

His mind was running wild. From wanting to run, and knowing that wouldnt work, to wishing he had taken that elvish woman up on the party offer.

Ignoring the thoughts that wouldnt help, Max focused on how to handle the three creatures coming at him.

Come at you me you pieces of trash! Max shouted, frustrated at how they seemed to be waiting and watching him.

Holding his spear at the ready, he shifted his feet, putting his injured side closer to the front. There would be no pushing off that leg with it injured.

They danced and darted around, waiting to see what he would do with the length of his spear.

A grunt and a bark came from the hobgoblin as it seemed to charge, raising its shield and coming at him with its sword.

Max lowered his spear, preparing to push it back when he noticed the other two goblins coming at him also.

A light orb in his head went off as his brain recalled something he had seen four years ago during a practice session. Somehow he remembered a fight and how the one with a spear fought two attackers at the same time.

As all three of them closed the distance, Max pivoted to the one on his left for a moment, giving a fake jab which caused it to stop its approach before spinning quickly on his good heel and lunging at the hobgoblin who had picked up its pace when he moved.

It raised its shield, catching the spear head as it dug a chunk out of the wood and stopped it in its tracks. Another quick jab with his back hand reached out, almost catching the sword arm as the hobgoblin yanked it back, retreating a few steps, snarling at the move.

The moment both of those had committed to their retreat, Max turned once more, this time driving off his back foot, ignoring the pain that flared up in his hip and extended his spear as far as he could, catching the goblin on his right in the gut.

As it stuck, he shifted his feet, gasping in pain from the maneuver as he spun the shaft just a hair and yanked the spear up, slicing the goblin from the navel to its throat.

Twinkling lights appeared in his vision as he turned, barely in time to slide his spear back through his left hand and send out another attack at the hobgoblin who had not wasted time trying to attack him again.

Its shield got back into position and this time both of them felt the jerk of the impact as spear tip and wood connected, sending Max back a step, wincing with each movement.

A shriek erupted and the other goblin attempted to attack but stopped when the hobgoblin barked an order out at it.

They both pulled back, waiting and watching now realizing that Max was not worth attacking. He was injured and they could wait.

Seconds seemed to tick by and Max kept his head on a swivel, watching the two of them as he glanced at the goblin bleeding out on the ground.

After about twenty seconds, the most pleasant feeling he had felt in days came over him, causing him to shudder and he saw the hobgoblin look at him in confusion.

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

[ 17 Hit Points Consumed ]

[ 4 Stamina Consumed ]

Taking a full breath, Max slowly begun to move his hip and realized that most of the damage was gone. He doubted he was still bleeding but there was still a slight twinge of pain as he moved. No longer did it flare up and feel like someone was driving a wooden stake into his back. Now it was more like he had hurt himself after working too hard in the field.

Doing his best to not let the hobgoblin know what had happened, Max feigned that he was struggling to stay standing and slowly backed toward another tree, limping the entire time.

He saw the smile reappear on the hobgoblins face and heard another order come from it.

When Max backed up into a tree and acted confused by glancing around as if looking for an escape, the smaller goblin moved back to his left side while the hobgoblin slid to his right.

Wait just wait let them come.

His brain told him he had the advantage. The spear range would give him what he needed if he would just trust it. The shield and sword were not a good combo against him if he bided his time. Somehow he remembered that from lessons.

Slowly the two of them approached, taking steps at the same time as the hobgoblin continued to order the other around.

When they were within striking distance of his spear, Max knew they would be more cautious.

Act like Stacy had remember how she had fooled Caleb.

Refusing to grin, Max remembered how Stacy had tricked his best friend and beat him in a duel.

Biting his lip so hard he began to cry, Max held the spear in one hand while he held the other out, appearing to beg for mercy as he set his feet. He needed a solid stance for what he was hoping to pull off.

Come on you fool, he said, pretending to be begging for mercy. Im going to rip your head off.

The hobgoblin appeared to buy the act he was trying to sell by how it adjusted its shield and sword as it moved closer.

Maybe I should have been an [Actor]...

One more step was all Max waited on. Both were now just a yard away and while the goblin with just a broken stick wasnt a major threat, a good smack across the back of his skull would cause some problems.

Grabbing his spear with both hands, Max let out a bestial shout, startling both of his attackers as he lunged for the smaller one, covering the single step and deftly knocking away its stick as he drove the spear into its chest.

The goblin cried out in shock and pain but Max didnt hesitate to spin toward the hobgoblin, turning just in time to see it charge, its sword held up and its shield coming toward him.

Maneuvering to the right, he lifted his spear and aimed for the middle of the hobgoblin, feeling the tip dig deep into the shield and the wood start to flex from the force of the two of them colliding.

Max hopped slightly backward as the hobgoblin kept pushing forward, its face snarling as the spear kept Max out of range of his sword.

As Max landed from his slight jump, he pushed with his spear again, driving the shield up before yanking back on his spear with his right hand and quickly thrusting it again.

The hobgoblin hacked at Max's spear with its sword, putting a gouge in it, and knocking it down from where its chest was. That act, however sent the spear into its leg.

It howled and hissed as it immediately fought to back up.

Sliding the shaft through his left hand, Max didnt wait, rapidly thrusting with his right hand and his hips, sending quick, darting attacks over and over at the beast, watching it as it tried to use both sword and shield to stop the onslaught of attack it was suddenly under.

Every swing or movement of the shield and sword was immediately answered by a feint or different attack on another part of its body by Max.

Sweat ran down the brow of its green skin, and its shield and sword were becoming slower.

[ 11 Hit Points Consumed ]

[ 7 Stamina Consumed ]

As energy and life flowed through him, Max knew he was smiling like a devil now. His eyes were taking everything in around him.

The other goblin had just died, healing his aching hip to where it didnt hurt at all now. His back felt like he had slept all night in the best bed. A moment ago he knew he was getting tired from all the attacks but now he felt like he could keep it up.

His opponent saw the renewed vigor and life in Max and grunted, doing everything it could to hold on.

The war of attrition took over and after a dozen more attacks by Max, the hobgoblin could barely breathe, trying to take in air as snot and mucus flowed from its mouth and nose.

Another half dozen strikes broke the hobgoblin's defense as it lowered its shield, unable to lift it anymore.

The spear pierced its right side, bringing a howl of pain from the hobgoblin before another spear strike found its leg, dropping it to the ground.

Taking a step back, Max watched as it tried to stand, its legs wobbling. It let go of its shield and clutched its wound on its side, snarling between breaths as blood began to leak out the edges of its mouth.

It was a good fight, Max said, his voice cold and hard as he watched the hobgoblins eyes.

He gave a quick feint to the leg it was kneeling on, watching as it tried to swing its sword to block the low attack. The moment the sword came down, Max drove the tip of his spear into the middle of its chest where its heart was, twisting the spear once it was inside it.

Max watched it shake a few times before it stopped moving and then yanked his spear free.

The coldest wave of anything he had ever felt, even colder than the stream he had plunged under just a few days ago, hit him.

[ 1 Strength Consumed ]

[ 1 Constitution Consumed ]

[Consume has successfully learned a skill]

[Would you like to learn [Shield]?]

[ Yes / No]

Hell yah! Max shouted, fist-pumping the air, glad that no one was around to see how he acted.

Choosing yes, Max felt the familiar rush of knowledge flood his brain. He saw the shield on the ground that the hobgoblin had dropped and went over and picked it up.

A small area for holding it was on the backside. Even though it had a few dings and gouges from where his spear had taken out some wood, it was still in decent shape.

Holding the spear and shield together felt natural as if they were meant to be paired.

Standing there, Max realized he had gained more than just the skill.

Goblin crap! I basically just leveled up

[Status Check]


Max Hoste

18-Year-old Human Male

Level 1

Exp 0/1000

HP: 50/50

MP: 20/20

Stamina: 13/25

STR: 5

DEX: 5

CON: 5

INT: 4

WIS: 4


Baking - Common

Consume - Rare

Spear Handling - Common

Shield - Common



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