Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 58: Reikern Aurspec (2/2), Prophesy

Chapter 58: Reikern Aurspec (2/2), Prophesy

"Rei!" James shouted with bloodshot eyes, exploding with his power as his right hand instantly turned into a neon red-orange blade searing with intense power that appeared beside Reikern's neck, a mere inch away from it.


Sparks flew instead of Reikern's head as black-scaled coatings with dark silver patterns materialized on his skin, blocking the attack completely and nullifying its powers against


In the next moment, Reikern's fist enveloped in dark gold flames struck James as he shot toward Aleron's direction with a burning hole in his stomach.

Aleron's eyes flashed as he used his skill. James came to a sudden halt while getting enveloped in a mystical dreamy bubble filled with blue, green, and golden motes.

It was the same bubble in which Darzax, Enorin, and Riki were recovering.

Aleron put his behind for him to recover and looked at Reikern, who was also looking at him. "Who the hell are you?" Reikern's eyes were filled with killing intent aimed towards Aleron, "Fucking piece of trash, you messed up everything by pulling that stunt at Golden Nectar House."

Yueha's eyes shook.

However, before she could take action, Aleron's hand grabbed hers to stop her from making any move.

'Not yet, Yue. Fang is preparing another array for the city's safety since we resolved the situation at Golden Nectar. We need some time.'

'I'm sorry, Master. Thank you for stopping me,' Yueha clenched her fists. She almost lost her control due to the insult that garbage threw at Aleron.

'But Master immediately sensed my intention and even thought ahead to improvise in this escalating situation...as expected of Master,' Yueha felt happy, amazed, and proud.

"Reikern," Melkern spoke with his lips trembling and eyes bloodshot. "Why?"

Reikern turned to his father and sighed loftily, "Father, Goddess's prophesy can't be prevented. The war will start and all the top powers know what will entail that."

"Instead of waiting for it, I am just taking the initiative to be at the top," Reikern grinned widely. "You see...this continent, no, this world will enter a state of all-out war and a new order will be established."

"It doesn't matter if you are a demon, human, or beastfolk. Only those who win will rule and remain," Reikern's eyes intensely lit up as he spat ruthless words, "For us to be the ones winning, this city needs to be sacrificed and become a new center of power for us."

"What the hell are you saying?!" Lake shouted with a clenched fist. "W-What are you planning?!"

Bergetta Rose felt her heart racing with fear and worry as she swiftly contacted her subordinates and allies.

Meanwhile, Aleron frowned as he relayed to Mei, 'Mei, you said there was a demonic formation underground designed with blood and high-rank resources...'

'Yes, Master. But I couldn't figure out its purpose except that it felt nefarious. I've fiddled with it secretly such that it shouldn't activate unless fixed.'

Mei's eyes were on Reikern, 'If he or that Demon activates it, they will know it's faulty and fix it in no time.'

'Fang, hurry up,' Aleron thought while he was occupied by improving his combat prowess in his desperate attempt to turn the situation around in case they encountered a powerful foe.

He didn't want to repeat the situation in a similar fashion like that with Akuma. He was reckless, unprepared, and took it lightly at that time, but not this time.

He had unlimited Magilore and plenty of Arcane Knowledge, so he wanted to exert his full limits in utilizing his current powers without holding back.

"What i am planning? Duh, the plan is simple, and I wish you not to interfere in it," Reikern said with an annoyed expression. "Aurspec clan can exist with me as its head, though the city's population will plummet and we may make some enemies, but that's fine."

"Demons will be with us. More specifically, the Argondrake Demon Clan," Reikern grinned and stretched his right bare arm towards them.

His skin shone with black scales shining with a dark silver hue at the joints while shining with dark gold patterns. "Did you know that our Aurspec Bloodline was mutated from the Argondrake Demon clan?"

"W-What?" Norn's eyes widened. "What do you mean?!"

Even, Meikern was shocked because he didn't know that.

Lake trembled hearing about that piece of news, unable to digest it.

"We are descendants of an offspring that was born from a demon and a human," Reikern laughed. "That's what I mean, sister!"

"You see my bloodline?! It directly evolved to a new stage, and became even more powerful than Argondrake Demons!"

"The demons worship power! Now that Aurspec Bloodline can become even more powerful than theirs, we are the new royalty of the Argondrak Demon clan!"

"No!" Reikern paused and grinned widely. "We are Aurdrake Clan from now on and I am the head, Reikern Aurdrake!"

Turning to Aleron, Reikern grimaced, "We wanted to prepare for a month more, but you ruined it. You need to die first, trash."

Looking at him and hearing his words, Meikern and others were overwhelmed and in despair because to them, they had no way of stopping a class 10 demon who had colluded with a considerable human force to bring down a city.

"Brother Reikern, I-I," Norn opened her mouth, her eyes fidgety, but had an unusual glint in


Aleron looked at her, surprised and confused. 'Her fear vanished?'

"Can I join you?" Norn asked as she walked a few steps forward, her eyes on Reikern or more specifically, his scales. "I-I also want to evolve my bloodline."

"Norn?!" Lake's eyes widened, even more bloodshot than before as he couldn't believe what he just heard. "What are you saying?!"

"Hahaha, I knew it," Reikern laughed and turned to Norn with a big grin. "That's why I am here, Norn. Lord Turthar also wants offspring, so you can become his woman. Your bloodline will evolve better, and your child will be even more powerful."

"That..." Norn's face fell. "Choose another woman for him. We have many in our clan."

"Fine, but your bloodline could evolve better if you get fucked by him, you know?" Reikern grinned and shrugged. "Anyway, this city will soon be engulfed in the Demonic Argon Altar


Reikern glanced at Melkern, Aleron, Yueha, and Mei one by one. "Only 10% of the population will survive. The rest will have to become...well, food of sorts? Haha."

Aleron glared at Reikern, "That will not happen."

"Nothing will change even if you kill me right now," Reikern sneered and glanced at Yueha and Mei, "Two Primeval-rank beauties. I am shocked actually, but not worried."

He turned to Aleron and laughed, "Even if these two bitches give their all, Lord Turthar Argondrake will kill both of them with ease."

Aleron stayed silent and reined his anger and impulse. He didn't want to provoke or do anything until Fang's formation was complete. If he attacked Reikern and killed him, the demon might come to fight and it would result in major casualties.

The demon might also activate the formation, find the flaw, and fix it. It could accelerate and escalate the situation if he made any move before preparation was complete.

Fortunately, he wasn't disappointed. Right after Reikern finished speaking, Aleron heard Fang's voice in his head.

'Master, the formation is complete. Now it only needs a touch of your grace.'

Aleron's eyes lit up and he swiftly located Fang from the 3D map in his head. Since he had

covered the entire city in the Monitor Dome, he could also make a move anywhere in the city

with perfect precision without moving.

'Let's start,' Aleron's eyes flashed and turned cold as he looked at Reikern.


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