Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 24: Dawnstone Mountain-Longinus Empire Capital

Chapter 24: Dawnstone Mountain-Longinus Empire Capital

To the Northwest of the Lightdusk Continent stood a wonderous mountain known as Dawnstone Mountain.

Dawnstone Mountain was 8000 meters tall and huge in size-the base of the mountain covered 19 kilometers of distance while its peak was 3 kilometers wide.

The upper half of the mountain was empty with only nature covering it, but there were a few secret structures of the Longinus Empire situated there that not everyone could visit.

From the middle to its base, the surroundings of the mountain had an abundance of structures—a city filled with 20 million people.

Above the city, in the middle of the mountain stood tall a 700-meter palace made of crystals, woods, and exotic stones that overlooked the city. The palace was half-carved out of the mountain and half-constructed outward-Royal Palace of Longinus Empire.

Dawnstone Moutain--the Royal Capital of the Longinus Empire.

Above the palace and to the back side of the mountain was a structure constructed inside the mountain, a huge hall with a big magic circle and metallic formation around it.

It shone faint silver for a brief moment before several people appeared-Aleron, Riki, Darzax and Princess Rias, Roxen, and the three knights.

A short-white-haired man with a scar on his neck stood outside the formation, standing beside an eccentric one-meter-tall crystal with magical patterns.

"Welcome back, Princess Rias," he said and bowed while his eyes scanned the new people before stopping on Aleron.

'So he is the one? Humph.'

"Sir Raphile," Rias said with a smile as she walked towards him. The others followed her.

"Please make arrangements regarding Lotusdawn courtyard. I want it to be prepared as soon as possible."

"Lotusdawn courtyard is occupied by Mr. Hansel," Raphile said in a respectful tone.

Rias's eyes smilingly narrowed, "Empty it, please. As soon as possible."

"Understood," Raphile left.

'It will give rise to some trouble, Rias,' Roxen wryly smiled.

'Humph. Just because he is the brother of my mother, he doesn't get the right to it,' Rias snorted.

"Follow me, please. We are at the back of the mountain right now," Rias said with a smile as she turned to Aleron, Darzax, and Riki.

The group exited through a wide gate and saw beautiful scenery from 4000 meters height on the mountain.

Aleron and others could see a vast forest filled with small mountains, hills, and small water bodies spanning forty kilometers before stopping at the vast ocean.

The group rode on a big open carriage pulled by two Epic-rank Emereld-Horn Horses and started moving towards the other side of the mountain by road.

"So that's the Starlit Ocean?" Aleron's eyes shone. "It's sparkling."

The ocean was sparkling indeed as if it had some special magical phenomena attached to it.

"Starlit Ocean," Rias nodded. "It is dangerous just as it is beautiful to look. Up until now, we haven't managed to fully cross it. Only Exceed-rank powerhouses can survive passing through the ocean, but they also don't have a guaranteed survival unless they have their Domain Awakened like Mr. Darzax."

"But didn't the army of Beastfolk Empire attack this continent five hundred years ago by crossing this ocean?" Aleron asked in confusion.

"Yes, they arrived on huge ships fully intact according to history, but we still can't create ships that can survive that ocean," Roxen said with a sigh. "The magic power and phenomena in that ocean prevents such things."

"I see."

The carriage was going fast, so it soon arrived at the other side of the mountain.

'Such a big and beautiful city,' Aleron was surprised as he looked at the aesthetic structures littered on the mountain till its base 4 kilometers below!

People were riding on flying carpets while wheeling on roads with various types of carriages and cars.


Lotusdawn courtyard was a beautiful courtyard with an aesthetic wooden palace, a pond, two different types of pavilion, a training ground, a garden, and beautiful trees and plants arranged in it.

It was at the top west of the Palace, built at the corner with privacy and peace of mountain nature surrounding it.

Princess Rias and Roxen arrived there with Aleron, Darzax, and Riki.

"This is your residence," Rias said with a smile. "I hope it is to your liking."

"It's amazing," Aleron said with a laugh. "Thank you."

'It is the best courtyard we have. Of course, it's amazing,' Roxen internally thought.

After talking for a bit, Rias left saying she would return after half an hour.

Taking this chance, Aleron also decided to talk with the Beastfolks he saved.

The Necropolis had plenty of space and houses, but its atmosphere was only suitable for the undead.

The beastfolks couldn't live there properly, but Aleron had a whole island now with plenty of


As such, he decided to start building another settlement for people.

After treating Beastfolks's untreated injuries and giving them healthy and energetic food, Aleron sent them to the new settlement area five kilometers west of the necropolis.

The settlement was roughly built with wood and stone, consisting of simple houses constructed by Vampires and Werewolves who had higher mastery in the Plant and Earth Arcane Syllabus.

Riki stood beside Aleron on the Central Hall's terrace in the Beastfolks settlement, watching the people settle in houses with their faces lit up in happiness and relief.

"Boss, you are really treating them well."

Aleron smiled, "I like it when people are happy and not suffering, so I am making the positive changes I can bring to their lives."


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