Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 164: A Short-Cut To New Planets

Chapter 164: A Short-Cut To New Planets

"Enorin and Yueha are competing, but let's give them an upset by breaking through first, babe," Nerathi said with a grin. "I've done nothing but meditate to awaken a concept and enjoy life past decades, so I will awaken a Concept soon."

"I am also close as I had the idea of the Concept I wanted to awaken before I died in my first life due to an unfortunate reason," Arran'tel wryly smiled. "Let's start."

Arran'tel and Nerathi began absorbing resources after collecting like Enorin.

Rias, Roxen, Fang, Riki, Ruan, Ying, Lee, Liang, and Jiang cleaned off resources from the 2nd and 3rd mountains after an hour before sending all of the resources to Yorin with a Zord's help that could travel long distances in a blink.

This was a powerful Zord with features resembling a Manta ray, but of course not a normal manta ray. Vortiga's skin, semi-metallic body structure, and neon-style silver and dark blue patterns on its black body that had four wide wings instead of two like a usual manta ray. Vortiga, the Doomweaver Void Manta.

[Vortiga, the Doomweaver Void Manta.]

Level: 1

Class: Support/Conjurer.

\_Zord Form: Voidweaver Manta Ray.

\__Zord Armament Form: Doomweaver Chain-sickle.

|___Source Power: Doomweaver Nexus.

_Doomweaver Energy: 100%/100%.


-Attack: ******

-Defense: -

-Support: ✩✩✩

-Control: ✩

\__Skills: Doomweaver Enchant, Void Weaved Vortex, Doomweaver Charm, Shadowbinder Obscure, Doomweaver Eclipse, Doomweaver Sea.

Having Space-related powers and expertise, Vortiga could easily teleport without consuming energy like Aleron as long as the teleport's location was within its radar's range.

Yorin received a big batch of Primeval-rank resources and he was overjoyed because his stock was nearly depleted.

"Master, I concocted it!" Odar excitedly said as he looked at three Epic-rank pills in the cauldron.

"Good quality. You can now move to practice concocting Legendary-rank ones."

At the moment, there were more people working in Yorin's alchemy house.

Two beastfolks and a few talented Alchemists from the necropolis were picked up by Yorin as personally went to look for assistance and students.

The beastfolks interested in Alchemy were already learning at alchemy houses in the Necropolis, so Yorin picked up the most talented ones among all the alchemists after testing them.

The Alchemists in Falran kingdom were not that good, merely able to concoct up to Legendary-rank pills, but not at a high quality.

However, after turning into undead and becoming more powerful, many Alchemists progressed and broke through. With no lack of resources in the secret realm, and having their endurance increase as the Undead-race's specialty, many vampires, werewolves, and lich Alchemists were able to craft legendary-rank pills with ease.

A few were already beginning to craft Exceed-rank pills.

Meanwhile, Yorin was close to grasping mastery of concocting Primeval-rank pills. The

timely rain of resources he just received was going to be put to proper use soon.

"Master Yorin is amazing...I didn't know one could do something like this."

"Only he can do it because of his innate talent."

"Innate talent is only one of the two factors. The other factor is the spirit techniques of his spirit cultivation method. I am able to cultivate it too."

"I sucked at it, so he gave me another cultivation method. Sigh, I feel like a bum." "That's natural since everyone has different compatibility, so don't sweat it. You are just compatible with another method more, that's all."

Yorin's students numbering sixteen looked with awe in their eyes as they saw ten cauldrons lined up in a row before Yorin as he simultaneously concocted pills in all ten cauldrons!


Aleron finally finished refining the Eldertide Archipelago's dimensional core after seven hours.

[Gachapi: Now that you can control and aid the foundational structure of this pocket dimension, destroying that crystal orb that's anchoring that Midworld here won't cause

damage and chaos, Master.]

Aleron nodded with satisfaction. "Now we don't need to fear unexpected invasion. I'll place a Bomb-type formation around that crystal orb."

[Gachapi: Sounds like you want to cook something.]

"Fang is an expert in formation, but I have learned the basics enough to create a formation- type skill," Aleron grinned.

Aleron went to the underground section where the crystal orb was stationed and began cooking a skill.

After ten minutes, he was done. Around the crystal orb on the ground, ten beautiful black flowers bloomed, glowing with subtly shining patterns of fiery orange, dark blue, and dark


The trigger condition of the flowers was simple. All ten flowers had their roots connected to a faint magilore screen Aleron created around the crystal orb.

If the other party was going to break the layer and enter, it would obviously change the flow of energy and turn the crystal orb's function slightly more volatile.

As such, in case the layer was broken, the ten flowers would immediately trigger a destructive explosion that would obliterate a 500-meter radius area into absolutely nothing with the power Aleron had cooked in this Hell-Flower Bomb formation as he called it.

Once he was done, he postponed his main task again and entered the Realm of Living

Genomes using his job class, Primordial Genome Whisperer.

His Genome Pulse pool was fully recovered, so he wanted to use up all of it since it took over a

day to fully recover.

He physically appeared in this strange realm where strange existences like Living Genomes lived, that constantly combined, evolved, and transformed.

Aleron began to kill the Living Genomes using his Genome Pulse to collect the Genome Mods.

He spent all of his Genome Pulse and acquired a grand total of 37 Genome Mods, which was quite a good haul. In his previous session, he collected 29 Genome Mods, but he was more proficient in his second run.

Aleron eagerly wanted to work on these 66 Genome Mods, but that also required Genome Pulse, so he returned to begin the main task.

Aleron disappeared from the underground cavern and arrived in the necropolis, inside the

Hall of Secret Realms.

The hall had six portals, with five of them leading into the secret realms and the sixth one being the exit out of Eldertide Archipelago to the Nailzim city's sky portal.

"My Hell is in the Flame Blaze Abode, so let's secure it first," Aleron said with anticipation as

he entered the fiery portal.

[Gachapi: Being an elemental-type secret realm, we have to close all of its portals.]

"Not in a hurry," Aleron grinned and activated his Monitor Dome at full power, but he was

surprised to find that this secret realm's size was bigger than Eldertide Archipelago and plant


[Gachapi: Elemental-type pocket dimensions are usually bigger because of their unique dimensional structure. Usually twice the size of normal pocket dimensions.]

Indeed, this world was 98% made of flame elements. Of course, not purely flame elements, but be it forests, mountains, rivers, floating islands, and other various phenomena of nature, all of them had a part of flame attribute in them in their core foundation. "Found it!" Aleron's eyes glinted. "Not one, but three, and I also sense a bunch of presences. There are about three hundred people on my radar. Wait, are those elves? Nice!" Naturally, Aleron activating his Monitor Dome also alerted a few powerhouses who were in

Ascension rank!

The majority were Primeva-rank and Exceed-rank, with zero legendary-rank present due to this secret realm being dangerous for them. They would automatically burn to death due to atmospheric heat and natural flame elements of this world.

While those Ascension-rank powerhouses became alerted, Aleron made his way towards one

of the portals, the one barricaded by elves.

'Time to visit a new planet! I'll go in to scout first before going together with others.'


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