Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 147: Drifter Ranger, Aleron's New Cooking Dish

Chapter 147: Drifter Ranger, Aleron's New Cooking Dish

Aleron's mind buzzed with Elysia's proposal while he felt the danger nearing. The Eyeball would finish covering a large area with whatever its power was, and by then, his constant teleports would not help in avoiding the attack.

[Elysia: We can't hurt each other until this planet's Warlord is decided anyway. What are you hesitating for?]

Aleron could see Narazar waiting like a hawk eyeing its prey while the Hoax Netherdoom Eye's danger approached.

[Gacha: Master...]

'Fuck it! What's wrong with getting her help if her condition is not bad? Once the troubles are gone, I can punish her.'

[Aleron: What is your condition?]

[Elysia: Make me your ally. Swear an oath that you will never harm me and even support me in trouble.]

Aleron popped a vein as he felt angry hearing that condition.

[Aleron: You are dreaming!]

Aleron's eyes glinted as he finally finished measuring the monster completely.

[Gachapi: I've filled in the details that weren't measured through the system. It has two Concepts...]

[Haox Netherdoom Eye]

\__Rank: Ascension/Median-grade

Bloodline: Divine-rank

\__Attribute: Illusion, Death, Darkness, Fire, Belflame, Doomlight.

\_Physical Status:

-Strength: 2,375,009

-Agility: 2,375,009

-Health: 2,375,009

-Stamina: 2,375,009

Arcane Status:

-Magic Potency: 2,320,001

\_Soul Status:

-Soul Potency: 1,500,000

[Gachapi: It has two Conceptual powers, and its stats are way higher than ours. Master, we have no other choice.]

Aleron gritted his teeth. 'I can't accept her condition. Save her when she is in trouble? That's bad.'

Aleron's eyes glinted and he didn't waste any more time dillydalling, 'I've made my decision.' While constantly teleporting and reinforcing his barrier further in case an attack struck him, Aleron then accessed the Banner Pool Creation.

[Ultimate Gacha System]

-Level: 2 (99%)

-Gacha Points: 82,120

|-Summoning Banners (6/6)-|

1. Myriad Spell Pool.

2. Secret Realms: Fest of Demiplanes.

3. Exotic Demons of Netherworlds.

4. Myriad Wonderous Bloodlines

5. Job Class Manifesto

6. Gear Factory of Mystic Symbios

'Remove Exotic Demons of Netherworlds.'

[Gachapi: Done. It seems that you want to create a new banner. Do you have an idea?]

'I want to try it.'

Aleron quickly constructively designed the idea after activating the Banner Pool creation function.

[Banner Pond]

-Core Theme:

-> [Exotic]

-> [Unique Powers]

-> [Zords]

-> [Wondrous Structure]

-> [Sci-fi + Fantasy]

-Summon Theme:

-> [Monster]


-> [Mountable]

-> [Exotic Weapons]

-World Background:

-> [The Myriad Chaos Realm]

-Additional Input:

-> [Growth]

-> [High Potential]

-> [Related to Body Path, Soul Path, and Arcane Path]

-> [Wonder of Nature]

-> [Extreme Class-wise partition.]

[Astral: Mastah, you cooking!]

[Gachapi: Wonderful, indeed. I've started the process and speeding it up using 100 Gacha


'Fast,' Aleron focused back on the battlefield as his danger bells started ringing again. 'It's coming. I have to go into full-focused combat mode. Gachapi, create the banner and do 10 summons as fast as possible.'

After relaying that, Aleron immediately activated his most powerful Savant-grade skill, which utilized all three paths, body, soul, and arcane, to the fullest-Super Combat Frame:

Drifter Ranger!

[Super Combat Frame: Drifter Ranger]

Self-Enchant / Speed - Power / Long Range

\__Main Syllabi: Astral Flow, Time, Space, Wind, Flame, Lightning, Ice, Plasma, Metal.

\__Cost: Direct cost connection to Stamina, Soul Energy, and Magilore.

\__Effect: Envelops in a ranger suit made of Astral Flow and circuits of all main syllabi, allowing access to five Super Moves until exhaustion of soul energy, stamina, and magilore.

-> 1. Extreme Drifting: Seamlessly move between the spatial layer and material layer.

-> 2. Astral Assault Rifle: Moving in extreme drift stores Drift Force in your rifle, empowering your Astral Bullets's potency.

-> 3. Astral Bullet-Nebula Erasure: Aoe-type destructive bullet of pure offense.

-> 4. Astral Bullet-Spatial Freeze: A pure control-type bullet that freezes a fixed space with extreme ice and space freezes with extreme time dilation.

-> 5. Astral Laser-Ruination Beam: Unleases a light-speed instance of the condensed beam from the rifle possessing pure destructive and piercing power.

"I will kill you," Aleron's lips moved in a whisper as he aimed his killing intent at Narazar.

With a scythe in his right hand and his left arm turning into an exotic astral black assault rifle with eccentric cosmic sparks and designs, Aleron's figure blurred and turned faint, entering

the spatial layer.

Right after that, the Hoax Netherdoom Eye released four lasers towards Aleron.

Narazar excitedly looked at him, ready to attack, but his eyes widened upon seeing the laser

just passing through Aleron.

Spatial Layer was something Aleron managed to access after awakening Astral Flow. It is

completely separate from the material layer where matter resides. It could be sensed by soul sense, but Aleron was in Extreme Drifting mode, meaning moving in a spatial layer with supposed infinite space layers between him and the material plane, effectively rending anything from a material plane from affecting him.

With soul power, one could attack through a spatial layer, but since Aleron was extremely drifting, there was no chance of anything affecting him. But that also meant Extreme Drifting consumed energy and he also couldn't attack while he was inside-consuming 1 soul energy

per second.

Magilore didn't matter however much it was consumed, and stamina wasn't consumed at all unless he moved.

Utilizing his evolved bodily structure due to Primordial Genome Whisperer, he could energize Super Moves with his stamina, and they required his physical exertion to execute. Aiming his rifle at Narazar, Aleron's eyes flashed before he vanished and teleported through the layer, arriving right behind Narazar before releasing Astral Bullet-Nabula Erasure. In an instant, Aleron had to exit from the layer as the move executed and produced a space point at Narazar's head, intending to devour and explode the space in 5 meters radius with condensed power of Chaos Storm Energy-which was basically a synergized energy form of Time, Space, Wind, Flame, Lightning, Ice, Plasma, Metal, and Astral Flow meshed together for pure chaotic destructiveness.

Narazar felt tremendously threatened, though he wasn't worried as the Hoax Netherdoom Eye reacted faster upon sensing Aleron's threat and saved Narazar the same way as before.

At the same time, it also attacked Aleron while he was in the material plane, but Aleron turned

out a nick-bit faster and barely grazed past the Eyeball's laser attack as he entered the spatial

layer. 'Good. Until I exhaust my Soul energy, I can fight and... I should try to injure this eye because it's clearly prioritizing saving Narazar.'

"Do you think only you have a trump card?" Aleron coldly whispered as he dodged the attacks

in Extreme Drifts, his voice entering Narazar's ears. "Just wait. I will erase you and Elysia


'Such a skill,' Elysia was amazed as she watched Aleron. 'If he was in Ascension-rank, he would have won....'

Meanwhile, Narazar's face was dark. 'What's going on?! Why is this brat so powerful?! Level

10 in so many arcane syllabi...'

While Aleron was proving to be a headstrong enemy, Gachapi was done with things as well.

[10,000 Gacha points consumed.]

[Banner Pool creation complete.]

[A new banner has been created-Myriad Beast Mounts: Chaotic Reign of Exotic Zords]

Gachapi bought ten tickets and immediately did 10x summons.

[Congratulations, you have summoned Lastrael, the Celestial Griffin Sage.]

[Congratulations, you have summoned Drakonis, the Infernal Dragon Champion.]

[Congratulations, you have summoned Eldraxis, the Ancient Virident Treant.] [Congratulations, you have summoned Phantas, the Ethereal Nyxine Phoenix.]

[Congratulations, you have summoned Luminos, the Radiant Omnicron Equine.] [Congratulations, you have summoned Teraxis, the Assault Titan Beetle Fighter.] [Congratulations, you have summoned Zepheremal, the Fleeting Fatality Fangs.] [Congratulations, you have summoned Neredia, the Abyssal Fetters Leviathan.] [Congratulations, you have summoned Vortiga, the Doomweaver Void Manta.]

[Congratulations, you have summoned Cryoarcha, the Prismfrost Seraph Archanid.]

'Summon them all outside!'


[A/N: In chapter 53, it was initially said that it would take 24 hours to upgrade the system to

level 3, but then I forgot. However, I've edited that part to make it look like It would take several days for the system to prepare its upgrade process and only then would 50,000 Points consume to upgrade it to level 3. The 99% is indication of that.]


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