Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 8: Down To Earth

Chapter 8: Down To Earth

Aiden couldn't contain his excitement as he continued circling the Lamborghini, his hands almost trembling as he reached out to touch the car. "Noah, this is unreal! Are you serious? How does it feel to drive something like this? And where did you even find the money for it? This thing is worth more than my house!"

Noah leaned against the car, crossing his arms with a smirk. "It's a beauty, isn't it? 750 horsepower under the hood, and it handles like a dream. As for the money... let's just say life threw me a wild curveball."

Aiden's jaw dropped as he peered through the window at the luxurious interior. "Man, I don't know what's crazier: the fact that you're driving this or that you're being so casual about it! You've got to let me drive it, Noah. Just once! Please, I'll never ask for anything else again!"

Noah chuckled, his expression one of amusement. "Alright, alright, fine. But you better not scratch it, or I'll never hear the end of it."

Aiden practically jumped into the driver's seat, his eyes wide with disbelief as he gripped the steering wheel. "I can't believe this is happening. I feel like I'm in a dream." He looked over at Noah, grinning from ear to ear. "Let's do this!"

They pulled out of the parking lot, the Lamborghini's engine roaring to life as Aiden carefully accelerated. The sound turned heads, and people on the street watched in awe as the car sped by. Aiden's hands tightened on the wheel as they navigated through the city, his face a mixture of concentration and pure joy.

As they drove, Aiden couldn't help but ask more questions. "So, Noah, how much does this thing cost? Isn't this the Aventador SVJ, like the top-of-the-line model?"

"Yeah, it's the SVJ," Noah replied, leaning back in his seat. "Costs more than a quarter of a million pounds, give or take. But trust me, it's worth every penny."

Aiden whistled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Man, I don't know what to say. This is incredible. And you're just letting me drive it like it's no big deal!"

Noah grinned. "Consider it a reward for putting up with me all these years."

They continued driving, the city's streets a blur around them until they reached their usual spot: a humble barbecue skewer stand with a few plastic tables set up outside. The contrast couldn't have been starker—pulling up in a Lamborghini to a place that served food out of a van. As they parked, Aiden looked around, confusion etched on his face.

"Noah... why are we here? I thought we were going somewhere fancy to match this car," Aiden said, looking back at the skewer stand.

Noah shrugged with a smile. "Fancy places aren't really my style. Besides, you know these skewers are the best in town."

As they stepped out of the car, people nearby began to notice. Phones came out, and soon enough, a small crowd had gathered, snapping pictures of the Lamborghini and its two young occupants. Whispers floated through the air, filled with surprise and admiration.

"Isn't that a Lamborghini? And they're eating here?" one person muttered.

"I didn't know rich people were so down-to-earth," another commented, shaking his head in disbelief.

Noah and Aiden made their way to one of the outdoor tables, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

As they approached the skewer van, an older man with a friendly smile called out, "Noah! It's been a long time, how have you been?"

Noah grinned, recognizing the familiar voice. "I'm doing amazing, Uncle Ben. How's everything going? How's Emma's university life treating her?"

Uncle Ben, the owner of the skewer van, smiled warmly at Noah. His daughter, Emma, had become a friend to Noah over the years, thanks to his frequent visits to the van. "She's doing well, always asking about you.

Ever since you last came by a year ago, when she started university, she's been wondering where you've been. We keep telling her we haven't seen you around. You better come back this summer during the holidays—she'll be here!"

Noah chuckled and nodded. "Of course, Uncle Ben. I miss hanging out with you guys!"

They ordered Noah's usual skewers order, the aroma of grilled meat and onions filling the air as they sat down to eat. Aiden looked around, still a bit dazed by everything that had happened in the last hour.

"Man, this is crazy," Aiden said, biting into a skewer. "People must think we're nuts, pulling up in that car and eating street food."

Noah laughed, enjoying the skewer with a relaxed expression. "Let them think what they want. We know what's good."

As they ate, a few more people gathered around, taking pictures of the car and occasionally glancing over at the two friends.

But Noah and Aiden paid them no mind, completely focused on their meal and the conversation between them.

"So," Aiden said after a while, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied sigh. "You really are full of surprises, Noah. First, you ace that history question, and now this. What's next? Are you going to tell me you've secretly been a millionaire this whole time?"

Noah smirked, wiping his hands on a napkin. "Would you believe me if I said yes?"

Aiden snorted, shaking his head. "At this point, I'm not sure what to believe anymore."

Noah leaned back, gazing at the Lamborghini parked nearby as the sun began to set.

Aiden raised an eyebrow, looking at his friend with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Well, whatever happens, just make sure you don't forget about your best friend, alright?"

As they finished their meal, Noah stood up and made his way to the food stall to settle the bill.

Uncle Ben waved him off with a warm smile. "It's on the house, Noah. Don't worry about it. Consider it an early graduation gift."

Even though Uncle Ben had seen Noah and Aiden arrive in a Lamborghini, he assumed it belonged to Aiden, who had been driving. He knew Noah's background well and figured Noah was just treating his friend to dinner.

Given that Noah was a good kid and a friend to his daughter, Uncle Ben decided to cover the cost.

Noah felt a wave of warmth in his heart. Uncle Ben had always been kind to him, often giving him discounts when he stopped by. But he wasn't about to let the old man cover the bill this time.

With a playful smile, Noah said, "It's not me paying, Uncle. It's this rich guy here. Go ahead and take the bill from him—he's decided to give you a big tip."

Noah handed over the money, making sure Uncle Ben got a good look at it. The bill was only $5, but Noah handed him $205, leaving Uncle Ben momentarily speechless.

Uncle Ben's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the money. "Thank you, young man! This is too much!" he said, turning to Aiden, who was standing there, utterly confused.

It took a moment for Aiden to realize what Noah had done. When it finally clicked, he gave Noah a mock glare, but he couldn't help laughing along with Uncle Ben.

Aiden, still chuckling at Noah's playful trick, decided to roll with it. "Well, Uncle Ben," he said, trying to sound serious, " Make sure you give me a discount next time I come by, alright? This place is too good to pass up, and my belly definitely approves!"

Uncle Ben laughed heartily, shaking his head. "You've got a deal, young man. Just don't forget to bring Noah along—I might have to raise the prices otherwise!"

Noah grinned at the exchange. The old man's generosity and Aiden's lightheartedness made the moment feel special.

As they walked away from the skewer van, Noah glanced back at Uncle Ben, who was still smiling and gave him a small wave.

Aiden patted his stomach contentedly as they headed back toward the Lamborghini. "I swear, Noah, that might've been the best meal I've had in a while. Who knew rich people like us could enjoy street food this much?" He nudged Noah with a grin.

Noah shook his head, laughing at his friend's antics. "Yeah, well, sometimes the best things in life are the simplest ones."

Aiden nodded in agreement. "I'm with you on that, man. But next time, I'm also going to be the one driving. That way, I can pretend to be the rich guy again."

They both burst out laughing as they climbed into the Lamborghini, ready for whatever the rest of the day had in store for them.

On the way back Noah, was the one driving. He dropped off Aiden at his house first.

"Thanks for the ride Noah, I enjoyed it. Make sure you invite me every day" Aiden said with a grin on his face.

"Piss off, are you my wife to be hanging out with me every day." Noah said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Noah say that, Aiden started acting like he was shot by a bullet.

"I- I Thought we were more than that!" Aiden said, with his hand clutching his heart.

"Piss off," Aiden said whilst laughing, and drove off.

Aiden laughed as he saw the car drive off, then went inside his house.

As Noah was driving, he decided to go visit Sarah.

"She is going to become my wife soon after all," Noah muttered with a low voice, as a grin appeared on his face.


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