Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 24: The Start of something Special

Chapter 24: The Start of something Special

As Noah drove back to the parking lot, his thoughts wandered to the hassle of parking his Lamborghini away from his home and taking an Uber.

"Maybe it's time to buy a place of my own," he mused.

It wasn't practical to keep doing this. He decided to put that thought on hold for now, knowing he'd figure it out soon.

Shifting his focus, he pulled out his phone and dialled the manager of An's Gourmet. The line rang for a moment before the manager, clearly nervous, answered with a stammer. "H-Hello, Mr. Noah."

Noah's voice was calm but firm. "Is this how you run my restaurant? Employing people who use their connections to bully customers they think are weak?"

The manager swallowed hard, his anxiety clear over the phone. "I deeply apologize, Mr. Noah. It was a grave mistake. I assure you it won't happen again. Please, give me another chance to prove that I can handle this professionally."

Noah, not in the mood for excuses, responded, "Send me the full details of both the deputy manager and that beer-belly man immediately. I want to know everything about them."

"Right away, sir," the manager replied quickly. Within seconds, Noah's phone buzzed with the information. Noah glanced at the text, mentally filing it away to deal with later.

Noah smirked, a hint of amusement playing on his lips as he muttered to himself, "I told him not to set foot in that restaurant again... but I guess the message got lost somewhere in his beer belly instead of reaching his brain."

He paused, his expression darkening slightly as a more chilling thought crossed his mind. "It's a Shame, though," he continued quietly, "Some people need more... hands-on reminders."

A cold edge to his voice hinted that the greasy man may have narrowly escaped a worse fate. Anyone who crossed Noah and ignored his warnings was in for a rude awakening, and this guy? He was already on borrowed time.

Arriving home, Noah found the house quiet, the lights dimmed, and everyone already asleep. It had been a long day—full of excitement, challenges, and surprises. He was ready to unwind.

After a long, hot shower, he felt the tension of the day melt away, leaving him refreshed but a bit weary. Pulling on some comfortable clothes, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand, realizing he hadn't used it at all during his evening with Sarah. He smiled, thinking back on their time together.

As he scrolled through his messages, a notification popped up from Lily—a picture of a tricky math problem. Noah chuckled softly, shaking his head.

"Lily, you never rest, do you?" he muttered to himself, opening the message.

The problem was complex, but nothing he couldn't handle. Quickly, he drafted an explanation, breaking it down in simple terms. He attached a little comment at the end, hoping to motivate her:

Noah: "Here's the breakdown. Should be easy once you get the hang of it. Let me know if you're stuck again! You've got this."

Satisfied with his reply, Noah leaned back, thinking the day was finally winding down.

Just as he was about to put his phone away, another notification popped up. This time, it was from Sarah.

Sarah: "Hey, tonight was really nice. I had a great time. :)"

Noah smiled, warmth spreading through him as he replied:

Noah: "I did too. I'm glad we got to spend some quality time together."

Sarah's reply came almost immediately.

Sarah: "Thanks for everything, Noah. I know you didn't have to do all that."

As Sarah sat on the edge of her bed, she couldn't stop smiling as her fingers hovered over her phone.

The soft glow of the screen illuminated her face, and her heart raced slightly as she typed her message to Noah.

She replayed moments from their date in her mind, feeling the warmth spread through her chest.

The way Noah protected her from other men, his quiet strength in those moments, and how he always took the initiative to invite her out—it all made Sarah feel like she was wrapped in a sense of security she hadn't known before.

Every action, no matter how small, carried a deeper meaning that left her heart fluttering.

She found herself smiling at how effortlessly he balanced confidence with gentleness. Whether it was shielding her from unwanted attention or planning their dates, he always seemed to know how to make her feel special.

There was no hesitation in him when it came to her, and that certainty, that unwavering attention, filled her with a kind of warmth she hadn't expected.

Each time he reached out first, it felt like more than just a gesture—it was like he was pulling her into a world where she mattered in ways she hadn't before.

It wasn't just the dates, it was how he made her feel seen, cared for, and prioritized. In those moments, bliss was an understatement.

As she thought back on it, her heart swelled, the memories replaying like a comforting melody. She realized, with a soft blush, that with Noah, everything felt easy. Everything felt...right.

When Noah's reply popped up, her smile widened even more. She was aware of the giddy, almost teenage excitement she felt, but she couldn't help it.

Laying on her stomach, Sarah rested her chin on one hand while holding her phone with the other. Her legs swayed gently in the air behind her, moving back and forth in slow, playful motions as if mirroring the flutter in her chest.

The soft glow of her bedside lamp bathed the room in a warm light, but her focus was entirely on the conversation.

Each time her phone vibrated with another message from Noah, her toes wiggled in the air, unable to stay still.

She bit her lower lip slightly, trying to contain her growing excitement, her legs kicking up higher as she quickly typed her response, feeling like she could float from the pure joy of it all.

Her cheeks flushed as she read his final message:

Noah: "Of course, I wanted to. You deserve it. And hey, we'll do something even better next time (: "

Her heart skipped a beat. She bit her lower lip, feeling a mixture of shyness and happiness well up inside her.

"Looking forward to it..." she whispered to herself as she typed her reply.

Her legs swayed again, the motion soft and subtle as if her body was expressing the nervous energy her mind wouldn't let out.

As she sent her goodnight text, she let out a small, contented sigh. After setting her phone down, she hugged her knees to her chest, still feeling the warmth of the moment linger.

This was more than just a date for her—it felt like a small but significant step into something new, something hopeful. With a light smile still playing on her lips, she tucked herself under the covers, her thoughts entirely on Noah, wondering what he was thinking as he said goodnight.

Smiling at his phone, Noah typed out a quick message to Aiden: "Meet me at the library tomorrow at 10 am." He hit send and leaned back, still feeling the lingering warmth from his conversation with Sarah.

He scrolled aimlessly through his phone for a few minutes, his mind already winding down from the day's excitement. Slowly, his eyelids grew heavier as the comfort of his bed pulled him in.

Before he knew it, the soft glow of his phone faded away, and he drifted off into a peaceful sleep, slipping effortlessly into the world of dreams.

Waking up early in the morning, Noah was greeted by the enticing smell of something delicious wafting through his room.

Smelling it, he already knew what it was—he had an Intermediate Cooking Skill, after all. The knowledge of the best chefs in the world filled his mind, making him easily recognize the complexity and quality of the meal being prepared downstairs.

After a quick wash and brushing his teeth, Noah headed down the stairs. He greeted his family with a smile, noticing his sister Emily glued to the table, her wide eyes locked on the food in anticipation, her mouth practically watering. She didn't even get up to greet him this time, completely lost in her hunger.

Noah chuckled at the sight, taking a seat at the table. "Looks like someone's excited," he teased, watching Emily's eyes stay fixed on the plates.

A few minutes later, his mother Caroline brought out the food. The aroma intensified as she placed the dishes on the table, each one looking like it came straight from a Michelin-star restaurant.

The centrepiece was a beautifully crafted beef Wellington, its golden puff pastry perfectly flaky, encasing a succulent, medium-rare beef tenderloin. The layers of mushroom duxelles and prosciutto within gave it a rich, complex flavor.

Accompanying it were roasted garlic mashed potatoes, creamy and velvety, paired with sautéed spinach that gleamed with a touch of olive oil and garlic.

There was also a side of seared sea bass, cooked to a delicate crisp on the outside, with a lemon-butter sauce drizzled over it, adding a burst of freshness to the dish.

For something lighter, there was a vibrant ratatouille, each vegetable meticulously sliced and roasted to perfection, bursting with color and flavor.

Everything on the table looked like it could be found in a top-tier restaurant, the kind of meal that one could only dream of having at home.

Noah's eyes widened slightly in admiration. Even though he knew food well, his mother's cooking was becoming more and more incredible.

Emily, barely able to contain herself, grabbed her fork, eagerly waiting for everyone to dig in.

"This looks amazing, Mom," Noah said with a smile, giving his mother a nod of approval.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Caroline replied with a modest smile. "I wanted to try something special today."

As they all began to eat, the flavours didn't disappoint. The beef Wellington melted in Noah's mouth, the savoury balance of textures perfect with each bite. He couldn't help but be impressed.

"Mom, you really outdid yourself with this meal. It's incredible. Keep up the good work, but don't tire yourself out," Noah said with genuine admiration, his eyes sparkling as he took in the beautifully crafted dishes.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Caroline replied with a warm, happy smile. "I enjoy cooking, so don't worry about me."

As they continued to enjoy their breakfast, Caroline turned to David with a playful yet expectant look. "Honey, you still haven't rated the food?"

David, who had been savouring each bite with his eyes closed, was momentarily startled by Caroline's question. He opened his eyes, looking both surprised and deeply content. "I'm lost for words, honey.

This is the best food I've ever had in my life. Nothing can compete with this," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I'm truly proud of you."

Caroline's smile widened at the praise, a touch of pink colouring her cheeks as she glanced at Noah and then back at David.

The family enjoyed the meal in a warm, contented silence, appreciating the special breakfast that Caroline had prepared with such care and skill.


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