Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 11: A Professional F1 Driver?

Chapter 11: A Professional F1 Driver?

With an hour to spare before the next race, Noah and Sarah decided to make the most of their time.

They wandered around the racing track, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling area. The atmosphere was electric, with fans discussing the previous race, drivers fine-tuning their cars, and vendors selling various racing memorabilia.

Noah suggested they check out some of the high-end cars on display, which were drawing quite a crowd. They walked past a line of sleek vehicles, their polished exteriors gleaming under the track lights. Sarah, intrigued by the variety of cars, asked questions about the different models, and Noah happily shared what he knew, keeping the conversation light and engaging.

The Intermediate Driving skill—gave him immense knowledge of everything about cars, including the brands and specifications.

As they reached a more secluded area near the edge of the track, Noah spotted a small photo booth set up for couples to take pictures with the racing track in the background. It was a simple setup but charming in its own way.

He nudged Sarah playfully. "How about we take a picture? Something to remember the night by?"

Sarah smiled, a little surprised but pleased by the idea. "Sure, why not?"

They stepped into the booth, and as the camera clicked, Sarah found herself laughing at Noah's silly poses. The final shot captured them both laughing, a moment of pure, unguarded joy.

With the time flying by faster than they expected, they soon heard the announcement for the next race. Excitement bubbled up inside Noah as they made their way back to his Lamborghini.

He had already informed Jackson, the Porsche owner they met earlier, that he would be participating. Jackson, eager to see the Lamborghini in action, had signed Noah up for the race with a sense of anticipation. He was curious about the mysterious owner's skills, he had never seen him before and he knew most of the wealthy people in Birmingham.

As they approached the car, Sarah felt a mixture of excitement and nerves. Noah noticed her expression and squeezed her hand reassuringly. "This is going to be fun," he said, his voice steady and calming.

They climbed into the Lamborghini, the sleek interior enveloping them in luxury. As they drove towards the starting line, Noah could feel the adrenaline beginning to pump through his veins.

The atmosphere at the track was electric, the air thick with anticipation. The roar of engines, like caged beasts waiting to be unleashed, sent vibrations through the ground and into the bones of every spectator. People leaned forward in their seats, eyes locked on the starting line where the racers were lined up, engines revving in a chorus of power and raw energy. Among them, Noah's Lamborghini stood out like a predator among prey, its sleek, black exterior gleaming under the floodlights.

Sarah sat beside Noah, her heart pounding as she glanced around at the other cars—Porsches, Mustangs, and a few others she didn't recognize, all powerful machines ready to tear up the track. She had never been this close to a race before, and the intensity of it all was overwhelming.

"Noah, are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice laced with worry. "This track... it looks dangerous."

Noah shot her a reassuring smile, his hand resting casually on the gear shift. "Relax, Sarah. We're here to have fun."

But the minute the countdown began, her heart rate spiked. The lights flashed from red to green, and the cars took off with a deafening roar. The sudden acceleration pinned her back against the seat, and she instinctively gripped the edge of her seat, her knuckles turning white.

The Lamborghini surged forward, effortlessly overtaking several cars within seconds. The engine's roar was a deep, guttural sound, like a lion announcing its dominance.

The track was a serpentine path of asphalt, winding through steep hills and sharp bends, known for testing the limits of even the most experienced drivers.

As the Lamborghini accelerated, Sarah's fear spiked. "Noah, slow down! This is too fast!"

But Noah's response was only a grin, his focus razor-sharp on the road ahead. The car was now moving at a terrifying speed, the world outside a blur of motion and colour.

The other racers were struggling to keep up, their engines screaming in protest as they pushed their cars to the limit.

The first few laps were intense. The crowd's excitement was unmatched, their cheers and gasps echoing across the track.

Every turn was a battle, every straightaway an opportunity for someone to gain the upper hand.

But Noah's Lamborghini was in a league of its own, its sheer power and speed leaving the other cars behind.

As they approached the infamous sharp bend, the tension in the air thickened. This was the curve that had claimed many overconfident drivers, the one that separated the skilled from the reckless.

All racers would decelerate, taking the turn with caution. But as they neared the bend, Noah did the opposite—he accelerated.

Sarah's eyes widened in terror. "Noah, no! Slow down!"

But Noah's foot remained firmly on the gas, the speedometer climbing dangerously high. The Lamborghini hurtled toward the bend, the crowd's cheers turning into cries of alarm.

People stood up from their seats, their hearts in their throats as they watched the car approach the curve at breakneck speed.

"He's trying to die with that beautiful woman!" shouted the man Noah had spoken to earlier, his voice a mix of panic and disbelief.

But Noah's expression was calm, almost serene, as he approached the bend. At the last possible second, he jerked the wheel, sending the Lamborghini into a flawless drift.

The car's rear tires screeched as they skidded across the asphalt, the body of the car swinging out in a controlled slide.

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut, as she braced for impact. But instead of crashing, the car seemed to glide effortlessly through the curve, the drift executed with a precision that left the crowd speechless.

The Lamborghini emerged from the bend unscathed, seamlessly transitioning back to full speed as if nothing had happened.

The silence that followed was deafening, the entire crowd frozen in shock. Then, like a wave crashing onto the shore, the cheers erupted. The spectators were on their feet, chanting and shouting in disbelief and awe.

"Did you see that? He's got to be an F1 driver!"

"No way a regular guy could pull off a drift like that!"

Sarah slowly opened her eyes, her breath catching as she realized they were still alive—and more than that, they were leading the race. She turned to Noah, her heart still pounding in her chest.

He glanced at her, a wide grin on his face, his eyes sparkling with adrenaline.

"Told you we'd have fun," he said, his voice light as if they hadn't just escaped death.

Behind them, Jackson, who had slowed down considerably before the bend, could only watch in awe as the Lamborghini sped away.

He had known this race would be intense, but he hadn't expected to be racing against someone with skills like this. Noah was no amateur—he was a master behind the wheel.

The race continued with every lap bringing more thrills, the Lamborghini cutting through the track like a blade.

The crowd's energy fed into the atmosphere, each manoeuvre by Noah drawing gasps and cheers.

The other drivers were pushing their limits, but none could match the precision and daring of the Lamborghini's driver.

As the finish line loomed ahead, the crowd was in a frenzy. The speed, the danger, and the sheer audacity of the race had them on the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the track.

Noah's final lap was a display of mastery, each turn executed flawlessly, the car roaring down the straightaway with a ferocity that left the other racers in its dust.

The Lamborghini crossed the finish line first, the crowd erupting into wild applause. Sarah, her fear finally ebbing away, found herself laughing, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins.

Noah, too, was laughing, the exhilaration of the race leaving him almost giddy.

"You were amazing," she said, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and disbelief.

Noah grinned, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I told you, didn't I? Just a bit of fun."

The crowd's chants of "F1 driver!" and "Unbelievable!" followed them as they slowed down, the race over but the excitement still buzzing in the air.

For everyone who had watched, it was a race they would never forget—a night of speed, danger, and a driver who seemed to defy the very laws of physics.

A few minutes later, Jackson crossed the finish line. He immediately left the car, and went towards Noah who was leaning on the Lamborghini with Sarah next to him.

"You are unbelievable, are you an F1 Driver? I haven't seen you in tournaments before." Said Jackson, with excitement brimming in his voice.

"Nope, I'm just a casual driver."

Hearing him say that, Jackson's face twitched slightly. But he couldn't help but admire the young man in front of him.

"Powerful and lowkey, complete opposite of the rich second generations in Birmingham." Jackson thought with admiration.

"Can we exchange contacts, I would like to make friends," said Jackson, with a smile on his face.

"Sure." Noah said, as he gave him his phone number.

Looking at Noah's run-down phone.

Jackson went to his Porsche and took out a white bag that had a bitten apple logo on it.

"Here, this is the reward for winning the race." Jackson, said as he handed Noah a bag with 2 iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Looking at him with an eyebrow raised, Noah knew that Jackson was just trying to form a connection.

Deciding to accept his gesture, he takes the bag.

"Thanks," says Noah.

After exchanging details and hanging out for a bit.

Noah excused himself from Jackson and then left with Sarah.

Looking at the Lamborghini in the distance, Jackson felt determined.

"It seems like he realised I was trying to get closer to him, yet he still took the gift even though it's not much."

"What an interesting person..."


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