Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 68: The Third Summoning, My Turn, Draw Card!

Chapter 68: The Third Summoning, My Turn, Draw Card!


As soon as Bai Song heard the sound, he immediately stopped caring about where Jerry had gone. He instantly became energized. He was familiar with this sound. He had heard it once before when he stayed in the haunted mansion. It was the sound of the summoning CD being ready, and once it played, he could summon Jerry.

This time, hearing the "beep beep" sound, Bai Song was sure that the summoning CD had already ended.

"Panel." Bai Song stood in a more open area, took several deep breaths, and summoned the panel. Then, he immediately looked at the few remaining buttons.

As expected, the summoning button that had turned gray after summoning Jerry earlier was now glowing again.

"Oh yeah!" Bai Song exclaimed excitedly when he saw that the summoning cooldown had indeed ended. Finally... he could draw a card again!

The first summon had brought Tom, who made him invincible in several battles. Tom could be considered an all-around Servant capable of anything. Then, he summoned Jerry, who might be slightly weaker than Tom in terms of strength but was small in size and could serve as a perfect close-range defense Servant.

Now, Bai Song only hoped to summon a Servant for the damage-dealer position. He didn't expect them to be as powerful as Tom and Jerry. He just wanted a slightly more normal Servant.

Tom and Jerry were both strong, but to be honest, their abilities were too overpowered. If there was ever a situation where Tom and Jerry failed, Bai Song would have no means of resistance and would be defeated. Seriously, in that aspect, Bai Song was truly confident that he would be utterly helpless!

After washing his face at the bathroom sink, Bai Song returned to the living room. He had let go of his frustrations, and now he only needed to see how much luckiness he had left after dispelling the frustrations.

Summoning the panel once again, Bai Song decisively pressed his right index finger on the summoning button.

Just like the previous two summonings, as soon as Bai Song pressed the button, a crimson summoning circle appeared on the ground and began the summoning process on its own. Throughout the process, Bai Song didn't need to do anything except press the button. He only had to wait for the final result.

But it was during this waiting process that the real excitement lay. If he were to summon a trash Servant, his heart and lungs would stop instantly.

As the summoning circle automatically activated, every pattern on the circle began emitting a faint blue light, which grew brighter and brighter.

Finally, after an extremely dazzling burst of pure white light, the third summoning came to an end.

This time, Bai Song, just like the last time, decisively covered his eyes with both hands. It was because during the first summoning, he was dazzled and it really left a psychological shadow on him.

After the white light dispersed, Bai Song finally lowered his hands that were blocking his vision and looked towards the center of the summoning array.

There, he could see... standing on all fours, an extremely massive... dog?

"...Spike?" Bai Song, with a complex inner turmoil, tried to confirm as he looked at the grey big dog in the summoning array.

No matter how Bai Song looked at it, the creature in the summoning array appeared to be an extremely large bulldog, right? Normal bulldogs couldn't grow to such a size. Its size even surpassed that of a Husky by a lot. Moreover, with the spiked collar around its neck, it was hard not to speculate about the true identity of the dog in front of him.

Upon hearing Bai Song call out his name, Spike excitedly barked, "Woof, woof!"

"Alright, it really is Spike." Seeing the reaction of the big dog in front of him, Bai Song immediately confirmed that he had indeed summoned the foolish dog from the Tom and Jerry series, the one who couldn't do anything right and loved to beat up Tom.

Looking at the large canine in front of him, Bai Song couldn't help but cover his face with his left hand.

He admitted that he had been careless. He shouldn't have thought, "I just hope to summon another Servant in the Saber class, not as overpowered as Tom and Jerry, but someone relatively normal."

The Spike he had summoned now could indeed be considered a Saber-class Servant, and his abilities were nowhere near as overpowered as Tom and Jerry's. Compared to the trouble-making duo, Spike was indeed much more normal.


Now, it's truly a trio of cat, mouse, and dog. The three main characters from the Tom and Jerry series were all gathered.

If Bai Song had known that this summoning would be so "successful," he should have aimed to summon Fat Blue directly! (TN: any idea of what or who is this )

But even if he regretted it now, Bai Song had no choice. What's done is done. Could he really kick Spike back to the Tom and Jerry world? Although Tom might have the ability to do so, it would also mean that his summoning attempts wouldn't come back. So he had no choice but to accept this outcome.

While Bai Song was covering his face at a 45-degree angle and looking up at the sky with one hand, he suddenly felt something on the back of his right hand.

"Sniff, sniff." When he lowered his head to take a look, he realized that Spike had suddenly sat on the ground, with both front paws hanging in front of him like a normal dog, and was licking the back of Bai Song's hand with his tongue.

"...Well, I take back what I just thought." After seeing this scene, Bai Song promptly retracted all his previous thoughts. Who wouldn't want a dog that licks you?

"Tom...? Hey, where did Tom go?" After summoning Spike, Bai Song planned to call Tom over.

Before he could finish calling Tom's name, Bai Song saw Tom, who had just been touching his swollen face near the entrance, disappear. It was just like when Jerry disappeared earlier, not even leaving a trace.

"Clatter, clatter!" With Tom gone as well, Bai Song decisively prepared to use the Command Seals to determine Tom's location. But before he could use it, he heard some discordant noises coming from the kitchen beside him.

Upon hearing this, Bai Song furrowed his brows. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about it.

Without making a sound, Bai Song quietly walked towards the kitchen with Spike. From the entrance, the view was blocked by the refrigerators, but the reflections cast by the fridge lights revealed something clear... It was a cat!

Bai Song's heart immediately skipped a beat. Without caring about staying quiet anymore, he strode over to the side of the refrigerator and looked towards the front.

In an instant, the scene in front of the refrigerator came into Bai Song's view.

There, sitting in front of the refrigerator, was a large blue and white cat, holding an entire chicken in its paws and showing off while preparing to devour it!



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