Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 32: Run!!!

Chapter 32: Run!!!

After confirming the situation, Bai Song, Tom, and Jerry quietly returned from the room with a direct view of the front yard to the living room.

"What should we do?" Bai Song admitted that he was starting to panic a little and looked at Tom and Jerry beside him, asking, "What should we do?"

However, upon hearing Bai Song's question, Tom and Jerry shook their heads rapidly, so fast that visible afterimages appeared. Clearly, they didn't have any solutions, and they weren't even fully aware of what was happening. They only knew that Bai Song was panicking, so they naturally followed suit.

After all, when the atmosphere changed and the owner started to panic, they had to be part of that atmosphere. In fact, they didn't even know what they were panicking about.

Looking at the rundown house and the yard full of police officers, Bai Song took a deep breath and stood up resolutely. "It's time to use my trump card!"

If he didn't leave now, he would likely become the first Master to confront the police in broad daylight. Setting off a bomb with a loud explosion inside the house was bound to attract the attention of the police. Now that the police had come knocking, there was no way he could stay here any longer. It was time to find a new base, even if it meant breaking into another unoccupied place.

Just as Bai Song finished speaking, before Tom and Jerry could even comprehend the meaning behind his words, he grabbed Tom by the neck with one hand and picked up Jerry with the other, stuffing him into his pocket.

Then, at the fastest speed possible, Bai Song packed the lunchbox, a map, and a diary he had been writing into a plastic bag. These were things he had to take with him. After confirming that nothing was left behind, Bai Song stealthily made his way toward the back door.

He completed all of this in a mere ten seconds, a true display of his unleashed potential.

"Bang! Creak~." Just as Bai Song was making his way to the back door, suddenly, there was the sound of the front door being broken, followed by the sound of it opening and footsteps entering.

The first police officer and the firefighter who broke in were greeted by the sight of collapsed walls and support pillars that seemed on the verge of collapsing with a single kick. Both of them were taken aback. Although the person who reported the bomb mentioned that someone was causing trouble inside, they hadn't expected to encounter this kind of scene.

Next, they saw Bai Song, who was about to slip away quietly. The police officer quickly prepared to draw his gun from its holster while shouting, "Police, don't move!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Song sprinted towards the back door, extending his hand backwards and shouting, "Tom, the mask!"

Upon hearing Bai Song's sudden remark, Tom was momentarily stunned. But after making the connection to the situation, he immediately understood what Bai Song meant. He quickly reached into his pocket from behind and pulled out a black mask, handing it to Bai Song. It's unclear how Tom managed to retrieve the mask from his pocket.

Once he had a hold of the mask, Bai Song promptly put it on his head to conceal his face. Although he would look rather foolish from the front, at least it covered his face enough to avoid being recognized once he escaped and didn't dare enter a convenience store.

"Backup, backup! Suspect spotted in the living room, fleeing towards the back door! I repeat, the suspect is heading towards the back door!" Seeing Bai Song turn and run, the police officer abandoned the idea of drawing his gun and instead spoke into his police radio, reporting Bai Song's escape direction.

The officer then followed in pursuit. However, the terrain of the house was quite "rugged." Yes, the terrain of a single house had reached a point where it could be described as rugged. The officer had to carefully step over the obstacles, taking one step at a time. But he was a professional, and this small obstacle was nothing. He easily crossed over with a few strides.

Both the officer and Bai Song were affected by the uneven terrain. In fact, due to Bai Song carrying a cat, a mouse in his pocket, and multiple plastic bags in his hands, encountering a well-trained police officer was truly an unusual situation.

But the problem was that Bai Song couldn't leave these things behind, right?

He was about to reach the back door of the house, but opening the door would still take one to two seconds. With that much time, the officer could easily catch up and tackle him.

Seeing the officer approaching, Bai Song had no choice but to shout to Tom, "Tom, throw the bomb behind us!"

This time, Tom was prepared, thanks to the previous instance where Bai Song asked him to retrieve something. Upon hearing Bai Song's words, Tom quickly pulled out a small, thumb-sized red explosive.

After lighting it up, Tom immediately threw it behind them! The police officer behind them saw Bai Song's scarf suddenly move and heard Bai Song mention "throw the bomb." He was startled and almost stumbled to the ground. But when he saw the so-called "bomb," he nearly burst out laughing in such a serious situation.

It was clearly a firecracker, and the fuse was unusually long. It hadn't even shortened in length while burning. He probably could have held Bai Song down and the firecracker still wouldn't have exploded. Even if it did explode, what harm could it cause? It was likely less damaging than throwing a small stone.

With that thought in mind, the officer suddenly became brave. Instead of retreating, he accelerated his pace and charged forward. He even confidently stepped on the firecracker, not concerned in the slightest about a firecracker that probably couldn't even harm a mouse.

However... in the instant he stepped on it, the fuse of the firecracker burned out, and it immediately exploded!

"Bang!!!" With a deafening explosion, a scorching fireball engulfed the police officer, completely distorting the hallway. The officer's action froze perfectly in the moment he stepped on the firecracker while running, but his entire body turned into pure black, like carbon, due to the explosion.

"Poof..." as he exhaled a puff of black smoke from his mouth, the officer collapsed to the ground.

"This thing... is a landmine."


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