Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 229: Leaving the Wolf's Den and Entering the Tiger's Lair

Chapter 229: Leaving the Wolf's Den and Entering the Tiger's Lair

As Bai Song stared at the portal that appeared before him, he resembled an old man who had been thirsty for decades and suddenly saw a cow's milk. His eyes weren't literally wide open, but the intensity of his excitement was palpable.

Of course, Bai Song's eyes didn't pop out like Tom's; typically, human eyes shouldn't literally pop out, right? At least, Bai Song had never seen his eyes pop out. If he hadn't seen it, then it hadn't happened!

"Awesome, finally leaving this damn place!" Bai Song let go of the steering wheel, raised his arms high, and yelled as if he were cheering.


However, his joy was short-lived. The vehicle suddenly went out of control, skidding across the ground in a series of fishtails, almost veering off the track entirely.

"Oh, damn." Feeling the tremendous force of the skid, Bai Song quickly grabbed the steering wheel and regained control of the car that had gone awry. It was a close call; if he had veered just a bit more, he would have crashed off the track.

"That was close. Almost went off track." Bai Song held the steering wheel tightly, his face filled with lingering fear.

He had been on the brink of victory in this race, but if he had crashed out, it would have all been for naught.

Once he regained control of the vehicle, Tom and Jerry also turned their gazes toward Bai Song. Both of them had creased brows and pouting expressions. Clearly, Bai Song's action had earned their disapproval.

It was quite natural; his impulsive action nearly ended their run in this round of the competition. Not only Tom and Jerry, even Bai Song himself wanted to give himself a good slap.

Only the cheerful and simple-minded Spike didn't shoot Bai Song a disapproving look. What's loyalty? This was loyalty! Well... even though this slow-witted and infuriatingly dull dog didn't possess such emotions.

Feeling the two unhappy pairs of eyes on him, Bai Song hurriedly apologized, "Ah, sorry, sorry, got a bit carried away there. I'll be more careful next time, I promise."

He was being incredibly submissive.

Upon hearing Bai Song's words, Tom and Jerry finally averted their gazes, looking forward once again.

At this point, the pale blue portal was less than 300 meters away from them. For a vehicle like the Cat-Mouse-Dog war chariot, which could reach speeds of up to 320 miles per hour, this distance was already quite close.

It would take just a couple of seconds to pass through the blue portal.

In fact, just two seconds later, the Cat-Mouse-Dog war chariot reached the portal.


Like a stone thrown into water, it created ripples. However, within a few seconds, the disturbance disappeared completely, as if nothing had happened at all.

Just like the previous teleportation experience, Bai Song felt a momentary dimming of his vision followed by a brightening, and then he found himself in a completely new environment. It was as if he had opened one door and stepped into a different room without any transitional process.

"At the seaside amusement park, your Emperor has returned...?" Bai Song trailed off, his words catching in his throat.

Halfway through his sentence, Bai Song involuntarily froze. The scenery before him felt so unreal that he began to wonder if he had opened his eyes in a strange way.

He even blinked deliberately, using one hand to rub his eyes. After confirming that his method of opening his eyes was not at fault, Bai Song was dumbfounded.

Inside his small brain was a colossal confusion.

Before him stretched a seemingly endless dirt road, roughly 5 meters wide. On either side of the road, there were treesvery tall trees. At a rough estimate, they were at least 100 meters, perhaps even 90 meters tall!

"What the hell is this place..."


Before Bai Song could finish his sentence, Tom put a forefinger to his lips, making a shushing sound. At the same time, he raised his other hand, holding up a sign that read, 'No Swearing.'

"...Could your alias be Steve?" Bai Song, seeing this, twitched the corner of his mouth and commented.

With that said, Bai Song continued to observe his surroundings.

Evidently, this was yet another unfamiliar world he was in, resembling a rainforesta tropical rainforest, to be precise.

If you were to ask how he knew it was tropical, he could only say that he was already sweating buckets. If the heat earlier was dry, it was now a stifling, sauna-like humidity that made him extremely uncomfortable.

Bai Song was starting to suspect that the organizers were deliberately targeting him. Twice in a row, he had been placed in such sweltering locations. He couldn't help but wonder if they wanted to literally roast him alive.

If it wasn't intentional, and yet he found himself in two extremely hot places consecutively, Bai Song had a hard time believing it was just a coincidence.

While Bai Song was lost in these thoughts, Jerry gently pressed the brake, and at the same time, Tom eased off the gas.

Soon, the speed gradually decreased to 200 miles per hour, which was merely about 300 kilometers per hour. On Germany's unrestricted autobahns, this speed wouldn't even qualify for the fast lane, as there would likely be a line of cars honking impatiently from behind.

As for why the Cat-Mouse-Dog war chariot was slowing down, the reason was simplethe road they were on was quite muddy and in poor condition. The ground was covered in a thick layer of sludge. While their current environment was better than if it were raining, if they encountered a bend at this speed, they would likely skid off somewhere unknown, potentially even leaving the track in an instant.

After all, Isaac Newton's laws still applied in this world. Even though the Cat and Mouse might not hold much respect for Newton, they had a bit of it at least. This gave the possibility for skidding off the track when taking a bend too fast.

If they did skid off, it would be a disaster.


As the Cat-Mouse-Dog war chariot slowed down, a familiar sound resonated from behind once again. Bai Song recognized it immediatelyit was the sound of a portal.

However, Bai Song didn't feel surprised at all, because he knew that someone had been trailing him all along. It was the other male Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Upon hearing the sound of the portal, Bai Song didn't immediately turn around to check. Instead, he thought to himself, *The male Fujimaru Ritsuka also came over?*

Just as Bai Song was thinking this, an even more familiar sound reached his earsthough it wasn't the voice of Fujimaru Ritsuka. More accurately, it was a scream.

"Why are you chasing after me?!!!"


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