Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 224: Bai Song:Tom save me!

Chapter 224: Bai Song:Tom save me!

"Schrdinger, watch out behind you!" Just as Bai Song felt that chill down his spine, Fujimaru Ritsuka beside him quickly reminded him.

Upon hearing the warning, Bai Song immediately manipulated the cat-dog-mouse mecha to perform a small jump about 2 meters off the ground. After the jump, he executed a quick turn to face Sphinx.

In the moment he completed the turn, Bai Song's gaze was drawn to the sphere of light within Sphinx's mouth. What he saw was a massive blue magical energy sphere with a diameter of about 2 meters. Coupled with Sphinx's movements, it was hard not to recall the Nine-Tails releasing its Tailed Beast Bomb. However, the color of the magical energy sphere was offblack and red would have been the perfect color combination for a killing blow, but that wasn't an option.

Nevertheless, no matter how one looked at it, the magical energy sphere appeared to be incredibly powerful. Getting hit by this thing would undoubtedly create a beautiful scene. It seemed much more potent than the rocket-powered monkey he had launched earlier. If Sphinx managed to launch this attack, Bai Song was certain he would be done for. He had only intended to target its posterior, but now it seemed Sphinx wanted his life in return.

"Damn, a sneak attack!" Bai Song really wanted to say something like 'no sense of honor, you'll pay for this', but then he remembered he hadn't exactly adhered to a code of honor either. If he suddenly cried 'no sense of honor' now, wouldn't that be a bit hypocritical?

Seeing that Bai Song had caught onto its sneak attack, Sphinx decided to cease charging the attack. While it was somewhat disappointed in the current power of the magical energy sphere, it couldn't afford to miss this opportunity. If it didn't strike Bai Song now, there might not be another chance. After all, Bai Song had managed to effortlessly evade all of Sphinx's attacks when facing him directly, even the one that resembled a summer dance.

With Bai Song's eyes fixed on it, Sphinx's plan to unleash the attack halted. Although it might not deal decisive damage this time, it still had to be launched. Otherwise, it wouldn't even manage to graze him.

With a thought, Sphinx let out a roar that sounded like a dragon's roar, and the blue magical energy sphere was propelled from its mouth.


"Crap!" Seeing the magical energy sphere hurtling toward him, Bai Song quickly manipulated the cat-dog-mouse mecha, trying to evade it.

But it was clear that this effort was in vain. The cat-dog-mouse mecha hadn't even touched the ground yet, and attempting a double jump in mid-air at this moment would violate the rules and get Bai Song disqualified from the match.

"Damn rules!" At this point, Bai Song really wanted to ask, was this "no double jumps" rule written by Vergil?

"Screw it, this is impossible to play now!" Bai Song thought, feeling frustrated. But he didn't have the luxury of time to think about rules. Realizing there was no way to evade, Bai Song immediately thought of a final solution.

That solution was... to rely on Tom!

When in doubt, find Tomthis had always been Bai Song's strategic thinking. Why do the heavy lifting when you had a badass Servant at your disposal? He wasn't some chaotic evil force!

So, he delegated the problem to the expert. "Switch, Tom!" Bai Song announced, relinquishing control of the mecha.

In an instant, control of the mecha transferred to Tom. Suddenly gaining control over the entire mecha instead of just its torso, Tom's excitement was palpable. His laughter carried a hint of mischief, "Oh yeah, oh yeah~."

Since this morningor rather, what couldn't exactly be called morningTom had been itching to experience the feeling of driving this racing mecha. He had even dreamt of holding the champion's trophy in a race yesterday night. This way, he wouldn't just be the GOAT of the cat-catching world; he could also become the champion cat of racing. The mere thought of this accomplishment satisfied Tom's vanity easily.

Unfortunately, he wasn't the driver. But now, he finally had the chance to fulfill this desire and drive the "car." How could he not be thrilled?!

Despite his excitement, Tom skillfully took control of the cat-dog-mouse mecha from Bai Song. Once Tom had complete control of the mecha, the transformation occurredits head, reminiscent of Optimus Prime's, transformed into a mechanical cat head.

This change resulted from Tom, the cat, now being in control of the head, rather than Bai Song. If the half-cat head version of Optimus Prime met the original Optimus Prime, the latter might just raise his sword and come charging angrily, shouting something like, "Evil creature, reveal your true form!" The wording might be off, but that's roughly the idea.

The transformation of the head occurred within an instant. Following that, Tom directed his focus towards the incoming blue energy sphere. With his mouth twisted into a grin, Tom was ready to act.

From Tom's towering 7-meter height, the 2-meter blue sphere in front of him seemed no more significant than a dodgeball. Tom pondered that since the shapes were so similar and the sizes nearly identical, all he needed to do was treat the blue energy sphere as if it were a dodgeball. And when it came to movement, whether it was dodgeball or any other ball, that was Tom's specialty!

"Swoosh!" The sound grew louder as the distance between the energy sphere and the cat-dog-mouse mecha closed rapidly. Due to its incredible speed, the energy sphere even generated arcs of electricity, resembling a spherical bolt of lightning.

"Steady!" Seeing that the cat-dog-mouse mecha had merely transformed its head into a cat shape and seemed to be awaiting its demise, Sphinx felt a surge of excitement. In the next moment, the blue energy sphere reached the front of the mecha.

Right before impact, Tom, controlling the mecha, pressed both hands onto the top of the energy sphere and used the mecha's entire weight to push it down. With this single motion, he managed to flatten the energy sphere onto the ground, just like a regular soccer ball undergoing "physics-approved" deformation, becoming slightly squished.

Seizing this opportunity, Tom used his hands as support to flip the entire mecha forward in a somersault. Capitalizing on the momentum generated by the flip, he forcefully hurled the blue energy sphere back in Sphinx's direction.

"?!" Sphinx's grin, which had resembled that of a husky just moments ago, froze as he watched the blue energy sphere flying back toward him.


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