Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 221: Bai Song: I, Mean Too!

Chapter 221: Bai Song: I, Mean Too!

"Is that your punching speed... really?" Bai Song stood amidst the dust, feigning calmness despite his recent evasion of Sphinx's barrage of attacks. Though he appeared somewhat panicked, the outcome clearly showed his calculated approach.

Through that series of attacks, the Schrdinger's Cat Mech had skillfully avoided any of Sphinx's blows. The Sphinx's attempts to harm the mech had failed miserably, and it seemed that Bai Song's cat-mouse-dog contraption was untouchable.

Sphinx's attack range was quite limited. By keeping a certain distance from the creature, Bai Song had managed to avoid its attacks effectively. Apparently, Sphinx was reluctant to stray too far from the race track it was guarding.

With a mocking expression directed at Sphinx, Bai Song taunted, "Feeble, feeble!"

Although Bai Song's expression was masked by the mech's head, it was clear that he had tucked himself safely inside the head, similar to Optimus Prime. But even though he projected a mocking expression, Bai Song was effectively concealed within the mech.

"Human, you are playing with fire," Sphinx responded, devoid of any emotion. After all, it was just a Sphinx that only knew how to ask questions and fight.

"No, no, no, I'm not playing with fire. I'm playing with you," Bai Song retorted, making an international gesture with his fingers and wiggling them provocatively. "Come on over~!"

Despite his ongoing taunts towards Sphinx, Bai Song's gaze was fixated on the creature's posterior. This was not because he had any interest in the creature; rather, his interest had more to do with his plan.

Bai Song's plan was quite straightforward, and it couldn't even be considered a formal plan. His main objective was to provoke Sphinx into attacking him. This would then leave the track that Sphinx was guarding empty. Bai Song intended to capitalize on this opportunity to accelerate away from the creature and continue the race. With Fujimaru Ritsuka and company behind him, Sphinx likely wouldn't just let them go for the sake of pursuing Bai Song alone.

If Bai Song had to sacrifice his teammates for his own benefit, he might feel conflicted for a while.

However, if he were to consider selling out his two enemies, what else was there to contemplate? Selling them out would settle the matter! So, as long as he could provoke Sphinx to leave the track, that would be Bai Song's victory!

But unfortunately, Sphinx seemed to be deviating from Bai Song's expected course of action.

"I'm not going over there. If you have no intention of defeating me and moving forward, then turn back," Sphinx declared, paying no attention to Bai Song's feeble and ineffective trash talk as it lay on the ground.

Seeing Sphinx's response, Bai Song's heart sank. It was clear that his plan had fallen flat. This was a moment of regret for Bai Songintense regret. He wondered why he hadn't chosen to learn how to talk his way out of situations when he used to play League of Legends. Instead, he had ventured into the Black Rose area, rumored to have plenty of girls, and spent two years there. Yet, not even one girl had come his way. This had inflicted a significant psychological scar on the young Bai Song at the time.

"Tsk, plan failed, time for a frontal assault!" Bai Song retracted his raised middle finger and spoke with a sigh.

Despite his regret and the realization that his plan had crumbled, Bai Song's determination didn't waver. He was now shifting gears from taunting to taking a more direct approach.

Upon hearing Bai Song's words, Tom and Jerry simultaneously typed a question mark on their respective consoles, and it appeared on the screen in front of Bai Song.

"Uh... it means to open up, you know? It's like going to beat up that dog thing!" Bai Song's right eyelid twitched. Were these really his teammates? Besides having no coordination, they had an abundance of synchronization!

Dog thing? Spike, who was currently sitting in the shopping cart suspended behind the mech, tapped a question mark on his forehead in confusion.

Bai Song took a deep breath and focused his gaze on Sphinx. At the same time, he manipulated the mech to hop forward a couple of times.

"Roar? Are you finally trying to challenge me again? Very well, come at me!" Seeing Bai Song approaching, Sphinx also got ready. It raised its front limbs off the ground, changing from a prone position to sitting on the ground like a dog.

Hopping to a position less than 10 meters away from Sphinx, the CatDog Rat mech halted.

Sphinx also directed all its attention toward the CatDog Rat mech. Given the powerful blow it had received from the mech's fist hitting its knee a while ago, it recognized that the mech's attack power was far from ordinary. Its elbow was still aching from that impact. It had chosen to lie on the ground earlier not to wait for the challengers' moves, but simply because its elbow hurt too much. Using its front limbs to support its weight had saved its right hand from getting hurt.

Pin against the ear of wheat, a 7-meter-tall half-body mech versus a 12-meter-tall Sphinx.

The battle was about to erupt.

Sphinx made the first move. It understood the agility of the CatDog Rat mech too well. Despite having only one hind leg, the mech could easily dodge its attacks with that leg. Therefore, it needed to seize the initiative; otherwise, it would lose.

With that in mind, Sphinx decisively raised its hand, a hand that was quite large, much larger than a sandbag, and swung it towards the CatDog Rat mech, which was currently stationary on the ground.


"Wait a moment!" Before Sphinx could even finish shouting "Ora," the Cat Dog Rat mech suddenly extended its right hand's palm.

Seeing this, Sphinx abruptly halted its raised fist in midair. Although it wasn't exactly known for its sense of sportsmanship, for some reason, at this moment, it felt like stopping its attack and listening to what Bai Song had to say.

With Sphinx's attack paused, Bai Song decisively manipulated the CatDog Rat mech and pointed his index finger toward the sky behind Sphinx.

"Look, your boss is coming to inspect!"

Upon hearing this, Sphinx's feathers suddenly ruffled, and it quickly turned its head to look at the sky, asking, "Where, where, where?!"

As Sphinx actually turned its head, Bai Song couldn't help but smirk. He swiftly detached the rocket launcher from his right shoulder, aimed it at the exposed backside of Sphinx, which was now facing him.


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