Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 22: The Second Summoning!

Chapter 22: The Second Summoning!

Looking at the button, Bai Song felt an immediate surge of excitement. To be honest, after summoning Tom, the summoning button had turned gray without any indication of progress or recovery. Bai Song had assumed that he could only summon one Servant. While having Tom was enough to ensure his safety, who wouldn't want to have more fighting power? Now that he could summon a second Servant, Bai Song's heart was filled with excitement. He even started fantasizing about which Servant he would summon next.

Suppressing his excitement, Bai Song casually placed the bento he had just picked up on the coffee table and walked to a relatively open area. He prepared himself to perform his second summoning ritual.

Just like the first time, when Bai Song clicked the summoning button, a crimson summoning circle immediately appeared on the ground and began the summoning process. Throughout the entire process, all Bai Song had to do was press the button.

As the summoning circle automatically operated, each intricate pattern on the circle started emitting a faint blue light that grew increasingly dazzling.

Finally, after a burst of blinding white light, the summoning concluded.

"Tom, don't look over here!" Bai Song had learned his lesson from last time. He hadn't covered his eyes before, and the bright light had blinded him temporarily. This time, he decided to preemptively shield his eyes.

At that moment, a tiny and gentle light flew out from the summoning circle and headed straight for the wall nearby. It collided with the base of the wall, revealing a rat hole in the spot where the light landed. However, both Bai Song and Tom had their eyes closed and missed this scene.

When the bright light gradually dissipated, Bai Song uncovered his eyes, full of anticipation as he looked towards the summoning circle to see which Servant had been summoned this time.

And then, Bai Song saw... nothing. There was no figure in the summoning circle.

Yes, you read that rightnothing. There was nothing in the location of the summoning circle. Even the summoning circle itself had vanished.

"...," Bai Song's smile froze as he stared at the disappearing summoning circle. Perplexed, he opened his interface panel again.

However, just like when he summoned Tom, the summoning button on the left side of the panel had turned gray. In other words, Bai Song had supposedly completed the summoning.

"Where is my Servant?!!" Bai Song exclaimed, looking at the empty ground in front of him. He impulsively grabbed the bento to throw it on the ground but thought better of it, considering its cost. As heartbroken as he was, Bai Song's poverty-induced rationality remained intact. If he wasted a box of food, he would only be even more devastated.

Bai Song glanced at the empty space before him and then looked at his panel again. With a face filled with sorrow and anger, he muttered, "Can this thing even misfire?!"

He never expected that summoning a Servant could result in failure. Who would have known that it could be a matter of chance?

Seeing Bai Song's crestfallen expression, Tom, who was currently busy eating, glanced up. He didn't know what was happening, but after confirming that he had no responsibility in the matter, he continued eating with his chopsticks. If it didn't directly affect him, Tom would choose to be indifferent.

Bai Song's mental state was on the verge of exploding. He thought he would soon have his second Servant, but instead... he had summoned a bunch of air?

"Is this panel cursed or something?" He couldn't let go of hope and tapped the now-gray summoning button. Unfortunately, there was no response. "I really did summon air, huh?"

Bai Song felt numb all over and reluctantly sat back next to the coffee table, picking up his bento once again. He convinced himself that a calm and ordinary meal was the way to go. He grabbed his chopsticks and resumed eating, feeling like he could devour three large bowls of food in one go.

In a corner unnoticed by Bai Song and Tom, a rat hole had appeared at some point. What was peculiar about this rat hole was that its entrance wasn't the usual rough and uneven kind gnawed by rodents. Instead, it was a nearly perfect semicircle, as if someone had deliberately designed it that way.

But the strangeness didn't end there. Inside this rat hole was even more astonishingit resembled a miniature bedroom, just like a shrunken room for a normal-sized human.

The room was furnished with various accessories, including a bed, a wardrobe, a table, a lounge chair, a rocking chaireverything you would find in a regular room, albeit on a much smaller scale. Ignoring its size, one could say that this miniature room was far superior to the house where Bai Song had been living, a house that hadn't been inhabited for over 20 years and even had ghosts floating around. The comparison was incomparable.

On the bed inside this small room, a sleeping mouse with a sleeping cap lay peacefully. On the headboard was written its name, 'Jerry.' It had no idea where it had ended up, but even if it did, it probably wouldn't care much.

At that moment, a tangible gas, resembling wisps of smoke, slowly drifted out from the bento box. It precisely made its way into Jerry's room, as if with a purpose, heading straight towards the location of Jerry's sleeping bed. The leading edge of the gas seemed to transform into a hand and gently brushed across Jerry's nose.

"Mia~mia~..." Jerry's mouth started to salivate upon smelling the aroma.

After the hand-like arm of the scented gas swept across Jerry's face, the index finger and thumb pinched his nose and began lifting it slowly. Jerry, in turn, started to float along with the gas.

When they reached a certain height, they pulled Jerry towards the entrance of the mouse hole, and Jerry himself floated gradually in that direction. However, it seemed that he had floated too high earlier, so when he reached the doorway, Jerry's head bumped directly into it.


"Ouch!" In that instant of hitting the doorframe, Jerry was instantly awakened by the pain. The invisible hand naturally released its grip on Jerry, causing him to fall flat on the ground, resulting in a miserable cry from Jerry.

As he opened his eyes, he saw a scented arm floating in front of him. The fragrance gas was still present, pointing in a certain direction before completely vanishing from Jerry's sight.

Following the direction indicated by the gas arm, Jerry spotted a large bag of food, instantly lighting up with excitement in his eyes.


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