Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 216: Bizzare Adventures in the Desert

Chapter 216: Bizzare Adventures in the Desert

The enormous shadow was moving at an incredible speed, at least 330 mph or more! From a divine perspective, it was clear that its velocity was far beyond that of the Cat-Mouse-Dog Battle Vehicle and the Hippogriff.

At this moment, Bai Song was still contemplating whether to strike preemptively. After all, the previous individual named Fujimaru Ritsuka had made an attempt on his life, with an arrow shot towards his crotch. Luckily, Bai Song's agility had allowed him to narrowly avoid that fatal strike.

Reflecting on the incident, Bai Song couldn't shake the feeling of dread. He realized that he was just an ordinary human, lacking the impressive resilience of someone like Tom. If that arrow had hit him, the consequences would have been dire.

In the midst of his thoughts, Bai Song suddenly felt a cool sensation enveloping him. Glancing downward, he discovered that he was being covered by something, likely the shadow of a hilltop. "Huh? Is the sun setting already? That was quick."

Without paying it much mind, Bai Song continued to weigh the necessity of striking first. However, before he could make a decision, he seemed to realize something and began sweating profusely on his forehead.

The sweat on Bai Song's forehead flowed down like raindrops on a car windshield during a stormcopious in volume. "Gurgle... There's some ghostly hilltop in the desert!"

More importantly, he was still within a few meters of the shadow's range. If he were a stationary object, he should have easily left the shadow's coverage within an instant, given his speed of over 300 mph. Yet, instead of leaving the shadow behind, it seemed to be advancing closer.

This situation... felt extremely wrong!

"Gurgle~." Bai Song gulped and summoned his courage to glance back behind him. And in that single glance, an enormous face wearing a golden mask came into view.

Most importantly, the massive face was only about two meters away from his current position!

If it came closer by just twenty centimeters, it would be a perfect kiss to the rear of the Cat-Mouse-Dog Battle Vehicle.

With such a close proximity and the sheer size of the face, Bai Song was immediately startled. He turned as white as a sheet, his entire being drained of color.

"Holy shit?!!!"

It was like stepping out of the house early in the morning, pushing open the door, and suddenly finding a grinning oddity standing right there. It would be spine-chillingly terrifying and enough to make anyone lose their composure on the spot.

However, Bai Song's momentary loss of color quickly regained its hue in the next instant. If one hadn't been focused on him, it would have been difficult to notice the subtle change that had just occurred in his body.

"Tom, step on the gas, quickly, quickly!!!" Regaining his senses, Bai Song huddled into the cabin and immediately began instructing Tom to accelerate. Though Tom found it peculiarsince the speed was already picking up and they were about to overtake the horse-mounted eagle aheadwhy did his master still complain that it was too slow?

However, it was all just his master's orders. So, Tom pressed the gas pedal slightly, causing the speed to increase just a tad more. They were now traveling at around 320 mph, officially surpassing the milestone of 500 kilometers per hour.

Feeling the acceleration, Bai Song took another look at the ground on the right side to catch a glimpse of the shadow of that oddity behind him. He was somewhat apprehensive about facing it head-on.

To his dismay, instead of widening the gap between them, their distance had actually decreased. He was getting closer to the creature behind him!

Astolfo, about to be overtaken by Bai Song, also noticed the enormous creature behind him. He immediately urged his Hippogriff to sprint with all its might. The Hippogriff's wings flapped vigorously, although it remained on the ground, relying on the force of its wings to propel itself forward.

"Don't overtake..."

Before Bai Song could even shout, the shadow behind him leaped into the air and performed a somersault right above his head.

In that instant, Bai Song looked up and saw the creature's belly, as well as a long, thick tail that commanded awe and respect just from its appearance.

Easily surpassing both Fujimaru Ritsuka and Bai Song, who were side by side, the creature charged forward for a few hundred meters before coming to a halt. It then turned around with a swift motion, facing Bai Song head-on.

At that moment, both Tom and Jerry, who had been puzzled by Bai Song's earlier acceleration, finally understood why his voice had trembled when he shouted. Jerry was startled and immediately retreated into the cabin, trying to make himself as small as possible.

After all, for the enormous creature, was there really much difference whether its opponent was ten times or a hundred times bigger? It was used to dealing with colossal enemies at home, after all. (Referring to Tom and Spike)

Tom, on the other hand, had a different reaction. Seeing the massive monster in front of him, Tom's eyes practically popped out of their sockets as he involuntarily lunged about 20 centimeters forward. Then, he let out a piercing scream, "Aaahhh!!!"

A swift chop to Tom's head, reminiscent of a slap, brought his eyes back into their sockets, and he let out a sheepish yelp, "Ouch!"

Withdrawn his hand from the "karate chop," Bai Song immediately ordered a brake, "Jerry, brake!"

Under normal circumstances, Bai Song would have chosen to accelerate past the creature ahead. However, the problem was that this was far from a normal situation. The creature had blocked the entire racetrack, so maneuvering around it would have meant leaving the track entirely.

Thus, the only option left was to brake. Yet, the moment the brake was applied, the vehicle underwent intense deformation. The front part of the car was braking fiercely, while the middle seemed to buckle, bending at almost a 90-degree angle like a "" symbol. Eventually, the vehicle came to a complete stop, and the rear end settled back onto the ground with a resounding collision, "Bang!"

Mirroring Bai Song's choice, Fujimaru Ritsuka also promptly chose to brake and came to a stop alongside Bai Song. The massive creature was now a mere 30 meters away from them.


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