Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 2: Tom's First Battle!

Chapter 2: Tom's First Battle!

Upon hearing Bai Song's command, Ryunosuke couldn't help but pause, sensing that something was off. Normally, when someone catches another person picking their lock, the first reaction would be to ask, "Who are you?" and then demand them to leave or call the police immediately, right?

Usually, that's how it should go. But this time... something seemed a bit off. Could it be a colleague? But there were no signs of the lock being tampered with before.

Meanwhile, Ryunosuke quickly assessed the situation at hand.

On the other side, when Tom heard Bai Song ordering him to tie up the man in front of him, he couldn't help but point at himself, then at the man who was nearly three times his height, as if saying, "Are you sure my small frame can handle him?"

However, Bai Song didn't say anything. He simply gave Tom a confident thumbs-up.

Upon receiving Bai Song's affirmation, Tom swallowed nervously.

Though he felt a tad bit anxious, he immediately tossed aside his trophy for being the "National Rat Catching Champion." Then, he reached behind his back and pulled out a rope from seemingly nowhere.

With his left hand holding the end of the rope, Tom started swinging the lasso in his right hand, gradually increasing the speed until it created afterimages.

"Huh? Are you having this cat attack me? Hahaha... Wait a minute, this thing is a cat?!!" Just as Ryunosuke was mocking him halfway, he looked at Tom's subsequent actions and was immediately dumbfounded as he watched Tom swinging the rope.

Once the rope reached the appropriate speed, Tom flung it towards Ryunosuke.

To everyone's surprise, the rope that had originally been only one meter long in Tom's hand kept extending, defying the laws of physics, and flew directly towards Ryunosuke, who was six meters away!

Although Ryunosuke couldn't comprehend this maneuver at all, he still instinctively dodged. He easily sidestepped the lasso that Tom had just thrown, finding it quite effortless.

However, before Ryunosuke could even catch his breath, his pupils suddenly contracted.

The lasso, because it missed its target, remained suspended in the air, as if the laws of gravity didn't exist on this planet.

Then, something even more hair-raising occurred. The lasso stayed still in the spot where Ryunosuke had been standing less than two seconds ago, but immediately made a sharp turn towards his current position, as if it were a tracking missilemore precise than an actual guided missile!

"Oh no!" At this moment, Ryunosuke realized it was too late to dodge. Inertia took over, causing him to experience a brief moment of paralysis. And in that split second, the lasso skillfully and accurately looped around his head, capturing his entire body, including his hands, in its grip.

But it didn't end there. The rope, after ensnaring Ryunosuke, began rapidly and eerily wrapping itself around him in a bizarre manner.

Finally, after tying itself into a butterfly knot, the rope stopped its seemingly anti-physics movement that could pierce through Newton's coffin board. Ryunosuke, on the other hand, was completely bound like a rice dumpling.

His entire body was almost immobile, with only his lower legs able to move slightly.

Ryunosuke couldn't fathom this supernatural scene. The rope that had been just one meter long when thrown, how could it have bound him up like this?!

"Nice job, Tom! Well done..." Bai Song exclaimed excitedly upon seeing Tom effortlessly subdue Ryunosuke. However, before he could finish his praise, a slight change occurred on the scene.

Ryunosuke, faced with the inexplicable situation, instinctively took half a step back.

It was this small movement that caused Tom, who tightly gripped the rope, to be pulled toward Ryunosuke by a full meter!

In fact, Tom's braking... no, cat-braking, left two one-meter-long grooves on the wooden floor!

It was only when Tom was pulled to the hallway connecting the entrance and the living room, using his feet to anchor himself to the sides of the doorway, that he managed to stop being pulled by Ryunosuke.

Not only Bai Song was stunned, but Ryunosuke couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at Tom, who had been pulled over a meter by his own doing, and the two one-meter-long grooves under his feet. Ryunosuke had only taken half a step back, a mere ten centimeters!

"Huh? Am I really this strong?!" The moment Ryunosuke realized that he might be able to defeat the cat easily, his confidence skyrocketed!

Following the same retreat he had just done, Ryunosuke attempted to take another step back. Just like before, even though Tom's feet were already braced against the wall, trying to hold on to him, Ryunosuke felt no resistance at all. It was to the extent that he could confidently call Tom "weak."

Once he confirmed this again, Ryunosuke's confidence returned completely. He now understood that despite the oddity of the blue upright cat named Tom in front of him, his fighting ability far surpassed it. If he could just pull Tom towards him, a headbutt would undoubtedly end the battle.

On the other hand, Tom was once again pulled by a full meter towards Ryunosuke, but this time, only his body moved closer by a meter, while his feet remained securely braced against the corridor's exit.

At this point, there was only about two meters of distance between Ryunosuke and Tom. As long as Ryunosuke took one more step back, Tom would fall within the range of his headbutt attack.

In this crucial moment, Tom released his right hand and casually pulled out a big stick that was as thick and long as a wrist. Although Ryunosuke was a bit puzzled about where Tom had gotten such a big stick, he remained unfazed. With Tom's limited strength, even if he struck himself, it would be no different from a baby's punch. Moreover, Ryunosuke would end the battle with a headbutt before Tom could attack.

So... with utmost confidence, Ryunosuke took the final half step back. With this step, he and Tom finally came face to face, less than half a meter apart. It can be said with certainty that when two males are in such close proximity, it can only result in one of two things: either a fight or a surrender.

At this moment, Ryunosuke and Tom, two males, were like the quick-drawing gunslingers in a Western standoff. After a brief stalemate, they both made their moves simultaneously! Ryunosuke exerted force with his legs, tilting his body downward, fully prepared for a powerful headbutt. However, at that moment, he noticed that Tom didn't swing his big stick, but instead held it suspended about ten centimeters above his own head.

This made Ryunosuke's movement hesitate for a moment, wondering if Tom had given up on the attack. Just as Ryunosuke was thinking this, Tom kept his wrist steady and simply lowered the big stick with his hand, striking Ryunosuke on the head.



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