Type-Moon, but the Servant is Tom

Chapter 199: Bai Song Wants to Screwing Up the Big Dog?!

Chapter 199: Bai Song Wants to Screwing Up the Big Dog?!

"Whoa!" Bai Song sprinted away from the parking lot, feeling exhilarated and guiltily thrilled by his escapade. For the first time, he experienced the mix of guilt and excitement from stealing a battery, a sensation even more satisfying than chugging a can of gamer's joy juice.

Bai Song's speed was... well, he couldn't quite tell how fast, but he was in a state of pure bliss. It was his first taste of the thrill that came from a petty crime, and he was riding the high of it.

The guilt and exhilaration blurred his perception, making him disregard his actual speed. While he might have appeared to be sprinting at 60 miles per hour to onlookers, in his own mind, it was a leisurely 30.

With his heightened mental state, Bai Song soon reached the hidden alley where he stashed Spike, his loyal dog, and his battery-deprived scooter. Negotiating the twists and turns of his memory, he eventually arrived at a dead-end.

Just as he entered the alley, Bai Song spotted Spike gleefully licking his "wife," a red spear, sprawled on the ground. Even though his beloved weapon had been temporarily borrowed by his owner, Spike was overjoyed to have it back in his mouth, despite the greenish tint on his head.

However, this joyful dog scene didn't last long. The sound of approaching footsteps suddenly made Spike freeze, a sense of impending doom washing over him.

Whimpering, Spike glanced up and saw Bai Song at the entrance of the alley. In an instant, panic surged through him, and Spike took immediate action. He flung the red spear into the air, then frantically dug a hole, creating a tunnel in a frenzy.

A high-pitched sound resembling "zhi-zhi-zhi" filled the air, a result of Spike's rapid digging. In just 0.1 seconds, Spike had managed to create a tunnel two meters long and 20 centimeters wide. Simultaneously, the red spear, which had been thrown into the air moments ago, seemed to heed some spectral call and abruptly stopped its ascent. It descended rapidly, landing perfectly in the newly dug tunnel.

As the red spear settled snugly into the tunnel, Spike glanced back at the alley entrance, making sure Bai Song hadn't taken a second step forward yet.

Then Spike swiftly turned around and began to refill the freshly dug tunnel. In a matter of 0.3 seconds, the tunnel was completely covered up.

Finally, Spike stood up and meticulously pressed down on the surface of the filled tunnel, compacting the soil once again. Now, the concrete ground appeared as though nothing had ever happened, with no trace of disruption. This level of restoration was almost like rewinding time itself.

Bai Song rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was experiencing vision problems. One moment Spike was sprawled on the ground licking something, and the next moment he saw Spike standing there panting heavily. Was it Bai Song's eyes playing tricks, or was something really off with Spike?

"Spike, why are you standing there? What were you doing just now?" Bai Song asked.

"Thump, thump." Spike shook his head vigorously in response, accompanied by a strange sound that seemed to emerge out of nowhere.

Bai Song raised an eyebrow skeptically. Something unusual had definitely happened. However, at this critical juncture, he didn't pay much attention to it. He was about to start working on modifying his car, and if Spike had some secret it didn't want him to know, he'd let it be. He could always withhold a few bones from Spike as punishment later.

Bai Song's focus shifted from the baffling Spike to his upcoming car modification. He had chosen this spot to stash his scooter not only for its concealment and Spike's presence, but also because he intended to work on it here.

Ignoring Spike, who looked somewhat guilty standing there, Bai Song walked past and reached the scooter situated behind Spike.

"Alright, time to get to work!"

Casually removing Tom from around his neck and gently placing him on the ground, Bai Song also took Jerry out from his pocket, along with the most important itemthe battery.

"Is this thing really still in here?" Bai Song muttered to himself as he opened the small bag.

He absentmindedly spread out his left hand, placing the bag with the battery on his palm. Bai Song weighed it slightly, feeling the weight of the bag itself, but the battery seemed to have evaporated from existence.

With a sense of uncertainty about whether the battery had disappeared, Bai Song used his right hand to pull on the string, easily untying the simple knot that sealed the linen bag.

"As I thought, is there reallyoh my god?!" Bai Song's words trailed off as he opened the bag, revealing the battery inside. In that instant, the weight... had returned!

However, due to the fact that the bag had very little weight when Bai Song lifted it with his left hand, he didn't adjust his force before the weight suddenly returned. The linen bag, now with a significantly greater weight, pushed aside Bai Song's left hand and plummeted straight to the ground.

Moreover, this fall... it didn't experience any acceleration! It transitioned from zero speed to the speed of sound, like a bullet being fired from a gun, going from 0 to 100 in an instant.

Though the linen bag showed no signs of breaking the sound barrier during its fall and appeared to be in a subsonic state, in reality, it was undoubtedly exceeding the speed of sound. In just a split second, the supersonic linen bag plummeted onto... Bai Song's left foot, positioned on the ground.

Spike, Jerry, and Tom all focused their gazes on Bai Song. The atmosphere became eerily silent, like the calm before a storm.

"Caw, caw, caw." A crow flew overhead, leaving behind a trail of black droppings. From a certain angle, it resembled the character '...' in a striking manner, especially including the initial bird.

At that moment, Bai Song seemed to notice the anomaly, lowering his head to look at where the linen bag had fallen.


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