Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 8: Chapter 12

Book 8: Chapter 12

The meeting on the second day was quite different from the first. The atmosphere that felt like one wrong step could lead to a war had mostly weakened. It was likely because most countries could confirm what was realistically possible so that they would then reach a common ground. The Empire also assumed that only some things they requested would be reasonable, so they pulled back a lot. From there on out, they each proceeded to find common ground and adjust to each others demands.

I seeHowever

I understand where youre coming from, but nonetheless

The conversations went on like this, rather peaceful this time, so Kyle was sure that things would hopefully work out this time. They quickly reached lunch for a quick break, and just as Kyle sighed and left the hall, someone called out to him.

Great work in there.

Turning around, Kyle was greeted by the chairman of the Marco Business Association, Klaus Marco. He leads the worlds greatest trade group, also acting as something like the heros personal merchant, and he carried more influence and wealth than the king of a small country would. The Empire has been trying to reel him in with the offer of a title, but Klaus wasnt falling for that.

Even though his association carried a lot of practical influence across the continent, he was still a merchant, so he was not actively participating in the meeting, but he was on stand-by to hopefully expand his business later on. And to him, this meeting couldnt be any better of a place. And to Kyle, he was a partner-in-crime who knew of the fact that Kyle was in contact with the demons. Not only that, but even Princess Angela from the Empire was part of this major secret, which would be their trump card if the Empire found out.

How is the meeting going so far?

I cant go into detailBut about expected, I would say.

I see, I see. So right now, theyve managed to feel out each other. I would assume that the key will be the Empire, and how far theyre willing to go for peace.

It seemed like Klaus had figured out what was mostly going on despite not being present.

But I have to say, Im impressed you actually managed to have such an event like this take place. When I first heard about it, I laughed it off as a fools errand.

A World Meeting that gathered humanfolks most influential leadersKlaus never assumed that Kyle could pull off something like that.

Its still not as great as Id like it to be. I would have loved to have the dark elves here Kyle sighed.

The dark elves were even more secluded than the elves, not even showing themselves to another race. Kyle attempted to send them an invitation through Paserane, one of the dark elves he knew, but they never accepted after all. But they made promises to hear out the results of the meeting, so it wasnt all for nothing.

Even the dark elvesThey never change, do they? Klaus was unsure if he should praise them or not.

Oh yeah, let me thank you again. We managed to finish this fortress in time thanks to your help.

Without him, they wouldnt have finished the fortress in time.

No, no. The reality of the matter is that I benefited greatly from this meeting, so I should be the one thanking you. On top of thatDo you mind me asking where you get all your funding from? I was already wondering this during the civil war within the Empire.

A valid question to have. Except the funding this time was even greater than during the civil war. Granted, Galgan, Zilgus, and even Sura supported him, but the majority was still paid by Kyle. And this amount wasnt something a single person could afford to just toss out.

Oh, that. I found all the funding in the Magic Kings deep labyrinth, see.

Kyle had thought he would be using a major portion of the reserves to build this fortress, but it was still barely 1/50 of what was available in the treasury, which surprised even Kyle. Naturally, Klaus misunderstood Kyle and assumed it was just him trying to remain secretive, so he didnt press the matter any further. Following that, he moved closer to Kyle and spoke with a quiet voice.

That saidIs it true that you will bring up the demons on the final dayand how we should protect ourselves against their threat?

Klaus saw it as righteous to help Luiza plus for his own benefit. What Luiza wished for was peace between the humanfolk and demonfolk. Of course, Kyle wasnt exactly on board a clean 100% with that, either, but he was definitely teaming up with her. To Kyle, the demons were an enemy that could never be forgiven, but keeping Luiza, a peace advocate, as the leading role in their forces was ideal to Kyle. So thats why he was more than willing to work with her.

Theres no doubt that their movement is beginning to stir up cautionAnd you know about Targ, right?

Targ was a servant of the next Demon Lord, the very one that led the Great Invasion back in Kyles original timeline.

There are demons who go against Demon Lord Luizas orders. And they are hiding amongst humanfolkso we have to be prepared for everything.

I understand that you have to prepare for the worst-case scenario. However, personally, I wouldnt wish for humanfolk to see demons as the absolute enemy

Of course, Kyles suggestion would have a heavily negative influence on the peace ideas that both Luiza and Klaus shared.

I know you have a lot of things to say about thisBut Im not against what Luiza is planning. However, Im just trying to prepare for the possibility that there might be a new Demon Lord in the future. Thats all Im going to talk about, too.

Okay, I understand. Also, the thing you asked for should arrive within the next two to three days.

Finally Kyle breathed a sigh of relief.

The thing he asked for was actually Kyles new armor that was made with the skin of Dragon King Zeurus, and since the current skill of humanfolk made it impossible to do anything with it, they let the demons handle the handiwork. Normally, it should have been delivered much sooner, but Luiza seemingly got really into working it up to its best possible quality, which delayed the finishing touches.

It seems like itll make it in time for the final day.

Do youneed it for something? Klaus didnt quite understand why he would need that armor during a peace meeting like this.

Well, Im going to need it for a bit of a show, so to speak, Kyle said with a faint smile.

That days meeting continued into the afternoon, but as for overall progress, it was a lot better than running on complete parallel lines. Even Korodes was showing readiness to offer more than to take, but it wasnt anything to write home about, and not many could even accept his conditions. That said, while turning half of the participants into his enemies, he was still good at making peaceful demands. And although there was some progress to be made, when the second day ended, there was still no real common ground reached. Kyle had begun thinking that maybe he had to enact a change of plans from tomorrow onward.


The third day of the World Meeting was the first day off for all participants. That said, there were still plenty of official events to consider, and it was an important day for the participants to have discussions behind closed doors. So did Kyle, too, as he needed all the time he could get. And amidst all this, speaking of Kyle and his allies, a certain Seran was off to meet someone very important on heavy feet. The Wyvern landing at the fortress was a good bit bigger than the previous ones, and the cage it was carrying made it clear that a person of high standing would be aboard it. First, several servants and knights appeared, until finally, the VIP showed herselfthe princess of the Galgan Empire, Angela.

Thank you very much for coming to see us, Angela-sama. Kyle greeted her with a friendly smile.

As a matter of fact, they had grown rather close, as they even traveled and fought together.

It has been a while, everyone. Thank you for coming to see me despite my abrupt arrival.

Just as Angela stated, she originally wasnt supposed to be attending the meeting, and just stopped by as an unexpected visitor.

Considering the importance of the meeting, Brother Maizer judged that someone from the imperial family should be present, alongside Minister Korodes. That is why I am here. Though, I am also glad that I could meet all of you here.

Angela showed a warm smile of her own, but something felt off about it. That said, Kyle couldnt quite tell what that was.

However, Im afraid I cannot remain until the final day. Including today, the best I can do is four

Oh, really? What a shame.

Contrary to his tone, Kyle was relieved. It would create a lot of trouble if she remained that long. Following that, Angela looked over at Seran and snickered. She greeted Lieze and Urza in a similar way like Kyle, and then turned back to Seran.

Wh-What is it?

WellIm just glad youre doing fine, Angela pretended to be happy and walked away, but Kyle and his friends were dubious about that reaction.

The Angela they knew was, put mildly, living in her own world, and phrased badly, would be rather childish and selfish. When it came to Seran, she would even leap at him no matter who was watching. So seeing her this hesitant and reserved didnt feel quite right.

Irumera-sama and Ghrud-sama must be present too, right? I would like to greet them.

When she had joined Kyles friends in the demon territory, Angela had talked with the dragons before, although it was only superficial for the most part.

Ah, I forgot to inform you, but we have another wyvern arriving later. It will be an important visitor, so please be sure to welcome them. Now, if you would excuse me

She probably had a lot of people to meet, not just the dragons, considering she was the princess of the Empire. And with these final words, she walked off on swift feet.

Did shechange or something? She seems a lot calmer than beforeLike shes matured?

Yeah. I guess shes grown?

Lieze uttered an impression as she watched Angela walk away, and Urza agreed.

Shes always been clever, and this kind of behavior might be more befitting of a princess, but even so

Something didnt feel right to Kyle.

How do I say thisits a bit different from just her acting offHmmm? Seran watched Angela walk away, but just crossed his arms and groaned while thinking.

That said, they didnt have much time to think about it, because they already saw another Wyvern approaching in the distance. This must be the important guest that Angela mentioned. They all wondered who it could be and waitedbut when the cage opened, Kyle completely froze up, not having anticipated this outcome.

Kyle, how have you been? You didnt catch a cold, did you? Are you eating properly?

The ones who appeared were Kyles mother Seraia and his father Roel. In his mothers arms, she carried a small baby.

Wh-Why are you here?

Angela-sama invited us. You wouldnt come see Alessa at all, you know?

I know that youre busy, but you have to take a breakAlso, this is your little sister Alessa, Roel said with a smile as he introduced Kyles new little sister.

AhUmH-Heythere? Kyle didnt know what to say, so he just greeted the child that had barely been born seven, maybe eight months ago.

Meanwhile, Alessa had one finger in her mouth and gave Kyle a puzzled look.

Oh my god, shes so cuteC-Can I hold her?! Lieze asked, completely bewitched.

Yes, of course. Shes basically like your own little sister, so look after her, okay?

But naturally, Lieze didnt understand the hidden meaning behind Seraias words.

WaaaahSo smalland warmand she smells nice, Liezes face was melting away from the cuteness, as she rubbed her cheek against the baby. Look, its your older brother, she directed Alessas face Kyles way, as she stared at him.

It seemed almost like she understood that he was her older brother because she reached for him with her hand.


Kyle reflexively brushed his hand off his clothes and then carefully reached for her hand. She then took one of his fingers.

Maybe she can tell that youre her older brother?

W-Would it be okay if I held her, too?

Lieze flashed a beaming smile, as Urza reluctantly raised her hand. Meanwhile, Kyles hand ended up drenched with Alessas drool, making him wonder what to do. If this was all a prank set up by Angela, then maybe she hadnt grown that much after all.


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