Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 7: Chapter 14

Book 7: Chapter 14

The place sure is lonely. Cant believe the two sisters are so different.

Jumping over the fence, Kyle reached the entrance of the Mera temple, uttering his impressions. It was called a temple, but it was barely taller than an average residents home, and the inside was barren with not even chairs to sit on. Just as Raidan stated, most of the work here was cleaning, and the one thing that made it look like a temple was the statue of Goddess Mera on the small altar. It was the stellar opposite of the temple for Cairys that stood in the center of this holy city.

Ive been awaiting your arrival. Please, come inside.

A voice called out to Kyle from the darkness inside the building. Naturally, this was none other than Cordi. Next to him was Urza, tied up with a mouth gag, but she didnt seem injured at the least. Spotting Kyle, Urzas eyes opened up wide in joy, and Kyle sighed in relief, only to glare at Cordi.

Taking hostages now? A bit excessive, dont you think?

My sincerest apologies. I simply wished to talk with you in private, so I had no other choice. I figured that, if we had your friends and Leyla-samas son Seran-sama here, we wouldnt have managed to get much talking done.

Thats true, all right

In fact, they would probably be fighting right now to get Urza back.

Please, you dont have to be so wary. As I said before, I have no intention of fighting you, Kyle-sama. Im here all by myself, too.

Kyle quickly understood that he was speaking the truth, as he didnt pick up any other presences nearby. That said, he saw no reason to put even the smallest amount of trust in whatever Cordi said, and as long as he had a hostage, Kyle definitely wouldnt relax.

So, I assume you have met our HolinessMera-sama, in fact.

Sure did. You were right. My view on certain things definitely changed.

It was a life-changing encounter for sure.

Then surely, you understandHow deep our faith runs!

Finally, Cordi dropped the mask. He stopped his fake smile and revealed his true feelings.

There is but one wish I haveI want to offer my prayers to Mera-samaRight here at this temple! In broad daylight!

His faith and belief were unparalleled.

The other gods wouldnt do a damn thing! Only Mera-sama cares about us, offering us guidance! That is why I want Mera-sama to become the absolute goddess for us humans. It is my only desire!

The story of the Mera cult was the story of pain and suffering.

And that is why we wish to support you with everything we have. Because you are the chosen one by Mera-sama Cordi spoke with such passion he almost broke out in tears, but Kyle was unimpressed.

You should know that the main focus of the Mera cult is to always improve upon themselves.

Yes, naturally. However, it is also true that we see ourselves above the rest of the humanfolk. Order is best provided with a hierarchy, dont you think?

Some things I cant get behind. Kyle glanced at Urza.

I understandYou really have a kind heart. It is one reason why you are most fit for this. Cordi looked over at Urza, too, and sighed. Its not as if I wasnt thinking of ways for us to reach a common ground. The situation asks for this, after all.

You mean the [Great Invasion]?

Quite. If not for Mera-samas [Oracle], I would not have believed it myself. The world of man falling to ruinAnd when we learned of this, we decided to only save ourselves. Is that so wrong, I wonder?

Kyle shook his head.

No, youre not.

I understand that you are hesitant. However, if you wish to save the world of man, we will assist you.

What needed the most right now were allies willing to support him in his quest. And Cordi with his Mera cult most certainly fit the description.

At the same time, this thing here will prove quite useful, too. Cordi said as he looked at Urza. Because after all, she is the daughter of an influential individual within the clan of long-ears that live in the Evunro Great Forest.

Kyle hadnt heard about this before. He remembered that he hadnt heard much about Urzas family up to this point. And the fact that Cordi knew only showed the influence the Mera cult had.

This is all that I wanted to tell you, Cordi said and moved away from Urza.

Witnessing this, Kyle approached the girl.

I understand what youre aiming at. And I have to say, your words carry gravity, Kyle answered while undoing Urzas restraints.

Yes. Thank you very much.

And Master did say that you disappearing would be problematic. Youre keeping the extremists under control, right?

I dont like the sound of thatBut you are quite correct.

It was clear that Cordi very much cared for the Mera cult.

She said it could cause issues if you disappearedso, why not do just that?

Hm? But, wait

With the gag removed, Urza shed tears of joy as Kyle moved to embrace her

Kyle! Thank you

UrzaIm sorry!

After smiling happilyKyle punched Urza. He aimed directly at Urzas temple, aiming to give her brain a good shake.


Cordi raised a voice of shock, but Kyle didnt mind that and instead gently embraced the girl. From her hands fell a needle with an oddly-colored tip, which Kyle threw at Cordi.


It stabbed Cordi in the arm, as he slumped to the ground.

Paralytic, huh?


Cordi must have wanted to ask How did you know? but the poison had reached his mouth as he started drooling.

I know Urza. Shed never look at me this way, and she wouldnt jump at me while crying. And thank me? No way. Shed just get angry at me for coming here alone. Thats the kind of woman she is.

And that fact made Kyle happier than anything else.

Im glad I realized quickly that this was like what happened to Ghrud.

If Kyle hadnt had a similar experience when the dragon Ghrud was controlled by the Mera cult, he might not have realized, let alone doubted her.

Once I was defenseless, you would have tried to convince me the same way, right? Thats why you were waiting here without any support.

After gently putting Urza back on the ground, Kyle faced Cordi.

K-Kyle-samaI do not wish tofight!

Oh, I know. But I wanna kill you so bad I can barely contain myself, Kyles anger was calm but even more scary.

An expression unlike any before appeared on Cordis face. It was a look of terror and despair as he cowered in the face of Kyles rage.

You knowI came here today, dead-set on killing you no matter what. There was never any room for negotiations.

Cordi tried to crawl backward, as Kyle pulled out his sword and took one step after the other nearing him.

And not only that, you even forced Urza to attack me

Some people might think that was the wrong reason to get angry, but it was some of the highest offenses for Kyle.

S-Stay away! Cordi tried to escape, but Kyle was getting closer and closer. Honestly, I feel like an idiot for worrying so much.

The moment he heard that Urza was in danger, Kyle was provided an answer. He realized what he had to do.

Let me be clear. Youre right. And to be honest, its rather obvious that Im in the wrong.

He wouldnt hesitate any longer. Why was he fighting? What was he hoping to protect? He would never get it wrong again.

Screw the world. I choose Urza.

With these words, Kyle swung his sword, trying to end this swiftly as a final act of kindness. Cordi tried to say something right before he met his end, but his mouth wouldnt move.

Hmph. Kyle looked down at Cordi, but quickly moved away and rushed over to Urza.

He gently touched her cheek, to which she groaned and slowly opened her eyes. The hypnosis Ghrud once was put under could be undone through an impact on the head. Kyle assumed that this method worked, but he had no guarantee for this, so he braced himself for the worst. The light returned to Urzas eyes, and once she confirmed that Kyle was the one holding her, her mouth slowly opened.

You ok

You utter fool! Why did you come here all by yourself?!

It really was the Urza that Kyle knew best.

Im glad youre doing fine.

He was relieved, but he also felt a bit of regret that she didnt cling to him as she did earlier under the hypnosis.

Dont you have to save the world?! Why are you putting yourself in danger like this!

Yeah, sorry. Ill be careful from now on, Kyle lied.

If something like this were to happen again, he would undoubtedly act the same way.

Why do you think I tried to leaveI didnt want to be a burden

And yet, this very action brought even greater harm to Kyle. The guilt must have been eating away at her.

Im sorry, really

In the face of that, Kyle simply continued to apologize and utter this white lie.


Urza had finally calmed down, but she still wasnt back to full health. Realizing that no more harm would come her way, Kyle sighed.

Lets take a quick break and then head back, Kyle sat down next to Urza, who still struggled to move properly.

Their bodies werent touching, but they were close enough to hold hands. This vague distance perfectly depicted their emotional distance.

Now that were hereTheres something I want to ask.

The silence had continued for a while until Urza eventually opened her mouth. She had never intended to ask this question, and she tried to not think about it, either.

Sowhat relationship did we have in the future you came from?

She had mostly confirmed this already, but she wanted to hear it in his own words.

We were lovers.

I seeI had imagined as much. Urza blushed furiously as she averted her face.

Since he knew her true name, she thought that it might be because they hadthat kind of relationship.

II had a feelingbut hearing it now is a bit

Urza buried her face in her knees, not allowing Kyle to see her expression, but her long ears were red as they twitched.

Sowhen did the Applied Contract happen?

The night before the final battle. We promised that wed live together after the battle was over.

That was basically begging for things to go wrong, Urza groaned.

Yeah, there couldnt be any greater death flag out there.

I mean, you were the one who brought it up Kyle tried to defend himself.


And we were serious. It gave me hope to challenge the Demon Lord.

I seeJ-Just to be clear, though, what I did back then has nothing to do with me right now. Dont get the wrong idea, okay?!

She seemed to have gotten bashful again as she roared in anger.

I know, I know. Youre just you.

Kyle lied once again. He knew that it wasnt as simple as that. Granted, the Urza in front of him might be nothing like the Urza he had knownbut deep down, she was still the same.

Im sorry for getting angry at you earlierThanks for saving me, Kyle. But in the end, I still Urza couldnt finish her sentence.

After all, Kyle threw his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer. Although she wasnt prepared for this, she didnt try to fight it, either.

Kyle She could feel her heart racing faster.

Hell no. I dont want you to leave.

Kyle didnt have any particular reason other than his self-indulgence. Maybe Urza was right. Maybe splitting up would be more efficient to save the world. Even so, Kyle wont lie to himself any longer. No matter what, he wont let go of her again.

Sorryfor forcing you to make that choice. But believe me, Ill handle it from now on, Kyle said without allowing any rebuttal from Urza. Seriously, what was I even doing

Urzas actions were clearly induced by Kyles hesitation. He should have taken the simple path and followed his desires. He remembered for what reason he was even fighting.

I guess youvemade up your mind. Fixed your thoughtsbut because of that, you look even more invincible than before.

Whether or not that was meant as praise, Urza did smile at Kyle.

I just stopped worrying about it. Thats all there is to it.

The two gazed at each other, close enough for their breaths to touch. And even that felt comfortable. Kyle gently placed his hand on her smooth lower jaw. Urza didnt resist and gave inonly to open her mouth once more.

And whats your plan with Lieze?

Their lips were about to touch, yet these words were like a fist right up Kyles chin to completely knock him out. The sweet atmosphere from before had all but vanished, as it now felt like he was inside a blizzard. And yet, his body reacted the opposite way and began sweating profusely. What he told Urza before was the absolute truth, but at the same time, he felt the same way when it came to Lieze, too. Of course, this whole dilemma occurred because of circumstances no normal person would ever experience, and its not like he was just a women-chasing playboy. But, it still wasnt enough to excuse all of it. Kyle had tried to cut a clear line to not create more trouble for himself, but that only bounced back at him now.

Just kidding. Sorry for the nasty question, Urza said as she grinned at him with a devious smile.

Seemingly, she understood that Kyle wasnt acting frivolous, but that the circumstances simply were that complicated.

If anything, if you had chosen between Lieze and I here and nowI would have probably stabbed you, she said with a jesting tone as she grinnedbut her eyes werent smiling.

Hahaha Kyle could feel his heart rate accelerating.

He felt much closer to death now than he did during his fight with Ghrud or the strongest demon Three-Arms.

It also seems to me like youve been getting rather friendly with Minagi, too

Oh, right! Im worried about Minagi and the others! Lets head back!

Kyle would rather not suffer any more mental damage than this, so he awkwardly changed the topic. Then again, Urza seemed satisfied with this bit of teasing and followed after Kyle.

Will Lieze and the others be okay?

Hearing Kyle explain the situation she had missed, Urza couldnt hide her concern.

Oh, please. Of course theyll be fine, Kyle confidently answered.

He had no reason to be this confident, and yet she didnt doubt his words for a second.


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