Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 6: Chapter 16

Book 6: Chapter 16

Konrads army had grown to 50,000 soldiers, all gathering at the Gohoro Plains to take formation. General Dargof opened a large map and placed several pieces on it to clarify the current situation, as another twenty high-ranking officials were listening. With the beginning of the battle in front of them, everyone was feeling refreshed, assuming they had an easy victory on their hands.

As you can see, weve set up defenses so that were protected no matter the direction they decide to attack us from. General Dargofs confident explanation only lit up the faces of the other feudal lords more.

Magnificent work, General!

One of the local nobles, invited by Konrad, praised Dargofs plan. However, he saw this as the expected situation, so he remained stoic.

Though I have to ask, why did you proceed in such haste?

Only Konrad was a bit bewildered at these events. According to information he had received beforehand, the arrival should have taken three whole days. In that event, Maizer would have taken place first and given them a hard time.

Because the Marco Business Association offered their full support. We managed to gather rations and equipment at breakneck speed.

An aide at Konrads side commented such, as more smiles spread amongst the lords.

As expected of the famous businessman. He knows when to act, I see.

Cheers filled the tent, but they knew that the strong only side with those who win. However, Konrad was the only one who didnt seem too excited, as one of his followers called out to him.

Is there something wrong, Konrad-sama? Your expression looks rather complicated.

Things are going too wellIt makes me wonder if this could be some kind of trap, Konrads statement put everyone on edge again.

But they started laughing and denied it.

It definitely feels unnatural, but I find it hard to believe that this could be a trap. They simply put themselves at a disadvantage.

Even so, they gave us the advantage. And since we set up first, we can end this quickly no matter what they may be plotting.

The ones who take their blessings and move on are the ones who receive heavens blessings, as they say. Even Konrads aide showed a wry smile.

Of course, your perception matters most, but I believe youre thinking about it too much.

Thatmight be true.

Since all his followers said so, Konrad gave up on mentioning it. He didnt want to be hung up on this fact and ruin the mood in his camp.

I guess Im thinking too much about it

The aide observed Konrads mutter, remembering that Konrad was always rather passive about this whole civil war. But with this number of soldiers, it gave him the boost it needed. Galgan prided itself in fighting and war, and Konrad was definitely not as boasting in martial arts or the act of war, which cost him a lot of confidence. In fact, if he had Dargofs main force, he might have been able to take over the capital without having had to return to his own residence. But that would have resulted in it being classified a coup detat, causing trouble in his further rule. In order to grasp the hearts of the nobles, politicians, and citizens, he needed a clean victory to show his prowess.

Konrad-sama, if you show worry like this, it will negatively impact your retainers The aide whispered to Konrad, who shook his head and opened his eyes to take in a deep breath.

I am well awareAnd I cannot cause Father any more pain than this, so Im going to end everything while he gets the rest he deserves!

Because of Konrads sudden outburst, all the other lords drastically calmed down to get level-headed once more.

What we should prioritize the most is guaranteeing Fathers and Nords safety. They have to be kept safe under any circumstances! Maizer will and always be second to that! And I order you to not hurt a single citizen! Am I understood?

Konrads face appeared from deep down his gut, showing the gravity of the situation. Let alone the nobles and the lords, even Dargof had to swallow his breath. Every individual present had his own gripes to see Konrad fighting such a battle and not Eldorand. But right now, they realized that even Konrad was one of Benedix children, reaffirming their respect for him.

O-Of course, we are more than aware of this. And rest assured, thanks to Korodes-samas efforts, we have been receiving many different letters supporting your endeavors.

Dargof heard the aides response and frantically took out the letters in question. It showed signs of many influential individuals in the Empire, which softened the mood in the room.

It took us a lot of work to reach this state. I would love to celebrate the occasion with a night of booze, but alas

The Marco Business Association provided them with a wide arrangement of rations, food, and drinks, with the soldiers giving it a good glance already. Being told to show restraint in a situation where they might not live to see another day was far too cruel. Luckily, Maizers troops were estimated to arrive the day after tomorrow, so they had the time.

Got it. However, dont overdo it. Konrad didnt want to dampen his soldiers motivation, so he gave them permission. Im going to get some fresh air outside.

Konrad said and stepped outside the tent, glancing at the others faces one last time. Counts, even aides, and generals were there. They had crossed the border of social standing, fighting for the same cause. They each had their own convictions, of course. Some cared for the country and Empire, others for their own gains and wealth, but they still followed after him. They were all pushing his back to become the next Emperor. So after he confirmed their faces once more, he stepped outside.

Konrad-sama? The civil official aide followed after him.

He wasnt of high ranking, but had served Konrad from a young age, understanding him quite well. His master always hid in his brothers shadows, not standing out much, but he was aware of how much Konrad worked when nobody was looking, and that he was more kind than anybody else. Konrad was too embarrassed to openly state his feelings most of the time, but this strong conviction to work for the sake of others was the reason the aide wanted him to become the next Emperor. But of course, that was only his personal and very subjective view.

You did great helping me out there. Im glad I have you around to assist me.

Konrad turned around and showed a smile not even the aide or the other nobles had seen before.

Wh-What are you saying?! I did nothing that would deserve such gratitude! And this is where it all begins, after all!

Being thanked for the first time like this, the aide was bewildered but also happy. Seeing such a flustered aide made Konrad smile as he looked up at the sky.

The movement of clouds is rather concerning.

Just as Konrad stated, there were grey-colored clouds forming in the sky. And from far away, you could hear the rumbling of thunder.


Of course, being able to achieve a formation faster would be a definitive advantage. In fact, there was a faction other than Konrads that already went through that. However, it wasnt a proper unit, either. After all, they consisted of merely four people.

All right! Awesome, they made it in time!

They were looking down at Konrads army from an elevated hill. The same clouds that instilled worry into Konrads heart made Kyle sigh in relief from the bottom of his heart. From here on out, they would be met by a heavy downpour. A typhoon so strong it was left behind in the records of Kyles previous world. And this was the reason Kyle wanted Konrads army to reach this place sooner.

Right now, there were only a few isolated drops of water falling, but this will only grow strong with time until you wont even be able to see ahead of you. This was their key to victory. Preparing food and drinks for them through Klaus seemed to work out just fine, too, as they were busy celebrating their sure victory. And that was when Minagis part came into play. No matter how strong the downpour, they would easily spot an army marching inbut not a single individual. Even more so if they were dealingwith a trained shinobi.

Drats! What horrible downpour is this?!

Proceeding further into the night, the faint drops of rain changed into a horrible rain so loud you could barely even hear your own thoughts, interrupted by the periodic lightning and thunder. The soldiers who were on guard duty absolutely cursed their luck. Especially so since they couldnt even enjoy any of the food or drinks, considering that they would go to war in but a few days.

The downpour also robbed them of their warmth, making their movement much duller than what it would usually be. Not only that, but their scouts figured out the current layout of the area, and the enemy army would come in late. It didnt spell defeat just because of that, but it definitely would result in more losses. But just because of a downpour like this, they could not postpone a war. Of course, the enemy would be met with the same condition, so they had to accept this. In the tent behind them sat some unfamiliar but influential noble, sleeping peacefully in his pleasant bed, and yet they had to stand out in the pouring rain.

Hey, did you just hear that?

Another unfortunate guard voiced this concern.

Youre imagining things. How would you hear something in this hefty rain. The guard roared back in anger to win against the pouring rain, so the first guard accepted it and moved on.

Despite their misfortune, they were definitely doing better than the noble inside the tentAfter all, they were still alive. They continued their idle conversation, not realizing that the noble inside the tent actually wasnt asleep, but already dead.

That makes five

Minagi grumbled because it didnt feel as great as usual, as she moved on to the next target. As this was the middle of the night, most soldiers were already asleep, or drunk because they got wasted during their preemptive celebration. That said, there would eventually be a limit, the soldiers catching on.

I thinkI should be able to go for another ten people or so?

Minagi made mental plans as she continued assassinating high-value targets excluding Konrad and Dargof.

Seems like everything is going smoothly, Seran said, standing next to Kyle as he imagined Minagis work. But why are you avoiding Konrad as a target? Wouldnt that make things easier? He continued by voicing a doubt, thinking that this whole war wouldnt happen if the leading figure was dead.

Yeah. Having come this far, it wont be enough. Many will want to go for revenge if we were to cut things off prematurely. And some would not accept Maizer as the Emperor if he achieved victory through such means, Shildonia explained the necessity of keeping Konrad around. Additionally, if both the first and second princes were to get assassinated, it would only leave more doubt in the citizens. Its fine to take care of any of the backers, but Konrad has to be defeated in a genuine battle. Thats why were working to weaken them.

It looks like its working out, but I fear shell get found out soon enough, Kyle said as he saw some soldiers causing a ruckus, rushing through the pouring rain.

Im back, said Minagi as she appeared from the shadows.

Because of the darkness and rain, if she hadnt approached them like this, not even Kyle or Seran would have been able to recognize her presence.

Good work. So, how did it go?

Thirteen. I was hoping I could go for a bit longer, but alas She sounded like a professional athlete who didnt quite reach her top result.

This is more than enough. Their organization should be in disarray right about now, Kyle said, sounding very satisfied.

With Dargof present as the representative general, most of the soldiers were brought here from the nobles of the various districts, not necessarily serving under Konrad. That means they werent abiding by Konrad or Dargofs orders, but the one actually giving out orderswas long gone now.

Hm, I guess Im out of a role to play. Ill leave the rest to you.

Shildonias duty earlier was to survey the area in her shapeshifted bird appearance, relaying information to Minagi and the others. With the fight about to break out, she had nothing more to do. Her created phantom now went back into the gemstone inside the sword. From here on out, the three of them had to fight Konrads forces all by themselves. And yet, Kyle wasnt tense or worried in the slightest, and instead directed his gaze down at the enemy with a confident look.

Still, you have to be messed up in the head. Minagi grumbled, but didnt call it impossible, either.

As she was a shinobi trying to live as a realist, she knew that they had rather good chances here.

We only need to deal with 10% of them. One person cutting down one hundred will be enough. As for the rest Kyle took out a magic stone from his pocket, which had a magic spell engraved in it.

It was an expensive one-time use item, but this allowed the user to use magic spells such as [Fireball], [Explosion], or [Blizzard]. And they brought twenty of these for each person.

This much firepower is enough to destroy a small town, isnt it?

I bought up all of those at the nearest town, after all. As well as some medicine. The utmost priority is to stay alive, got it?

Minagi sighed, but Kyle pressed this just to make sure.

Have some cards, too. Contact me if anything goes wrong.

Kyle handed them two cards with ancient magic words written on it. This was a magic tool allowing two people to talk with each other from a large distance, one lasting around ten seconds. Although you could only use it once a day, it was still extremely valuable. Of course, Kyle had one of his own.

Got it. You really are prepared to a T, huh? Minagi said, her emotions ranging from admiration to exasperation.

What about you? Youve been acting off lately. Kyle asked Seran, who accepted the card in silence.

As of late, hes been rather quiet, not offering much in terms of conversation. This wasnt like him at all, so Kyle felt like something wasnt quite right.

Even I have to reflect on my mistakes. And after what happened last timeIm just trying to focus up a bit more.

Running away from an enemy must have been quite a shock for him.

You better be reflecting on that, I swear. Minagi gave a sharp remark, as she almost got wrapped up in that mess.

Anyway, hows Maizers army doing?

Theyll arrive here tomorrow at noon. I made sure Konrads army got the wrong intel, thinking they will be here in two to three days the fastest.

Kyles goal was to give Konrads army as much damage as possible so that Maizers army could come in and finish the job. Once the actual war began, they would be dealing with casualties either way, but this was the best way to keep them to a minimum. As three people, they would challenge 50,000. No sane person would even consider that, but if not for this strategy, there would be no winning this battle. It was a cruel and heartless slaughter. They may have the advantage in numbersbut thats about it.

The soldiers were careless, intoxicated, and weakened because of the rain. This was the best possible time for an attack. And their preparations were complete to the point they could wipe out a whole town. Not only that, the assassinations caused by Minagi brought even greater disarray amongst the troops, not allowing them to organize properly. With all these advantages, three of the strongest individuals of humanfolk would have easy pickings. So while lightning struck the earth behind them, Kyle declared

Lets go.


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