Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 6: Chapter 13

Book 6: Chapter 13

Standing inside the Marco Business Associations meeting room were Kyle and Beadola, looking at a detailed map of the Empire.

Is the gathering of troops making good progress? Kyle asked, receiving a wry smile from Beadola.

Not very favorable. We knew that Prince Maizer wasnt exactly popular, but we didnt think it would be this disastrous.

Of course, Maizer did have some allies. Beadola used her connections to bring as many people together as possible, but the number was not something to boast about. That said, not all of the Empire was split in half. Many nobles and influential politicians were watching how the situation would unfold. They intend to follow those who will come out victorious, most likely.

Then what about the regular armyThe four generals?

General Dargof and his twenty thousand men sided with Konrad, but the other four generals still have 80,000 under their command. These could bring about a great change in the landscape of this war.

Dargofs army had been tasked with defense from the very beginning, with the other generals looking at protecting from the outside. If they were to move, our foes would see this as a chance. Nor do I believe they would act without His Graces direct order, and nobody would blame them for this.

The bigger problem really was Dargof, who acted without any order from the Emperor.

Guess we can only be thankful we dont have more enemies to worry about. That also means we have to make due with our current forces Kyle groaned while looking at the map, Beadola doing the same.

HmmI dare say, I am quite surprised wed be forced to rely on you even during this phase.

The reason Kyle offered to join the strategic side of things was simple. Maizer needed reliable and usable allies. While hes busy running around gathering nobles for his cause, he does not have the time to formulate a plan.

We didnt expect that Prince Maizer would be lacking power to such an extent. To think his lack of support in the masses would show even here.

The plan was for the boisterous prince Maizer to take an easy way out as the third prince, but all of that was ruined because of Eldorands death. Following that, Maizer was forced to act himself, but he still ended up with only a fourth of the troops that follow Konrad. That said, he himself carried a fair advantage in certain areas, so the situation wasnt as grim as it might seem.

I will leave the delivery of goods and armor to you.

Understood, Beadola-sama. Leave it to me.

The one who lowered his head was another person present in the meeting roomThe business association owner Klaus.

War wasnt decided solely based on numbers. Preparations and equipment such as weapons and armor could make a huge difference, as well as a supply of horses, medicine, and other rations. In this sense, they were more than well-equipped. The help of a business association like this was crucial. And because they had the worlds number one assisting them, they could bring out a great advantage over the opponent, even if their numbers were lacking.

Yes, it might be a sudden job, but the value at which I can buy them is a great benefitMeanwhile, Prince Konrad seems to be struggling with that.

It seemed to be business-related information, but Klaus knew the rough situation of Konrads army.

Leaving aside Konrad-sama, other individuals seem to be struggling getting the money together, taking in taxes and donations from citizens.

Thanks to that, the line of battle has moved to the Gohoro Plains. Beadola looked at the map, pointing at a plain field around two days away from the Imperial Capital.

With current calculations, Maizers group should make it there in six days, with Konrads army in seven.

Apologies for the crude insertion, but the difference in prowess is staggering. Why are you intent on fighting on a plain field like that? Klaus, as a non-strategist, had to voice his doubt.

This being a civil war, it has its own set of rules, so to speak.

Kyle delivered an explanation. In any regular war, if they had such a difference in manpower on their hands, they would use the towns defensive systems to create an absolute defensive line. However, this fight was fought to decide the next Emperor. Hiding behind city walls would involve the citizens, bringing danger to their lives. Even if they manage to win in that scenario, it will be difficult to uphold their dignity as the next ruler. Plus, Konrad was moving for the capital to free it, or so was his pretense. In that case, they had to finish this quickly and effectively.

Is that soBut in that case, do we even have any chance at victory? Klaus asked carefully.

Oh please, thisll work out just fine. It wont be the first example of a victory spurring from despair, and it wont be the last, either, said the final participant of this meetingShildonia.

As the king of the former Magic Kingdom, she had amassed knowledge way beyond what would be humanly possible, now participating as an advisor of sorts.

I havent had a chance to show my skill since weve come here, so I ought to do at least this much.Hm, with this layout, it should prove useful to finish up a formation and prepare for it. If we do it right and set up the battles to our advantage, we can definitely make up for the difference in numbers and reach equal footing.

Contrary to what she may seem like, eating snacks and sweets all day, she actually had the confidence and knowledge to back it all up.

It pains me, but I leave the rest to you. Beadola had a mountain of things to do, so after she confirmed the current situation, she already had to move on.

That saidEqual, huh? Thats not good.

This whole situation was close to the future Kyle had experienced before. During that time, Maizer was also at a disadvantage, using the geographical location and dirty tactics to his advantage to equal out the forces. Finally, after the civil war had dragged out for a year, Maizer managed to come out on top. However, because this war was prolonged for so long, it weakened the Empire as a whole, and this current situation was unfolding in the exact same way, which was not in Kyles best interest.

At this rate, the same future will arrive. If we get a definitive advantage this early, we can end the war much quicker.

The one standing at the center of the enemy forces was Dargof, and if they managed to strike down him or Konrad, it would bring an end to this war. Kyle tried to think of anything else that could provide an advantage, but it was hard to make up for such a difference in manpower. The only difference compared to the previous world was the fact that Benedix is still alive and that it happened three months earlier.

Wait a second. It happened earlier?

Suddenly, a revelation struck Kyle. He took out his lifeline, the notebook he wrote all his knowledge from the previous world, and checked a certain page.

No doubtI can use this! He calculated everything in his mind and made his decision.

HehHeheSet up a formation quickly and create a defensive line to strike through their

No, that wont do! Kyle screamed and interrupted Shildonias humming.

Of course, preparations arent complete yet. But with everything in mind

No, the opposite! Let Konrad proceed faster! Well have them set up in five days at the latest!

Huh? What are you saying? If we let them set up before us, we wont have any chance at victory ourselves. Shildonia looked at Kyle in utter disbelief, but he went to confirm something with Klaus instead.

The reason its taking longer for Konrads army is that supplying them is slowing them down, right?

Y-Yes, thats right.

Then buy up all the equipment you can and deliver it to them. You can even give them some of our equipment and supplies! Add a reason like To not make the Empires future suffer further, we wish to end this war as quickly as possible. Any reason is fine. We have to make them get there two days earlier.

It wont be impossiblebut that will take millions of gadol to achieve. Are you certain?

As expected of Klaus, he already finished the calculations. But his expression made it seem like it would be rather hard to achieve.

I can pay that much no problem.

Hearing that from Kyle, Klaus was perturbed rather than outright shocked. That said, he knew of Kyles seemingly bottomless fortune, so he judged it to be no problem. The bigger question wasWhat exactly Kyle was plotting with all this?

Do youplan on betraying them after all?

Having heard the circumstances and listening to their conversation, this would obviously look like Kyle was plotting a betrayal. If that was the case, then Klaus had his own thoughts about this.

No, this is part of my plan. Listen to this Kyle began his explanation, as the other twos expressions changed immediately.

At first, they were bewildered, then surprised, and then Shildonia grinned devilishly.

Now thatis interesting. What a curious idea. But it will be a bet. A great burden on all of you. And if you fail even once, it will be your loss.

Im prepared for that. Kyle was very serious.

You say with a straight face, but the one wholl be troubled the most is Maizer, Shildonia grinned, but Klaus questioned Kyles sanity.

Umare you certain about this?

Of course. We dont have soldiers or time, so this is our only chance for a clean and quick victory.

Seeing how serious Kyle was, Klaus genuinely doubted if Kyle was still sane, but he was still dealing with the man of legend who became a Dragon Slayer along with defeating one of the strongest demons the world had ever seen. Klaus couldnt help but feel confident in Kyles idea. There was a realistic approach to be found. Helping Konrad would make Klauss position better in the event of victory, but it would make his position better during the defeat. And this being the greatest possible bet, he could not let that slip past his grasp.

I understand. But instead, I ask you to come up with an excuse for Maizer-sama, Klaus affirmed he would act right away and left the room.

Good, good

Kyle saw the light at the end of the tunnel. But then, a new problem appeared.

Big trouble, Kyle! Lieze and Urza stormed inside the room, their faces as pale as a rainy cloud.

Zilgus seems to be preparing for war! Theyre marching for the Empire!

In an instant, all the hope Kyle had felt this brief moment was extinguished like a candle.


The news of the brewing civil war obviously reached Milena, too, but she seemed oddly relieved. After all, this meant the Empire wont have any time to attack Zilgus. This made her think that she would be able to return home before long. However, right as she was indulging in a pleasant conversation with Lieze and Urza, when Ninos came rushing into the room, showing that things were troublesome.

B-Big trouble! Milena-sama! Not good! She was about to say something, but then saw Lieze and Urza and stopped herself.

Give it to me straight, Ninos.


I dont mind.

Ninos hesitated a moment, but couldnt go against this order.

S-Something happened over at Zilgus! They have prepared to gather soldiers!

Whatdid you say?

Listening to this, Milenas face grew grim.

What are you saying?!

For the first time since they met, Lieze and Urza saw Milena genuinely flustered.

M-My sincerest apologies, we dont have much information regarding the matter Even Ninos seemed panicked at this.

Even Kirlen and the other royal guards couldnt hide their bewilderment.

I ordered them not to act no matter what

A-And thisIts the secret writing the Country of Taihon has sent you. A letter appeared in Ninos hands, which she handed to Milena.


The country of Taihon was located to the south of the continent, known as a militaristic nation, and known as one of the forces suppressing the march of the Empire, still possessing its independence. Since Milena rose to become the queen, they had begun to invite her to work together against the threat of the Empire, but since she wished to maintain the current situation, she declined each time. And now, a new letter arrived from this very country, so Milena hurriedly ripped it open to read its contents. Upon reading it, however, her expression grew even more grim than before.

This isA letter confirming Zilgus declaration of an alliance?!

In the letter, it said Let us proceed as previously discussed. Of course, declaring war while the Empire was in such disarray was a clever move, but Taihon should be aware that they still stand no chance by themselves. Thats why they must be trying to get Zilgus involved in this, handing a letter to the Empire itselfProbably to deliver proof that Zilgus and Taihon were in cahoots about this. In itself, it was a clever decision, but not when their own princess, soon-to-be queen, was locked up in enemy territory.

So the soldiers gathering at Zilgus belong to Taihon? No, I dont think they are latching on to our country to such a degree. If soTaihon is being dragged into all this? But what is there to gain from Galgan and Zilgus going to war

Granted, she currently wasnt present in her own country, but there wouldnt be too many who dared such an approach. She thought about it, yet failed to reach any solid conclusion. And more than anything, she didnt have time to think about it, either.

They set us upNo, I was too naive. Milena crushed the letter with her hand.

Not even Kirlen or Ninos had seen her like that as of late.

This is my failure. I had thought our country would be fine during the small time I was awayThat said, regret wont fix anything. I have to return to Zilgus immediately. Everyone, prepare. Milena ordered with a fierce tone, to which Kirlen and the others followed suit.

Milena-sama, what about those other two Ninos looked at Lieze and Urza, not sure what to say.

The Empire was not allowed to find out about the princess leaving, so they had to consider how to handle those two outsiders. Understanding the meaning of this, Urza and Lieze readied themselves for the possibility theyd try to silence them with force.

NinosNot only am I breaking my promise, you now expect me to create victims on the way?

Milenas cold voice instantly silenced Ninos, as she lowered her head. Milena had promised Kyle that Zilgus would not move, and yet she broke that promise. Her pride wouldnt allow for any more than that.

Not to mention that it all depends on our speed. Right now, only we know about Zilgus movement, but in twoNo, most likely tomorrow, the Empire will find out, too.

And once that happens, they will start being treated as hostages, less than visitors.

Milena-sama, our preparations are complete. We await your orders.

Kirlen must have felt that something like this could happen, because she quickly reported with such words, sounding awfully defeated.

How do you plan on returning home? Urza asked, worrying about Milenas safety.

Because Dargof has taken his troops with him to follow Konrad, the lockdown of the capital finally ended, leaving a few guards here and there. Thanks to that, adventurers or traveling merchants could finally leave again for their business, but the entrance and exit were still guarded heavily so that you would stand out either way.

Our possible actions are limitedI believe the best way is to break through it all head-first.

They had expected this answer, but Lieze and Urza still swallowed their breaths upon hearing that. Milenas current force rounded up to about 300 royal guards, as well as 500 regular soldiers. Sending off everyone would definitely bring about a considerable force, but it wouldnt be as easy to break through the Empires defenses. That said, if they accepted to suffer casualties, things would be different.

No matter what may happen to us, we will not let them lay a single finger on you! Kirlens words of determination made the other guards nod in unison.

With the Empires defensive lines weakened, they definitely had a chance to break through, even if it meant sacrificing half their forces. Milena was hoping that some would be taken prisoner and had their lives spared at least, but something called her back to reality

P-Please wait! This will only worsen your relationship with the Empire!

The one who screamed those words was Lieze, after remaining silent for the longest time.

It pains me to say this, but thats what will happen, yes. I didnt want to rely on this, but I have no more cards left to play.

If there will be victims from Zilgus, then even Galgan wont get out of this scot-free. It would create a profound rift between the two countries. Lieze and the others were painfully aware that this would erase all of Kyles previous hard work.

Even so, I cannot let them keep me hostage while my country marches toward war.

She didnt want to imagine what would happen if the Queen of a country would remain a hostage in a foreign land, after all.

ThenCant you take a secret exit with as few people as possible? Lieze suggested, but Milena shook her head.

I was considering this, too. However, if they realize Im gone, they will send people after me. Even if we rush out of the territory, it will still take five days.

In that time, they would be caught soon enough.

But with no casualtiesIf you manage to escape without causing any harm, it will allow further discussions in the future, right?!

Y-Yes. But at this current state Milena responded in the heat of the moment, questioned by Lieze. We are out of time. And we desperately need it, Milena was certain that their only way was a forceful approach.

No, wellWe have another method! We entered this city during the inspections, so there is a method to escape. And its a safe way, too. Ill ask Kyle for advice and come back to you!


Met with Liezes desperate plea, even Milena was pushed back. She had nothing to lose if this plan actually worked, so she decided to go along with it.

I understand. However, we dont have much time. We cant wait until tomorrowNo, not even half a day. We need your intel by later tonightIf not, we will go with our original plan as soon as the sun dawns.

The sun was about to set any moment. There was barely any time.

Yes! Leave it to me! Lieze puffed out her chest.


So I rushed back hereBut what now?

The confidence she previously had now all but vanished. Understandably so, as she just came up with something on the spot.

OkayYou did great, really.

Hearing that report, Kyle was ready to throw in the towel, but now he had to thank Lieze. Having bought even this small amount of time was a major help, but it just brought up the question of how they would use this given time.

But why now?

Theres no better timing than this. If I was an enemy of Galgan, I would not let this chance go past me.

Urzas question was met with a rational retort from Shildonia. At this rate, things wont just end with a civil war, but even the surrounding countries might get wrapped up in continental warfare. In the original timeline Kyle knew, all surrounding countries simply watched the events of the civil war. However, the moment Taihon showed involvement, everything changed.

The only differenceis that the king of Zilgus, Remonas, is no longer alive.

Remonas always valued security and safety, so he never would participate in what one considered a wager like this. Meanwhile, Taihon and the other countries who were enemies to the Empire would not dare to act without Zilgus support. And surely, Maizer and the others must be thinking the same thing.

As long as Princess Milena doesnt act, I was sure that they would not join in the warNo, I was foolishly assuming that.

To be perfectly honest, Kyle could only think about the civil war right now. And worst of all, he could not rely on Maizer or Beadola in this. He couldnt remain on their side while allowing the princess to escape. Especially with Korodes around, who would definitely use Milena as a bargaining chip.

What to do, what to do

Kyle tried his best to think of something, but everything turned out empty. Because he was running low on time, he felt panicked even more, as both his head, body, and heart started to burn upWhen Urza slapped him on the head.


Calm down.

He looked around in shock, and was immediately met with Urzas face. An odd emotion resided in her expression, like a mother scolding her child.

At times like this, its time to change your approach. Dont try to solve everything on your own. Well come up with something if we put our heads together.


Kyle felt like he got cold water poured on his head, allowing him to find a moment of reprise.

Then lets start. What we should prioritize more than anything is the breakout of a full-scale war. For that, we have to stop Zilgus soldiers from advancing.

Exactly. The Empire wont have much time to defend itself against these soldiers. And the only person who could stop Zilgus advanceis Princess Milena herself. So the key is to get her back in time. But we have to avoid anything too excessive.

Urza and Shildonia started thinking.

Thenwe should take the initiative and rush her backMaybe using [Wind Walker] with me? Urza suggested.

[Wind Walker] is a type of spirit magic that elves excel at, using the spirit of the wind Sylphid, which grants them a blessing of accelerated movement speed.

I seeBut then, no Kyle calculated the possibility of that. That way, we should reach Zilguss borders within two days. However, Im unsure if we can make it out of the Empires territory in time

With the use of magic, they would definitely be able to gain extreme speed, which they needed. However, they were more than ten people using [Wind Walker], so if they were to get spotted, it would be the end.

Then why dont we go one step further and buy some time here. If we can delay them finding out that Princess Milena is gone for a dayor even half a day, they will not be able to catch us. Urza said confidently.

Using a body doubleBut will that work out? The body double has no guaranteed safety, you know? Shildonia suggested as she crossed her arms, but she didnt seem all too confident.

However, Lieze clapped her hands together with a smile as she spoke up.

Then we just have to choose someone whose life wont be in danger even if they get found out, right? She said, making it sound like this wasnt an issue in the slightest.


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