Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 5: Chapter 9

Book 5: Chapter 9

To the lucky 100 of you still reading this, New Saga made a monumental return with an anime adaptation like 4 years after the LN ended. Theres a trailer, which you can watch here. Also, they uploaded character designs, andWell, lets just say they arent exactly the best.

But that doesnt change that the source material is good, so lets just forget about the anime, mkay? PS: I know uploads are slow, but Im busy IRL. Im gonna finish this LN no matter how long it may take (unless it gets licensed), so dont worry.

When Kyle was told by Yuriga that Thunder-Breath had been found dead, he envisioned the path ahead of him and his group, and once again held his head in disbelief.

What a horrible way to wake up

I couldnt agree more. Yuriga showed a dry expression, wondering how things ended up this way.

Just out of curiosityany chances of a natural death? Seran remembered the incident of the previous night and reluctantly asked, but luckily Yuriga seemingly wasnt told about it and answered normally.

His body is riddled with wounds. He was evidently attacked and killed by someone. Yuriga bluntly denied any kind of hope Kyle still held, leaving him flabbergasted. Why did it have to happen now

Personally, Yuriga was more than happy that Thunder-Breath was out of the picture, knowing how rebellious he was towards Luizas orders. However, the bigger problem was that Kyles group was here.

So, how was he killed?

A servant found his corpse at the front gate of the castle at the end of the night. Since there were no signs of a fight at that location, he most likely had been killed elsewhere and then delivered right to our doorstep.

Clearly an act to stand outWell, the bigger question is who did it. Kyle started thinking, but he had no way of coming up with an answer.

SoLuiza-sama wishes to meet you. I would appreciate it if you could follow me.

I really want to go back home now

Even so, they had to go no matter what, so they headed to the same audience room as the day prior. Before opening the door, Yuriga turned around one more time, exclaiming the following with a severe expression.

I have a request. Pleasedont say anything.

What do you mean?

Its for your sake. Nothing bad will happen, soplease have faith in me. Yuriga pressed this, and opened the door.

Luiza, Flame-Eye, and Three-Arms were already present. However, what stood out the most was Thunder-Breaths corpse laying on the floor in front of them. His entire body was riddled with wounds, half of his head blown to pieces, his tongue hanging down from his mouth, and several of his fangs were broken. Seran was conscious of Luiza because of the previous evening, but she seemed calm despite that, making it seem like she presumably didnt even remember what happened.

So youre hereAs you can see, Thunder-Breath died. He was killed. Of course, that happened because he was weak, but as he is my aide, and since it happened without my knowledge, I wont accept this, and will not ignore this.

First, lets ask about the motive.

Right after the Demon Lord exclaimed, Flame-Eye approached Kyles group, when Yuriga stepped in front of them as a cover.

Flame-Eye, what are you doing?

I would assume that the ones who killed Thunder-Breath are those humans over there, no? Flame-Eye proclaimed with a calm and collected tone, like it was the obvious conclusion to reach.

She had expected things to turn out this way.

Thats! Lieze tried to defend herself, but Kyle quickly covered her mouth from behind.

If things were reversed, and a human were to be killed with demons present at the scene, I would immediately doubt them as well. Kyle whispered into her ear, which helped in calming her down.

Following that, he remembered Yurigas previous words, and stepped down, leaving the place to her.

Do you have any proof that they killed Thunder-Breath? Luiza asked, but Flame-Eye shook her head.

I certainly do nothowever, isnt this rather suspicious? I wouldnt be saying this if they were just your average humanfolk. However, they are strong enough to receive an audience by our great Demon Lord-sama, and I believe it to be very much possible that they have defeated Thunder-Breath. Not to mention Flame-Eye looked at Seran with a profound gaze. Last night, I heard this human was walking around the castle all alone.

Seran looked at Flame-Eye in shock, wondering how she could even know that, but the Demon Lord herself was aware of this, so there was no way he could deny it. What was even worse were the piercing gazes by his friends that showered him.

It didnt look to me that they had any intent on fighting us, though, Luiza commented.

A fight doesnt require the consent of both parties. More than anything, we all know how much Thunder-Breath despised humanfolk, and if he actually was beaten after challenging them first, that would make him a major fool. Flame-Eye let out insulting words that the deceased Thunder-Breath would never get to hear. Additionally, the suspects for this murder are very much limited. Currently present here are just Three-Arms and me, those humans, and the Demon Lord-sama.

Hey now, youre making it sound like we aresuspects, or whatever you call them. And speaking in terms of possessing enough strength to do this, there are at least two more individuals, no? Three-Arms explained while sounding excited, and Flame-Eye remembered.

Now that you mention it, the dragons may very well be able to do thisHowever, Thunder-Breath should have no reason to fight them. The ones we should doubt are those humanfolk members.

I get where youre coming from. Personally, I wouldnt mind if those guys killed Thunder-Breathfor obvious reasons. Three-Arms showed a violent smile, glancing at Kyle and Seran.

An eerie atmosphere filled the room, when Luiza got up from her throne. She slammed her staff onto the ground, silencing all participants.

Leave this to me. I will give a proper conclusionthat should be fine, right?

She told Three-Arms and Flame-Eye, urging them to not do anything unnecessary.

If you wish, Demon Lord-sama, I have nothing more to say. Flame-Eye showed a deep bow, whereas Three-Arms faintly nodded.

All of you return to your rooms. You are to stay there until I have found my verdict. Luiza left these words behind, and left the audience room.

Upon returning to their room, Kyles group sighed in unison. Even Klaus and Minagi were there, most likely called over.

Not exactly what I was hoping would happen

Klaus received a brief explanation of what had happened, showing an expression like he was biting on an insect.

Nothing good ever comes from being with Kyle Minagi grumbled in disbelief.

I didnt hope for this to happenSo, how were things on your end?

Kyle had Minagi act separately in hopes of letting her find out anything in regards to the demons. Obviously, he didnt expect much, and ordered her to retreat at any sight of danger. As anticipated, Minagi shook her head.

I barely looked into them. Rather than the demons, Klaus and his employees eyes were a lot sharper.

As Klaus was a supporter of Luiza, he couldnt afford to spot Minagi while she was working.

I see

I dont know how many people there were, but somebody was watching over me. It was probably a demon. Minagi deduced.

I know fully well that you arent the perpetrators in this case. However, Luiza-sama is also troubled by this. She invited you here, so Flame-Eye will use this as material to pressure her, which I fear will have an influence on our relationship with humanfolk Yuriga declared with a troubled expression.

In other wordswe were set up? Seran sighed, and Kyle agreed.

Big chance, yeahOr maybe somebody gained from Thunder-Breaths death, and we were just wrapped up in iteither way, this isnt what I was hoping for at all.

In that case, were right in this. We should probably expect the worst case and be ready to move. The problem is the true criminal of the situationId love to give him a few words. Seran scratched his head, emitting clear hostility to the unknown mastermind.

About that Thunder-Breath, actually. I didnt get to inspect him that closely, but from what I could see, he received quite the amount of injuries and wounds after his death. Almost as if to cover up the identity of the killer Shildonia commented on her own observations, which raised even more questions.

I guess the number one suspect is Flame-Eye after all. She would gain a lot from Thunder-Breaths death. His entire faction would basically come and support her. Yuriga grumbled. However, she most likely has no intentions of defeating Luiza-sama to become the next Demon Lord. That leavesThree-Arms, yes. Then again, those are the only two that might be able to actually kill Thunder-Breath.

Three-Arms, huhHe said something like that last night.

Kyle remembered how Three-Arms mentioned he wished for something to happen. However, he couldnt confidently say that Three-Arms would go so far as to kill Thunder-Breath for that. And he couldnt say so in front of Yuriga, but there was another strong and influential contender.

Hey, what will happen in the worst case scenario? Lieze asked Yuriga, who answered with a blank expression.

Flame-Eye will accuse you as the ones who killed Thunder-Breath in front of Luiza-sama. This will force her to question you, and if you dont admit to it, she will ask you to provide proof that youre innocent. If you cant provide any, or fail at doing so, you will be regarded as guilty. If you attempt to run, you will turn all of us into your enemies, and I will be forced to attack you, as I cant go against Luiza-sama.

Basically, well be targeted 24/7 by demons.

Realizing what Yurigas explanation boiled down to, Kyle felt his head hurting once more. At the same time, Yuriga spoke up with conviction.

There is one way to get you out of this situationYou admit that youve killed Thunder-Breath, and you make Luiza-sama forgive you.

Are you telling us to accept the blame for something we havent done? Seran clearly didnt enjoy the sound of that.

Thats right. But for that, we need to make this Klaus as your helper. Luiza-sama would be in pain if she had to break her relationship with him. Yuriga said.

So thats why you told us to stay quiet just nowBut then the true killer of Thunder-Breath would still roam free, right?

That isnt the problem. Thunder-Breath is at fault for being too weak, and I bet it was either Three-Arms or Flame-Eye. Yuriga calmly answered Kyles question.

In that regard, the thought process between demons and humans was far too different. The motive behind the killing didnt matter much.

Theres a lot of things youd like to say, butthis will save you with certainty. Soplease. Yuriga lowered her head, as silence filled the room.

Whatever the circumstances may be, Kyle didnt expect a demon like her to act this dependant, and as they had traveled together for quite some time, Kyle and his group understood that Yuriga wasnt just saying this as a farce.

Id like to ask one thing. Is there any chance that the Demon Lord couldve done this whilst not informing you? Angela bluntly asked what Kyle had been hesitant about.

A bit of anger flashed across Yurigas face, but she just sighed and denied that.

No, there isnt anything to gain from that. In the event that Luiza-sama has truly killed Thunder-Breath, she also would have no reason to keep it a secret. He had always shown rebellious tendencies, so nobody would object to her decision. Yuriga said, but Angela, Kyle, and Seran all mentally put their veto.

If Kyle and his friends were forced into becoming the Demon Lords subordinates, then she would ultimately receive the Holy Sword Rand after Serans death. Yuriga didnt seem to doubt her boss for one second, but this development was far too convenient for Luiza.

By the way, you said we have to prove our innocence, but how would we go about doing that?

Thatsrather simple, but equally impossible.

Right as Kyle wanted to ask just what got Yuriga so hesitant, someone knocked on the door and the maid entered the room. It seemed as if Luiza called for Yuriga, who quickly left the room.

So, what do we do? Admit that it was our doing? Urza asked, which resulted in Kyle crossing his arms.

If need be, then we might have to resort to that, but it also doesnt matter if we committed something and wont admit it. The problem is that this might be a trap in getting us to admit to killing Thunder-Breath.

Yuriga didnt particularly care who the criminal was, but Kyle and his friends couldnt ignore that.

Youre so noisy, what are you guys up to?

Did something happen?

Right there, Ghrud woke up from his sleep and scratched his head as he walked over. Behind him was Irumera, who apparently hadnt heard the details of what was going on. Kyle gave a brief explanation, which had the two shocked.

So that demon was

Irumera showed an expected reaction, which couldnt be compared to Ghrud.

OhSo he got killed after that?

Hold on, do you know something? Kyle asked Ghrud after hearing that comment.

Huh? If youre asking me for something, I expect you to have the proper attitudeOkay, okay, Ill tell you, so stop it.

Ghrud glared at Kyle when Irumera formed a fist and aimed it at him, which made him stop instantly. It seemed like Ghrud couldnt sleep too well, so he went off to take a flight after Irumera had fallen asleep.

Actually, staying with Irumera all the time was too much for me to handle, so I wanted to enjoy a bit of freedom.

That last part wasnt necessary, but continue.

Ghrud apparently spotted Thunder-Breath as he left the castle. He seemed to be cautious of his surroundings, but he didnt spot Ghrud in the skies.

It sounds like he left the castle willfullyBut he may have been summoned for all we know.

Oh yeah, the Demon Lord stepped outside shortly after.

Ghrud dropped another bombshell.

What did you say? Are you sure about that?

Yeah, I saw her myself.

Was that after we split up? She said shed get some rest, but why did she step outside, then? Seran whispered to himself.

So? What happened after that?

I mean, I went to sleep right afterI-I havent seen anything. Ghrud momentarily answered, which had Kyle drop his shoulders since he expected a different answer.

So you havent seen the most important part

Hes always been like this

Why am I getting so much shit for just sleeping?

Met with Kyle and Irumeras grumbling, Ghrud showed a hurt expression.

Butnow everyone feels suspicious. Whos friend, and whos foe? Kyle held his head in the face of this detrimental situation when the door swung open without a warning.

Excuse me. Flame-Eye entered the room, not waiting for a response. That annoying moron is finally gone, huh?

She most likely waited for Yuriga to leave to make her arrival. She nodded in utter satisfaction.

What do you want? Kyle and his friends all went into a semi-cautious state when Flame-Eye sat down on the chair Yuriga previously used.

You dont have to be so cautious of me. I have no intention of fighting youright now. Instead, I brought some great news with me. Flame-Eye seemed to be enjoying herself so much she could barely hold back her smile, but Kyle and group were still cautious of her.

Immediately after, Flame-Eye looked at the two dragons.

Whatever you may talk about isnt our business, and we have no intention of intervening.

Irumera seemingly guessed what Flame-Eye tried to say and stressed her argument, which had Flame-Eye bring up her main agenda.

Wont you work together with me? She said.

What are you talking about?

Kyle couldnt hide his bewilderment at this proposition he certainly didnt expect.

Its simple. Demon Lord-sama asked you to work with her, right? I want you to be my personal allies. I never considered keeping humanfolk close to me, but you people seem worthwhile.

I feel like youre seriously looking down on us

Im simply judging based on usable value. Im not saying we should be friends, Im simply saying I can use you.

So well basically strike a dealand what do you plan on having us do? Kyle asked carefully.

Luiza pressed that assisting her would benefit humanfolk in the long run, but Flame-Eye was pro-war, so there was no guarantee shed be as friendly.

Good questionFirst, I want information. How the humanfolk is moving. This would allow me to adjust my own actionsThis could help build a positive relationship with the humanfolk.

What are you talking about? Didnt you wish to fight us? Kyles expression tightened up.

Knowing that Flame-Eye was pro-war, this made no sense in his eyes.

Oh, that. I actually dont care about fighting with you. Im just thinking that we could use the amount of land you have, which is why I want war. However, with Thunder-Breath dead, it should cause some change within the demonfolk

It seemed as if the death of a strong pro-war advocate had more influence than they initially assumed.

What I want is influence and power. However, Im not gunning for the throne of the Demon Lord, I know I cant hope to live up to the title.

She simply wanted to raise her influence, nothing more.

And as my first offer, if you agree, Ill make sure to get you guys out of here safely. At this rate, youll be confirmed as Thunder-Breaths killersand youll die. Flame-Eye said without any remorse.

Thatwhy is that? Kyle asked the expected question.

Its simple. Three-Arms is gonna act. He seems to have taken a liking to youfor a different reason from me. Flame-Eye gave Kyle and Seran a defeated gaze, as if she felt bad for them. He let up last time because the Demon Lord-sama ordered her to, but I dont think he can hold back. If Three-Arms moves, the greater majority of the demonfolk will. And if that happens, your days will be numbered. But I can get you out here alive.

She made it sound like this was all for Kyles sake.

Im surprised you could say that after treating us like monsters a second agoLeaving aside us accepting or not, dont you think we would tell the Demon Lord about this?

You gonna snitch? Go ahead. The Demon Lordsama is most likely aware of what Im doing. Itd be weird if one side didnt plan anything. Flame-Eye snickered to herself.

I see, I get where youre coming fromBut Im surprised you think so highly of us.

You managed to kill Thunder-Breath, after all. You cant put him down without relying on a strong surprise attack.

Kyle realized that Flame-Eye was under the impression that his group offed Thunder-Breath.

You think we killed him after all?

I might be the most suspicious one here, but I didnt do it. Hence, its gotta be you guys. Flame-Eye bluntly responded.

She at least understood she was suspicious as all hell.

Oh my, it actually wasnt you people? I was sure that was the case.

Flame-Eye seemingly understood the truth at seeing the groups reactions, showing a surprised reaction.

Then was it Three-Arms after all? That is quite the surprisebut not like it matters much. She apparently gave up on thinking too hard about it and brought about a new decision. However, I dont plan on taking back my proposition. Just to let you know, I rarely take interest in humanfolk like this. I havent got all day, so Id prefer it if you gave me a quick answer.

Sadly, we cant leak such valuable information, sorry.

So negotiations failed, huh? Well, thats also fine.

Flame-Eye took Kyles rejection fairly easily as she stood up from the chair. Right before she left the room, Kyle called out to her.

Hold on, who said were done? Ive got another offer, and Im sure it wont be something you can pass up on.

Flame-Eye seemingly didnt expect a human to talk this way, as her eyes opened wide.

What I want is information about the demonfolk. And in returnI give you intel on the Demon Lord.

From the Demon Lord-sama?

Thats right. First, well become the Demon Lords allies, her subordinates. Then well give you the information we receive from her. Youll hand us further information about the Demon Folk.

Basically, Kyle offered to become a spy for Flame-Eye.

What an interesting offer. But if that came to light, itd hurt my own position, so let me think about it.

We dont have all day, so as quickly as possible, yeah?

Kyle paid back Flame-Eyes arrogance by copying her own words. She showed a faint reaction towards that but she left the room in silence.

Both humanfolk and demonfolk have their own troubles, huh?

Youre taking this too seriously.

The dragons discussed this with each other after they watched the exchange between Flame-Eye and Kyle.

But are you sure about striking a deal with Flame-Eye? Shes one of the worst demons to have around, no? Seran seemed worried, but Kyle calmly responded.

Im well aware of that, which makes her actions easy to read. And even if some problem were to arisewe can just betray her first.

As she was a demon, Kyle would feel no remorse for stabbing her in the back.

But what about the Demon Lords offer? I dont want that.

Before accepting Flame-Eyes idea, they would end up as the Demon Lords subordinates. In that way, it would mean that the Holy Sword Rand would fall into her hands, and it also would end up limiting Serans actions.

You dont need to listen to any of what she says. Shes not gonna watch over you 24/7. More than anythingyou wont die that easily, right?

Everybody else present confidently nodded along.

You sure got a nasty personalitySo, who do you think messed up Thunder-Breath? Was it Flame-Eye after all?

I dont knowbut the way she talked didnt make it seem like she did

Yeah, agreed.

Kyle delivered an answer after a bit of thinking, to which Seran agreed.

So that means it mustve been Three-Arms? No, still

This time, Seran went silent, thinking that not even Three-Arms would go so far as to kill his allies to instigate such an incident. Shortly after this discussion, Yuriga returned to the room with an expression even more grave than before, showing things were even worse.

Luiza-sama has called for you

No way anything good would happen, looking at her attitude.


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