Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 5: Chapter 6

Book 5: Chapter 6

The fourth day after departing from Bayone arrived. They would soon enter Demon Territory, but they didnt run into any more trouble. The riverbanks and vegetation in the distance looked the same, and besides the single attack of the River Dragon, it was mostly smooth sailing.

Though that one time was tough.

Kyle was leaning against the railing, looking at the water surface, muttering these words. That one time was actually referring to Kyles past, or the future in this case, when they invaded Demon Territory in order to gain any kind of information about these monsters as the great war broke out. In the end, they were mostly decimated. Kyle was the only one who barely managed to come out alive, but it was a dark day for him.

Yet, this time everythings going just fine.

It doesnt quite fit with you, what are you being so nostalgic for? Shildonia called out to Kyle from behind him. Are you worried about meeting the Demon Lord after all?

Call it being worried, I personally just feel bewildered. So far, Ive lived under the idea of killing every single demon out there. I never would have imagined going to Demon Territory to discuss something with the Demon Lord.

This is completely different from the last time when they happened to fight together with Yuriga. Kyle was unsure if he could stay calm if another demon appeared in front of him.

Personally, this is my first time talking with demons like this, so Im not sure what to make of it, butits evident that the current Demon Lord is a clear exception from the rest of the demons. To the point we have to reconsider what we have seen as a demon. Shildonia must have her own thoughts about the demons as someone who fought at the frontlines against them before. I fully understand how you feel towards those demons. However, in this one instance, you ought to swallow that.

I knowIm more concerned about something else.

Oh, what would that be?

See it for yourself, Kyle asked Shildonia to follow him and headed to the ships hold.

It was filled with cargo, and Klaus was currently busy inspecting all of it.

Oh, what brings you all the way out here?

Perfect timing, theres one thing Id like to ask you. These exported goods here. I saw them when boarding the ship, but are these trade goods?

These were probably exported goods headed for Demon Territory, but the variety of said goods was oddly unbalanced. You had furniture sold in general stores, cooking utensils, and even paintings. Musical instruments such as lutes or harps, board and card games, even clothes and various spices, plus alcohol. Kyle spotted a vast amount of books as well, ranging from war chronicles to romance works popular with the women of today. In other words, these were goods you could find about anywhere, and cheap to boot. Some were a bit more expensive, but not something a demon would need.

Yeah, I was curious about that myself. Are these exported goods going to Demon Territory after all?

Indeed, these are all requested goods, you see. This allows me to get exported goods from Demon Territory including raw materials, such as granite ores or koba logs. I even have a lot of raw minerals used for gemstones and such.

All of these were rare items even barely obtainable, but they must be abundant in the Demon Territory.

That means this smuggling must hold quite the value to you.

Indeed. To the point I can barely stop myself from grinning. Klaus showed a burst of heartfelt laughter.

However, this laugh soon subsided, and he showed a much more serious expression.

Its been more than ten years now, but when I first learned of all the rare goods found in Demon Territory, I dreamed of getting rich and made my way there. Thinking about it now, it was foolish and a wish for death.

Klaus ended up stranded, fighting for his life.

However, Lady Luck was on my side, as I was saved by none other than the Demon Lord.

Through that, the Demon Lord brought up this smuggling, and Klaus agreed as the business-minded man he was.

It appears as if they are quite interested in the culture of humanfolk.

Culture, you say? Shildonia didnt hide her surprise.

Im not all too familiar myself, but the demons also have towns, and their way of living doesnt differ much from us humanfolk.

Kyle already knew about that. However, with their small numbers, these towns are a lot smaller compared to humanfolk residences, and half of the entire demon race is made out of workers and laborers like goblins and orcs.

However, these demons lack the idea of enjoyment that we humans have. All they do is eat, drink, sleep, and visit their only place of joy, the arena.

Whenever theres a fight between demons, its either resolved by a higher-ranking demon, or they clear up things with a fight from what Ive heard.

You know your stuff. Klaus commented on Kyles evident knowledge with a surprised tone.

I looked into them in my free time.

During that war, he acquired this kind of knowledge in various battles to the death, solely to gain some kind of advantage against the enemy.

Well, their goal is to brighten up their lifestyles with these goods, you could say.

I seeSo these arent necessary goods, but rather to let the demons find enjoyment. Shildonia couldnt help but show admiration for this plan.

In other words, they aim to make the demons slowly but steadily accept humanfolk and their traditions?

Id say thats the goal of the current Demon Lord-sama. The majority of the demons still look down on humans. Yuriga had appeared out of nowhere, adding extra information. Most demons see humanfolk as animals with intelligencethats why the Demon Lord-sama is planning to make them learn more about humanfolk, and have them accept you. Yuriga gently rubbed her stomach, most likely remembering the iron fist she had been hit with by Lieze in the past. Well, I had been the same in the past, butI had to admit you were more than just animals.

It seemed like that defeat greatly changed Yurigas way of thinking.

However, the majority of you humanfolk cant hope to compare against the overwhelming strength we possess. So, the Demon Lord-sama was thinking of first making us get used to your culture, as that would soften our views on you.

And, is that working? Kyle asked with complicated feelings, but Yuriga shook her head.

Only a small portion. The values of us demons all boil down to strength, so it will take time until they accept the culture of humanfolkBut, there is a definite change.

Do they really think that humanfolk and demons can get along?

Seeing how far the Demon Lord went, they most certainly were serious about their idea. However, things working out or not was an entirely different problem.

I dont think that the thousand-year-long history between humanfolk and demons, filled with endless fighting, can be changed this easily. However, as the Demon Lord-sama wishes for this, it will surely become reality at some point. Yuriga delivered an honest answer to Kyles question.

This showed her unwavering trust in the current Demon Lord.

As the businessman that I am, I think theres value to be found in that. Klaus laughed, but there was none of his usual schemings to be found, and rather just his honest feelings.

To Klaus, this smuggling was a big bet, as much as it was a risk. The only reason Klaus, who has become the worlds most renowned businessman and trader, still continued traveling to and from Demon Territory was duty towards the Demon Lord, and because he believed that it would help humanfolk in the long run.

I dont know how many tens, or even hundreds of years that might take, and its a shame that I wont be able to see it in person, but Klaus spoke in a cheerful tone, but he wasnt allowed to finish his words as Kyle turned around and left the room.

Hundreds of yearsis too late, Kyle muttered.

The arrival of a new Demon Lord and the beginning of the [Great Invasion] will occur in barely two years. Without that, Kyle might have been on board with this plan, but he had no time. And after moving away a few meters, he heard Yurigas excited voice behind him.

Hm, the new release of [Rezedes Tale of Tragic Love], is it. I was curious to continue reading.

It was a popular series depicting the unfortunate story of a female knight.

And youre part of that small portion? Kyle doubted his ears.

Seven days after they set sails, a definite change happened that symbolized them leaving humanfolk territory.

This isan ocean?

Huh? We went upstream, so why would we end up at the ocean?

The ocean is supposed to be salty, right? Why not get a taste and confirm that?

They were looking at an endless flat horizon. Having been raised without ever seeing the ocean, Kyle, Lieze, and Seran all stood frozen in the face of that.

No, this is a lake. But, the area it spans, it might as well be an entire ocean. Klaus explained, to which the groups eyes opened wide in shock.

Weird, this lake shouldnt have been here back when Zaales was standing Shildonia tilted her head, not remembering this lake from a thousand years ago.

It originally was a normal lake, but five hundred years ago, the high-ranking water spirit went rampant and created a large amount of water. Right now, thats stopped, but you can see the result.

I see, thats why the spirit power of water feels so strong here Urza listened to Yurigas explanation as she looked at the lake. The small island drifting here is our goal. Well reach it soon. Just as Yuriga stated, they saw a small island in the distance.

They had expected it to be a relatively small one as it was located inside a lake, but it could still easily fit one or two cities. The island and its landscape was charming enough to work perfectly as a tourist spot, including a wharf and storage house near the coast for ships to stop. After moving more inland, they ran into a location resembling a castle.

Is this the Demon Lords residence? This is completely different from what I had imagined.

Its totally different from those scary castles I read about in picture books.

Both Urza and Lieze couldnt hide their bewilderment. In fact, the building in front of them, and its building style, was about the same luxury level as your average human castle. The path reaching up from the wharf was stone-paved, with a garden awaiting you.

This is a separate residence of the Demon Lord-sama. It is comparatively close to the humanfolk territory, with no other demons around, which is why they have chosen this place. Think of it as an honor. Yuriga explained.

The way you say that makes it sound like the Demon Lord interacting with humanfolk in this light is not much appreciated by other demons. Serans question evidently made Yurigas mood drop.

Of course. As I said, the great majority of demons look down on humanfolk. If they knew that the Demon Lord-sama treated you as visitors and invited you, they would protest thatEspecially the ones from the pro-war faction who can be a lot of trouble. Just what kind of complaints would they throw at us

Lieze saw Yuriga complain and asked her a question.

Are you and this pro-war faction on such bad terms?

They talk about annihilating humanfolk for the sake of us demons, but deep down, theyre fiends who only fight for their own enjoyment and their own reasons. They would use whatever reason to revolt against Demon Lord-sama who truly thinks about the best of us demons, such insolent fools! Yurigas tone grew a lot more aggressive.

A war of factions, is it? I guess demons and humanfolk are not that different after all. Angela let out a comment of surprise, used to a battle of factions as the royalty that she was.

A pro-war factionYou mean those Flame-Eye and Thunder-Breath folks? Kyle remembered these names Yuriga previously mentioned.

Yeah. Most troublesome of all is that they are strong enough to receive such an honorific title.

An honorific title seems to be a special name given to demons whose accomplishments and raw strength have been widely accepted and gratified, with barely ten demons existing who possess these honorific titles. Usually, demons treasure their own personal names, never sharing them with races other than demons like themselves, but an honorific title was a token of pride, which is why demons who possess one are utmost willing to share it at any given moment so that it spreads as much as possible.

I seeId rather not meet those folks, then.

Targ had stated that his actions were unrelated to the pro-war faction, but as long as they saw humanfolk as the enemy, Kyles group would eventually have to fight this pro-war faction. However, the goal at this time was to discuss things with the Demon Lord, and if they got away without running into them in human territory, that was perfectly fine. Approaching the small island, Klaus gave orders to the sailors, and they carefully reached the wharf. At the pier stood their welcome, lowering her head as she greeted Kyles group.

I humbly welcome you.


It was a young woman wearing maid clothes with black as its base color. Kyle saw this, and raised a shocked voice. It wasnt weird for someone high-ranking individual like the Demon Lord to have servants, but the surprising aspect was that this maid was a human.

You area human?

Yes, that is correct. The maid nodded toward Kyles question without hesitation.

There are some humans present in Demon Territory, indeed. And the Demon Lord-sama cares for them. Yuriga spoke with a bit of pride in her voice, as if these were her own accomplishments.

As far as Kyle could see things, the maid seemed healthy and safe, so there was no problem at least. More than anything, clear determination filled her gaze, and she showed no signs of acting.

At the very least, ever since the current Demon Lords rule of peace three hundred years ago, no mistreatment of humanfolk has happened, Klaus added an explanation, but Kyle still couldnt accept this.

Butif youre humanfolk, you should go back to our territory.

That wont work. Would you be able to believe a human who returned from Demon Territory? Beyond that, they were born here in Demon Territory, so they lack the common sense found in the humanfolk territory, making a return far too dangerousAnd, they do not wish to return either.

The maid let Klaus finish and nodded.

Yes. I have heard that our ancestors were brought here as prisoners of war three hundred years ago. We have heard stories of humanfolk, but we personally dont The maid went quiet.

To her, humanfolk territory must be a place unreachable, and the idea of being able to return probably never set in for her.

The great Demon Lord-sama deeply cares about us, so we have decided to live here.

Kyle attempted to say something again, but towards the maid who seemed satisfied and thankful to her lord, he was unable to say another word. After giving the sailors orders to offload the cargo, he walked towards the castle. Minagi, like the person she was, decided to stay behind on the boat, so Lieze reluctantly had to see her off.

Just to make sure, Id appreciate it if you could stay behind here, Princess Seran carefully asked Angela, but she rejected that with a smile.

No, being away from everyone is much more dangerous for me, so I will stay with you all. Also, were not in an official meeting, so please just call me Angela.

Seran was unable to brush off Angela, as she stayed close to him.

Guided by the maid, the further they moved inside the Demon Lords castle, the less it gave off the vibe of a demonic residence. Flowers were blooming inside a garden surrounded by a fence, with the statue of a maiden standing in the middle of a small fountain that sprayed water everywhere. Upon opening the large double door at the front entrance, they were greeted by a large hall, as well as another ten or more maids lowering their heads at their arrival. The hall had engravings everywhere, creating beautiful paintings on the walls, to the point that it looked more like the residence of a noble than that of the Demon Lord.

Those are Rockbars sculptures, right. And these are the scenery paintings of Zebones. All these works from famous artists, the Demon Lords got surprisingly good taste. Angela looked around with her schooled eye, figuring out that these objects were all of quite high value.

I heard that theyve been trading with another businessman before me, and these objects have taken quite an ageIt was hard to fit their atmosphere. Klaus showed a satisfied grin.

It probably took him quite the amount of work to amass all these objects here. After walking down the hallway further, they stopped in front of another large double door.

The Demon Lord-sama resides here. Be mindful of your manners. Yuriga turned around, warning the group.

Kyle took a deep breath, looked at his allies, and then nodded. Following that, the door slowly opened. It resembled an audience chamber, decorated with a strong red carpet on the floor, with a throne standing tall at the end of the carpet. Sitting on this thronewas a female demon. She looked a lot listless with her untidy clothes, not wearing something you would when greeting people. In human terms, she looked to be in the latter half of her twenties, possessing long hair that reached down to her hips, as well as pretty facial features, but the laziness she emitted ruined all of her good looks.

What stood out the most however were the two large horns growing from the left and right of her head, as well as the large bishops staff standing next to her. It didnt seem like she was sleeping, but it took a second for her to open her eyes, looking at Kyles group.

Youve done well coming here. I am the Demon Lord Luiza. Demon Lord Luiza spoke with a polite tone, but she didnt move an inch from the throne, let alone fix her posture, so her face sounded more listless than anything.

Nice to meet you, I am Kyle Lenard.

Actually, this was their second time meeting, but Kyle swallowed his thought and greeted her like this was the first time they had met, hoping that his acting had gotten better.

I see, so you were the Demon Lord at this time

Kyle remembered the first time they had met in his previous life.

So, Yuriga, thesehumans are? Luiza asked with her usual listless tone.

Yes. Yuriga went down on one knee, lowering her head, showing absolute obedience.

I didnt expect her to name herself Shildonia let out a voice of bewilderment as she looked at Luiza.

As the Demon Lord, who stood at the apex of the entire demon race, who all treasured their names, she clearly couldnt believe her ears at Luiza stating her name.

Hm? Ahh, demon folk traditions must be confusing to you humanfolk, so I dont intend on forcing my name into you. Just refer to me as youd like, no need to be mindful of your manners.

She made it sound like she said it for their sake, but in reality, she probably was too lazy to bother with anything else.

So, why did you call us here?

Calling it amiability was a bit too vague for Kyle, but at the very least, she emitted no hostility, so he called out to Luiza. Yuriga glared at Kyle because of this frank tone, but as Luiza said she didnt mind their manners, Yuriga didnt dare to reprimand him for that. Instead, Luiza let out a faint laugh and looked at Kyles group without anybody in particular.

Impatient folksFine, I have other visitors coming later after all.

Demon Lord-sama? What visitors are you? Yuriga seemed to have been left in the dark, asking.

Were not in a public place, you may call me LuizaQuite frankly, they are not very reliable, so you dont have to worry about them.

Understood. Yuriga seemed a bit dissatisfied with that, but nodded and lowered her head.

So, about you peopleFirst, Id like to thank you. My close aide Yuriga has been in your care two times now, so giving you my thanks would be the least to do as her master, no? Or so Luiza said, but with her usual attitude unchanging, it, sure enough, didnt sound like any gratitude was being conveyed. I would have loved to come to meet you instead as that would have been proper etiquette, but I cannot enter the human territory, as that would create war. She showed a faint smile. In return, I have information about the demon you had foughtI believe his name was Targ, yes?

Thats right! If you know anything about him, please tell us!

As Luiza got right into the topic at hand, Kyle pushed his body forward.

First, I dont know that demon. Even if we have lower numbers than you humanfolk, I still dont know every single demon out there. Not to mention that its not rare for demons to defy me.

To Luiza, Targ seemingly was an existence she didnt bother much with, not even knowing about him.

However, I managed to figure out his location. I personally believe it would be best to leave him alone, butYuriga was just so noisy. I have someone tracking him, so I would probably be able to remove him in a day or two.

Kyle heard this and panicked a bit. Naturally, Targ was someone they had to defeat at some point, but he needed to ask him some questions before that.

Wait a second, I need to talk with him before that, so could you leave him alive for that?

Got it. I had ordered his execution, but I will make sure he gets sent back in a state where you can question him.

To Kyles surprise, Luiza accepted his wish.

Huh? T-Thanks. As he didnt expect this, Kyle subconsciously thanked her.

Also, in regards to the [Dragon King]s hide, if you leave the measuring to us, we can immediately proceed with the manufacturing. Well, itll take time to finish that either way, but if its completed, we can have this businessman deliver it to youhow about that?

Understood. I will take responsibility and make sure it reaches you. Klaus nodded with confidence.

R-Rightsounds good, then.

As things went along oddly smoothly, Kyle couldnt help but be dubious about this situation, but he didnt comment on it since things were going smoothly for them. At the same time, he realized that being swept along by Luizas pace would be bad, so he attempted to speak up, but Luiza fixed her posture and continued.

Now, getting to the topic at handIm sure you must be aware of this, but I wish for a peaceful relationship with humanfolk. And, I want you to work together with me as much as this businessman does. Luiza said while pointing at Klaus.

Working together with a demon Kyle uttered his clear rumination, and his friends were equally perplexed.

On the way here, they all had their share of ideas of what exactly the Demon Lord would want from them, and working together with the demons certainly was one of those options, but hearing that from the Demon Lord herself was unexpected nonetheless.

It certainly isnt as big of a deal. I just want you to help me in my endeavors, and humanfolk will not suffer any damage, that I promise.

If these requests were seen as a rebellion against humanfolk, Kyle would immediately reject that in a heartbeat, but as he knew that the Demon Lord was working for the sake of humanfolk, he had to think about it twice.

Naturally, I will grant you a fitting reward. Money is one thing, but you seek renown, yes? I could assist you on that as wellJust as you had gained the title [Dragon Slayer].

Luiza added much more profits for Kyles group, but his hesitation didnt disappear that easily.

What? Do you wish for war between you and us demons? Luiza gave Kyle a dubious gaze.

No, not at all, but

In a way, there was no person on this continent who wished to avoid this war more than Kyle. Because he had experienced that tragedy himself, he was willing to do whatever was necessary to stop its outbreak. However, the one who will start the war is not the current Demon Lord Luiza, but rather the one who will rise to power in about two years and three months.

Hm, no immediate answer, I seeFine, feel free to think about it. There is one more issue I would like to discuss Luizas gaze wandered towards Seranor towards the Holy Sword Rand that he was keeping at his waist. That sword, I desperately want itAh, naturally, I dont plan on taking it by force, so rest assured. Luiza saw Serans expression tense up for a moment, so she let out a faint laugh.

Seran looked down at his own sword with a somewhat saddened gaze.

WellBefore I think about that, why do you want this sword so desperately? Seran voiced the doubt he had for a while.

When they fought Yuriga in the mining city Callan, she stated that the Demon Lord wanted the sword no matter what. For that, the former mayor Bucks worked together with the demons, but Seran was always curious why they went so far for that.

If you want a good sword, you can always take KylesOuch.

Dont sell me. Shildonia shoved her elbow into Serans flank.

The question of it being a good or bad sword is not a problem, and rather that I have a special connection with that sword. In factthat sword was used by Randalph to cut down the previous Demon Lord, my father. Luiza showed a somewhat complicated expression, most likely remembering the past.

At the end of the long war lasting three hundred years, the Hero Randalph struck down the Demon Lord with this sword, giving it the name Holy Sword Rand. And this sword now made its way to Serans hands.

However, I do not wish for it because of such a trifling connection. In fact, I simply want to keep it close at my side because of a current problem.

The word current problem made Kyle dubious, and Luiza answered that with a smile.

Well, to put it simply, as it was showered by the blood of my father, the previous demon lord, it possesses a certain attributeeven able to erase my power that is unbefitting of a Demon Lord.

Yuriga didnt seem to know about this either, as her face showed clear surprise.

In other words, that sword is my weakness.

L-Luiza-sama! You cannot tell them! Yuriga tried to stop the Demon Lord, but it was already too late.

Your weaknessShould you really be telling us, humans, about such a thing? Seran commented while looking down at the sword hanging from his waist.

Yes, I dont mind. Even if you were to use that sword, you would not be able to kill me. Luiza said as if there was no problem whatsoever.

HuhWell said. Serans pride must have been hurt as one of his cheeks twitched.

Unbeknownst to his feelings, Luiza continued.

Even so, Id like to keep it at my side. Of course, I will provide something of the same value, varying from all treasures. That must be quite valuable for humanfolk, no? Just tell this businessman what you want, and I shall have him provide it.

Naturally. Even I profit from this, after all. Klaus deeply lowered his head, as he proclaimed.

So, how about it?

Dont even need to think about it. I decline. Seran lightly tapped the sword at his waist, which he saw as his beloved partner, and declared with no hesitation.

Bastard! What attitude do you dare show towards Luiza-sama! Yuriga was enraged at Serans statement, but right as she approached Seran, Luiza raised her hand.

I seeI cant force you eitherWhat to doI know, I will make you my possession.

Huh? Possession? Seran pointed at himself, unable to understand Luizas words.

Instead of becoming my ally, I will keep you at my side, which will automatically make that sword mine all the same. Humans cant live for many years, no? I will simply make the sword my possession after your death.

Basically, she would wait for Seran to pass away and then the sword would ultimately become hers.

Naturally, I dont plan on giving you any cruel life as my possession, and you dont have to live in Demon Territory either. You can live an easy life in the human territory for all I care. However, I will grant you any wish you have. Money? Women? I have quite a lot of humans with me, and I dont mind giving you a demon woman.

Huh? So, even Yuriga?

Naturally, Luiza answered without a single shred of hesitation.


Of course, Yuriga meant to say something and raised her head, but immediately went quiet again. Seran enjoyed the sight of that, as she tried to get a better look at her, only for Lieze and Urza to step on both his feet simultaneously, pulling the emergency brakes.

OuchB-But, that would limit my own actions, right?

Naturally. I cannot have you die somewhere I have no supervision on, that would ruin the meaning of making you my possession. I will have you live in a safe and secure place.

Basically, he wouldnt be allowed to go on adventures anymore, acting as some stay-at-home husband. Depending on the person, that would be quite a seductive invitation. However, there was a bigger problem in the picture.

Then no thanks. I want to live freely. Only listening to someones orders doesnt fit my style at all. Sorry bout that. Seran waved his hand at Luiza, rejecting her offer.

I am willing to give you quite the compromise, you know?

Suddenly, the tone in Luizas voice changed.


Luiza may have only added a faint glimmer of irritation in her voice, but it immediately lowered the temperature in the room. Immense pressure covered their bodies, creating a hallucination as if they were bound down by iron chains. This alone was plenty to make them realize they were actually dealing with the current Demon Lord. After this tense atmosphere pressed down on them for a moment, Angela opened her mouth after being silent this entire time.

Excuse me, I dont particularly care about the ownership of the sword, but I was the first one who set eyes on Seran-sama.

A-Angela-sama?! Klaus threw in a meager attempt to stop the girl, but she continued nonetheless.

And as I have made a promise with him first, Id like you to refrain from making any more advances.

Err, what about my opinion?

Seran tried to comment on the situation happening in front of him, but he suddenly heard Angelas voice inside his head.

(Their attitude isnt changing, so rather than drawing back, we should push forward.)

This must be the effect of the magic items [Telepathy].

(I am skilled at negotiations. Please, leave this to meLies are a useful instrument, see.)

She seemed oddly confident, as she took a step forward.

Oh, I am surprised you could say that in front of me.

Luiza seemingly found interest in Angelas protest, her eyes showing a faint glimmer of excitement.

I am the princess of the Galgan Empire, so there are things I cannot give up easily.

Galgan Empire? What is that?

A large country located in the humanfolk territory. It possesses the greatest strength at the moment. Yuriga delivered a quick explanation, to which Luiza showed a reminiscent reaction.

Ahh, one of these countries you call it. Personally, I fail to grasp the reason why all of you humanfolk would split up into smaller groups like theseHowever, that brings up the question why you have come here.

Luiza did call Kyles group here but didnt hear about the presence of a princess.

I ran from my guard and followed Seran-sama. I plan on making him my personal knight, so I cannot let him be stolen like this.

Because Angela did not hold back at all with her words, Seran felt the urge to comment on that again. She said that lies worked as a great instrument, but Seran felt like he was thrown into a deep hole unable to escape from.

HmmIt appears as if Ive been taken lightly. To think I was given the opinion of royalty whose position had been decided at birth. Luiza glared at Angela.

It was a light gaze, but as she was the Demon Lord, even that was enough pressure to make your soul shake.

My position at birth does not matter. As I will never know when my downfall could happen, I have to discipline myself and aim for someone higher than me. Yet, Angela didnt back down either.

Oh, well said, humanFine, I dont dislike energetic humans. We will leave this case on hold for a moment. Luiza relaxed a bit, to which the temperature in the room returned to normal.

No, Im happy you understand.

She probably knew that it was a simple threat and nothing more. Angela took a deep breath and showed a polite bow. However, Luiza apparently had no intentions of backing down either.

All rightand there is one more thing. Luiza looked at Kyles face for the very first time since he arrived, practically staring at him.

After a brief moment, she showed a dubious expression.

Why are you here?

Unable to understand the meaning behind that question, Kyle was about to ask for confirmation, when the large door behind them opened, and a maid stormed inside. Yuriga reflexively attempted to reproach the girl for her rudeness, but she saw how serious the maid was, and stopped herself.

M-My sincerest apologies, but Flame-Eye-sama has come to visit!

She could barely finish her sentence when a shadow appeared behind her. It looked like a female demon resembling a human, with sheep horns growing from her head, and her peculiar trait in the shape of her crimson eyes shone brightly to match her grin. This was clearly their first time meeting, but Kyle had a familiar impression of the demon.

Flame-Eye Yuriga clearly didnt enjoy this arrival, clicking her tongue.

Outta my way, Flame-Eye said with a cold tone of voice, as she looked down at the maid like she looked at a small pebble on the road.

The second the red glimmer in Flame-Eyes eyes grew even stronger, Luiza spoke up.

That human belongs to me. If you dare hurt her, think of it as hurting me all the same, Flame-Eye. Luizas listless attitude remained the same, but her voice held the pressure befitting the Demon Lord.

Flame-Eyes movement stopped abruptly, and she turned towards Luiza. She put her hands together, lowering her head which really gave off the feeling that she was only superficially polite.

Oh my, oh my, the Demon Lord-sama, its a pleasure.

In the meantime, the maid frantically ran away from that place, and it seemed like Flame-Eye had already lost interest in her.

What imprudence! The Demon Lord-sama is partaking in a meeting, how dare you interrupt her! Yuriga howled in fury, reprimanding the female demon.

My sincerest apologies, I just couldnt wait to meet my beloved Demon Lord-sama as quickly as possible. Flame-Eye kept her acting up, as she apologized while showing no hostility. I have to say, you sure know how to howl despite being nothing more than a small animal relying on the Demon Lord-samas greatness

After evidently looking down on Yuriga, Flame-Eyes gaze turned towards Kyles group.

So, about this important meeting, are you conversing with humans by any chance? Flame-Eye looked at Kyles group without even trying to hide her disdain. The Demon Lord inviting lowly humanfolk over, I would have believed that such a thing was never supposed to happen?

It was evidently a sarcastic comment, but perfectly reasonable in context, so Yuriga could merely grit her teeth in silence. However, Luiza remained as listless as ever.

Huh, you sure have guts to say that.

The part of Flame-Eye calling them lowly must have hit deep for Seran, now sharing a sharp glare at the demon Flame-Eye in front of him.

Oh my, what energy from trash like youIm sure youll burn just great. Flame-Eye responded adequately, as her bright eyes shone.

Before the situation could escalate, however, Luiza broke between the two with a joyful voice.

Dont be like that, Flame-Eye, they arent just your average humanfolk. And, I believe they arent completely unrelated to you either.

Meaning? Flame-Eye narrowed her eyes, seeming dubious.

Correct. After all, these humans are the ones who defeated Ganias. Luiza explained with an intrigued tone, to which Flame-Eyes eyebrow twitched.

Ganias? My, what a surprise.

Up to that point, Flame-Eye had treated Kyles group like trash on the side of the road, only for her to face them properly, closely inspecting them from head to toe. That gaze alone made shivers run down Kyles back, but he accepted it to the best of his ability. After Flame-Eye had seen enough, she let out a fascinated snicker and called out to them.

I see, it appears as if my younger brother has been in your care.

Younger brother?

I believe you fought that inexperienced brother of mine at this humanfolk city called Callan.

There, Kyle finally connected the dots. He thought that Flame-Eyes impression felt familiar, but thats because she was related to Ganias.

I seeso youre Ganias older sister. You two do resemble each other.

Were you the one who killed Ganias?

Yeah, that was me. I used chains of mithril to seal his movement and pushed him into the lava. Kyle explained without a moments hesitation, speaking only the truth.

Maybe dont say that? Urza was plagued by a severe headache as she massaged her temple.

Everybody would be furious to hear family being murdered in such a cruel way.

I see, its very much like him to go out like that.

And yet, Flame-Eye was snickering to herself.

So? Are you going to get revenge for your brother? Kyle dropped the tone of his voice, as a tense air filled the room.

Of course not. The dead wont profit from anything the living do. And, the dead dont give us any reward either. Id rather not stress myself if I dont benefit from it at all. Flame-Eye calmly explained how she had no hard feelings for them despite murdering her brother. Though if you really managed to kill that foolish brother of mine, you most certainly are not some trash as I expected you to beHehe, I think things will get interesting from now on. Me aside, Im sure those guys would be happy. Flame-Eye showed an almost ominous and unpleasant smile.

Those guys? Dont tell me

Yes, these two will be coming here shortly. Thunder-Breathand Three-Arms, that is.

Yuriga seemed on edge at Flame-Eyes words, who explained her words with an almost sympathetic tone, as she shrugged her shoulders.

Leaving aside Thunder-Breath, Im quite shocked Three-Arms decided to come. Luiza sighed.

Despite showing no emotion except listlessness up to this point, Luiza finally showed an expression representing surprise, commenting with an annoyed tone of voice.

I am surprised. To think Three-Arms would act now. Flame-Eye made it sound like this was an unexpected turn of events.

I feel like things will grow turbulent from here on outFine, since theyre coming, itHm? Oh, have they already arrived? Luiza directed her gaze at the window, spotting giant bat-like monsters in front of the castle, probably acting as a means of transportation.

Maybe we should leave in the meantime? Kyle said, but Luiza said she didnt mind.

You are my main guests for the day, so you can participate without needing to worry.

No, I was genuinely hoping you wouldnt wrap us up in your internal

Before Kyle could finish his sentence, the door swung open with great momentum, and another shadow appeared. It was unlike Flame-Eye, more like a wolf, or a giant lion. With sharp fangs, walking on all fours, it was undoubtedly a wolf, but its eyes inhabited intelligence you wouldnt see from a wild beast. However, beyond any of that, these sharp eyes emitted clear fury and killing intent, directed at Kyles group. From between its fangs, you could periodically see sparks flying, paired with rumbling deep inside its throat. Met with this much hostility, Kyles group immediately prepared for any imminent battle, but Luiza stopped that.

Thunder-Breath, Im well aware of how you feel, but I expect you to have the determination to deal with the repercussions if you instigate a battle in front of me without my permission.

Her voice wasnt particularly loud or powerful, but the demon called Thunder-Breath shook its body and faced Luiza, lowering his head to the ground.

My sincerest apologies, Demon Lord-sama. Fluent words came out of the mouth covered in fangs.

Apologies, but Thunder-Breath is one of the demons who begrudges humanfolk the most, always raring to go on a slaughter if I were to give the command.

It was unclear what she saw as funny, but Luiza explained with a smile.

During the great war between us and the humanfolk, his entire race fell to ruin except himself as the single survivor, so I bet he must hold his grudgesNot like it matters much now that his entire bloodline is gone.

Her motive was unclear, but Flame-Eye agitated Thunder-Breath with a faint snicker.

Flame-EyeShut your mouth. Thunder-Breath glared at her in rage, as sparks filled the entire air around him, making it seem like the electricity in the air went up.

My, Im sorry. With them, you may have used them, and without them, life must be a lot easierBut, that isnt something I should tell you. The red glimmer in Flame-Eyes eye grew more intense, glaring at Thunder-Breath who bared his fangs.

Luiza watched this unfold and shook her head with a sigh. Right as she tried to break between the two, another demon appeared which completely stopped her.

So youre hereThree-Arms.

Youre too noisy, you morons.

It was a deep voice that made the lower part of your stomach rumble. Seeing the owner of that voice, Kyle was shocked for a different reason than when he met the Demon Lord just now. Three-Arms was tall enough that you had to look up at him. It was typical for demons to be taller than the average human, but even he surpassed the height of his fellow brethren by ten times or more. Because of this overwhelming presence, even Seran and the others audibly gulped.

The arms and legs of the beast were the sizes of a fully-grown adult, with large muscles around them looking like ropes. From its mouth, you could see sharp teeth, and aiding with the severe impression was the large scar across the left side of its face, most likely inflicted by the strike of a sword. As a result of that, its left eye was fully closed. The tip of its long and thick tail was a sharp end, most likely rivaling the sharp end of an arrowhead. Three-Arms appearance practically embodied the idea of the destruction of violence, and his arrival was enough to gravely change the pressure in the air.

Its been a while, Three-Arms. Im glad you havent changed. Luizas tone gradually changed.

Her previous listlessness had vanished, and she adapted to the serious atmosphere. Rather, it almost sounded like she was trying to be considerate of Three-Arms.

It has been a while, Demon Lord-sama. With a voice deep enough it resembled rocks rubbing against the other, Three-Arms greeted Luiza.

At the same time, Kyles heart started racing more aggressively, as strength filled all his limbs, his teeth grinding against the other. Every single drop of sweat he could feel on his forehead, as his breathing grew out of control.

Kyle, whats wrong? You look pale. Lieze asked with a worried tone.

No, its nothing

Lieze could easily see through that lie, but Kyles odd behavior was on the level she couldnt ask any further. Kyle knew he worried her, but he equally couldnt afford to tell her eitherthat Three-Arms was her killer.

This was the third time Kyle met Three-Arms. The first time was the fateful day the Great Invasion began, the day when his hometown Rimarze fell. Kyle had been away from Rimarze for a short time, but by the time he learned about the events happening there and came running back, it was already too late. As the demons were retreating, he saw Three-Arms, but met with the immense pressure from him, he could only hold the dying Lieze in his arms, looking at her killer walking off into the distance.

The next time they met was on a battlefield where the fight with the demons grew more intense. Kyle led a platoon of around 30 people against Three-Arms. As he still held a grudge for what happened to his hometown, he fought with everything he had. However, it ended in absolute defeat. The only survivor was Kyle who was riddled with heavy wounds, it was a miracle that he was still alive.

However, unable to get revenge for his lost love, he couldnt even be happy that he survived, and simply regretted that he was the only survivor. As a blessing in disguise, he never ran into Three-Arms after that. However, they were now reunited, so of course, he couldnt stay calm.

That ones definitely in the pro-war faction. He probably loves fighting to the point its his lone reason for existing. Seran proclaimed with a single glance at Three-Arms. Of course, hes far stronger than both of us He was forced to praise Three-Arms strength, understanding that playing tough wouldnt help anybody.

Yeah, Im well aware. Kyle nodded.

He knew that better than anybody else.

Hey, dont provoke him too much. Whats gotten into you? Seran warned Kyle, who was still glaring at Three-Arms.

Oh, that human over there. That is some comfortable killing intent youre showing me.

Catching on to Kyles gaze, Three-Arms showed faint excitement, as he looked at Kyle.

Humanhow should I interpret your gaze?

Thunder-Breath reacted to the blatant hostility from Kyle, howling at him.

Stop it, Thunder-Breath, if you attempt something now, then I have to fight you.

Unexpectedly, the person to stop Thunder-Breath was Three-Arms.

What? Im not letting you give me any orders, even if its you.

Hmm, well, that would give me plenty of a reason to finally fight you, so I dont mind.

For some reason, Three-Arms and Thunder-Breath now were acting hostile towards each other.

I will not allow any unwanted fighting in front of me.

Amidst this tense atmosphere, Luiza emitted genuine pressure she didnt show before. The demons immediately changed their postures, and despite not being the target of this hostility, Lieze and Urza staggered backward. Yet, Three-Arms was the only one who stayed calm during that moment.

For crying out loud, I told you to keep this a secret, yet you cause a ruckus like thisThough Im quite surprised, Three-Arms. Why have you come here? You rarely listen to my orders, so what would you be doing here?

I simply wanted to visit youor so Id like to say, but hearing about humanfolk with actual backbone is one of the reasons.

Three-Arms looked at Kyle, unable to stop himself from grinning. Kyle immediately put his hand on his sword.

Ahh, dont worry. I dont know how these other guys feel, but I dont particularly dislike you humanfolk. Rather, I have great interest in you.

Kyle was baffled.

Whatdid you say?

No need to be so shocked, I simply adore the strong. Whether youre a demon or not doesnt matter Three-Arms explained and started telling of his past. Three hundred years ago, during the great war, I fought with many of humanfolk, but many of them were insignificant. However, there was one strong individual, RandolphHe was really strong. We couldnt ever finish our fight, but I had no regrets.

Three-Arms saw the hero who struck down the previous Demon Lord as a sparring partner, almost. In other words, to Kyles group, Three-Arms was that much of a legendary individual.

And my interest grew even further when I heard that a new wielder of his sword appearedsomething like that. Three-Arms looked at the Holy Sword Rand at Serans waist while telling Luiza.

HmTo see you this open and talkativeit would appear that youve taken great interest in Randolph.

Naturally, my battle with him was the most enjoyable in all of my life thus far. Even reminiscing about it makes my scar ache. Three-Arms rubbed the scar on his face as he smiled.

It was a fiendish smile, but it was enough to get across how much joy that battle brought him.

Thats very much like youBut, leaving you aside, for now, Flame-Eye and Thunder-Breath. I can somewhat figure out why youve come here. You want me to restart our assault on humanfolk, right?

Exactly. As soon as we receive your order, we are ready to depart and completely obliterate those pesky humans. Thunder-Breath showed his fangs, evidently seeking out war with humanfolk.

Im not on the same level as Thunder-Breath, but many of us wish for places of active participation. Please, dear Demon Lord-sama, oblige your subordinates with this single request. Flame-Eye stated that the majority of demons wished to fight humanfolk once more.

As long as I have your order, Im ready to go whenever. Whether I have to fight humanfolk or a fellow demon.

Three-Arms didnt have a particular reason, he simply wanted to fight whenever and whoever. They each had a reason to wish for a fight.

You guys are as nonchalant as alwaysHowever, my opinion does not change. I will not fight humanfolk, but rather seek out a friendly relationship.

The three naturally didnt enjoy that answer very much. Particularly Thunder-Breath was close to exploding, as he grit his fangs.

And to repeat myself once more, if you do not share my sentiments, you are free to fight me whenever, and become the next Demon Lord Luiza showed an invincible smile.

The condition to become the Demon Lord, the ruler of all demons, is to become the strongest demon to exist. It was a simple yet efficient structure of ruling. The one to defeat the current Demon Lord rises to become the next one, and in the event that the Demon Lord was to die for other reasons, the next strongest demon would take their place. Met with Luizas confident proclamation, Flame-Eye and Thunder-Breath both averted their eyes, with only Three-Arms looking at her face.

What will you do, Three-Arms?

Well, I wonder He showed a profound smile.

A tense atmosphere ran between Luiza and Three-Arms.

Oh, I almost forgot. Its time Luiza realized something, averting her face.

Hm? What are you talking about? Three-Arms was curious.

I had other planned visitors, even rarer than your arrival. It was rather abrupt, but I could not decline, seeWell, this must be another thread of fate, as they are related to these humans here. And before anything else, hes a lot more reliable than you are. Luiza smiled and looked at the three of the pro-war faction.

Finally, the maid reappeared, announcing the arrival of the new visitor, and Luiza ordered her to bring them through. Shortly after, a man and woman appeared. The first one to enter was a human woman who seemed to be somewhere around twenty, maybe a bit younger, possessing knowledgeable facial features with a strong gaze in her eyes. Next to her stood a young man with a comparatively small stature and a cheeky look in his eyes, most likely a year or two younger than Kyle. Both of them wore proper clothes, with fabric reaching down from their head to their waist, which was like a full mantle, but they seemed awkward wearing that.

It is an honor to meet you, Demon Lord. My sincerest apologies for our suddenHuh? What brings you people here? The woman tried to politely greet the Demon Lord, when she spotted Kyles group, her eyes opening wide. She clearly remembered them, but Kyles group didnt feel the same way.

Whats wrong? Waitis it a huN-No, you are?!

The young man seemed just as surprised to see Kyle, but he didnt seem familiar either. However, that voice sounded familiar to Kyle, as they had a battle to the death before.

Why are you here? No, more importantly, Ill pay you back for last time! The young man opened his mouth in anger, which revealed several of his missing teeth, which made things a lot more clear to Kyle.

Are youGhrud?

Ghrud was the dragon that made Kyle earn the title [Dragon Slayer] after their battle. Then again, Kyle didnt finish him off, which is why Ghrud was still alive and kicking. Normally, they should be in their dragon appearances, but since the [Dragon King] could shapeshift into a human, it wasnt weird for them to be able to either.

Thats right! I havent forgotten about last time!

Kyle destroyed several of Ghruds teeth, and made him pass out after continuous attacks on his head. Naturally, he held a grudge because of that.

That was clearly the fault of that Mera followerSo, is that woman with you Irumera? Kyle looked at the woman, and she nodded.

To think we would meet here

Unlike Ghrud, Irumera was a lot more relaxed, and albeit she seemed a bit confused, she showed a faint glimmer of happiness as well.

Dragonsafter staying hidden for an eternity, why have you come here today? Thunder-Breath looked at the two dragons while grumbling.

Although they werent humans, he still saw them as a nuisance.

Whore you? If you have a problem with us, then be open withOuch! Ghrud was about to pick a fight with Thunder-Breath, but Irumera kicked him.

Dont forget that were here in their territory.

Ghrud seemingly wanted to complain at first, but he went quiet, unable to fight against the pressure coming from Irumera. It seemed like she had full control in that situation.

Ghrud really is vulgar at times

Hes still young. Id assume that Zeurus completely failed at educating him.

Lieze and Shildonia were secretly talking to each other. After glaring at them, Irumera cleared her throat and turned towards Luiza.

Excuse us, Demon Lord, and thank you very much for accepting our sudden visit. Irumera apologized and thanked Luiza, showing a calm attitude despite the circumstances.

You neednt be polite towards me, as you are not a fellow demon. My name is Luiza, I hereby welcome you, dragons who follow [Dragon King] Zeurus. Luiza remained calm, returning the greeting. So, what is it you want from me?

Wed like to ask about the Ancient Dragon Juvars-sama who resides here in Demon Territory.

He is the only existence who can stand on equal ground with Zeurus, Ancient Dragon Juvars. Ancient Dragons were special high-ranking dragons that had been alive since the grandfather of all dragons, Divine Dragon Valzed, had been alive, and there are only two Ancient Dragons alive at this point in time. Zeurus resided in the east of the humanfolk territory, with Juvars living to the west in Demon Territory.

Juvars should be present in the iceberg to the north. A Demon Lord of a few generations ago signed a peace treaty that stated as long as we didnt set foot inside this iceberg, he would not invade our territory. However, Ive been trying to organize negotiations as much as I am with Zeurus, and send an envoy over, but they had been rejected immediately three hundred years ago. Luiza shrugged her shoulders.

It seems like Juvars was especially secluded even amongst the standards of the dragons, at least when it came to interacting with other races.

If anything, should you not know best since he is a fellow dragon? Luiza asked.

About thatWe made our way to the iceberg under the orders of Zeurus-sama, but it was completely vacant. Irumera narrowed her eyes as she answered. Unlike Zeurus-sama, Juvars-sama spends most of his time in solitude, so we dont have anybody else we could askThus, we had to rely on the Demon Lord-sama, who knows the most in the entire Demon Territory.

I see, so thats what happened. It pains me to say this, but I only now learned of him not being in the iceberg anymore.

Is that so Irumera was evidently disappointed at that.

Hey, they clearly dont know, so lets just go hoOuch! Ghrud commented, clearly not motivated to do any proper work, but Irumera kicked him again.

Juvars is quite old, yes? Even dragons have a lifespan, so maybe he has died without any of you knowing?

Irumera shook her head at Luizas question.

No, according to Zeurus-sama, his location is unknown, but he is alive. He seems to be moving, even.

It seemed like a fellow Ancient Dragon could feel the existence of another such as Juvars.

I seeThough it is weird, if a dragon of Juvars level were to be active, it would have surely reached me by now. Luiza started thinking.

If an Ancient Dragon were to become active, it would influence the demonfolk as a whole.

Very well, I will ask my followers if they know anything.

Thank you very much. Irumera bowed, and Ghrud reluctantly followed suit.

Alright, now that thats done. Hey, human! Well continue our fight from last time! I didnt lose, all right!

Right as Ghrud seemed docile, he bared his fangs at Kyle.

You clearly lost. Also, I was trying to save you, so why dont you show some gratitude, huh? Kyle didnt back down and returned these words.

Come on, that wasnt necessary, Lieze complained, but Kyle didnt look away from Ghrud.

Well said, human. Then lets get right toGueh!

Ghrud was ready to leap at Kyle, only for Irumera to grab him by the throat.

What are you doing? Zeurus-sama ordered us not to cause any unnecessary complications. Do you want to be punished again?


Ghrud must have remembered said punishment, as he immediately grew more docile.

And you dont agitate him either. Irumera looked at Kyle, but he averted his face like he didnt care.

At the same time, as these dragons were the furthest away from them as demons, Three-Arms and Flame-Eye looked at the dragons with dubious eyes.

I had no idea dragons could play jokes like that. Three-Arms laughed like he was watching a comedy act.

Dragons, huhI heard theyre a lot more commendable than humanfolk, but I wonder how far that really is applicable?

Flame-Eye seemed quite interested in the two dragons, but her eyes made it clear she simply looked for any way to use them.

What did you say! Are you making fun ofOuch!

How many more times do I need to tell you to be quiet.

Ghrud ate another punch from Irumera, silenced with no remorse.

For crying out loud, things have gotten chaotic. I cant even continue the conversation. Luiza looked around the participants present and spoke up. Time for a restart. She stood up from her throne and declared. Whether Ive invited you or youve invited yourselves, visitors are still visitors. I cant prepare a banquet, but we shall eat together. It wont hurt to deepen the bonds between demons, dragons, and humanfolk through a shared meal. Until everything is prepared, please entertain our visitors, Luiza ordered Yuriga, grabbing her staff, and leaving the audience room.

Huh? Were supposed to eat with this constellation of members?

At the same time, Kyle narrowed his eyes, receiving clear hostility from Ghrud and pure killing intent from Thunder-Breath.

Hm, that sounds quite interesting.

A meal with humanfolk and dragonsthats a first for me, but Im looking forward to it.

Surprisingly enough, Three-Arms and Flame-Eye were more than up for it.

Now that we were invited, I guess we have to participate.

A mealWha? What will we be eating?

Since the two dragons had to wait for any information on Juvars, they naturally had to wait here, but the eating practices between humanfolk and demons were far too different, and the group was at a loss.

I wonder what theyll prepare, Shildonia muttered amidst the chaos, looking around the group. Though I have to say, this is the second chance where humanfolk, demons, and dragons all end up in a group. Last time it was [Dragon King] Zeurus, this time its the Demon Lord herselfOne time makes it a coincidence, but a second time in such a short spanhistory is moving things forward, but I wonder which direction it will take. The former summit of humanfolk, [Magic King] Shildonia, looked at the center of these events, Kyle, and talked to herself.


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