Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 4: Chapter 11

Book 4: Chapter 11

To think you still had this room. Hasnt changed one bit.

The location Zeurus brought them to was a simple yet large room, existing inside the World Tree, offering a large table with seats for six people. People of the humanfolk would surely fit in here at ease, but it most likely was too narrow for a dragon.

I made it for you. Because of our equivalent oath, you are the only humanfolk who would visit me here at the World Tree. Zeurus showed a blunt response.

Shildonia and Zeurus sat down at the table, facing each other. Kyle looked around for a moment and then sat down next to Shildonia.

Now then, let me get right to the problem at hand. In the near future, a great war between humans and demons will break out. We want you to not side with the demons, and lend your strength to humanfolk.

I decline. Zeurus immediately rejected Shildonias appeal. Indeed, we have been saved by you. However, we have fulfilled our debt, and dont plan on offering you any more help.

Saved? What did you do? Kyle looked at Shildonia.

Oh yes, I hadnt told you yet. The entire race of dragons has been indebted to me. She started explaining how she saved the dragons from an incoming threat back when she was still the king of the Ancient Magic Kingdom Zaales.

This threat was that the dragons could not give birth to new children. Dragons could live for thousands of years, basically being immortal beings. Their breeding ability was exceptionally low, and it took them a long time to realize this, namely when it was almost too late. With no successors born, even the great dragons would eventually meet their demise.

So, I figured out the reason for their inability to breed and saved them from their impending doom. In a way, you could call it the repercussions of the dragons own actions, but stillOops. She started her sentence, only to catch Zeurus gaze, and stopped her words. Anywaythis led to the debt of the dragons, and we pleaded an oath.

Indeed, we have seen more children being born between us since then, and we were savedHowever, I believe we already repaid you. We evacuated any homes we had except this World Tree for your research facilities and gave you ownership over thatI think that weve fulfilled our condition. I have no obligation to offer you more than that.

Hm? So the reason you still live here in the World Tree

Is because we are abiding by the oath we formed. At the same time, any humanfolk approaching us will receive a sharp warning so that they leave immediately. Zeurus spoke with a cold tone, but Shildonia was half in admiration, half in disbelief.

What, so youve been respecting our oath even now? You could have been versatile with it after Zaales fell to ruin. Really, call it righteous, or uptight

Well, that is why I can put so much trust in youshe added in her mind.

Hmpf, weve gone off the rails here. Either way, we have no intentions of participating in this war. Why would we have to assist humanfolk in a war they have set up?

You seem to have the wrong idea here, but the demons will be the ones to bring about the war.

What? Impossible, the Demon Lord would never attempt such foolishness.

Shildonia shook her head, and let out a sigh.

I have heard that the current Demon Lord is part of the peace faction, so it is hard to believeHowever, what if there was another Demon Lord?

Another Demon Lord? What are you saying?

Shildonia glanced at Kyle, and he nodded. They both decided that it would be best for him to tell Zeurus of everything.

What I am about to tell you is the indisputable truth. Please, hear me out first.

Kyle told Zeurus about the birth of a new Demon Lord, the beginning of the [Great Invasion] by the demons, humanfolk being brought to the brink of ruin, how they managed to seize victory in their last breaths, and that he returned back in time through the forbidden ritual of the demon lord.

What preposterous nonsense. It is hardly plausible that I would believe that.

The reaction Zeurus showed after Kyle finished his explanation was torn between believing him and seeing it as utterly ridiculous. In short, it was about what Kyle expected.

I dont blame you for that. If this wasnt about me, I would have just ignored it as some drunkards nonsensical fantasy story.

However, it is the truth. With your eyes, you should be able to see the deviation in Kyles soul, no? Of course, we have other ways of proving it as well.

The soul of Kyle who came from the future, and the soul of Kyle who had existed in this world, have now been fused into one inside his body. That granted him massive amounts of mana any average human could never hope to possess.

Indeed, I was quite intrigued about his soul. The chances are low, but it is not impossibleHowever, you are saying that we dragons will align with the demons?

Exactly. I know it sounds weird for me to say it, butI indeed was fighting a dragon in my previous lifeI immediately realized that they werent fighting out of their own free will, but rather as if they had no other option. Kyle remembered the dragon he had to fight before.

He himself knew best that the dragon was holding backalthough he was still plenty of a threat.

However, that is impossibleWe would not dare side with the demons. Zeurus said like he was annoyed about something.

I couldnt believe it either. Hence, Im sure there must be a particular reason for that. Do you have any idea? Shildonia asked.

A reason that would force us to support the demonsI cannot think of anything. Zeurus crossed his arms, thinking with a stern expression.

It didnt seem like he was lying about that.

Anyway, I cannot let my own people fall to ruin, so Id like to ask the dragons for their strength. Shildonia pleaded.

I see, I understand your reasonsHowever, that has nothing to do with us. I dont plan on assisting you. Zeurus opinion had not changed.

I see, I guess it cannot be helped thenHence, Id like to add a new condition to our contract. Shildonia said, to which Kyle took out a certain object, putting it on the table.

They had anticipated he wouldnt help them despite hearing about their circumstances, which is why they prepared this ace in the hole. The moment Zeurus saw that object, he barely kept himself from falling off the chair.

Thats! Impossible! Why is it here? I heard it has gone missing after the fall of Zaales, andI see, that was the catalyst! Zeurus eyes had opened wide, his breathing out of control, and he reached for the red gemstonethe [Heart of the Divine Dragon] with a quivering hand.

Indeed, it has come to this world together with Kyles soul. This was one proof we had preparedand if you are willing to assist us, we would be fine with entrusting it to you. You have been oddly fixated on it after all.

Knowing that the [Heart of the Divine Dragon] would have such a huge impact on Zeurus, they purposefully left it out during their previous explanation. Zeurus reaction was exactly what they had anticipated, so Shildonia showed an evil smirk. This [Heart of the Divine Dragon] was the last remnant of the grandfather of all dragons, Divine Dragon Valzed, possessing tremendous amounts of mana. Simply by possessing this, the Ancient Magic Kingdom of Zaales managed to make tremendous progress in research, but after learning about this, Zeurus pressured them to return it, which almost led to a war between humanfolk and dragons.

However, Shildonia thus learned of the hardship the dragons were going through, resolved this, and was given the right to possess the [Heart of the Divine Dragon]. Back at the time, Zeurus was reluctant to give it up but was forced to agree in the end. That is why Shildonia judged he would be more on board if she showed him this precious item. That being said, right before his hand touched the [Heart of the Divine Dragon], he seemed to have come to his senses, as he dropped his hips on the chair, shaking his head.

No, I cannot accept this trade. Zeurus seemingly got his excitement under control, and now spoke with a calm tone.

W-Whats wrong? Even for us humanfolk, this has unmeasurable value, so it should be an irreplaceable treasure for you dragons. Didnt you call it that before? Shildonia seemed flustered at this reaction.

I did say that, butthis is just my own obsession.

If you looked at Zeurus right now, he didnt resemble the previous [Dragon King], but simply an old man.

What do you mean?

The only dragon still alive who knew Valzed-sama when he was aliveis me. At least if you didnt count the one living in the demon territory.

Zeurus was saying that only two Ancient Dragons, who had been alive since the age of legends and knew Valzed, were alive today.

So many have passed away Shildonia felt the passage of time directly on her skin, as her expression grew painful.

Even us dragons cannot live foreverTo Irumera right now, Valzed-sama is simply known as historys greatest existence. However, I cannotinvolve the younglings into this war because of my obsessionno, because of my wounds.

He couldnt afford to endanger his entire species simply because of his own desiresthats what he was thinking.

At the same time, humanfolk may have a king, the demons may have their Demon Lord, but I am not governing all dragons. I simply am the oldest aliveso I cannot force the others around me.

Q-Quite admirable of you to say thator, have you gotten weak? The one they call the [Dragon King]? Shildonia must have tried to brush away the gloomy atmosphere by poking a bit of fun at Zeurus.

You may be rightIt means that Ive gotten old, as all things do. Together with Zeurus mutter, a heavy but slightly different atmosphere filled the room.

Umyou said you were related to this sword, but what exactly did you mean by that? Unable to bear this heavy mood, Kyle changed the topic.

Ahh, the sword me is made out of refined and pure mithril that has been tempered many times, but theres actually a bonus ingredient.

My fang, that is. I was forced to work together with her, offering a fang of mine. It has yet to regrow Zeus showed a faint smile, revealing one missing tooth.

It was the fang of the [Dragon King] after all, there couldnt be any greater material, and by fusing this with the mithril, it offered an excessive amount of sturdiness and mana. Thanks to that, we managed to forge what is possibly historys greatest sword. A job well done, if I do say so myself. Shildonia nodded.

Well, that being the case, I have my own thoughts about that swordStill, the user managed to cross time and spaceCall it fate, or the natural course of eventsit must be moving to you, no? This time, Zeurus spoke with a teasing tone, but Shildonia simply tilted her head.

What are you talking about? I do not know why my main body went so far as to create this sword.

Wait, what are you saying? Even though she paid much attention to it?

No, my main body never transferred her memories regarding that case to me. It was evidently set up that waythough I dont know the reason why. Shildonia seemed confused, whereas Zeurus mouth was open in shock, only to burst out laughing.

I-I see, so this is what this isYou dont even knowHe he he. The [Dragon King], which has lived for centuries and eons, now held his stomach, crying from the laughter.

D-Do you know something?!

Yeah, I do know. But, are you sure? You might regret listening to this. Zeurus was clearly enjoying himself, as he spoke.

It even sounded close to a provocation.

Whatever! Hurry up and tell me!

If you are that desperate to hear it, I guess it cant be helped. Let me tell you. Its awfully simple. That sword there is youror more accurately [Magic King] Shildoniaspresent to her beloved.

Wha? Shildonia let out a dumbfounded voice.


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