Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 2: Chapter 19

Book 2: Chapter 19

Two days passed after the individual battles with the demons ended, Kyle was in the courtyard of Zilgus Embassy in Callan. In front of him was Seran, swinging the Holy Sword. As someone with a trained gaze like Kyle, this movement seemed like one smooth and flowing action, showing that Seran had already gotten accustomed to using the Holy Sword like it was a part of his body.

Youre already treating it like its yours, huh.

Yeah, I want to hurry and test it out in a real battle. It sounded awfully violent, but these were Serans honest feelings.

Real battle, huhThen let me ask you, what did you think about those demons? Kyles question evoked a somewhat complicated expression on Serans face.

RightHow do I say this, they were strong, but not scary at all. So far, I only heard about them from rumours or legends, and they sure enough were as strong as that, but the more I learn about them, the less scary they becomeBasically, theyre not even that different from us humans.

No matter how much overwhelming power they may hold, if they had similar personalities to humans, and chose the same actions, they werent a target of fear, is what Seran was saying.

So, what? Why are you holding your head?

WellI dont want to admit it, but our thought process really is similar. Kyle pressed his fingers on his temples, suffering from a severe headache.

Geh, can you not say some gross shit like that? Seran commented, truly looking disgusted.

So, you let her go.

Dont say that. I didnt let her go because I wanted to. Seran grumbled.

After Kyle defeated Ganias, he took some recovery magic medicine, and rushed back to everyones location, only to find Lieze and Urza reporting their victory with a smile, as well as Seran with an awkward grin, Shildonia shaking her head. Hearing that the demon had not escaped, but rather was allowed to escape, and felt an unreasonable anger dwelling up inside of him. Since he left it to the two, he was ready to accept whatever result, but he didnt expect that even Seran would let a demon live.

However, he understood that it couldnt be helped, so he didnt complain. It was justKyle knew Seran, so he figured that he wouldnt let such a dangerous enemy roam free. If not for the horrific experiences Kyle made during the Great Invasion, he may have let the demon escape as well.

Maybe not only us humans have gotten used to the 300-year long peace, but the demons as well. If so, then that demon lord who is going to start the Great Invasionis troublesome.

Kyle once again realized that he had to find out the identity of the demon who will become the demon lord in three years. Right as he reached that thought, Lieze, Urza, and even Gazas arrived.

No problems for the two of you? Kyle asked.

Along with recovery magic medicine, they both took a full day break, and got checked out by the doctor.

Yeah, everything is fine. We can fight right away! Lieze jumped slightly, answering with an energetic manner.

I didnt have any injuries to begin withbut some good rest did wonders. Urza seemed fine as well.

I seeyou two did well, yeah. Winning is one thing, but Im just glad youre back aliveReally, thank you. Kyle took the girls hands, smiling from the bottom of his heart.

A-Ahahaits not that big of a deal, really, yeah.

R-Right. Exaggerating as alwayshahaha.

The two started blushing ever so slightly, responding to Kyle. However, Kyle was truly happy. Through this encounter with a demon, those two surely have gotten even stronger. If their battle had ended in a loss despite all their efforts, now that once the Great Invasion happened, they would surely be able to survive with their own strength.

Somehow, this is pissing me off. Seran said with a sour expression.

Hm? Should I take your hand and thank you? I dont mind giving you a hug.

If you do that, then Ill use you as the first test object for my new sword, so drop it.

Following that, Kyle looked over at Gazas, who also had a sour expression on his face.

Seems like you recovered just fine, huh?

Yeah, your ridiculous request almost left me dead, but Im somewhat back to energy now. Gazas threw in a complaint, but Kyle acted like he didnt hear that. Ill be going back to smithing now. With the mayor thing, I havent had much time for it, and I should probably show myself there.

Upright, I like it.

Received your funds after allThough, I didnt expect you to actually defeat those demons. Gazas let out a sight of admiration.

He was close and right at the front lines of a battle with demons, so he should know how terrifying they may be. However, Gazas knew how lucky he was, and he felt thankful for being saved by Kyle and his group. In reality, he had prepared himself to die during that encounter, so simply being alive was like a miracle, and he was even given a motivation to improve. Right now, there were two swords in Gazas sight. Both of them were of the legendary-class that you would probably never find another sword that could rival them. This led to his stronger determination to create a sword that could rival those two.

I promise, I wont waste the mithril you gave me.

Yeah, Im counting on it. Kyle smiled, to which Gazas returned a grin, and Kyle returned his back to Gazas.

Ahnow that you mention it, the forge might be a bit messed up after my fight with the demon, so you probably have to clean up first.

Hey!? Wait a damn second!


At around the same time, Shildonia was with Gou. Whenever he could find some time, he would seek out Shildonia to learn more.

Youre quick on the uptake, huh.

Gou was easy to teach, so Shildonia treated him like a talented student of hers.

T-Thank you very much! Gou showed a happy smile being praised like that.

However, that happy smile of his quickly turned to a serious expression, as he opened his mouth with determination in his eyes.

Shildonia-san! I have something important to talk about!

Hm? What is it?

UmW-Would it be possible if you could keep teaching me like this? Preferably forever!

At first, he simply admired her for her extensive knowledge, but his feelings slowly started to change, and as Gou was somewhat mature despite his young physical age, Shildonia most likely was his first love. From Gous point of view, this was a confession with everything on the line. However

That wont work out. Kyle will leave Callan shortly, and I have to go with him. She rejected him with a serious face.

A-AhahaRightthat makes senseYou must treasure Kyle-san a lot after all.

Indeed, I belong to Kyle as of right now.

Gou seemed to have received a shock from that statement, as he staggered backwards.

Is that soOkay, I understandIll give upin many regards.

Hm? I dont really understand it, but you show hope, so I hope you continue to train from now on as well.


As Kyle was his sponsor, as well as the savior of his father, Gou had no other choice but to give up. After this incident at Callan, Kyles honor as a hero grew even further. However, at the same time, a weird rumour about him having several beauties servicing him on the way started to spreadthough that is a story for another time.


The following day, Kyle was called over to the embassy by Miranda.

We have received a report that Mayor Bucks has passed away.

Isee. Kyle sighed.

After they had given him over to the embassy, Mayor Bucks seemingly regained his consciousness, and confessed everything. However, rather than calling it a confession, he simply retold the events in a cold and indifferent manner, like he was on autopilot, and when he realized that everything he had done was for nothing, his heart broke completely. He seemed to have been on his last breath for a long time, and now that even his will to live was gone, his disease quickly worsened, and he passed.

He may have used countless innocent people as sacrifices, using a forbidden and evil ritual, but his intentions were all too pure, which made Kyle still feel bad for him despite all of that.

However, although it was through the backend like this, we have managed to grasp all the details in this incident all thanks to every one of youNot to mention that you have effectively protected Callan from a demon attack, so representing every citizen living here, I wholeheartedly thank you.

In regards to said demons, they reported that they happened to encounter them searching underground, managing to defeat one while chasing away the other. More accurately, they let one escape, but there was no need to report that in such detail.

However, as much as we are thankful, I would rather keep the involvement of demons a secret.

Yes, that is probably the best choice. Itll only cause a panic.

Letting the world know about the demons was still too early. Eventually, there will come the day when Kyle will have to declare his involvement here. He needs to show the world that he fights against the demons, so that the world will follow him.

The only problem is the Empire and our crumbling negotiations. They will most likely use this incident to pull down Zilgus, requesting some kind of compensation. With the annulment of Princess Milenas engagement, I wonder what they will ask for Miranda said, holding her head.

We can only leave them to it, I guess.

Yes, I am awareThough I have to say, Milena-samas judgement to employ you was the right choice.

They had been sent to Callan by Princess Milena as a form of request and trial, but rather than just fulfilling it in a satisfying way, their impression only improved. Even to Kyle, finding a talented smith and rebuilding lost magic weapons, as well as the battle with the demons, was just an added bonus.

And, Gazas-san has been chosen as the new mayor.

Eh? But, he said hes locking himself up in the forge?

Yesterday, Kyle saw him walking that exact way just yesterday.

Yes. We added a condition that he could work as much as he wanted if hed leave the work to us.

So hes just the mayor in name, huh.

Well, there are still things even he can do, naturally.

Or so she said, but to Kyle it just felt like she was happy that she had a reason to see him more.

Now then, Id like to talk about something a bit more personal. I have a request. Kyle switched the topic.

What is it? I will do everything in my power to help you.

I have become the investor to both Gazas and Goubut, Miranda-san, you are in a relationship with Gazas, right? Kyle calmly declared.

He expected Miranda to be shaken, but her only reaction was her eyebrow twitching. Her expression itself stayed calm, unbreaking.

It is true that we are that close, but its

Dont worry, I dont plan on telling you how to live your lives. Its your discretion, and I doubt Princess Milenna would break up the two of you even if she found out.

Especially since this allowed Zilgus a stronger grasp on Callan.

To be perfectly honest, you were the one who set up things so that Gou would end up in his financial situation, right?

Wha! Mirandas eyes opened wide, but Kyle continued.

Now, I can understand that Gazas did not want to involve you, but you probably lost your temper and used more aggressive measures. In short, you didnt rely on Gazas, but instead used Gou who was looking for investors.

When Gou mentioned that he was receiving help from Miranda during their talk of investment, it finally clicked for Kyle.

You probably didnt use any open intermediation, but instead mentioned the become-rich idea with these folks. So, after that became a larger problem, you helped Gou even beyond your duties as an ambassador, creating a debt with Gazassomething like that?

Those are allassumptions.

Indeed they are, I have absolutely no proof. However, if it really were to be false, then just ignore it as my joke. Even if I told both Gazas and Gou about this, you should know that they would be able to see beyond truth and lies.

Basically, he was saying that, if what he deduced was wrong, there would be no problem. However, Kyle didnt miss the second where Mirandas facial color changed the moment he brought this up.

H-How do you

There, Kyles gentle smile and polite tone turned towards one hed show his former allies in his past life.

I mean, I know that youd go this far for sure. Kyle spoke with confidence in his voice.

The Miranda in the previous timeline would have done something even more aggressive all to reach her goal.

Well, it may have sounded like a big deal, but my wish isnt anything crazy. I simply want you to make sure that the rebuilding of magic items as well as details related to that, are not leaked to outsiders. Of course, that means both other countries and Zilgus itself.

Eh? Youre fine with that?

Miranda had prepared herself for a ridiculous request, which could either bring a great minus for Zilgus, maybe even asking her to choose between love and her job. However, if it was just that, she would be able to cover it up just fine.

Soyou are confident that Gou-kun can finish his research and rebuild those machines? It seems that way because of your investment, but Miranda knew of Gous goal to rebuild the magic weapon golems, but was a bit dubious.

Truly, if Gou succeeded, it would provide Zilgus with tremendous military power, so she would have a duty of reporting it to the country. However, if it was actually deemed possible, then he surely wouldnt have had this much trouble with getting an investor.

Dont worry about that. Once we make them available, well be able to publicly announce themNo matter how long, it will take three years at most.

Beyond that, there was no need to hide it.

Haaa Miranda showed a dubious expression, and Kyle answered with a wry smile.

You dont need to show me that faceI want you to smile, okay?

After basically threatening me? Miranda pouted, but Kyle ignored that.

Its at least much better than your dull, barely alive face from back then.

Miranda raised one eyebrow at Kyles back then, but he didnt seem to be lying at least.

A few days later, it was publicly announced that the disappeared Mayor Bucks was behind the abduction of the people, and Gazas was inaugurated as the new mayor. The involvement of demons was not publicly stated, but the involvement of Kyles group remained in the cords, so only the small number of demons at this current point and the people closely related know of the real details of what had happened.


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