Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 2: Chapter 15

Book 2: Chapter 15

Were you two okay?

Kyle approached Lieze and Urza, calling out to them.

Yeah, Im fine. But, I didnt think a demon would be this strong Lieze rubbed her arms, as she responded.

A demon, huhThe elder in my village told me about demons before, and he seemed terrified of it. I thought it was just him bragging about some random achievementsbut seeing it in person is completely different. Urza said with a complicated expression.

Since both Lieze and Urza are experienced in battle, they could clearly estimate the other persons strength.

So, I bet you probably heard it already, but well have a rematch after three days

Its fine! Ill knock her out for good next time!

She seemed to be looking down on us after all. With the right preparations, well definitely win.

Before Kyle could even ask if they could win, the two girls immediately answered that question beforehand. Lieze formed a fist, and Urza was already thinking of ways to defeat the female demon.

I seeBut, dont let down your guards, okay? Kyle said with a reassured tone, but still feeling defeated somewhere deep inside of him.

So it didnt break them

Kyle moved away from the two girls who were already in the middle of a strategy meeting, and muttered these words. There are times when you run into a strong enemy, visibly unbeatable from your standpoint, which then makes you want to give up fighting entirely. Especially in his previous life, he had experienced this many times when it came to battles against demons. In a way, Kyle hoped that the same thing would happen to those two after they fought an actual demon.

If they developed even the smallest amount of fear towards demons, Kyle could have them go back to their homeplaces, and knew they would be safe, away from the battle. But rather than their hearts being broken, it only fueled their motivation and will to fight. So naturally, Kyle felt relief and happiness that they could stay together, but at the same time he realized that they would still be in dangers eye.

What would you have done after those three days then? Seran asked Kyle, presumably having figured out what he was thinking.

Then you would have had to fight, of course. Theres no way demons keep their promises, after all. But, since theyre more than willing to fight, Ill let them.

HmmmSo wait, I dont get to play any part in this? No way Seran spoke with disappointment in his voice.

It was clear that Seran was raring to test out his new sword.

No, I want you to stick with those two. If it gets too dangerous, I want you to finish things.

So I get to play the nasty role

But youre good at that, right?

Unable to deny that, Seran simply grinned.

Also, Im a bit curious about those demonsSeran, what do you think?

HmmmWell, theyre definitely strong, alright. Clearly, higher-ranking demonsI guess youd be feeling the same way when fighting a mythical beast like a dragon?

Of course, Seran had no experience fighting against a dragon, but he guessed that it would be something along those lines.

Yeahtheyre strong. You definitely cant let down your guard around them Kyle muttered, as if to remind himself.

Kyle was used to fighting demons because of the experience in his past life, but fighting that male demon now, he felt something like a discomfort.

Whats wrong?

No, its nothing. Kyle shook his head, brushing away that thought.

Kyles group went back to the collapsed Mayor Bucks, as well as the exhausted Gazas.

He wasnt this weak before Gazas looked down at Mayor Bucks, commenting. This guy really cared for Callan. Sandwiched by two large countries, with the veins running lowHis means were clearly wrong, but as Im born and raised in Callan, I understand his feelings at least.

Seems like you knew about what the mayor was doing, but since when? Kyle guessed that from Gazas words, and asked him.

Around one month ago, I found out by pure coincidence. I told him to stop over and over, but he wouldnt listen to me. I went to his home yesterday because of this case as well, but thats when I got captured.

Im surprised he didnt try to silence you.

I know its weird coming from me, but I am the number one blacksmith here in Callan. He simply cared for the glory and prosperity of Callan, so Im an individual he could not afford to loseHes been looking after me because of that for ages. He showed a self-deprecating smile. He urged me to join him, work together with him, and if I didnt listen, then not only mebut Gou andher life would be in dangerso I couldnt go against him

I see, thats why you started to avoid Miranda, yes?

Yeah, I didnt want her to get wrapped up inWait, why do you know about that!? Gazas started panicking.

Well, Gou told us.

That brat doing something unnecessary again Gazas held his head in disbelief.

Rest assured, I dont plan on meddling with your business.

R-RightAhh, by the wayabout the Holy Sword Rand Gazas looked at the sword at Serans hip, who had been treating it like his possession this entire time. Now that the Mayor ended up like that, itll turn to Callans possession, so of course

No, I found it, so its mine now. Seran emphasized, but Gazas clearly didnt like the sound of that.

It belongs to Callan! Its like a national treasure!

Seeing how persistent he was, Kyle took over for Seran, and had him step aside.

CoughAbout that. First, we basically saved your life, yes?

Y-Yeah, I naturally am thankful about that

Adding to that, your house was attacked yesterday. This mayor was aiming for Gou. Probably as a hostage against you, or even as a sacrifice.

W-What did you say!? What about Gou!? Is he safe!?

Seemingly, Gazas hasnt heard about this, so Kyle explained everything.

Yeah, we happened to be present, and saved him. However, your house ended up half destroyed. Seran added, to which Gazas body relaxed at once.

I dont care about my home, as long as hes safe Gazas showed a relieved expression.

Even if they arent related by blood, he still had the face of a father.

At around the same time, a demon attacked the Empires embassy, and killed about half of the employees. Since shes the ambassador of Zilgus, Miranda was called to the official dinner.

S-She!? Is she fine!?

Hearing Mirandas name pop up, Gazas showed approximately the same reaction he had with Gou.

I happened to be with her at the time, so I managed to chase away the demon. Kyle spoke indifferently, to which Gazas sighed in relief once again.

C-Can you stop saying stuff that is bad for my heart!?

Basically, including yourself, we saved three people important to youSo disregarding that, is there a reason why you are so obsessed with that sword?

Gazas lost his words for a moment, but reluctantly answered Kyles question.

That sword was created here, and is treated as the symbol of Callan! And, its a goal. As someone who creates swords, reaching a sword on the level of the Holy Sword Rand. I have yet to reach that levelbut one day, I will make a sword that can rival it! Thats why I cant have you remove it from Callan just like that! Gazas screamed, gasping for air.

I seeAnd for that, you would need high-quality mithril. Thats why you kept quiet despite knowing about the mayors actions.

Wha!? Gazas went silent in shock.

I was planning that as a leading question, but I guess I wasnt too far off? Thinking about it, you would surely ask Miranda for advice in regards to that.

Y-Youre wrong! I really was threatened! Gazas tried to deny it to the best of his ability, but his facial color got worse and worse, possibly realizing that it was backed into a corner.

Rest assured, it was just a random guess. I definitely dont think that your desire of wanting to smith a perfect sword made you fall into temptation.

Gazas tried to argue, but Kyle brought out something before that.

A bit of a jump in topic, but look at this. He showed off a lump of metal shining with a silver light.

With the [Apport Bag], he brought a certain object from the Sangurd Mountain Ranges labyrinth to their current position in Callan.

T-This is!? Wait, do you actually? Gazas eyes opened wide in shock.

Thats right, mithril. Not to mention that its a pure lump of mithrilsomething you cant create in todays time. We happened to find ruins that existed since the Ancient Kingdom Zaales time, and stumbled upon thisin great amount.

Ruins ofZaalesThis is the first time I ever saw something with such high purity Albeit surprised, Gazas eyes were still glued to the shine it gave off.

I surely dont need to tell you how valuable this is, but at this rate, its just another lump of an ore. Our goal of coming to Callan was to find a blacksmith who can make good use of this. Kyle placed the mineral in Gazas hands, to which he audibly gulped his saliva. In fact, its pretty clear that youre the greatest blacksmith this continent has to offer, so surely youll make a sword that surpasses the Holy Sword. For that, you need high-quality mithril. So, why dont we supply you with that?

Slowly but steadily, Gazas started to breathe heavily.

Imagine. You can use as much of this high-quality mithril as you want, creating the kind of sword you have wished for Kyle gently whispered into Gazas ear.


Now then, this is where my condition comes into place. If the Holy Sword Rand were to end up going missing, there wouldnt be any problem, right?

Yup yup, thatll make you the victim of this situation, and we wont be forced to tell Gou or Miranda about what exactly happened here. Seran followed after Kyle.


Gazas was clearly ridden with conflict, but the lump of mithril in his hands left him no choice but to slowly nod along.

Thank you, now all of us can be happy. Kyle showed a bright smile, as he smacked his hand on Gazas back.

Yep, especially me! Seran added an unnecessary comment.

The demons are one thing, but those two arent exactly the best kind of people around here.

Starting with a simple guilt trip to slowly move into a coercion, followed by sweet promises of the devilNo way you can say no to that.

Lieze and Urza were whispering to each other, but Kyle decided to ignore them.

CoughAnyway, theres something Id like you to make. Kyle said, whispering into Gazas ear. Can you make that? Naturally, Ill provide you with all the material.

I can make it, alrightbut itll take me five days at least.

Make it two.

The moment Gazas heard those words, his eyes opened wide in shock, and he screamed.

Two!? Dont be ridiculous!

You heard us, right? Well have a rematch in three days. Ill need it before then.

But, two days is justDamn it, making me feel guilty for saving my life, asking for something so absurd Gazas cursed while scratching his head.

It may be absurd, but its not impossible, right? Adding to that, were trying to save Callan here, so think of this as a way of protecting yourself and the ones you love.

Damn it! Whyd I have to be saved by such a troublesome fellow Gazas held his head in despair. God damn it! Ill have to shut myself in at my forge!

Oh, a special underground forge, huh? Yeah, without that, you wouldnt be able to process the mithril. Shildonia clapped her hands together.

H-How do you know about that?! Thats one of the most utmost secrets of Callan! Only a limited number of people know Gazas screamed in disbelief, but Shildonia delivered an explanation not minding that.

Together with mithrils high value, its famous for being hard to process. On top of the ores that were brought to the surface and created the mountain, they interacted with the veins of the earth to allow mithril processing.

H-Heywhos this brat? Gou mentioned that shes no average child

Dont worry about it, she can be a bit weird at times. But, we might be able to use this Kyle started thinking. Oh yeah, before you start working, go meet Gou and Miranda at the Zilgus Embassy, they must be worried about you. Kyle said, and started walking above ground.


Realizing that Miranda was in her office at the embassy all alone, Kyle pushed the reluctant Gazas inside, listening from the outside.

Gazas! Im so glad youre safe! If something happened to you, I would have!

M-Moron! Get away from me!

Seems like she was worried, huh.

Lets not, alright.

Seran and Kyle had a brief conversation as they put their ears to the door.

They were actually datingNot to mention that Miranda-san started it

I wonder if a relationship between a human and dwarf could work out

What, its not that big of a deal in terms of races. What really is being tested here is their compatibility.

Lieze and Urzaeven Shildonia listened to what was going on inside with great interest.

After that, Gazas immediately locked himself up in the forge, whereas Kyle and his group reported their encounter with the demons to Miranda. The reason they didnt tell her about the upcoming rematch was that she couldnt provide any fighting power. Rather, shed probably pull them down instead. After handing over Mayor Bucks, Kyles group started preparing for the rematch.


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