Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Book 1: Chapter 2

Book 1: Chapter 2

To the East of Rimarze was a small hill, which offered rotten old ruins. Since there was still a stone-paved foundation left, the children of the town often visited this location to play. Kyle himself frequently enjoyed a round of hide-and-seek there.

Now, he moved to the upper part of these ruins, and gazed at the setting sun. From his position, he could observe the entire town, as it was illuminated by the beautiful sun. He hadnt gotten to enjoy such a peaceful view with such calm feelings ever since the town was destroyed.

To think Id get to watch the setting sun from here again. Kyle muttered, as he gazed down the crimson-colored town. Jesus, how many more times am I close to breaking out in tears.

That being said, with everything that happened today, Kyle believed that nobody could blame him. Silently, he took out the Heart of the Divine Dragon from his pocket.

Returning to the pastwhat was he trying to redo? Kyle thought about the Demon Lord who wanted to time travel. Redohuh He whispered, as he looked at the magic item in his hand.

So this is where you were hiding, I was looking for you.

Hearing a voice behind his back, Kyle frantically stuffed the Heart of the Divine Dragon into his pocket. Even without turning around, he could tell that the voice belonged to Lieze. At the same time, he picked up a tone of displeasure from her voice, most likely connected to the incident in the morning.

Hugging her first thing after waking up, while fondling her butt and pressing my crotch against her

Im sorry. Right as Kyle turned around, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground.

No matter how you looked at it, his previous action was nothing short of a crime, and it wouldnt be weird for him to be sent to jail for it.

Seems like youre reflecting on it.

I had a weird dream, and I was still in a daze right after waking up, so I went too far. Im really sorry. Kyle confessed his crime as he rubbed his face on the dirt, until he finally heard a sigh coming from Lieze.

For crying out loud. If only you two idiots wouldnt do anything stupid like that.

Two? Ah, Seran. So he went to beg as well?

Yup, went on his fours the same way youre doing right now. You two really are way too similar. Lieze spoke like she was complaining, and sat down next to Kyle.

He pushed up his body to sit, and the two gazed at the setting sun.

I really dont like the idea of being similar to that guySo, did you make him something?

It was way too pathetic for me not toAlso, did you seriously eat everything by yourself? That amount was planned for four people.

Yeah, on a whim. Its been about a year since I got to eat something delicious like that.

I feel like I made something similar not even ten days agoStill, leaving aside Seran, I was really lost on what to do when even Seraia-san came to me with Please give me something to eat~, you know.

Im so sorry for the trouble my Mom always causes you Kyle apologized with all his heart.

Ill make food for you until Uncle Roel comes back, so you better be thankful.

Ro? Ah, my old man. That reminds me, he wasnt home today. Kyle muttered, finally remembering his inconspicuous father.

Kyles father Roel was a craftsman, especially focusing on accessories like rings or necklaces. His talent was fairly well known, but his individual work was known to take its time, so he was highly regarded by a selected few. Since he barely spoke, and only smiled in silence, he sure didnt stand out. Since both Kyle and Seraia were helpless when it came to housework, he took care of most of it, making him seem like a house husband more than anything. Sporadically, he would visit this countrys capital to deliver some ware, which is probably the case right now.

Did you seriously forget about your own father?

Of course not, he just slipped my mind for a second. But, more importantly

After cutting the topic about his father short, Kyle started talking about his mundane daily life, which he never assumed would return. He smiled naturally, as he exchanged words with the childhood friend in front of him, achieving exactly what he deeply wished for the past year.

How did you even know I was here?

I can see through all your actionsSo, what was that dream about you had? Because of Liezes nonchalant words, Kyles smile froze up. Did I die in that dream by any chance?

Wellsomething like that, yeah.

I see, thats why you were in such a panic Lieze sounded oddly happy when she said that.

Watching her face, Kyle remembered the day Lieze died.

One year ago, or in three years speaking from the current timeline, this village, which was located directly next to the demons territory, had been targeted first during the Great Invasion. They must have wanted to present their fighting prowess, as the demons utterly destroyed this village, burned it down until no houses were left standing, and slaughtered all its inhabitants. The hometown Kyle had known all of his life had turned into a living hell. There was no way he could forget that scenery ever again. Not to mention Lieze

When Kyle arrived, it was already too late. By the time she showed him a final smile, all her warmth had left Kyles arms. No matter how much he called out to her, she never opened her eyes againJust by remembering that sight, all the blood inside his body started to boil. That day, he swore to strike down his enemy, revenge being his main driving force to keep living.

W-Whats wrong? Whyd you go pale like that? Through Liezes concerned voice, Kyle returned to the present.


Youre sweating profusely.

I was just feeling a bit dizzy, no problem.

If you say so Lieze clearly wasnt won over by Kyles vague excuse.

Strictly speaking, Lieze was scared. This was the first time she had seen such an expression on Kyles face. It wasnt anger, sadness, frustration, or anything of the sort, but rather like it was emitting an unfamiliar darkness that couldnt be put into words. Because of this expression, it felt like she suddenly knew nothing of Kyle anymore, and this terrified her to the deepest parts of her heart.

At the same time, Kyle was still baffled at this miracle that had opened up in front of him, and this peaceful reality he found himself in.

Its peaceful right now, yeahBut, that peace will end in three years. Since Im the only one who knows about that, if I dont do anything, the same will repeat againand I will be forced to see that scenery once more

As if

W-What happened?

Since Kyle suddenly jumped up, Lieze looked at him with concern, but he didnt answer, and instead looked at the setting sun. At this rate, he would lose it all again: His family, his hometown, this world, and the childhood friend in front of him. Realizing this, Kyle grit his teeth to a level they could break apart.

Ill change it

That entire past year, he was constantly filled with regrets, imagining what could have happened if he acted differently. In the midst of despair, someone said the following. It was fate that made things turn out like this, fate that could not be rebelled against. Just as these words suggested, Kyle saw this as fate he had no other choice but to accept.

Then, Ill change fate all-together.

Right now, through nothing short of a miracle, he returned to the past. He could not let this chance go to waste.

Ill change the fate of this world for the better. He strongly formed fists with his hands, to a level blood came out, and stared into the horizonIn other words, towards the direction of the demons territory.

I will definitelydo it! No matter the method I have to use!

Kyle once again made up his determination, just like he did one year ago when he lost Lieze. However, his determination to set out on revenge now turned into one to protect those close to him.

At the same time, Lieze stared at Kyle in disbelief, who suddenly jumped up from his seat to scream random words at the setting sun.

Eh? What? What is going on? Has he gone mad for good now?

Kyle talked about some irreversible fate, something about saving the world, and whatnot. Even though she, as his childhood friend, should be the one who knew him the most, she felt like he had left her behind. Not to mention that he was heading for a place she could not hope to reach.

Lieze grew scared for a different reason compared to before, as she realized something crucial.

W-Wait, is it because I hit him too hard this morning? Her face grew pale. W-W-W-What do I dohow can IS-Should I just hit him one more time and hope that that fixes everything?

Kyle, who was burning with passion and determination, didnt even realize that Lieze stood behind him, forming a fist filled with equally strong feelings.


Or so I said, but how should I go on about doing that.

Two days after he made up his determination up on that hill, Kyle sat at his desk in the early morning, holding his head in despair. Despite him deciding on saving the world, his head could not come up with any passable plan to achieve that.

First, he thought of revealing it to everyone. About the fact that he came from the future of four years ago, and that the demons will attack in three years.

No way they would believe me. If I wasnt in this position myself, Id laugh in the face of such a story.

Thinking about it rationally, what Kyle experienced should not be possible. The others not believing him would still be a fortunate ending, as he might end up isolated and treated like a madman, or captured under the assumption of being a secret agent of the demon race in order to cause panic between the rows of the humans, and executed. And, even if a small number of people might believe him, that would not be enough to change fate.

If he couldnt warn and unite all of human folk as a whole, the chances of victory were pretty slim. The reason for their utter destruction at the hands of the demons was clear to Kyle.

Our first response was awful. We were caught off-guard completely, and couldnt even bring together our military forces.

Even if they wouldnt have been able to win with all their forces combined, they would have at least stood a better chance than they did now. If there was a method that would allow humans to prepare themselves for the approaching Great Invasion, they could save themselves a lot of casualties.

However, as of right now, hoping for this was futile. The biggest problem was the race with the biggest numbers of the human folk, the humans, were not gathered together. Territory rivalries between countries, economic disparity, religious problemsthere was no end to them. Even smaller clashes happened sporadically, and if they had no common enemy in the shape of the demons, a larger war would have broken out by now. Cant forget the quarrels humans have between the other humanoid races, like the elves and dwarves. Bringing them all together would be no easy feat.

If possible, I would have wanted the demons to be a bit more aggressive. That way they would have at least kept up their guard.

If all of humanity realized that they had a common enemy to fight, they might have grouped together much more willingly. Leaving aside the elves who can live up to a thousand years, three hundred years have passed, and several human generations have changed. The newer generations dont know of the threat of the demons, even if they are known to be humanitys worst enemy.

The next method Kyle came up with was to immediately sneak into the demon territory, and strike down the Demon Lord that would be crowned three years into the future. Since the Great Invasion was a decision made by that Demon Lord, the future Kyle had experienced should not happen if that demon would not rise to power.

But, thats definitely impossible.

First, Kyle barely knew anything of the Demon Lord. All he could remember was the appearance when they were in a clash, but that was about it. Even the Demon Lords name was a mystery to Kyle. With such limited information, charging into the demon territory was nothing short of suicide. Not to mention that barely any information of the demons reached the humans, so there was no option for a human to cause interference in their territory either.

On top of that, even if Kyle were to use up a lifetimes worth of luck, and happened to spot the Demon Lord by pure coincidence, actually defeating him was an entirely different matter. Around the time they made it into the Demon Lords castle, Kyle had a hundred and more allies with him. They were all strong fighters, and yet barely ten people actually made it to the Demon Lords chamber. And, the only one standing at the very end was Kyle himself.

In all reality, Kyle considered himself lucky to have made it there. It was a win by a hairs width, and it would definitely be impossible to replicate again. Arriving at this conclusion, Kyle let out a sigh, and dropped his head on the desk.

In the end, defending against that Great Invasion as just myself is impossibleBut, what should I do then?

At a loss, Kyle picked up the booklet on his desk.

All I have going for meis my good memory, I guess.

Kyles biggest strength was his knowledge of what would soon happen. He took the time to write down everything that had occurred in the four years he experienced. Of course, its not as if he had written it down to the smallest details, but it was still plenty to fill this entire booklet. It took the entire previous day, and a lot of pain in his hand to write.

Since Kyle didnt know what exactly would be useful, he wrote down the situation of the various countries, the attack magic types of demons, the weather on specific days, and even delicious food he had tasted. He should be able to use this information for his advantage in some way.

Something else that would be useful is Kyles own strength. During his battle with the Demon Lord, Kyle was the highest level of a magic swordsman upon the entire human folk, buthe could tell that he lost most of his skills.

I need to confirm that after allNot to mention my own physical status

Will be a great change of pace, Kyle muttered, as his gaze drifted towards the sword standing at the wall.

Ah, good morning, Kyle. Its great that you got up early on your own today.

Feeling hungry, Kyle headed over to the kitchen, and was greeted by Lieze, who was working on breakfast again today.

Foff forfing Fyle-fan. Seraia showed him a smile, stuffing some more food into her mouth.

Morning you two. Mom, maybe you should stop talking with food in your mouth, hm? Also, you got jam all over your cheeks. Kyle showed an exhausted smile.

Come on, eat up before it gets cold. Lieze pulled out a chair, and had Kyle sit down.

ThanksSay, Lieze, arent you being oddly kind ever since yesterday?

Kyle did spend most of the previous day in his own room, working, but Lieze would periodically stop by to ask him if he wanted something to drink, or if he wanted some help with something. Of course, its not as if Kyle was bothered by any means, but it felt like she was forcing herself to be considerate more than usual, like she was a child who wanted something from their parents, or kind towards a sick person.

Thats not the case. Ah, let me cut up the bread, its a bit too hard and big for you. Wouldnt want it to get stuck in your throat, Lieze said, as she worked on the bread, looking like a caretaker after all.

She must be hung up on that day when Kyle suddenly lost consciousness after confirming his determination. When he woke up again, he found himself in the local church of the Great Goddess of the Earth, and was treated with healing magic.

So, Kyle-chan, are you gonna lock yourself up in your room again? Thats bad for your health, you know?

No, Im heading out after this. Wanna practice my sword skills a bit. Kyle felt slightly bothered to hear these exact words from his mother of all people, but he swallowed that complaint.

Oh my, its been quite some time since you were swinging your sword, right, Kyle-chan.

Youre right, I didnt expect that. Did something happen?

Both Lieze and Seraia gave Kyle a dubious look.

Just wanted to get a change of pace, I guess. Kyle bit down a part of the bread, and thought.

Oh right, during this time, I skipped out on sword training, huh.

Moving to the hill located in the outskirts of the village, Kyle stood in the middle of the ruins, and wholeheartedly focussed on his sword swings. He wasnt just rapidly swinging his sword around, but sometimes implemented a fake slash, and even emitted real killing intentOr so he acted, and instead evaded an incoming attack, only to intercept a follow-up.

Nobody was around Kyle. However, he could clearly see an enemy, who slashed at him with no remorse. This was a type of training magic he learned from his master, called Phantasmal Enemy. By using hypnosis magic on oneself, you can fight a phantom of an enemy you have encountered. Of course, although it was just a phantom, it didnt just let you cut it, but actually evaded and fought back.

If you were familiar with the real deal of the phantom you created, it served as great one-on-one training, and those with greater mana have an even greater use of it. In most cases, the knowledge of the enemy was far too little to create an accurate phantom, but thanks to Kyles memory, he generally achieved this by battling the enemy once. And right now, the phantom Kyle was clashing against was none other than the strongest enemy of histhe Demon Lord.

No good, I get killed every ten seconds, not to mention several times at once.

After fighting for a brief moment, Kyle stopped his movement all-together, gasping for air. At the same time, the Demon Lords phantom disappeared as well. Back when Kyle fought the Demon Lord for real, he somewhat managed to stand his ground, but as he was right now, he saw no chance of winning. Rather, he would have died countless deaths if this had been a real fight. Of course, that didnt mean that the Demon Lord magically grew stronger, but rather that Kyle had gotten weaker.

Three days ago (saying it in Kyles perception), he wouldnt have been out of breath like that, let alone needing to take a break, but right now, his arms and body couldnt even keep up with the movement he was used to in his head. He was lacking basic stamina and endurance. His experience in battle and techniques were still as before, but his physical body had deterioratedor reverted back to normal, which would probably give him a harsh aching all over his body the next day.

Thinking about it, when Kyle lived through this period the first time, he spent his days in laziness, neither training his sword skills or studying magic. Later on, Kyle regretted wasting such precious time.

Then[Strength], [Haste]!

Kyle cast muscle strengthening and acceleration magic on himself. As a magic swordsman, these two skills were the basics of basics when it came to strengthening oneself. By letting the mana inside your body circulate faster and faster, your physical abilities would rise rapidly. That being said

What is going on? Its more effective than before.

Kyle felt a greater amount of magic flowing inside his body, and just by moving a faint bit, he felt the effects had increased much greater than before.

In order to use such Ancient Language Magic, you need mana, and the skill to control magic. The more mana you have, the stronger and most effective your magic will be, and it even raises the times you can actually use it.

Magic control means to understand the logic behind the magic, and strength to put it into an image. The better you get at this, the more different types of magic you will be able to use at the same time, and you can activate magic without actually needing to chant it, like Kyle just did.

As for attack-based magic, you can control the range of effect, so that more enemies and a greater area is influenced by it, and even shrink it as well to make it more effective. At the same time, by controlling the amount of mana you use up for your magic, you can save some mana for another use later down the battle.

Adding to that, these rules work for Holy Magic and Spirit Magic as well, as this magic control equals stronger faith towards the gods, and friendship towards spirits. Since they have similar basics when using magic, if you raise your overall rank with magic control, you will be able to use higher-grade magic. Basically, if you lack mana, you cant use magic, and if you lack magical control you cant adjust the magic.

In the event that you cant use magic, theres barely any drawbacks, but if you were unable to control and adjust your magic, a failure could lead in an explosion up in your face, fire magic could turn you into a living torch, and ice magic could freeze your entire body. Through thorough training, you can raise your mana and magic control, but because your overall mana pool is decided at birth, that one is much harder to actually raise. As a matter of fact, the Kyle in the previous world was barely able to use advanced grade magic thanks to his mana pool.

Right now, it feels like I might even be able to use high grade magic.

In all of Kyles previous battles, he used his magic merely as an assistance, namely to raise his physical abilities and weaken the enemy. His main point of attack was definitely the sword. So far, forgetting about attack magic and instead focussing on strengthening oneself was Kyles main idea, but with his mana pool having grown, he might be able to use some attack magic efficiently.

I dont know how that happened, butIm happy that my options opened up.

For now, Kyle decided to take this as a bonus, and kept on training.


OuchI guess this is my limit.

He tried it out with some light practice, but the strengthening that was imbued in his body was too much for him to handle. Feeling pain in his muscles, Kyle held his leg as he fell to the ground, groaning.

My mana went up, but my current body cant handle it, huhI guess I need to get used to it bit by bit.

The fact that his body had grown weaker turned out to be a bigger minus than he previously assumed, and his sword movement couldnt come up with the one he envisioned inside his head. Right now, his physical body, his talent, and his magic were heavily unbalanced. But, his mana pool grew, so if he continued to train like this, he should be able to become stronger than he was three days ago.

Stronger than back then, huh

The one year during the Great Invasion, where Kyle lost everything, was a struggle to escape death on a constant basis. If one didnt fight, didnt win, you would die for sure. Using every trick to get stronger in this existence, Kyle became the strongest magic swordsman the human folk had to offer. However, the price for this was immense. Through the use of forbidden strengthening magic and secret medicine, he continued to poison his body, which left it in tatters. Even if he had survived that battle against the Demon Lord, he most likely wouldnt have had more than ten years left in his life, and this was generous.

Ill get stronger in a more healthy wayand spend the rest of my life in peace once everything is done!

Thus, Kyles final goal was decided.

Cant tell if youre aiming high or ridiculously low there.

With a sudden voice answering Kyles words, he jolted up from the ground. He had felt no presence approaching him. The source of the voice was a woman with a healthy tan, looking to be in her thirties. She wore a light, heavily-used armor, and had a greatsword hanging down her back. She possessed a certain level of beauty, but if you were to approach her carelessly, you would get shredded to piecesor so was the image you got from her. She was about the same age as Kyles mother Seraia, but she gave off youth in a different way.

M-Master!? Since when

The womans name was Leyla, and she was a former gladiator who taught Kyle the way of the sword, as well as Serans adoptive mother. Gladiators are fighters who battle other humans, members of other races, even magical beings or magic beasts in an arena for the pleasure and amusement of the audience, fighting for glory and accomplishment. In return for the great danger this system encompasses, you receive great fame and rewards.

As for Leyla, she made herself a name in the greatest arena of the continent, located in the Galgan Empires capital Luos, where she continued to battle other gladiators or monsters to the death, and came out on top every single battle for a consecutive time of five years, becoming a legend in the process.

After she had retired ten years ago, because of some complicated circumstances as she called it, she asked Seraia for help, and moved to Rimarze. Around the same time, she took in the orphan Seran who was related to someone she was indebted to, or so Kyle had heard. She had a strong habit of wandering around, sometimes suddenly leaving from the town. Because of her dirty armor, it seemed as if he had just returned.

S-Since when were you watching?

I saw you get killed about six times, I think? More importantly, what kind of monster were you fighting? You wouldnt have lasted five seconds if that was the real deal.

I actually managed to last ten seconds now.

Judging from Leylas words, she had watched Kyles phantasmal enemy for quite some time.

I appreciate you trying to aim higher, but theres no meaning to training with that kind of enemy if your difference in skill is that vastAlso, when did you even meet that guy? The details on em were insane.

I just tried to imagine the strongest enemy I could think of. More importantly, Master, how would you fight that enemy?

Me? WellId have to be ready to sacrifice an arm or a leg at least. Then Id throw in attack with all my mightand if hes still standing after that, then itd be my loss.

I seeI guess so.

That was the exact method Kyle used when he battled the real Demon Lord. Maybe he picked up this kind of mentality from his teacher after all.

Also, its rare to see you practice without me around. Always thought it was a waste that you possessed such talent, but never did anything with it.

Some time ago, Kyle was told that he possessed A talent only appearing in a hundred years from Leyla, who was known as one of the few strongest sword users in the entire world. Thanks to her teaching him, Kyle realized that this talent with the sword had gone up drastically. However, the Kyle back then barely showed any motivation, so he was often regarded as a useless disciple by her.

Arent you teaching Seran as well?

Hes technically my son, so I kinda have to. If I dont force this onto him, he wouldnt even bother with me.

Leyla would often complain about Kyle being a good-for-nothing disciple, and Seran being the worst disciple.

More importantly, youve gotten better, Kyle.

In terms of physical abilities, Kyles constitution hadnt improved drastically ever since Leyla left for her travels, but when it came to his actual skill with the sword, it was like he had trained for a hundred years, which is what left her surprised. What had changed the most however was Kyles overall frame of mind. Before, he had been like a small puppy loitering around the grass plains and sleeping in broad daylight, and now he had grown into a lion cub.

Youre even getting better at using magic, and the overall atmosphere around you changedDid something happen?

Kyle judged that trying to make something up towards a sharp person like Leyla would only backfire, so he twisted the facts a bit when he explained.

I just had a change of heart. Thats why I want to focus on getting better with the sword, and magic.

No matter what his future plans of actions may be, becoming as strong as possible would surely be useful down the line.

You really changedso much that its making me sick. Leyla said, looking like she was about to puke.

Cant you just be happy about the growth of your disciple?

It feels like you jumped ahead four, or five years aheadWas it really just a change of heart? No other reason?

NoneI just want to become stronger, thats all. Kyle confirmed his determination, tightly grabbing his sword.

Did you eat something foul? Hit your head anywhere?

Can you stop acting so concerned? That really hurts, you know?

Just what happened to him?

Its not like him at all.

Seran and Lieze were hiding in the thicket, a bit further away from Kyles location, watching the twos conversation. Lieze was curious about where Kyle was heading off to, and traced after him, whereas Seran joined up with her mid-way. Neither of them could call out to Kyle, diligently training his sword, and instead watched him from afar like this.

Seems like my old hag caught on to Kyles change as well. Still, when did he get this good?

It had been a while since Seran had observed Kyles sword training, but he never expected to see such a difference in skill compared to before.

Can you really change that much in such a short amount of time? But, it doesnt feel like hes possessed or anything, so this must be Kyle himself doing this.

Since Seran had been with Kyle for many years, he could tell that this was a determination that came from Kyle himself, and yet he felt a sense of discomfort that couldnt be put into words.

Like, the root of his being is the samebut its almost like we havent met for several years, right.

At first, Lieze assumed that it was because of her hitting him, but watching him now, she grew doubtful of that.

Cant imagine hes the same guy whod piss on an ants nest with me three days ago, celebrating and calling it a flood. Seran shrugged his shoulders.

You two really never do anything worthwhile, huh. Leyla walked towards the two, letting out a sigh of disbelief.

Yo, Old Hag, you realized as well?

Welcome home, Leyla-san.

Im back, Lieze-chan. Youre about the only person who properly greets me.

You came back after you almost died again?

Dont wanna hear that from you, you idiot son of mine. Were you at least living on your own? You better not have bothered Lieze-chan, alright?

He came begging for food on a daily basis. Lieze snitched without hesitation.

At least hesitate for a second, you wench!

Well, Ill properly hear you out laterMore importantly, what the hell happened with Kyle?

You were watching him from afar because you were curious, right?Leyla added, to which Lieze and Seran nodded.

T-Thats right! Kyle always had the dead eyes of a fish, but now its like he has a goal in his mindOverflowing with motivation! To a level where its pretty discomforting!

Looking at his future dream, namely playing around with his parents inheritance, which he proclaimed proudly all the time, this change is honestly sickening, yuck.

Now I really get how you two thought of KyleSo that means, you two dont know the reason why he suddenly changed, huh. It seemed as if Leyla had hoped the two knew something, but that was off.

Yeah, the day before yesterday, his attitude changed. No idea what happened, and I cant be bothered to ask. Not like hed tell a friend like me anyway.

Hmmmif such a useless brat had such a change of heart, there can only be one reason Leyla crossed her arms, and clapped her hands together like she came up with something. He must have gotten a woman.



Seran screamed in disbelief, whereas Lieze froze up entirely.

Or, maybe he just found one hes interested in. Did he turn into some sexual fanatic? That damned brat.

Compared to Leylas reaction however, Kyles two childhood friends werent as calm.

Damn it! Getting some great memories and leaving me behind in the dustI wont forgive him! Seran cursed, forming a fist with his hand.

Didnt you call him a friend just a few seconds ago?

Theres exceptions! I cant see him as a friend if he graduated before me!

A mans jealousy is a terrifying thing, Leyla thought to herself.

But, I wonder who it is?

Yeah, I havent the foggiest. Since the greatest candidate I can think of is stuck frozen next to me, it must be someone elseI dont mean to brag, but theres no girls in this town whod give positive affection towards me or Kyle. Seran commented, as he glanced at Lieze.

That really isnt a brag. Leyla sighed.

Youre right though, thatd be a perfect reason for him to change like that. Shit, who is it

There, Lieze broke her silence, and finally showed movement again. Seran wanted to call out to her, only to be stopped by Leyla.

If you treasure your life, you should refrain from stopping her.

The killing intent shes emitting is no joke, yeah Seran started sweating buckets, merely watching off Liezes back as she walked towards Kyle.

Confess. Who is it?

UuuuuuuugghW-What are you talking about? And, what are you doing out of the blue like that!? Kyle held his stomach in agony, looking up at his childhood friend who just gave him a real gut punch with a straight smile on her face.

Dont play dumb! Who! Who did you lay your hands on!?

C-Calm down, I can sort of guess what youre on about, but its definitely a misunderstanding! And, why would you even think that!?

Leyla-san and Seran both said that it has to be that!

Blurting out nonsense, that damned mother and son. Also, you should know that neither me or Seran are liked by the other girls of this town! Kyle felt a sharp pain in his chest as he admitted this sad reality.

In the past few years, Kyle received quite the amount of popularity from people his age, but not back when he was a demotivated loser.

Its true that theres no girl in this town whod look your wayso what? Coercion? Brainwashing? Magic? Drugs?

Do you really think that badly of me!? I wouldnt commit a crime just for that!

So thenDont tell me, you forced yourself on Aria-chan!?

In their neighbourhood lived a young girl called Aria, which was quite clingy towards Kyle, and was seen as a little sister by Lieze.

Shes three years old! What are you thinking!?

Thenis it Razelle-sama!?

This time, she took the opposite extreme, which was an old lady living in this town, always spoiling Kyle and the others.

An old hag now!? Shes close to a 100, right!? Do I really seem that desperate to you!?

I-I mean, theres no other girl in this town who would put up with you!

You dont have to go that far! Not to mention that back then, you

Kyle spoke that far, and only closed his mouth when it was too late.

Back then? I knew it! Who is it?!

No, you got the wrong ideaD-Dont strangle me!

You were my first, is something Kyle could hardly say right now.


Have you calmed down?


Are you reflecting on what youve done?

I lost myself there, Im sorry. Lieze sat on the floor, apologizing as she looked at Kyle.

After what happened, Kyle almost passed out from being strangled by Lieze. He barely managed to calm her down in time, but his view was blurry even now.

Well, Im glad you understand that it was just a misunderstandingJust, why were you going crazy like that?

Lieze often got the wrong idea about things, and went violent as a cause of that, but this was different than any other time before. In response, Lieze pouted, and wiped away the tears in her eyes.

I-I meanWithout me around, you cant do anythingso when I thought you suddenly had someone elseI-I just felt lonely, and frustrated. The last part she turned more quiet as she went on.

Was she always this jealous? No, I guess I just never realized.

I got it, Im not angry anymore, so cheer up. Kyle gently caressed Liezes head, who started blushing ever so slightly.

Yeahthinking about it, theres no way Kyle would have the guts to actually do it when the time comes. I should have known, Im sorry.

At least dont insult me when youre apologizing, that really hurt.

What do you mean?

No, forget about itIll go practice some more, and then go back, so wait for me. I want to focus a bit.

Got it. Ill make dinner.

YeahAlso, tell those two idiots over there as well. Kyle complained, as he looked over at the thicket, with Seran and Leyla hiding in there.

When Lieze walked towards them, it didnt take long for Seran to appear, a bright smile on his face, as he waved his hand at Kyle. He felt a bit annoyed at seeing that shit-eating grin, but swiftly ignored that to focus on his training again.

That days dinner was quite luxurious, most likely meant as an apology by Lieze.

Great timing you came back.

You can say that again.

Why are you two here? Kyle complained in the face of Leyla and Seran sitting at the table already.

He was still a bit bothered by the incident of this afternoon, but swallowed that for now.

No need to complain like that. I was the one who hunted this rabbit, you know?

Im finally home again, so let me eat something delicious, aye? Eating at home while facing this brat here is too much for me to bear, and ruins the taste.

Kyle-chan, eat as much as you want~

Not to mention that Kyles mother Seraia had joined them as well, to which Kyle let out another sigh. He wasnt used to such an energetic dinner compared to the past year he spent.

Mom and Master, as well as the other two, theres something Id like to ask you.

Faf fif fif?

You can talk after youve finished eating, Mom. Kyle realized that scolding her wouldnt work either way, but he still did it. Im a bit worried at asking you folks, but theres nobody else I can rely on right now.

That sure aint an attitude to have when asking something from someone, but go on? Seran complained arrogantly.

Is there a type of individual who can voice their opinion in the royal families of the human folk, influence other countries and alliances in the process, and hope for that influence to have some kind of result?

Today, Kyle realized that he indeed could become stronger before, but even this strength had a limit. With strength alone, he wont be able to avoid total destruction like he had experienced. To achieve this, he would need a military force enough to bury the entire horizon, but that will prove impossible.

Hence, as a more realistic approach, Kyle thought about becoming someone influential in the rows of the various countries and races, prepare for the approaching attack of the demons, and possess an adequate response once that time comes around. This should lessen the numbers of deaths and losses drastically, but in order to achieve this plan, Kyle would need to reach a position where he could lead the entire humanoid population.

Voice their opinion, huh. Leyla crossed her arms. If you want to influence other countries with your decisions, then youd have to be the king of a major power.

Maybe the Emperor of the Galgan Empire, I guess Seraia added.

Ahh, that Kyle muttered.

The Galgan Empire was a militarist country which continued its expansion even now. Kyle remembered the young Emperor, who would die if his pride asked him to.

Sounds like you speak from experience?

Heard the rumours. Kyle responded. Anything else?

WellI think the influence of the head priest of the Goddess of Earth Cairys cult is pretty big. Leyla named the religious god that receives the most faith by humans, as well as the leader of its cult.

Maybe Randolph-sama if he was still around?

As for Lieze, she commented with the name of the noble hero who defeated the Demon Lord during the great war against the demons three hundred years ago.

Oh yeah, let alone humans, even dwarves and elves spoke of him highly, right. Seran agreed.

A hero, huh

The sound of being a hero made it seem like he would be able to influence even countries. At the same time, becoming the Emperor or the head priest clearly was impossible in these three years. Judging from that, there was only one possibility.

Then, I guessI have to become a hero.

He would not become a hero after saving the world, but instead aim to be one in order to save the world. The logic was backwards, but it couldnt be helped.

Thats my only option, huh. Kyle stood upand got seconds.

The other four people present watched Kyles back, and muttered to themselves.

Hey, something must have happened while I was travelling, right? Leyla asked.

I cant think of anything. Lieze shook her head. We had a healer look at him, and used some healing magic on him as well, but they didnt find anything different from before.

HmmmThat reminds me, a few years ago, both Kyle-chan and Seran-chan thought they were special, warriors a few selected by the heavens, or something along those lines, right? Maybe hes just reverted back to that? Seraia said as she dwelled in memories, to which Lieze and Leyla let out a snicker.

Sure did, yeah. All their friends were pretty bothered by that.

Back when they got a bit stronger with their swords and magic. Saying they found their own magic or sword skillsI think they only quit their nonsense after Seraia and I got them into a near death-state like ten times.

Dont remind me of that, its a part of my dark pastBut, if hes really going through that, then Id like to watch over him. Especially since I want to see his regretful reaction once hes over it. Seran said with an odd way of phrasing things.

Rightas long as hes started working on himself, thats all that matters.

Since its Kyle-chan were talking about, he should be okay.

Whenever you say Okay about something, you never have any basis for that, SeraiaBut, youre right. Ill watch over him as well.

The group of four watched over Kyle scooping out seconds with a warm gaze.


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