Tsunpri: Aishite Ohimesama

Chapter 1: First Time with Maid Onee-san Part 1

Chapter 1: First Time with Maid Onee-san

Translator: Kurehashi Aiko


“Now then, allow me to show you the way.”

After the audience was over, he was left with a maid to guide him.

A soft and warm rays of afternoon sunshine pass inside through the windows. Seeing the everyday activities at the castle made Rou stunned, watching many knights and maids pass through the corridors.

On the day of the parade, were it not for one single boy’s cool and composed actions, life would not be so peaceful right now. The country without its King would surely suffer from confusion among the high-officials, fall into huge debt or even fall victim to the invasions of the neighboring nations.

The kingdom’s little hero was invited to the castle where he received words of compliment from the royal family and was given a box of gold coins and was decorated with Merit of War medal as a reward.

Although he was still a knight-in-training with little-to-no track record, an award such as being placed among knights and medal were the things that everybody looked forward to, but at the same time you could be sure that the people would expect further great achievements from him down the road.

“Um, umm…… W, where exactly are we going……?”

Even though for him the cogs of life were turning just the same, Rou asked the question feeling embarrassed to the maid that was leading him.

“We are going to Reaina-sama’s room, of course.”

“Is that so……?”

According to the testimony of the man who attempted the King’s assassination, the rouge was also targeting Princess Reaina’s life, just so that the alliance with their neighboring country could not come to pass through marriage.

“Well then, you are going to become Reaina’s special Knight.”

The King’s words sounded over and over inside his head. Rou, who had been extremely troubled just with obtaining so much gold alone, became even more panicked when he learned that he was going to be responsible for the Princess’s safety from now on.

He was glad that the Princess was not present during the parade incident, but at the same time he was worried if he was able to protect her properly on his own.

“Fufu…… Please, there is no need for you to feel nervous at all.”

“No, it’s just that…… Suddenly being appointed as the Princess’s guard…… And besides, what if the one’s aiming to take the King’s life are some sort of an evil organization……”

The maid smiled gently at the boy who was doing his best to act though.

Was she perhaps in her mid twenties? She was emanating an aura full of calm atmosphere, and the maid clothes that encompassed her beautiful figure were designed in black and white, with pure-white apron and headband to further the feeling of cleanliness.

Her long, brown hair gives off an impression of intellectual person, at the same time making her look very pretty and likable. Her hair looks glossy, as if they were absorbing the sunlight coming in through the windows.

However, her deeply-colored eyes were giving off the feeling of mystery, only completing the picture of a mysterious woman full of surprises.

“I am sure that everything is going to be alright. Reaina-sama is very gentle, and above all, Rou-sama is the Hero, so please have some more confidence.”

“To be called the Hero, it’s a little bit……”

Being stared at by those jewel-like eyes, accompanied with small nose and sharp eyebrows only underlining her well-balanced facial features, he found himself at a loss for words.

The boy who lost both of his parents at young age and who ztook up the sword had never been praised by a woman before, so he was unable to bear the embarrassment and blushed deeply.

Walking together with a beautiful girl made him absurdly self-conscious, and thinking of meeting with the Princess added to his nervousness. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

“Well, I am terribly sorry for not introducing myself up until now. My name is Diana, and I am the Chief Maid here. Because my work is to tend to Reaina-sama’s needs, please let me know if there will ever be things that you might not understand.”

As if remembering something, the Maid turned around and bowed to him on the spot, at the same time raising the hem of her skirt just a little bit. He too forgot to introduce himself and his cheeks flushed red just like a little girl’s, so with his heart still tingling he smiled shyly, just like the woman did.

“…… Ah, ahh…… My name is Coral. Rou Coral……”

“Yes, I know.”

“Y, you do……?”

In a span of panic, he said that with trembling voice filled with tension, his heartbeat growing with every second, so much that, in fact, he felt as though his heart would jump out of his throat any second.

“Fufu…… Rou-sama, you seem to be a rather interesting person.”

Diana laughs gracefully while putting her hand to her mouth.

(Uwah, her boobs are shaking so much……)

A most wonderful of sight spreads before Rou’s eyes, with the proud size that can easily be outlined even through her clothes, the fantasy that makes all virgin boys blood pump faster. With every step she takes, her breasts shake heavily, clearly drawing beautiful, round sways.

The lines that stretches from her waist are narrow and tight, and even though hidden behind her skirt, you can see and feel the aura of her glamorous and plum buttocks overflow. Her beautiful face, big breasts and unchanging smile were overwhelming that he felt kind of bad for staring at this young woman.

(C, calm down…… Calm down, eh……)

Feeling ashamed, he walked without saying a word for some time, and eventually the Maid stopped before a big door. They have walked quite far from the audience chamber, but for him it felt like he was only for a short moment, walking alongside this beautiful woman.

“Well now, I am going to introduce you to Reaina-sama, if you’d be so kind as to wait for a moment.”

“O, okay……”

The Maid bows gently and enters the room.

The boy lets out a huge sigh similar to some old man, finally being liberated from all of his tension. However, it seemed that the atmosphere of being the suspicious person would stick to him for the time being.

“Hey, you. Men are forbidden from entering here.”

Suddenly, a cold voice reached him from behind.

Surprised Rou looked back, only to see a beautiful girl with aura of nobility about her, followed by several servants.

(Re, Reaina-sama!?)

To the sudden appearance of the Princess who was supposed to come out of the room, the boy was so surprised that he thought that his eyes might pop out of their sockets.

However, there was no mistaking it. That fluffy, gold-colored hair shining in the sun, that face and eyes were exactly like the ones of Princess Reaina’s.

“Eh, ah…… You see……”

Never being here before, it was no wonder that he had no idea that males were forbidden from being here.

Princess throws even more harsh words at the confused young Knight.

“What were you doing in front of my room?”

“But, I was told to wait right here……”

While he was trying to put his hair in order, she straightened the part of her dress that was covering her breasts. The skin of her milk-white exposed cleavage looked healthy and fresh, and so the teenager’s gaze was attracted to her two wonderful lumps of flesh.

Her whole body looked thin and slender, just like the one of a doll, with no unnecessary amount of fat on her supple limbs.

“You were here……? Oh Reaina-sama, I wish you would wait in your room……”

Chief Maid raised her voice as she appeared from inside the room.

“Fuh, where I go is entirely up to me”

While her eyes gave the impression of being oppressive, her pupils were clear as the jewels and were full of sparks of confidence.

(Uhh, I’ve got caught……)

Suddenly being mistaken for a suspicious person, the boy jumped up in a sudden attack of anxiety.

“This person here is Rou-sama. As of today, he is going to serve as Reaina-sama’s guard.”

“A guard…… Aah, Father mentioned something about that. So, I see…”

The Princess put her arms around here melon-like breasts, turning her curious eyes towards the introduced boy. It was now Rou’s responsibility to protect her. He wanted to make as good of a first impression as he possibly could.

“Umm…… I’m Kingdom’s Knight, Rou. I pledge my absolute loyalty to you, Reaina-sama, and I will protect you will all of my power!”

“Do you truly intend to protect me from those who wanted to kill my father?”

Even though the ones who target the King’s life are being hunted right now, it was only natural for the Princess to feel uneasy about some freshly knighted boy becoming her guard.

But even though the boy was young, he was the Kingdom’s Knight. Being able to meet his beloved Princess, he felt that he wanted to protect that person no matter what.

“Indeed, I may not have any position or achievements yet, but……”

He clenched his fist and gazed up at the elegantly looking girl.

“Surely…… I will surely protect you, Reaina-sama!”

“Wh…… Eh, I…… I…… I see……”

Reaina seemed to be surprised by the boy’s sudden declaration, that seemed way out of character for him. This knight, who not so long ago was being overwhelmed by her, was now aiming his passionate gaze straight at her, making her pure-white cheeks slightly dyed with pink, forcing her to avert her eyes.

“W, well now, I say do your best.”

Whether or not was she aware that she was embarrassed, Reaina quickly turned away from him and walked into the room. Following her, Diana and Knight boy entered the room as well.

There were five princes and four princesses in the royal family, so princess Reaina, who was a third one in the line of succession, should be far from being targeted for assassination. So it was speculated that the attempt on her life were the doings of someone from neighboring country, not happy with the bilateral alliance that marriage would bring them.

However, it seemed that the Princess was dissatisfied with a young knight of the same age as him acting as her guard. And certainly, Rou was not too reliable when it comes to achievements and experience.

Still, there was that strong loyalty to the Princess and sense of responsibility that began to grow deep inside of his heart.

“I understand that he’s my guard, but…… Why does he need to sleep in the room right next to mine?”

“Someone might be after your or His Highness’s lives. Therefore, as your guard, we want Rou-sama to always be close to you.”

“Wh…… You want him to stay with me all the time!?”

The only real problem here was that his room was to be prepared right next to that of the Princess, which was supposedly off limits to all men. Having declared so lightly that they were going to live together from now on, Reaina grew increasingly dissatisfied and her cheeks reddened deeper.

(Don’t worry, it will be alright, I can do this……)

Having to serve as a guard like this, he could not quite wipe off this feeling of uneasiness. Even so, he kept on encouraging himself, believing that as long as he would work hard, the Princess would surely praise him for his efforts.


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