Trying to Save my Favorite Character from His Tragic Fate

Chapter 2: Now under the same sky

Chapter 2: Now under the same sky

Kyrie opens his eyes after blacking out from traveling around that endless space surrounded by golden particles. His eyes immediately focus on the canopy that draped around the bed. He sits up and turns his head around to closely observe his surroundings.

He is currently tugged inside the covers on a king-size bed. Through the curtains, he sees an enormous western style bedroom - the kind of bedrooms he would only see in the movies. His previous one only has a bed and a nightstand. He could not even fit a desk inside.

This room accommodates more than just a desk. It has a couple of bookshelves behind a set of sofas with a tea table in the middle, a walk-in closet filled with ironed clothes of all colors, and a place that seems to be designated to open study space. Behind it, there is an enormous window that extends from the floor all the way up to its high ceiling. He looks closely and sees that the window is actually a walkout balcony.

This is like that poor girl turned heiress types of dramas that his coworkers used to talk so much about. Instead, he is experiencing it now.

Kyrie breathes deeply, trying to take in the change that is occurring. He is trying to wrap his mind around the thought that he entered into Ian's world.

[So, I have really transmigrated Moon Fairy Did she really]

Without any warning, a voice comes out of nowhere, "No I am not dead. Just without essence, so my physical body broke down."

Kyrie lets out a squeaky, eardrum bursting scream that even he gets surprised and ends up swallowing the scream halfway out. He discovers that his voice has gone up at least three notes from his original one. His heart is beating so fast that he might as well just puke it out. No one expects that their monologues would ever be responded to.

"Where are you?" asks Kyrie.

"Look down."

Kyrie looks down to see a small porcupine on his lap, staring at him. His appearance looks more adorable and less terrifying than that little girl misplaced in an almost empty subway train. Kyrie is more accepting of her current form despite seeing the irony of a god being stuck with a porcupine body.

[Moon Fairy? Since when did you become so cute?]

"Hi. I am cute by nature, and no one would understand such an understatement. By the way, stop calling me Moon Fairy! It is kind of embarrassing if you call out loud my pen name. Just call me Yue from now on," says Yue.

"There must be a reason why no one understands" says Kyrie while spreading a sarcastic smile.

"By the way, where am I?" asks Kyrie.

Yue clicks her tongue from Kyrie's unappreciative nature.

"Currently in the kingdom of Aria," says Yue.

[So, I really came to Ian's world.]

Before Yue can protest against how rude Kyrie is with her, they turn their attention to the noise slipping from the cracks of the bedroom door. The sound of footsteps echoes in the corridor. Then, the doors slam open, and multiple people rush to the door at the same time. One woman gets inside while stumbling on her feet. She runs towards Kyrie with her arms, ready to take him.

"Kyrie!!! Kyrie!!! You are awake now! My child" says a woman hugs Kyrie as tight as she can.

A man who is in his early thirties rushes in and looks at the stunned teenager seated up from his bed. He rushes on his feet and catches them around his arm. Then, this man reaches towards Kyrie to tousled his hair. He says, with tearful eyes, "Kyrie Welcome back!" and he hugs tighter the woman and Kyrie together in his arms.

Kyrie looks at the shaking shoulders of this strange woman as she sobs in Kyrie's arms. Although the man is not balling his eyes out like the woman, his sincere emotions are plastered all over his face. The maids and servants also soak their handkerchief with tears.

It takes a couple of minutes for Kyrie to understand what is going on. He is aware that he must have transmigrated into someone else's body. However, looking at the younger and thinner hands and legs, he feels that this entire transmigration is not a dream he needs to wake up from. The feeling of warmth coming from another person's body is giving him the reality check he needs. He is no longer in his older body.

Kyrie goes along with the two adults who are tightly hugging him, reciprocating them by wrapping his arms around them. He feels blessed by the sudden fortune of a caring family - a feeling that he believes that he will never experience again in his life. This long-forgotten emotion floods inside of Kyrie despite knowing these two people are just someone else's parents.

The very next day, six servants walk in rhythm, carrying ironed out clothes and shoes in the magnificent hallways inside the Rowan mansion. They stop in front of their young master's bedroom in a formation of two columns. The head maid knocks at the door that echoes through the hallway.

"Come in," a voice replies inside the room.

Two other servants open up the doors from each side to let in the others into the bedroom. The room is a mess. Everywhere their eyes can land on, they can find a book misplaced. Like a force of habit, the servants start to pick up the misplaced books into their arms, but their eyes cannot stop looking at their young master's odd behavior.

The young master they knew is one who just puts books on a bookcase for decoration. After waking up, he reads through all the books in a single night that used to collect dust on the shelves. His eyes hang deep dark bags from reading through the night without stopping.

"Is there a place where I can find more books?" asks Kyrie to the servants who are busy picking up his mess.

"Yes, young master. Marquis Rowan has his own study and library," replies the head maid.

Kyrie smiles excitedly while being exhausted at the same time. He would have never expected that he would get back the memories and experiences of the body's previous owner. So, when he picks up a book, he would not have to agonize that he might need to learn a new language. Excited by his new finding, he takes out book after book from the shelves until the sun is already up for a fresh start.

He feels like his body has jumped into a pit of fire that he cannot get out. His excitement makes him sleepless. His intense wish to meet Ian under the same sky is growing by the second.


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