Trying to Save my Favorite Character from His Tragic Fate

Chapter 11: Rumors? Sir Rowan fancies someone?!?!

Chapter 11: Rumors? Sir Rowan fancies someone?!?!

In the garden near the academy building, a group of students sits around a long table for an afternoon tea. On the table sits exquisite china and diverse afternoon tea treats. The students cheerfully talk about a rumor that has swept through every corner of the academy - a rumor that centers on Kyrie. The nature of the rumor naturally fancies the ladies because the story is so romantic that everyone is curious about the truth. 

Someone has caught Kyrie's fancy, and not only that, Kyrie has fallen for that person at first sight! The rumor extends to that they are meeting in secret because Kyrie is still another noble from another kingdom. 

The notion of love in the shadows has stuffed all those helpless romantics with butterflieseach time giving these people a reason for heart problems in the future.

"Don't you think that despite Sir Rowan having heard the rumor directly from a student and did not deny it a bit suspicious? I think the rumors are true," gossips one of the female students.

"But, who is that person? I have never seen Sr. Rowan really with anyone other than prince Ethern," a female student with glasses debates.

"Don't they meet in secret? Maybe they were so good at hiding it that no one really found out who that person is."

"Really? Can that really be possible that no one has been able to catch them in the act?"

Penelope Beaumont listens to the female students gossiping while silently sipping her tea. Just moments ago, she accidentally heard the vice principal talking about the secret lover being Lady Evelyn Larson. Although she is currently dating the wealthiest noble merchant heir, Callum Slater, Kyrie has a much nobler background, exceptional talent, better looks, and greater identity. Vita also blesses him. He is a man that is closest to anyone's ideals.

Penelope has decided that Kyrie would be her next target. That means that she will need to get rid of the pests that are on her way. After all, she is Penelope Beaumont. She is the trendsetter and the leader of the noble social circle. She puts down her cup of tea, and everyone gets silent.

"I actually heard regarding the secret lover, but I am not sure if I should really say it. Since... I have heard rumors of her unspeakable encounters with other men. I would be sad if I sully her name. However, I fear for Sr. Rowan, for he is Vita's paladin... a man with a pure heart," says Penelope while acting sad and indecisive about whether she should tell or not.

When Penelope confesses that she knows who that person is, every lady that attended the afternoon tea turns her attention to Penelope. Their ears lean over to prepare to hear who the lucky person is, but Penelope purposely withholds the information, giving everyone the butterflies as they await the information.

"Lady Beaumont! Of course, it is okay to tell! If that woman is vile and unworthy, we should avoid Sr. Rowan from falling into an enchantress's hands!" exclaims Ruby Holt, a loyal follower of Penelope.

"Lady Holt, you are right. You see... I heard that the secret lover is Lady Larson, but I have heard so many sickening things that she has done for a long time now. Unspeakable interaction with men... That is why her interactions were in secret. I am not sure what to do... I think if it is true and if Sir Rowan truly falls for such a woman, it would be severe for his reputation," says Penelope in lament.

"Don't worry, Lady Beaumont! We will make sure that will not happen!" says Ruby while other women in the tea party agree.


Where the dust has yet to settle from the air, two figures walk in circles to find an opening from their opponent. Their hand grips tightly to the hilt of their sword, and they peer into each other's eyes to guess the next move.

A sweatdrop runs down Kyrie's jaw, dripping once it reaches the chin. Then, at high speed, he thrust his sword towards Ian. Blocking the attempt, Ian takes the opportunity to pry open a weakness and flings up Kyrie's sword. Once he achieves the opening he is looking for from his opponent, he slides his sword towards Kyrie's chest. 

Kyrie cracks a smile, stepping back masterfully, and stops the attack with his sword. Their swords cross each other into a standstill. The metals churn from the friction - both equally matched.

Knowing that they cannot break away, their expression relaxes along with their body simultaneously. They both withdraw their swords and put them on the sleeve.

[Damn... I have practiced every day, and I am still equally matched to Ian. I should work harder...]

"You are very good with your sword, Kyrie," says Ian.

[Did he just call me on a first-name basis?]

Kyrie, in a good mood, says, "You too! You must have practiced a lot!"

Kyrie turns towards the bench under an old tree to pick up his towel. Ian peeks at Kyrie, patting the sweat off from his neck. Noticing the gaze, Kyrie turns towards Ian, whose eyes have diverted away shyly. 

The wet stands of Ian's hair stick together, dripping off sweat from time to time. The tiresome exercise has made them sweat bullets; even Ian's eyelashes carry beads that when his eyes blink, the beads join together and run down like tears. Then, he puts the towel over his shoulder. 

The silence gets Ian to look back, and his eyes meet with something similar to a peaceful painting. The soft eyes and smile from Kyrie make the world around him drown out of sound. Then, a gust blows towards them, shaking off leaves from the near old tree, sending them shivers from the sudden chill from their dam clothes.

A leaf falls on Kyrie's shoulder, and without thinking, Ian walks closer to Kyrie to pick the leaf, correcting back the perfect painting from his eyes. However, without paying much attention, he trips and falls towards Kyrie.


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