Trying to Save my Favorite Character from His Tragic Fate

Chapter 107: His promise

Chapter 107: His promise

The Rowan's garden has matured like a ripe fruit. The fresh colors have changed to the warm tones of the setting sun. The leaves continuously fall, leaving the trees bare for the coming winter, unprotected from the upcoming white blanket that would embrace them in its piercing chill.

Ian walks silently next to Kyrie in the garden for some fresh air after sending Imogen and Laurel off. His heart beats at the rhythm of their pace, and the leaves crunch beneath their feet. Although he has been reminding himself that Kyrie needs time, he could not help but expect more after seeing how Kyrie remembered his taste.

In all honesty, Ian feels unnatural. Kyrie always seems to be able to predict and guess all the little things about him, and now, he is facing one that has forgotten everything about him. Even though Kyrie has not changed, the thought of being strangers just does not sit well with him. 

They are much more and much closer, but now, they are surrounded by walls as if they are strangers, just that one bears all the memories that they have created together.

Kyrie would glance at Ian from time to time. From the front door to the garden, Ian has been following him like a duckling. When he stops, Ian will stop. When he quickens his pace, Ian would also quicken his pace. When he turns his head to look at something, Ian would also look at what he would stare at. It's like the man wishes to be part of his life in all the details, in all its seconds.

It will be a lie if that does not make Kyrie's heartbeat a little faster. What has he done to the prince to tame the man so well? If he figures out the formula and returns to his world, he would become a best seller if he writes it down. 

Kyrie suddenly pops in front of Ian, making Ian abruptly stop, taking him off his daydream. Since Kyrie does it abruptly, Ian stops just centimeters away from crashing into him. 

"One of the things I want to do from my bucket list is to travel around the world!" Kyrie abruptly starts a conversation with Ian. 

Although they are both standing in front of each other, so close that he can feel the heat radiating from the other person, none of them steps back. Both of them feel nervous, but oddly enough, they don't want to distance themselves.

"What is a bucket list?" Ian asks. 

He has not noticed before, but Kyrie is around the same height as him.

"It's a list of things I want to do before I die."

The topic is so abrupt and random that Ian does not know how to respond. 

Mentioning death alarms Ian, but before he could say anything, Kyrie smiles widely, "You can grant my wish, right now!"

Ian relaxes his stiffened expression while reaching to cup Kyrie's face, "Tell me how should I grant your wish."

Not expecting such a reaction from Ian, Kyrie blushes at Ian's intimate touch and nervously chuckles. 

"Stand still."

Kyrie steps back, and slowly he circles around Ian. His eyes remain on Ian as he walks, watching him from every angle like a secret admirer waiting for that person to turn back to give him a second of attention.

"Now, I have traveled around the world," Kyrie slightly chuckles when he sees Ian's eyes widen.


That word echoes in his mind again. The voice echoing is his voice. Surprised, Kyrie stumbles back as a surge of his memories rushes into his mind. Ian quickly grabs Kyrie as he watches Kyrie jolt and paralyzes, falling backward. He manages to catch Kyrie with one arm while holding onto the dry thorny rose bushes. The weight breaks the weak branches, and they both end up falling onto the ground. 

Ian protects Kyrie from hitting his head. Kyrie's eyes shake as he remembers a scene that happened before.

His own voice resonates in his mind repeatedly, "I am going to save you! I am going to save this world! And I am going to marry you!"

His promise.

He remembers his promise to Ian.

He quickly reaches to touch his neck in search of the potion, but he does not find it. His eyes land on the two rings looped around a chain hanging on Ian's neck. He recognizes one of the rings even without the gem.

Kyrie remembers that he had secretly placed that ring inside a chest pocket on Ian's coat when he was getting carried in a forest, chasing after Maya. A ring that he has stored protective enchantments bought from Maya disguised as the master blacksmith, Fondrick Ironbrewer. 

Ian plans to get off from Kyrie, but Kyrie grabs the necklace, pulling him back to the awkward position.

He takes a look at the other ring, and a sudden surge of essence enters from Kyrie's fingertips. His eyes shine silver as his body stiffens. Ian quickly takes Kyrie's hand away from the ring, and he nervously pulls Kyrie up the ground.

"Kyrie!" Ian lightly shakes him.

No response.

"Kyrie! Don't scare me!"

Ian's body shakes as he holds onto Kyrie, who seems to be in a semi-consciousness state. He quickly lets his mana enter Kyrie's body, but when he encounters a silver aura inside, his mana gets violently pushed out. 

'Why does Kyrie have essence in his body in such a large quantity?'

'His soul? Did he retain some of the essence that he took off his soul?'

'No It cannot be.'

Kyrie's eyes dim back to his amber eyes, and his eyes come back to life. Kyrie reaches his hand to Ian's cheek and caresses with his thumb. He smiles sweetly at Ian, whose eyes are starting to glisten from tears.

"Ian" The tone that Kyrie pronounces Ian's name is just as Ian remembers - a tone filled with affection.

"I am glad you are safe" Kyrie ends with a fading voice.

His eyelids shut, and his hand falls from Ian's cheek. Ian catches his hand.



"Don't scare me, Kyrie"


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