Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 668 - Late Again!

Lisa looked at Oscar's eyes with nervousness. She didn't know what was going through the man's mind. Was he angry that she didn't want to have children with him now? Did Oscar think of her as unworthy of being his woman?

Questions filled Lisa's mind, making her heart skip a beat.

But what Oscar did next took her by surprise. The man grabbed her hand and hugged her tiny body again. While stroking Lisa's back, the man said.

"Fine, if that's what you want. We also have plenty of time to think about William's wish to have a younger sister." 

After saying that, Oscar lowered his head and looked at the woman who filled his heart. He knew that she wasn't unwilling to have children with him, it was just that Lisa wasn't ready.

Oscar knew that having another child would not be easy. Especially for Lisa, a woman who has had a miscarriage and is now working in a big company. To split her time with pregnancy and work is arguably not as easy as they imagine.

Actually, Oscar wanted to tell Lisa to stop working. After all, he also works and is able to support her and William. It was just that he knew that Lisa would definitely insist on continuing to work. Instead of fighting over unimportant matters, Oscar chose to remain silent and not bring up the topic.

"Lisa, I won't force my will on you. As long as we can be together forever, that's enough for me." Oscar said in his heart while kissing the woman's forehead.


The morning sun is the one thing that makes Lisa wake up from her sweet dream. It wasn't long before the bed next to her moved and she felt strong arms wrap around her. 

Lisa frowned as she felt a kiss on her forehead, nose, cheeks, and lastly on her lips. As she tried to open her eyes, she felt the kiss on her eyelids.

Finally, when the kiss didn't land on her eyelids, the woman managed to open her eyes. It was the first time she woke up from her sleep and felt how hot her face was. 

Who wouldn't like to wake up to a sweet kiss from their lover?

"Y-you..." Lisa swallowed hard, trying to moisten her throat that was dry like the Sahara desert, "How come you're awake?"

Even though she liked being woken up by Oscar's kiss, that didn't mean she enjoyed it. Don't blame her, it's just that her face grew hotter and she just woke up! She just wanted to make some time to freshen up, then, Oscar could kiss her to his heart's content.

Lisa pushed Oscar away and grumbled, "Get out of the way."

But even though his body was pushed by Lisa, it didn't mean he would just give up. The man's strength is greater than her. Especially after he heard Lisa's hoarse voice— his desire to kiss her grew even more!

"Let's do it."

"Oh, don't mess around! Do you want William to barge into the room again?"

But what Lisa said didn't match her actions. She pushed Oscar's body away but not long after, the woman was on top of Oscar's athletic body.

Aside from his brain and handsome face that could melt any woman especially Lisa, Oscar could make them feel addicted. Just like how Lisa felt now. 

She just wanted to stick her body to Oscar with strong glue so they wouldn't separate again. 

"I promise William won't come in here again!" Oscar replied while accepting Lisa's sweet kiss on his lips. The man pursed his lips, asking Lisa to kiss him again.

But Lisa didn't grant Oscar's request and said, "How can you be so sure? William could be in here in a matter of seconds."

Oscar didn't stop from stroking Lisa's body. That morning, his heart was full to see the woman lying on top of himself. He felt as if he breathed in the fresh Swedish air with a warm chocolate to pass the winter in Sweden.

"I've locked our room."

Hearing this, Lisa immediately laughed. No wonder she had not felt the warmth of Oscar's body! It turned out that as soon as the man woke up, all he could think about was locking their room so no one could enter, including William.

"But I don't want to do it anymore." Lisa replied slowly. She rested her head on Oscar's chest and continued, "Next time, okay?"

As Oscar said yesterday, he wouldn't force Lisa to do what she didn't want to do. The important thing is that she's close to him, and better yet in his arms. 

Oscar nodded his head and fiddled with the ends of Lisa's hair that fell on top of him. 

Feeling his hand playing with her hair and the other stroking her back made Lisa welcome the sudden sleepiness. After she yawned for the umpteenth time that morning, Lisa realized that she hadn't looked at the clock at all.

"What time is it now?" Lisa asked quietly while looking at the sunlight that was shining very brightly.

"Eight o'clock."

For several seconds, neither of them made a sound. But it wasn't long before Lisa realized what the man had said. Suddenly, the woman rose from Oscar's body and looked at the clock on the wall.

"What day is it!?" Lisa asked frantically.

"Monday." Oscar replied casually while enjoying the surprised look on Lisa's face. Somehow, he really liked the look on her face when she was panicked, nervous, or surprised like now.

In his eyes, Lisa looks very adorable. As if she's a clumsy child doing something wrong.

Hearing Oscar's reply made Lisa feel like she was struck by lightning. She hit his bare chest and shouted a little, "Stupid, why didn't you tell me it was Monday!? I found out too late!"

This is the second time Lisa came late. She was worried she would set a bad example for her employees. And worst of all, she didn't want Indri to scold her and accuse her of taking advantage of her new position.

Indeed, no one would dare to scold or ridicule her behind her back, but it was still the same! Lisa knew they would definitely do it behind her back. 

Even though Oscar was scolded by Lisa and slapped in the chest, he actually smiled broadly.. He grabbed Lisa's wrist and said, "You look tired so I didn't wake you up."


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