Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 630 - 365 Days

As the sun shone shyly into Oscar's room through the slightly open window blinds, the clock on the wall showed 7 am. Lisa's body felt crushed from 'exercising' with Oscar last night on the bed. The man couldn't stop, even when she begged many times. 

"I'm tired..." Lisa whispered last night.

Oscar wiped the sweat off her temples with his arm, "Once again."

Sometimes, Lisa still can't understand Oscar's stamina.

She felt her waist being hugged tightly from behind. The woman blinked, trying to familiarize her eyes with the bright room. The cold air made her feel a little goosebumps.

As if knowing that Lisa was awake, Oscar kissed her bare shoulder and said, "Good morning."

Lisa turned around and hid her face in Oscar's bare chest. She took a deep breath in the man's natural scent and then exhaled from her lips. It had been a long time since she had woken up feeling this happy.

"Your mouth stinks." Lisa teased in a voice that still sounded lazy.

Oscar gave a crisp laugh and his left hand stroked Lisa's back, "Next time, please do smell yourself first. Do you think your mouth doesn't stink?"

Lisa lifted her face and showed her sparkling eyes. The woman then slightly lifted her body with the help of her hands and then kissed the man's sensual lips.

If Oscar were asked to remember the last time he saw that big smile on Lisa's lips, he probably wouldn't be able to answer. He hadn't seen her so happy in a long time that her eyes looked like they were filled with tens, if not thousands, of stars.

Oscar's heart felt warm, both from the sunlight on the sky and the beaming smile in front of him.

After kissing, neither of them deepened their kiss because their mouths smelled the same, so Lisa stretched her body. Then, she sat on the end of the bed and wanted to pick up her clothes that were scattered on the floor.

But before she could stand up and do that, her wrists were suddenly pulled from behind. She couldn't even react when her body was crushed by Oscar.

Lisa's face instantly turned red. "W-what else do you want? I want to take a shower so I can go to work!"

"Take a day off," Oscar suggested. He lowered his head and rained Lisa's neck with his hot kiss, "Let's spend the day in bed."

Lisa lightly hit Oscar's chest but tilted her neck even more, giving him access to kiss her neck more freely. "Sorry, but I'm not a president like you who can take days off at will. I have an important meeting today, you know."

But Oscar didn't move, he knew that he could free her from all the troubles that might befall her at the office. Knowing that he had power in any company, Oscar decided not to let Lisa go today.

Now Lisa feels like she just wants to cry without tears. Last night still etched on her mind and body. She couldn't even count how many times they had made out on that bed, but now Oscar wanted more? Has he gone mad?

"Don't, I want to go to the office..."

Lisa kept trying to push Oscar's chest so that she could at least get off him, but her efforts were in vain. But before long, Oscar pulled his face away from Lisa's neck, staring at his creativity.

Reds and purples adorned the tiers of the woman's neck, making a feeling of pride fill Oscar's chest. He raised his hand and stroked his handiwork, smiling broadly.

"Mine...." He whispered suddenly.

Lisa's eyes widened in shock hearing Oscar's words just now. Her cheeks were getting redder and her heart felt like it wanted to burst out of her chest cavity. Doesn't that man know that what he just said can make her go crazy!?

"You— geez, what are you talking about!"

Oscar lifted the corners of his lips, "You are mine, and I am yours."

"Whatever," Lisa replied, frowning. Not long after that, the woman smiled widely, chuckled, and pushed Oscar away again, "You're annoying."

"You agree that you are mine and I am yours. Then let's prove with your body that you are mine!" Oscar teased with that seductive tone.

Lisa knew that he was trying to provoke her to open her legs. But that'd be crazy! Lisa wouldn't do that. Her body was already too tired, and she was sure she couldn't walk straight today!

How come the man wants more? It was certain she couldn't walk!

"You perverted bastard! Was last night not enough for you? I'm tired."

Oscar slightly lifted his face from Lisa's neck, "Not enough. I want to make up for the time that we lost when we divorced and couldn't have sex."

"We should have been able to make love every day, Lisa. But since we're divorced, we can't do that. Now, I will make up for all of that!" Oscar continued excitedly.

Hearing that made Lisa even more surprised. She and Oscar had been apart for more than a year, that was more than 365 days. Has that guy gone mad and wants to have sex with her more than 365 times!?

Lisa knew that Oscar's stamina could not be underestimated. The man will not stop even if he has done it once or twice. But Lisa is different! Her stamina isn't as strong as Oscar's!

She could be rushed to the hospital after having sex with Oscar!


Just having these thoughts already scared Lisa to death! She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she agreed to Oscar's request!

"Mama..." Suddenly, William's weak voice was heard and the boy's footsteps were getting closer, "Why didn't you wake me and take me to school today?"

"We usually have breakfast together, but why didn't you come down and eat with me today?" William asked with that languid tone.

Lately, Lisa is always getting up early and having breakfast with William. If she didn't have an important meeting in the morning, she would definitely take the boy to school. She did it every day, so it was only natural that William would come asking her about why she didn't do it today.

And sure enough, the sole reason was this beast named Oscar! 


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