Trash in the Apocalypse

Chapter 95: Recruitment

Chapter 95: Recruitment

On a house by the road, six people diligently sharpened bones using dull bone knives. They trained their energy usage to make the dull knife peel off the outer layer of the bone and reshape it accordingly. They didn't rush their works and strives to achieve higher energy control as per their teacher requested.

They were taught that materials that have the same tier would require outside help for it to be worked on. That is the reason why they were using Tier 0 Bone Knives to sculpt items.

The teenager threw another finished knife towards the pile of finished products on his side of the table. His action gathered the attention of the group.

"Hey, Jonard. Are you sure you're doing things correctly? I just started my second one and you're already on your fourth one." said an old middle-aged man jokingly.

"Mac, are you getting jealous again? The young would always overtake the old. That's an old saying that I really hate." said the other old man.

"I'm still better than you though." Mac harrumphed as he glared at Kavin. He threw the finished knife towards his side of the table. There were now two knives on his pile while Kavin was still working on his second one. He chose a random bone and started working on it triumphantly.

The two adult men chuckled at the old men's childish bickering. Jonard and the woman just smiled at the scene.

Although they were talking like this, they were actually close to each other. This is the first day since they started working together, they felt close enough to joke and bicker with each other. Just as they were starting to laugh, Old John entered the room. He first looked at the table, then circled the room. He taught a few more basic things, like how to sharpen and how to do it. The correct way of holding the knife and how to peel effectively, resulting in smoother surfaces.

Afterwards, he left the room with a smile.

The next day, Jonard was promoted to Apprentice II by Old John, he could now work on Tier 1 materials if he was able to sculpt a Tier 1 bone into a knife or a dagger.

Jonard selected a smooth bone from the pile and worked on it for half an hour. When he submitted it to Old John, he was praised and was officially allowed to work on Tier 1 materials.

The group congratulated him and promised that they would train better at controlling their energies.


"Recruiting for volunteers! The National Police asks for your help to make the town a more secure and livable place. There are benefits for those who volunteer. There would be a roof above your heads, you would have food at your table and the best of them all, you would be helping the country to stand up once again!"

An officer shouted on top of his voice in the middle of the plaza square. It was already night time and a lot of scavengers have returned from their trips to relax and have fun on various pubs on the plaza. Various would mean those open table pubs and those who were doing business on the darker side of the plaza. The economy is striving successfully causing people to have things to work for. Those who were able to scavenge would wake up in the morning and would return in the evening. They would trade useless loots for points and would spend the night however they want, mostly drinking and other stuff. Those who weren't brave enough would then set up some kind of business or services that would sponge off from those who were able.

This became a daily routine for everyone and it became the norm.

"Sir, I don't think this is going to work." a young officer by the side said. "Not everyone thinks like us. Those who have the strength and were willing have already volunteered. The remaining people would rather go on their own and live for themselves while others don't even have the strength to fight."

The officers face darkened a bit. "I know... just continue training the volunteers and make sure they have enough skills before sending them into fieldwork."

"Yes, sir." the officer saluted, then left.

Lieutenant Cedric sighed again. "I'm sighing too much these days..."

"Well, that doesn't sound good." a voice came from the side. "You should smile more often than you sigh. I heard it's bad for your health."

Lieutenant Cedric turned his head to see Jun smiling at him. Several seconds later, the statue shone continuously and bodies started to appear one after the other.

Before the lieutenant could ask questions, Jun started the conversation. "We cleared most of the infected on the west. We need to clear that side tomorrow. Are your men ready?"

Lieutenant Cedric wasn't able to process the information at first but still nodded his head. He then said, "How did you do that?"


Footsteps rushed towards every door. They pushed the door open, then scanned the room.



"Contact! There are two hostiles here!"

Different scenarios happened at every house. The police were armed with short swords as they cleared each house on the western residential area one by one. They left no room unturned as they scrutinized every corner of the house they barged into. The short swords they held have the initials of its smith, JW.

"This house is already clear lieutenant. We're moving to the next one." said an officer with a smile on his face. He jogged to the next house relaxed knowing that any infected he encounters would die with a single slash of his sword.

"I think I'm on the losing side of this deal. Don't you think?" Jun smiled wryly.

"What do you mean? You became the mayor and the people loved it! Though they hated the idea that Black Haven became a specialized shop and would stop selling daily necessities. Your armed trade would still be the talk of the town. My officers would advertise them as they fought for the town and citizens safety. You're not losing anything at all! Clearly, you're the one gaining from this!" Lieutenant Cedric said as he smiled widely from ear to ear.

They had a private talk that night and discussed how things should move forward to. Lieutenant Cedric knew that he couldn't do anything if he fell into a slump and so he proposed that they helped each other. Jun doesn't like the idea of mutually helping each other, so he recommended that the remnants of the police force should work for him. He promised equipment upgrade and continuous supply of ration and food. There would also be wages and they would still be the police. The only request that he gave was that they follow his orders and work for him.

Since they would still be known as the police by the people, Lieutenant Cedric accepted. And he was glad that he did.

"Lieutenant, we cleared this house of two infected and found a survivor hidden on the basement."

"Good work! Send them back and give them some food."

Lieutenant Cedric felt blissful as he watched his officers diligently work themselves.

"There's a SuperMart just across the bridge, two fast-food restaurants and a motel. Do you want to come with us?" Lieutenant Cedric said.

"Nah, we're preparing to clear the east side today. Well, if we can't clear them, we're at least hoping to reduce the numbers. How's your scout's report?"

"Their numbers weren't increasing, but they weren't decreasing either. The scouts also noticed that more and more evolved infected started appearing every day."

"That's why we need to act fast," Jun muttered. "Okay, that's it for me. I'm going back. Don't forget to train your officer's focus. It helps to see those who were on stealth."

Runic scriptures encircled Jun, and Lieutenant Cedric said, "Aren't you going to teach me that?"

"Will you sign the contract? Of course not. Don't worry, you'll learn it at the right time."

As he finished speaking, Jun vanished from everyone's sight.

"It's really cool every time I see that." an officer commented by the side, which irked Lieutenant Cedric.

"Keep moving everyone! People are waiting to be rescued! Don't waste your time idly, okay!" Lieutenant Cedric clapped his hand as he ordered everyone.

They garrisoned the nearest house to the bridge and made it an outpost. They set up a roadblock using a long wooden table on their side of the bridge.

After clearing the western residential area, they were able to rescue eighty survivors hidden almost everywhere they could slide themselves into.

Most of them weren't fighters, but during the time they were hiding, they developed survival skills like active listening and scavenging. Some select few gained increased sense innately. They thanked the police and felt thankful for being rescued.

Lieutenant Cedric didn't let this chance to slip past his hands and immediately recruited everyone to bolster his forces. The people felt that they hit the jackpot and instantly agreed. Though some refused, Lieutenant Cedric still felt happy with the increase in their numbers.

"The training officer would surely become busy these next few days." Lieutenant Cedric thought to himself.


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