Transmigration: The Fate of the Villainess

Chapter 121

121 Pretty ripped...but no! She would only marry the man she loved! Part II

“So this is all you can do?”

Bai Hua said nothing, only staring at her. Confusion was clear in those peach blossom eyes. They seemed to be asking, how could Bai Yu still stand when she had greatly expanded her strength and magic in order to capture her?

Before she could find the answer, Fan Lu started the song anew. It signaled that the competition had yet to end.

Bai Hua’s eyes widened. How could it be?! She had completely bound Bai Yu...

“That...” The man sitting in the front row pointed at Bai Yu, nearly speechless from shock.

“Her eyes!”

Bai Hua then immediately looked at her half-sister’s irises. From silver...

“Silver-level magic!”

“She has silver magic!”


“Miss Bai Yu is advancing to the silver level!”

“How is that possible? Only half a day...”

“Talented. Too talented!”

Bai Hua slowly backed away from the woman she had tied up. Her arms held high to conjure another lotus before sending its petals to bind Bai Yu again in a flick of her wrists. If it was truly silver magic, then she had no chance of winning!

Bai Yu sighed. In the end, she had to use all the magic she had stored within the black jade! Her struggle was made harder by Bai Hua’s increase in magic power. Silver eyes swept through the crowd that had noticed the change in her. Some were pointing at her, forgetting all about their precious manners. Some were staring, their eyes almost bulging out.


I’ll shock you even more!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt annoyed. Her actual magic had reached the silver level a little while after she had returned from Da Chu! The reason behind her quick progress was guidance from Yue Nan. Her cousin was the revered three-eyed seer of the divine valley, so how could she just sit still, though?

Yue Nan had also told her the secret of Ouyang Feilong’s jade. Still, what annoyed her the most was the side effect of the magic, other than her eye color...

“Her hair...”

“It’s silver!”

“This...this is...”

White dress...white skin...silver eyes...silver hair...She was now really a ghost! Because the tricks Yue Nan had given her were from Da Chu, the color of both her eyes and hair changed like Da Chu people!

Even though her magic level was high, Bai Yu did not want to brag. She followed the saying, ‘Men flaunt their sharpness; mountains sit still in silence’.

Today, she had to strike back against Bai Hua, no matter how much she did not want to reveal the level of her magic here. Bai Yu tried moving and found that it would not be too difficult to free herself. Now that I’ve revealed my hand, please let me handle the closing ceremony, miss heroine.

Bai Yu glanced around her, not caring about the surprised gaze from everyone in the audience. Her small butterflies still fluttered around the stage, though their color had changed to reflect the true level of her magic.

Bai Hua watched the butterflies that were heading toward their master. Once again, no one uttered a sound. The atmosphere of today’s competition had greatly fluctuated. Sometimes a silence, sometimes applause, sometimes an uproar.

When all the butterflies came together, a silver light suddenly shone, blinding all within the hall. Those who could not bear its brightness had to close their eyes, all regretting that they could not see what Miss Bai Yu was going to do next.

Less than ten people were using their gold-colored eyes to look at the two women on the stage. Their magic levels were higher than Bai Yu’s, so their visions were not obscured by the light at all.

“G...Goddess.” Despite knowing who she was, a foreign young master with golden magic unconsciously muttered. Shortly after, the silver light faded.

When others opened their eyes, they, too, could not help but exclaim the same word that the man had uttered. She was truly a goddess!

Bai Yu was now the sole occupant of the large stage. Bai Hua seemed to have vanished into thin air, not leaving behind even a shadow or vague silhouette. However, no one paid any mind to her presence. The scene in front of them had completely seized their attention and robbed them of their words. They could only gape at it and try to engrave it into the most secure, innermost part of their memory.

The first miss of Bai family was still in her pure white dress, now without black ribbons to taint or restrain her. Her face was bare yet so breathtaking that she could conquer cities with her glance. Her lips were slightly redder than before from her biting them out of habit. Her cheeks were naturally ruddy after she had exerted strength on the stage.

Dark eyes had now turned into silver ones. Eyelashes of the same color as her hair fluttered when her enchanting eyes blinked. Her straight hair that had now turned silver was unfamiliar yet strangely suited her.

The most startling sight was the silver wings, like birds, on her back! The magic wings moved with the motion of her body. Bai Yu was testing to see if her magic burst had completely destroyed the restraints. When she looked down at herself, there was no longer a sign of the irritating black ribbons.

Bai Yu observed herself, then revealed a smile that made two dimples reappear on her cheeks. The smile she had prepared for the final scene after getting rid of the annoying heroine took away the breath of every man in the hall. Ouyang Wenrou had already brought the fainted Bai Hua away while her silver light was still shining.

But before she could raise her head again, strands of silver hair started to obscure her vision. Bit by bit... Her brows furrowed. All eyes watched with bated breath as her hair gradually loosened from the hold of the hairpin. The men’s hearts were starting to race. It seemed the sole hairpin on her head could not withstand the explosion of her magic.

An unmarried woman should not let her hair down in front of men outside of her family.

Damn it!!

Bai Yu hurriedly turned to the direction Xu Luanle was sitting, intending to call him. However, the sudden movement only aggravated the situation. The hairpin slipped out, and her hair fell like a silvery waterfall.



A blackout?!

Wait, no, there was no electricity in this world. Then what obscured her vision?! “Shit!”

Her body suddenly flew upward because of someone’s strength. Shock and confusion made her exclaim in the usual word. The more she tried to struggle against it, the tighter the restraint around her.

Was Bai Hua not knocked out?! It did not seem so. The smell of a man in the soft cloth that covered her head confirmed that it was not Bai Hua who had started attacking her again. The warmth that was holding her body was surely a human’s, not from any magic. When she carefully observed again, she found that she was being held in a bridal carry!

Any man who saw a woman with her hair down had to take the responsibility and marry her. Do not tell her that...this man was going to ‘take responsibility’ by bringing her with him?!

“Hey! Let me down!” She struggled, her arms slapping wildly, trying to escape from his arms. But the more she struggled, the more she was conscious of their closeness.

There was no mistaking it. Her kidnapper was a man! She was sure of it because she had touched his muscle... Pretty ripped...but no! She would only marry the man she loved!

“Can’t you stop struggling? Benwang can’t carry you and run while you’re still rampant.”

B... Benwang?


Bai Yu immediately fell silent. The cogs in her head started turning when she heard the man’s voice. But before any assumption could be made, she heard a sharp sound of him clicking his tongue.

What was he annoyed about? Was she too heavy?... But there was no need to carry her like this!

“P...please put me down first, Your Highness.”

“You want Benwang to put you down and let them carry you away to become their Furen?!”


“Little fool.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Can’t you be more obedient?”


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